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About enwar00 from usa: Been a fan since Vision of Love. I can say I'll be a fan for life.

Re: Caution at The Grammy's (90,345) (90,347) by enwar00 from usa
Do it anyway.
(Thursday 18 July 2019; 03:58)
Re: Higher Love (90,184) (90,187) by enwar00 from usa
It really didn't grab me. And I love Kygo. Who knows, maybe with repeated listens.
(Wednesday 3 July 2019; 23:51)
Re: Who she'd rather? (90,104) (90,105) by enwar00 from usa
Madonna. Bianca could duet with Madame X.
(Thursday 27 June 2019; 17:01)
Re: Most liked (90,078) (90,095) by enwar00 from usa
B I like your list. Apart from AIWFCIU very downbeat and midtempo song choices, so in my minds sounds very chill. I like that vibe, maybe I'll make a playlist, add The Roof and Slipping Away for that extra smooth.
(Wednesday 26 June 2019; 02:25)
I'm not embarrassed (89,986) by enwar00 from usa
I am not embarrassed as a fan or to be a fan. And I def don't like Caution any less or think her career is over. A bikini? Heavens to Betsy not a bikini. It's been 20 years since this woman pranced around in a bikini and roller skates bending over washing a car in a video. She's taken tons of pics touching her body. Such old news. Who am I to shame her? If anything I feel empathy if she herself feels bad or to see someone with mental health issues be taken advantage of. Ride or die.
(Friday 14 June 2019; 16:49)
Re: With You (89,944) (89,955) by enwar00 from usa
Seriously, I thought it was so so so boring when it first came out. I was very unimpressed. I think it's because it's so subtle, there aren't many ups and down in the song. Definitely a grower. Which may be one of the reasons it took many months to peak on the certain charts it went top 10 here in the States. I really feel it's a classy song. The subtlety is part of its appeal. And I think the black and white video adds to that feel.
(Thursday 13 June 2019; 05:27)
Slipping Away live and vocals (89,744) by enwar00 from usa
What the actual [...], she sang a handful of lines from Slipping Away a capella. Come on Mimi, just add it to your playlist, we're here for it. I honestly feel the Caution tour has the most diverse, experimental and exciting set list of all her tours thus far. Finally something different. And I don't know where she pulled these 90s-esque vocals out of, but I'm shook. Is European air fresher or something? Daydream tour, SSF tour, and now this leg of the Caution tour, what's up with that?
(Tuesday 28 May 2019; 03:04)
Re: If septic tanks could sing (89,658) (89,680) by enwar00 from usa
Career over. Meanwhile she's still selling out all her shows as we speak. Such exaggerations.
(Tuesday 21 May 2019; 04:07)
Re: If septic tanks could sing (89,668) (89,677) by enwar00 from usa
Haha I'm sure it's mostly just haters spreading negativity because that's the world we live in now. Meanwhile once again her performance is trending on YouTube with millions of views in less than a day. I guess Madonna learned a thing or two from Mariah, who's been dubbing her performances for decades. But once again it's ok when she does it. Not to mention all the fake ass artists out there today, but Madonna gets the most hate because she is older and won't give up and at the end of the day she is the most popular of all so I guess it would be expected.
(Tuesday 21 May 2019; 03:22)
Re: My most precious item (89,674) (89,676) by enwar00 from usa
My most precious item may be the Butterfly poster she autographed for me 20 years ago when I met her at a meet and greet. I haven't seen that thing in years though, it's stored somewhere. I think.
(Tuesday 21 May 2019; 02:55)
Re: Has something happened? (89,583) (89,590) by enwar00 from usa
Lol. Low key the shadiest.
(Thursday 16 May 2019; 07:42)
That speech was everything (89,414) by enwar00 from usa
I thought that speech was both hysterical and moving. The dabbing and then throwing of the tissue and seeing JHud's reaction was priceless. I cracked up when she said this award is so gorgeous ok bye. Then rest of it and when she got into the meat of the speech, it just seemed heartfelt, humble, inspiring and moving to me. I love you Mariah.
(Thursday 2 May 2019; 04:44)
Re: JHud (89,403) (89,408) by enwar00 from usa
Honestly I'd rather listen to and watch Mariah walk around the stage clowning around like the infamous NYE performance than hear JHud perform one of her songs. Nothing against JHud at all either. Just no comparison to me.
(Thursday 2 May 2019; 01:17)
Re: MC's Caution is so boring right now to me (89,343) (89,359) by enwar00 from usa
What do you mean, I thought this was her Thriller album. Geez. So fairweathered. That's a no no.
(Sunday 28 April 2019; 00:17)
Re: Groan (89,334) (89,349) by enwar00 from usa
Really B, if Medellin was Mariah's new single you would be defending it to others saying it's way too early to call it a flop. A flop by what standards, Mariah's? Because the Medellin video is trending and in only 2 days has more views than either GTFO, With You or A No No. The frickin audio of it on YouTube even has more views. Madonna's last album was the only one that didn't at least go gold, and I'm sure the huge leak really hurt that project. Even still in just its first week it basically sold more than MIAMTEC or Caution have in total. Do you consider Caution and its singles and MIAMTEC all bigger flops then? Idk I just hate that term, so overused and negative. Let's just enjoy all the music. I think I'll go create a Mariah and Madonna flop playlist now.
