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01. Vision of love
02. There's got to be a way
03. I don't wanna cry
04. Someday
05. Vanishing
06. All in your mind
07. Alone in love
08. You need me
09. Sent from up above
10. Prisoner
11. Love takes time
Mariah's self-titled debut album was released on June 12, 1990 and entered Billboard's Top 200 at number 80. It slowly rose to the top and stayed there for 11 weeks. "Mariah Carey" yielded four number 1 hits and sold nearly 10 million copies in the USA alone.

Here's what Mariah had to say about the album: "Reflecting upon the events and circumstances that led me here, I feel extremely fortunate that I have completed my debut album at this stage of my life. My earliest memory is of wanting to be a singer as I watched my mother rehearse when she was a soloist with city opera, and while growing up music was a major part of my life. There was always different types of music playing in the house - whether it was my mother playing Billie Holiday, my older sister playing the Jackson 5 and Aretha Franklin, or my older brother playing Stevie Wonder and Jimi Hendrix.

When my mother was performing for an organization called the International Art of Jazz, she would bring me along to the concerts, and it was then that I began learning old jazz standards and mimicking their style of singing. Soon various musicians would ask me to sing and eventually I came to sing one or two songs a performance - at the age of ten.

At about 16, I recorded my first demo. I wound up meeting Ben Margulies who became my songwriting partner when he came to play keyboards at the session. We collaborated over the next three years, writing most of the songs that ended up on this album. During this time, I had the chance to broaden my horizons: listening to lots of gospel and old R&B records, gathering those influences and integrating them in my writing.

Since signed to Columbia Records, I have been fortunate enough to work with many great musicians, producers and co-writers, making complete recordings out of my songs with Ben, and writing four new songs for the album. This album is a culmination of so much hard work, so many dreams, countless wishes and endless prayers. I have never wanted anything but to sing and write songs, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to share my gift with others."

CD (1511)
466815 2
collection Eric de Ridder
CD from Australia (0425)
466815 2
collection Eric de Ridder
CD from Australia (1098)
466815 9 / SAMP 306

This is a limited edition bonus pack with an extra sampler CD in a double case. The tracks on the bonus CD are:
1. Track 1: Mariah Care profile
2. Track 2-11: Interview responses
3. Vanishing (Live)
4. Don't play that song (Live)

CD from Australia (3281)
SMPT 3043.9
collection Stefano Veneziani
CD from Austria (0426)
466815 2
collection Eric de Ridder

This is a Columbia release. On the back cover are white letters.

CD from Austria (2377)
466815 2
collection Wojciech Sichniewicz

This CD is almost the same as item 0426, only the back cover is slightly different.

CD from Austria (1654)
466815 2
collection Eric de Ridder

This is a CBS release. On the back cover are black letters.

CD from Austria / Australia (2149)
466815 2
collection Rob Fredie

This looks like the regular Austrian release, but on the CD is printed "Made in Australia by Disctronics Limited".

CD from Austria (1097)
466815 2 / 466815 9
collection Kerry Scrimshaw

This item is the same as item 0426, but the CD is a picture disc.

CD from Austria (0871)
466815 6
collection Brian Sinay

This CD was re-released in the Netherlands during the success of Music Box. It came with a free doorposter.

CD from Brazil (0429)
collection Eric de Ridder

The booklet is only 4 pages and contains no lyrics.

CD from Brazil (2104)
collection Eric de Ridder

The back cover, booklet and the CD itself are different from item 0429.

