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About Lee from UK: Favourite Songs: All I've Ever Wanted, Underneath the Stars, The Roof, Outside & Butterfly.
Favourite Albums: Music Box, Daydream & Butterfly
Instagram: @leemdylan

Differences (39,808) by Lee from UK
It took me a couple of listens to figure it out, but the main difference between the two versions is in the part near the big climax where Mariah sings "Letting go..." and then it is immediately repeated "Letting go..." And the backing singers go "bop, bop". Well the vocals here are slightly lower on the Facebook version and on the iTunes version they are higher. But the main difference is that on the proper final version on iTunes, Mariah includes a high note during the climax in the background. This is missing on the Facebook version.
(Thursday 14 November 2013; 22:27)
Can't Let Go and The Art of Letting Go (39,764) by Lee from UK
It would amazing if Mariah managed to pull off a remix where she used the lyrics from Can't Let Go and also lyrics from The Art of Letting Go. Just a thought.
(Tuesday 12 November 2013; 21:21)
Letting go (39,763) by Lee from UK
I am in agreement with a number of people here on different aspects of the song. I enjoy the melody to the song and I too think it sounds reminiscent of The Trouble With Love. In terms of the lyrics, the do sound like they were written by a 16-year-old who has had her first break-up. In the beginning the lyrics don't seem to fit into the beat of the music. Almost as though the person writing the lyrics had never heard the music before they began writing and as such has crammed them in any which way. I am glad to hear Mariah singing in full voice though and leaving the whispers behind. I would have loved some high note layers in there as well. This song is definitely about a break-up, there are no two ways around it. It is too specific for "anybody to relate to" as Mariah says.
(Tuesday 12 November 2013; 21:19)
Vocal peak (39,525) by Lee from UK
People who say Emotions was Mariah's vocal peak clearly haven't listened hard enough to Merry Christmas. Now the vocals on that album are perfect and, in my opinion, Mariah has yet to better those vocals.
(Monday 21 October 2013; 19:29)
Coincidence (39,502) by Lee from UK
It's funny how these cheating rumours have begun shortly before a single release. Now I'm not saying these rumours are being started by Mariah's team as a way of keeping her name in the news ahead of a big release, but it is a coincidence.
(Thursday 17 October 2013; 20:17)
Billy (39,466) by Lee from UK
Thank you for the suggestion to watch the interview with Walter. It took some finding but it was definitely worth it. I have never heard him talk about that era before in person and it just shows how having two sides of a story can really give you a complete picture. I would love for them to work together again. I can't believe that the My All we hear is actually an unfinished version. But i agree that Whenever You Call would sound amazing with the missing strings sections. I can almost hear where they should be as I listen to it. I just wish the DJs would stop talking over Walter, there were many times when he was about to say something insightful and they cut him off.
(Sunday 13 October 2013; 15:29)
Billy, Dreamlover (39,216) by Lee from UK
I haven't heard this version of Dreamlover before but looking at the comments on YouTube, this was meant to be the original version and the version we have on the album is actually the remixed pop version. I enjoyed this version because you got to hear a few vocal runs that are covered up on the album, but I think I prefer the album version (probably because it's the version I grew up with).
(Thursday 5 September 2013; 18:42)
All I've Ever Wanted (39,168) by Lee from UK
Mariah has never sounded this good on record and will probably never sound this good again. I can't believe the Billboard review didn't rate this song very well.
(Sunday 1 September 2013; 12:24)
Sprung (39,135) by Lee from UK
The only song I can think of right now that I will always skip when it comes on is Sprung. There is just something about that song that winds me up. I don't know if it's the bizarre music or the whiny voice, either way, I just can't listen to it.
(Thursday 29 August 2013; 11:36)
The next Mariah (38,842) by Lee from UK
I concur with those who are irritated by every female who can hit a high note being called the next Mariah. There will never be another Mariah, ever. However, with that being said, Ariana Grande has a very pleasing voice and nice powerful high notes. Everybody who knows that I'm obsessed with Mariah has called me up over the last few months saying "I heard this girl on the radio, and she sounds just like Mariah used to." I instantly know they are talking about Ariana. Again, she isn't the next Mariah, but at the same time she took on Mariah's Emotions effortlessly. You can tell Mariah is a massive influence on her and her style but there is denying her voice. As for Leona, she has zero personality, but her tone is so different from Mariah's in such a pleasing full sounding way.
(Monday 29 July 2013; 15:59)
MLB performances (38,686) by Lee from UK
I am so happy this was 100% live. I loved the arrangement of Beautiful and Looking In. I definitely think this was Mariah's "fuck you" performance to all the haters who caught her out lip syncing. She sounded good considering, but imagine what she could have sounded like here if she was in full health. As much I love the song Looking In and the fact she even wanted to sing it all, I don't think this was the time or the place for it. I did have a little lump in my throat though when she had to pause.
(Monday 15 July 2013; 14:08)
Provocative / Looking In (38,664) by Lee from UK
I thought my statement would be a bit provocative and ruffle a few feathers. I like the way just the right amount of "bruise" was shown popping out of the sling. On another note, I never thought in a million years Mariah would perform Looking In live. Amazing choice.
