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"Wisegirls", co-starring Academy Award winning actress Mira Sorvino and Melora Walters, was directed with very conventional efficiency by David Anspaugh ("Hoosiers"). The drama's script keeps enough surprises up its sleeve to remain entertaining. Its themes of female bonding and friendship suggest a theatrical target of young women, with a more solid afterlife in ancillary.

The movie premiered at the 2002 Sundance Film Festival and received a standing ovation. Roger Friedman, Fox News writer, wrote about Mariah's acting: "Carey looks relaxed and comfortable as she plays a savvy waitress in an upscale Staten Island mob joint. Even though she tends to wear skimpy outfits as usual, her line delivery is sharp and she manages to get the right laughs. She shows good comedic timing in places where you wouldn't expect her to get it right."

"When I read the script, I didn't realize what this character was going to do for me," Mariah said. "I actually liked the other two characters better. It was going to be really challenging to play this type of character. But I thought she was really funny. Rachel is really the type that takes control during a situation that's frightening. Rachel's kind of the only one of these three characters who grew up with these guys, and so the reason she can be so free and so daring in ways is that to them, she's one of them."

"You know, she's frigging Raychel," Mariah added, slipping into a Staten Island accent. "She talks like this. She's yippety-yappety all over the place. She kind of loves to take control, whateva." One of the scenes she enjoyed most included her character getting an ovation for her handling a drunken customer. "A character we have named Johnny the Lush, who gets a little affectionate when he drinks, has kind of grabbed me in a place I didn't want to be grabbed," Mariah said of the scene. "I don't want to be grabbed anyway, so I get to drop his tray and tell him off and kick him out of the restaurant."

Mariah's whirlwind schedule at the time of filming "Wisegirls" contributed to her exhaustion that summer, she said. "Wisegirls" started filming in May 2001 and wrapped in July, the same month as her breakdown. Lions Gate Films had intended to release the film in theaters but sold broadcast rights to HBO (which owns Cinemax) the following spring.

Three years later, Mariah is still proud of "Wisegirls", despite the crime caper going straight to DVD. The film was a hit at the Sundance Film Festival, but following Carey's disastrous reviews for her debut movie "Glitter", "Wisegirls" never hit the big screen.

She says the film got such a good reception, even Sean Penn praised her performance. She tells the New York Post, "That made me see how good an experience movies can be. When we showed it at Sundance, we got a standing ovation. Too bad nobody remembers the good movie, they just remember the great debacle."

"Sean Penn came up to me at a party after Sundance and told me he saw and enjoyed 'Wisegirls', and not to give up just because of one bad movie. I was thrilled. You can't get better praise and advice in the movie business."

video from Brazil (2323)
called "Testemunhas Contra a Máfia"
collection Gustavo
video from Germany (1856)
collection Luc Baumgartner
video from the Netherlands (2136)
collection Lucie Hagelaar
video from Poland (1773)
M 174
the Polish title is "Klopoty na zamówienie"
collection Eric de Ridder
video from South-Korea (2591)
no catalogue number
collection Soyeon Park
video from the UK (2237)
collection Lucie Hagelaar
video from the USA (2085)
ST 8072
collection Ben Ruiz
video from the USA (2347)
ST 8073S
En Español
collection Eric de Ridder
DVD from Australia (2087)
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Scene selections

DVD from Belgium (2878)
PAV 94764 98764
collection Marco Hendriks
DVD from Brazil (1972)
called "Testemunhas Contra a Máfia"
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Menu interativo
Seleção de cenas
Sobre o diretor
Legendas: Português e Inglês
Idiomas: Português (Dolby Digital 2.0) Inglês (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Formato de tela: fullscreen (4x3)

DVD from Canada (1311)
collection Julian Lizotte

DVD special features:
16X9 Widescreen
Dolby digital
English & Spanish subtiles
Interactive menus
Scene access

DVD from Canada (1583)
collection Ricardo Wakeham

DVD special features:
16X9 Widescreen
Dolby digital
English & Spanish subtiles
Interactive menus
Scene access

DVD from Croatia / Bosnia and Herzegovina (2882)
called "Mafijasice"
picture disc
collection Marco Hendriks

DVD special features:
Izbor scena (scene selections)
Najava filma (Movietrailer)

DVD from France (2871)
EDV 517
collection Marco Hendriks

DVD special features:
Les bandes-annonces (vf - vost)

DVD from France (2515)
EDV 518
collection Rob Fredie

DVD special features:
Les coulisses du tournage avec les interviews de Mariah Carey et Mira Sorvino
Les bandes-annonces "Les Exclusifs"
En eaux troubles, Mafia rouge et coup monté

DVD from Germany (1855)
82876 52340 9
collection Luc Baumgartner

DVD special features:
Hinter den Kulissen
Biografie & Filmografie

DVD from Germany (2215)
for rent only ("Vermiet-DVD")
collection Helen
DVD from Greece (1150)
collection Eric de Ridder

The text on the front and back cover is completely in Greek. It was released months before the official US release.

DVD from Hungary (3409)
IC00622 (?)
the Hungarian title is "Csajok maffiája"
collection Réka Rembeczki
DVD from Italy (1560)
called "Scelte d'onore" and "Wise Girls" as a subtitle
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Trailer Italiano
Trailer originale
Note biografiche e filmografie protagonisti e regista

DVD from Japan (2142)
picture disc
collection Kerry Scrimshaw
DVD from the Netherlands (1784)
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Behind the scenes

DVD from Norway (2506)
for rent only
collection Elin Sorhaug

DVD special features:

DVD from Poland (2049)
DVD 128
the Polish title is "Klopoty na zamówienie"
collection Eric de Ridder
DVD from Poland (3249)
DVD S122
the Polish title is "Klopoty na zamówienie"
collection Wojciech Sichniewicz
DVD from Poland (2812)
no catalogue number
the Polish title is "Klopoty na zamówienie"
collection Wojciech Sichniewicz, Marcin Blaszczyk and Grzegorz Rosinski

This DVD came for free with a copy of the magazine Gala. On the back cover, it says "egzemplarz promocyjny - nie na sprzedaz", what means "promo item - not for sale".

DVD from Portugal (1626)
called "Pacto De Mulheres"
collection Tiago Ribeiro

DVD special features:

DVD from Spain (2703)
called "Atrapadas por la mafia"
picture disc
collection Javier Fornelio Pérez

DVD special features:

DVD from the UK (1877)
collection Kerry Scrimshaw

DVD special features:
Behind the scenes

DVD from the UK (1937)
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Behind the scenes

DVD from the UK (2086)
DVD rental copy
collection Ben Ruiz

DVD special features:
Behind the scenes feature

DVD from the USA (1187)
ST# 8074D
screener / trailer, not for rent or sale
collection Eric Shimohata

This DVD was meant for the critics. It doesn't have any extra features.

DVD from the USA (1312)
ST# 8074D
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
16X9 Widescreen
Scene access
Interactive menus
Dolby digital
English & Spanish subtiles

video CD from Hong Kong (1516)
2 video CD set in card slipcase, picture discs
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from Indonesia (1649)
MBAHV 00180703
2 video CD set, picture discs
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from the Philippines (2146)
2 video CD set, picture discs
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from Singapore (1717)
2 video CD set, picture discs
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from Turkey (2103)
the Turkish title is "Siki kizlar"
collection Can Cihan
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