CD from Canada (1339)
CK 45202
collection Julian Lizotte
CD from China (1980)
collection Marcel Trupia
CD from China (1468)
re-release in card slipcase
collection Eric de Ridder
CD from China (1789)
re-release in card slipcase
collection Eric de Ridder
CD from China (2224)
collection Eric de Ridder
CD from Hong Kong (1356)
collection Eric de Ridder
CD from Hong Kong (2353)
SMTP 3043 9
collection Marcel Trupia
3" CD from Japan (1323)
XCEP 92001
promo, called "Special sampler"
collection Eric de Ridder

1. Vision of love
2. Alone in love
3. Vanishing
4. Prisoner
5. I don't wanna cry
6. All in your mind
7. There's got to be a way
8. Love takes time

CD from Japan (1730)
XDDP 93407
promo, called "8.22 Debut"
collection Pascal Bellerose

This promo has a custom card picture sleeve, plus a larger outer card gatefold envelope with three CD size sheets of information and release details. The text is in Japanese.

CD from Japan (0432)
CSCS 5253
collection Eric de Ridder

The booklet contains a story in Japanese and all the lyrics are in English and Japanese.

CD from Japan (3509)
CSCS 5253
collection Andy Hermawan Tjondrodihardjo

This promo is exactly the same as item 0432, but it has a green promo sticker on the back insert, and a promo stamp at the center of the disc. The CD comes with a custom CD pad with gold "Mariah carey" embossed printing on it.

CD from Japan (1895)
SICP 8075
collection Rob Fredie

In November 2002, five Mariah CD's were re-released in Japan: Mariah Carey (1895), Emotions (1896), MTV Unplugged EP (1897), Music Box (1898) and Merry Christmas (1762). When you put these CD's in a row, you can see a picture of Mariah on the sides.

CD from Malaysia (1099)
CD from Singapore (3181)
T 45202
collection Lionel Sanchez
CD from South-Africa (1978)
collection Marcel Trupia
CD from South-Africa (1979)
CDCOL 3330
collection Marcel Trupia
CD from South-Korea (0431)
CPK-1071 (CK 45202)
collection Eric de Ridder

The booklet is missing the lyrics to "Love takes times".

CD from Spain / Austria (2584)
466815 2
collection Marcel Trupia
CD from Taiwan (0427)
466815 2
collection Eric de Ridder

Made in Taiwan for sale only in R.O.C.

CD from Taiwan (2272)
466815 2
collection W. Nicky

The CD was released by Himalaya Records Corporation.

CD from Taiwan (0428)
466815 2 / ISRC CN-C18-95-327-00/A.J6
collection Eric de Ridder

In contrast to item 0427, there are Chinese letters on the back cover and the CD itself. The lyrics in the booklet are full of writing errors.

CD from Taiwan (1096)
CK 45202 / 466815 2
collection Rob Fredie

This re-release from 1996 is exactly the same as item 0427, but it comes with an extra obi-strip.

CD from the USA (0424)
collection Eric de Ridder

This magnificent promotional copy is a foldout digipack, with many photographs of Mariah inside. "Love takes time" is not mentioned on the cover, but it is on the CD. There are no lyrics.

CD from the USA (0430)
CK 45202
collection Eric de Ridder
CD from the USA (2801)
CK 45202
collection Wei Yi

This CD is almost the same as item 0430, but the back cover is a little different.

CD from the USA (2383)
CK 45202
collection Holly McAllister

"Love takes time" is not mentioned on the cover, but it is on the CD. Also, the letters on the front cover are in gold and not white.

CD from the USA (1467)
CK 45202
comes in a card slipcase
collection Kerry Scrimshaw
CD from the USA (1330)
CK 46766
foldout digipack
collection Kerry Scrimshaw

"Love takes time" is not mentioned on the cover, but it is on the CD.

LP from Argentina (1910)
collection Sharon Zagame

"Love takes time" is not mentioned on the back cover, but it is on the LP.

LP from Australia (2248)
466815 1
collection Naomi Rahim

"Love takes time" is not mentioned on the back cover, but it is on the LP.

LP from Brazil (1417)
188.080 / 1-466815
collection Luiz Gustavo

"Love takes time" is not mentioned on the back cover, but it is on the LP.