(Sunday 14 July 2013; 14:14)
Convenient (38,653) by Lee from UK
It's very convenient that Mariah has injured herself and will be taking to the stage with her arm in a sling (which will then be followed by a ton of press articles related to the fact she went on and performed despite being injured) right before a big album release. A little too convenient. Just saying.
(Saturday 13 July 2013; 20:01)
I have the 4th of July performances on repeat (38,604) by Lee from UK
I love it when Mariah knows she's giving a good live performance. She likes to throw in some impromptu note changes and extensions just so people know she's singing that ish live. I am so proud of her 4th of July performances, there were definitely a lot of moments in there that could have come 90's Mariah. The chirping at the end of Beautiful, the full voice in Hero, the melody choices in America the Beautiful. Amazing, finally something I am proud to show my friends and family and be like "See? I told you she can still sing like she used to."
(Sunday 7 July 2013; 14:58)
Smooth vocals (38,583) by Lee from UK
There she is. That version of Hero was the best version Mariah has sung since 1993. I don't even care if it was from three different live versions. I am just enjoying the smoothness of her voice here.
(Friday 5 July 2013; 18:13)
Lip syncing (38,512) by Lee from UK
The only people who can get away with lip syncing are drag queens during a cabaret act. When a singer does it on stage it looks really silly. It's like watching a mime perform to a cd. To top it all off, she has the audacity to stand there with a microphone as if we are to believe that it's actually switched on and she is actually singing into it when in actual fact, it's nothing more than a prop at this point. If Mariah doesn't want to, isn't able to, or doesn't enjoy singing live anymore, then she should stick to the studio and let the TV shows just play the video. The only other option is to record songs which can be sung live comfortably and confidently.
(Monday 1 July 2013; 15:06)
Hater's ammunition (38,511) by Lee from UK
Does Mariah assume that other people think she is singing live? How can she possibly believe that? Surely she reads reviews, blogs, and tweets. The disappointing thing is, she has never addressed the accusations of lip syncing. At least when Beyoncé was caught out, she came back the following performance and gave an out of this world "fuck you" to all the haters by nailing a live performance. That's what I'm waiting for from Mariah, a performance that is 100% live to vindicate the fans. She needs to give us fans (and those who are lambs) something to use against the haters. At the moment, all she is giving out is ammo to be used against her.
(Monday 1 July 2013; 15:00)
Louie Vega Dance Remix (38,467) by Lee from UK
The Louie Vega Dance Remix is the best of a bad bunch so far. I'm not crazy about the beginning, but it reaches a pleasing climax and comes to a beautiful ending. Out of them all, it is the only one I will play again.
(Saturday 29 June 2013; 13:09)
Hermosa no es muy hermosa (38,426) by Lee from UK
I do enjoy it when Mariah sings in Spanish, I adore "Mi Todo". This was the mix I was looking forward to. I don't know what I was expecting from the Spanglish remix, but it wasn't what I just listened to. I thought it would have had different music, maybe just very acoustic with just a guitar. I don't know if it is because I am hearing these mixes on YouTube, but the production sounds bloody awful on these remixes, almost as though my 10 year-old nephew did it on his laptop.
(Thursday 27 June 2013; 22:39)
Insulting (38,410) by Lee from UK
That remix is insulting not only to the original version but more so to the fans. When is Mariah going to learn, you can't stick an unknown rapper on to the beginning of a song, have him grunt and make strange noises for the rest of the track and call it a remix. What is going on? I thought Mariah had grown out of this type of shoddy production.
(Thursday 27 June 2013; 8:33)
Hermosa (38,396) by Lee from UK
I am definitely looking forward to the Spanish version of #Beautiful. I knew there would be a remix, I didn't know there would be five, this is exciting.
(Wednesday 26 June 2013; 22:33)
New album (38,395) by Lee from UK
I would love to hear more stripped back vocals from Mariah on the new album. I personally adore her vocal layering, but I think it's time for her to make something she can confidently perform live. All she needs is herself, a piano and a couple of backing singers, maybe something more Jazz related. Bring back the days of Patrick, Billy and Trey. The music she is currently releasing leaves no wriggle room for mixing it up during a live performance. In the past when she performed songs like Vanishing, she could sing it as she felt it at the time and it didn't matter if it wasn't exactly like the studio recording. With the more recent music, as it is so over produced, the songs are difficult to perform live.
(Wednesday 26 June 2013; 21:43)
Inevitable (38,393) by Lee from UK
I knew that the album wouldn't be released on its scheduled date, I find it hard to believe that people thought it would. We have been receiving pictures of Mariah in the studio for a long time and they still haven't stopped coming, so the album clearly was not ready for a July release.
(Wednesday 26 June 2013; 21:37)
Stephen (38,288) by Lee from UK
I completely agree. My bf and I were talking about this just this morning. Mariah is definitely not his type.
(Tuesday 18 June 2013; 19:06)
Bill (38,264) by Lee from UK
Thank you so much for sharing that link. What a a great mash up. I can't stop listening to it.
(Monday 17 June 2013; 17:32)


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