(Saturday 27 April 2019; 17:07)
Re: Celine's doing it (89,203) (89,204) by enwar00 from usa
Caution was included with a ticket purchase. I got an email to either choose a CD or digital download.
(Tuesday 16 April 2019; 14:34)
Re: Billboard Icon Award (89,180) (89,182) by enwar00 from usa
Shut up. I just ejected a CD out of my car stereo and so it switched to the radio and ABMB was on.
(Sunday 14 April 2019; 00:12)
Music (88,762) by enwar00 from usa
Why shan't Mariah just keep making music because she wants to? The answer is, she can. If it's something that makes her happy, and she is still capable, then why not. How stifling to stop doing what you love based on your past successes. Maybe popularity and sales and streams are not the only measurements of success anyway.
(Saturday 23 March 2019; 19:23)
Re: Caution: we're getting on each other's nerves (88,665) (88,669) by enwar00 from usa
Personally I think there are more than two types of folks on this board.
(Monday 18 March 2019; 13:23)
Re: A No No remix (88,652) (88,653) by enwar00 from usa
I'll take your word for it. Honestly I haven't even listened to it and I couldn't care less. It's not my career or life so I'll take the good and enjoy what I can. I was happy with with original and video regardless if it charts or not. I love the album, enjoyed the concert and I like the videos. Lucky me.
(Saturday 16 March 2019; 23:15)
Re: Vegas final show this leg 2/21/19 M&G (long) (88,575) (88,582) by enwar00 from usa
Wow Mara, I am so sorry for your loss. Oh Life. You don't have to apologize or feel bad for sharing. Regardless of the bickering and some ridiculousness on here I'm pretty sure people genuinely have compassion and want to support each other, and if sharing and continuing to communicate on this board brings you any sort of relief or strength than I say do it. Thank you for sharing. Sending positive thoughts your way.
(Thursday 14 March 2019; 15:18)
Re: My Saving Grace and Looking In? (88,574) (88,581) by enwar00 from usa
Not sure. She didn't sing either in Chicago. I don't remember her singing Portrait either.
(Thursday 14 March 2019; 14:52)
Re: Caution tour sold out in Chicago (88,513) (88,562) by enwar00 from usa
I love love loved the show. I agree with Chicago Lamb that Mariah was on fire. It always surprises me how good she sounds in concert in comparison to tv and YouTube clips, maybe it's because the band and backgrounds are mixed in or something but irregardless of why, it makes for a great concert experience. I honestly feel like there was minimal lipping, those few specific lines like then a hero comes along, etc. I thought it was well paced and even Dem Babies and Bianca didn't overstay their welcome, so those seemed to both be but moments. By updating the set list and giving fan favorites instead of the usual it added much needed variety. YDKWTD was a treat, AYNAF gave me instant chills, and I honestly felt the vindication during the Glitter songs. Hearing those songs live for the first time in itself was worth going to the show. It was mentioned she did a good amount of dance remixes during the second part and that was pretty cool, especially the random CTTA mix with the harmonica. However the most pleasant surprise to me was when she did the Mr. Dupri mix of ABMB during the second verse. That's my fave remix ever. As far as Caution, playing a good amount added a freshness to her shows I hadn't felt in a long time. My sister even asked before the show when did Mimi became hip again, elaborating she felt that way because of the sold out show and the new music, We agreed it was the snakes in the grass ill advising her to do reality shows and really I don't need to say much more about that slop and how marketing and spinning works. GTFO was my fave of the bunch, very cool mix of it I would love to have. With You is so interesting to me because it went from sounding so damn boring to being such a grower for me over time as well as on a couple radio formats right, and I feel like it's on its way to becoming a fan favorite and classic Mariah song. What differed for me than a couple other lambs was noticing much of the crowd knew the Caution songs and was singing along, so at least from where I was standing they seemed to be received very well. The screens behind the whole stage were very cool as well and added a lot to the whole show, and the cartoon Mariahs during Heartbreaker were super cute. One thing that again irked me was how she cuts out the second verse and chorus of some songs. Sometimes those are the best parts so it's disappointing. All in all I wish I could go again, sorry for the essay but I enjoyed it that much, and I agree if this was released on BluRay I would buy it in a heartbeat. Definitely worthy of that treatment. Oh it was exciting to see Dreamlover back in action.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 20:33)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,504) (88,525) by enwar00 from usa
It was on the US Hero single, at least the maxi single. Just saying. Personally I didn't care for it when I was young, I also thought it was boring. As the years have gone by I can appreciate it more. I can see how it would be a good album closer. With that said, I think All I Ever Wanted is a good album closer as well, with its grandness and all. Hmm. I'll go listen to them both now.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 00:09)
On my way (88,497) by enwar00 from usa
On my way to the show. I'm so excited. I've had a stressful few months with a new and demanding job so I'm ready to let loose with some Mimi, even if it's on lame Monday night. There was a low supply on last minute tickets but I couldn't give up the hunt and break my streak of seeing her on every tour she's brought to Chicago. I'll let you all how it is.
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 02:04)


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