LP from Brazil (1385)
188.080 / 1-466815
collection Eric de Ridder

"Love takes time" is not mentioned on the back cover, but it is on the LP. The difference with item 1417 is the stamp on the back cover saying "amostra invendável" and inside is an info sheet.

LP from Colombia (1597)
collection Steve Anderson
LP from Czechoslovakia (1391)
71 0043-1 331
collection Dan
LP from Holland (1335)
466815 1
collection Wojciech Sichniewicz
LP from Holland (0433)
466815 1
collection Eric de Ridder

The LP is the same as item 1335, but "Love takes time" is not mentioned on the back cover. It is on the LP.

LP from Hungary (0978)
PL MMC 9112
collection Eric de Ridder
LP from Mexico (1744)
collection Pascal Bellerose
LP from South-Korea (1324)
collection Kerry Scrimshaw
LP from South-Korea (2858)
collection Anita Braaksma

This promo is exactly the same as item 1324, but on the inlay is a stamp saying "not for sale - promotional use only".

LP from Spain (3403)
466815 1
collection Diana Janssen
LP from the UK (2171)
466815 1
collection PP
LP from the UK (2433)
466815 1
collection Krzysztof Gesiorski

This LP is exactly the same as item 2171, but on the back cover there is a stamp saying: "property of CBS - demonstration only - not for sale".

LP from the USA (2140)
C 45202
collection Luc Baumgartner
cassette (2166)
466815 4
collection PP

"Love takes time" is not on the cassette.

cassette from Argentina (2879)
collection Jamie Griffith

All the song titles are in Spanish, but the songs are sung in English.

cassette from Australia (0815)
466815 4
collection Eric de Ridder
2 cassette set from Australia (2177)
466815 4 / SAMP 306C
collection Naomi Rahim

This is a limited edition bonus pack with an extra cassette. The tracks on the bonus cassette are:
1. Track 1: Mariah Care profile
2. Track 2-11: Interview responses
3. Vanishing (Live)
4. Don't play that song (Live)

cassette from Canada (2067)
CT 45202
collection Teresa Lucca
cassette from China (0419)
466815 2
collection Eric de Ridder
cassette from Czech Republic (3053)
no catalogue number
collection Jiri Zimovcak
cassette from Greece (1325)
466815 1
collection Kerry Scrimshaw

On the cassette, the catalogue number is 466815 4.

cassette from Holland (2068)
466815 4
collection Teresa Lucca
cassette from India (3289)
MDX 00001
collection Jamie Griffith

"Love takes time" is not on this cassette.

cassette from Indonesia (1211)
466815 4
collection Eric de Ridder
cassette from Indonesia (2273)
CT 45202 / C-3720790
collection Indra Jaya

"There's got to be a way" is misspelled as "There goes to be a way".

cassette from Indonesia (2854)
CT 45202 / C-3720790
collection Indra Jaya

"There's got to be a way" is misspelled as "There goes to be a way". This cassette is almost the same as item 2273, but on the front cover is a CBS logo instead of a Sony logo, and it has the price printed on the side part of the cover.

cassette from Indonesia (1210)
CT 45202 / C-3720790
collection Indra Jaya

"There's got to be a way" is misspelled as "There goes to be a way".

cassette from Malaysia (0421)
466815 4
collection Eric de Ridder

"Love takes time" is mentioned as a bonus track. That's why these lyrics are not available.

cassette from Malaysia (2279)
CT 45202
collection Kerry Scrimshaw

"Love takes time" is mentioned as a bonus track. That's why these lyrics are not available.

cassette from Peru (1630)
collection Esther Granados

"I don't wanna cry" is misspelled as "I don't want to cry".

cassette from the Philippines (1512)
466815 4
collection Eric de Ridder
cassette from the Philippines (1619)
466815 4
collection Eric de Ridder

The back cover and the cassette are different from item 1512.

cassette from the Philippines (1713)
QCLHG-22577 (C-45202)
collection Peter O. Realista
cassette from Poland (1329)
MJM 326 M
collection Eric de Ridder

On the cassette, Mariah is misspelled as "Mariach".

cassette from Poland (1679)
MJM 326 M
collection Eric de Ridder

This item is almost identical to item 1329, but here the catalogue number is only stated on the cassette and not on the cover. Also the writing on the back cover is a little different.

cassette from Poland (1715)
MJM 326 M
collection Eric de Ridder

This item is almost identical to item 1329, but here the catalogue number is only stated on the cover and not on the cassette.

cassette from Saudi Arabia (2081)
collection Wojciech Sichniewicz
cassette from Singapore (0423)
CT 45202
collection Eric de Ridder

1. Vision of love
2. Someday
3. Vanishing
4. All in your mind
5. You need me
6. Love takes time (bonus track)
7. There's got to be a way
8. I don't wanna cry
9. Alone in love
10. Sent from up above
11. Prisoner

cassette from South-Korea (1623)
CPT-1071 (CK 45202)
collection Luis Uribe
cassette from South-Korea (2633)
CPT-1071 (CK 45202)
collection Soyeon Park

The booklet has a story in Korean.

cassette from Spain (0422)
466815 4
collection Eric de Ridder
cassette from Sweden (2737)
466815 4
collection Adrian Story

"Love takes time" is not mentioned on the cover, but it is on the cassette.

cassette from Sweden (0420)
466815 4
collection Eric de Ridder

This cover art of this cassette is exactly the same as item 2737, but the cassette itself is different. "Love takes time" is not mentioned on the cover. On the cassette, the last song, after "Prisoner", is called "Gang green". That's why it might be a bootleg.

cassette from Taiwan (1810)
CBC 30094
collection Rob Fredie
cassette from Taiwan (1814)
SMC1007 / CT45202
collection Eric de Ridder
cassette from Taiwan (1380)
SMC1007 / CT45202
collection Eric de Ridder
cassette from Turkey (2258)
466815 4
collection Kerry Scrimshaw
cassette from the UK (1326)
466815 4
collection Kerry Scrimshaw
cassette from the USA (3160)
no catalogue number
collection Billy Lane

1. Vision of love
2. There's got to be a way
3. Vanishing

Interestingly, the version of "There's got to be a way" is different from the album version. While essentially the same in both its instrumentation and Mariah's vocals, the choir background vocals that come in after "relieve the pain" and "bring on a change" have been removed. "Vision of love" and "Vanishing" are the regular album versions.

cassette from the USA (3097)
collection Marcin

"Love takes time" is not on the cassette and not listed on the cover.

cassette from the USA (1914)
CT 45202
collection Sharon Zagame

"Love takes time" is not listed on the insert.

cassette from the USA (1603)
collection Carina Blokpoel

This promo comes in a special cardboard box. "Love takes time" is not on the cassette.

cassette from the USA (1327)
CT 45202
collection Kerry Scrimshaw
mini disc from Austria (0434)
466815 3
collection Eric de Ridder
mini disc from Japan (0435)
SRYS 1011
collection Eric de Ridder

The booklet contains a story in Japanese and all the lyrics are in English and Japanese.

mini disc from the USA (1870)
CM 45202
collection Kerry Scrimshaw
song book from the USA (0417)
ISBN 0-7935-0491-0
Hal Leonard Corporation
piano - vocal - guitar
80 pages
collection Eric de Ridder
song book from the USA (1817)
ISBN 0-7935-0666-2
Hal Leonard Corporation
electronic keyboards
collection Sharon Zagame
song book from the USA (1818)
ISBN 0-7935-0667-0
Hal Leonard Corporation
organs, piano's & electronic keyboards
collection Sharon Zagame
song book from the USA (1819)
ISBN 0-7935-0732-4
Hal Leonard Corporation
easy piano
collection Sharon Zagame
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