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About B from USA: Slowly but surely®™ The Vindication of B ®™

"There are people called haters and we give them positivity" MC

Suggestion (54,331) by B from USA
Mariah should incorporate the dresses she wore while in New York on Saturday into her Vegas residency. Those dresses are flattering and beautiful. She has lost a lot of weight. She looks radiant. I especially love the red dress, it would be perfect for the start of the show. The black ensemble would work perfectly for the up tempos, give her room to move around while still looking sexy and showing off those legs. She needs to ditch black dresses and the unflattering pink ensembles.
(Sunday 7 June 2015; 17:54)
Rumors (54,306) by B from USA
I don't believe any of these rumors. I don't see Mariah's big brother saying those things about her. If he did say those things to her he would have said it privately. He isn't stupid, he saw quickly Mariah cut Alison off after her tabloid interviews. Mariah supports most of her family and that's a fact. She tried to help Alison numerous times and each and every time it backfired on her. She is a private person who lives a bubble for a reason. She really can't trust anyone. Even when she was married to Nick, who knew how private she was before they married, she spoke openly about their marriage and incorporated it into his comedy shtick. I still don't understand why people defend him. He used her and he humiliated her. Yes, he's the father of her children but that doesn't mean she has to do a tell a interview but she can make subtle references to him in her lyrics. This isn't a setback for Mariah. It actually makes her more sympathetic.
(Sunday 7 June 2015; 2:29)
Skipped songs (54,196) by B from USA
1. To The Floor
2. Glitter (not the ballads)
3. Memoirs (not Obsessed, Candy Bling, and Languishing)
4. Triumphant
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 17:26)
MCA (54,194) by B from USA
Why would anyone want to read The National Enquirer? I come to this site to read articles by publications that offer biased opinions. I don't like the fact that the webmaster publishes articles from a certain site but it's not that deep. Give him a break. He runs this site, updates it daily, and monitors the message board. Eric is my hero. I've been visiting this site since 1998. It is my go to site for all thing Mariah.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 17:17)
Buzz buzz (54,143) by B from USA
Infinity is not a buzz single, it was a single released to promote the residency and rerelease of #1's. It was probably therapeutic for Mariah to write and record, I don't think they released it expecting to be Mariah's next hit or #1. TAOLG and Triumphant were buzz singles.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 0:38)
This week in history (54,141) by B from USA
On 04-06-2014 Me. I Am Mariah debuted at #1 on Billboard's R&B Albums chart. Lead single #Beautiful sold a million copies and peaked at #15 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart. You're Mine (Eternal) was a modest hit on Billboard's R&B Songs chart. Her album sold 100,000 copies in one of the worst years the industry has faced. Her career isn't in that bad of shape. She can easily rebound from these minor setbacks. #1 To Infinity was released to promote her residency. LA wouldn't have signed her if he really thought her days making hits are over. What would be the point? These rereleases aren't going to sell. Hopefully, it's part of a large attempt at turning Mariah image around. She always delivers when she's the underdog and she's been written off. It's like hearing those things motivates her and puts her in creative mode. Slay, Mariah. She still has her looks and her voice. She is the most talented artist in the game.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 0:34)
Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan from USA (54,140) by B from USA
Did you attend Mariah's residency? Have you seen of the lamb posted videos for the shows? Enlighten yourself, dahling.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 0:08)
Vegas (54,134) by B from USA
Mariah didn't lip the ballads. She only lipped during the uptempos most likely to rest her voice before the big ballads later in the set list. She was singing while walking backstage and sometimes when she was backstage. She made sure we knew she was singing live. She slayed.
(Wednesday 3 June 2015; 22:38)
Infinity (54,132) by B from USA
I wish this teaser had been used in the video. I don't like the closet scene or the scene of Mariah laying on the couch wearing that unflattering black evening gown.
(Wednesday 3 June 2015; 22:28)
Lee (54,091) by B from USA
When you said because you and another member are black was you insinuating that because we don't like her music it's because she's black or that we're not entitled to bash her because were not black? Or did I just misunderstand what you were trying to say? I'm an not racist. My best friends are African American and I have dated a lot of African American guys and correct me if I'm wrong by isn't Mariah Carey a black woman? She's biracial but she embraces her heritage and has never denied her racial background. I hope I just misunderstood your post because I understand that what you said can be interpreted many different ways. I hope this makes sense because I'm rambling, lol.
(Wednesday 3 June 2015; 1:44)
Infinity (54,088) by B from USA
James Gordon of the Late Late Show is the other guy trying to woo Mariah in the Infinity video, right? I'm pretty sure it's him.
(Wednesday 3 June 2015; 1:37)
Giselle (54,048) by B from USA
What does our ages have to do with Beyoncé's music? Beyoncé was once a talented artist with integrity. Yes, she sang songs about her jelly but she didn't take herself so seriously. How can you take a song like Drunk In Love seriously? It has no hook or chorus and it makes me feel like I'm in a drunken stupor or something. Beyoncé is trying too hard. She isn't hood. She wasn't raised in the ghetto. The only song that I liked on her self titled release was 7/11. If Mariah had released an album like Beyoncé I would be upset but coming from Beyoncé I expected it. After the disappointing and underwhelming 4 my expectations were low but she released an album that was well below my expectations.
(Tuesday 2 June 2015; 15:43)
Infinity (54,044) by B from USA
Mariah looks beautiful. I was there when she filmed the performance scene for the video and that is a memory I'll always cherish.
(Tuesday 2 June 2015; 14:40)
Fat shaming (54,027) by B from USA
When Mariah is heavier than her Touch My Body days the media pounces. When she gained some weight during the TEOM era the media said she blew up like a tire. It is fat shaming at its finest and she isn't even fat. Once Mariah loses the weight she'll be considered hot again which is insane because she's still gorgeous and is by no means overweight. The media has been having a field day because she hasn't dropped the weight like she usually does which most likely means she's going about it in a healthy way. If she starved herself or went on some insane diet it would most likely affect her vocal cords. I would prefer Mariah happy and healthy with the ability to sing instead of thin and miserable and unable to sing. I know I'm rambling, lol. Does anyone understand what I'm saying? Mark my words the next time we see Mariah she will have shed the weight and she will be confident like she was before the marriage. Mark my words, the media will be fawning and it will be glorious lol.
(Tuesday 2 June 2015; 1:26)
B (54,018) by B from USA
B has dumbed her lyrics down and sexed her image up. Mariah did these things but didn't devote entire albums to sex and world dominance. Beyoncé's ego is out of control and yet it's Mariah who is getting labeled a ditzy diva. She didn't and doesn't deserves 20 Grammy's. She did the surprise release because she didn't have a strong single. In a few years, most likely sooner than that, B will be facing the same challenges Mariah is facing now. Mariah didn't release underwhelming songs about her surfboart that are half sung half spoken. At least Mariah includes something for every fan on every album and that alone makes her a rarity. That is a daunting challenge and Mariah is still able to do just that.
(Monday 1 June 2015; 22:14)
Vegas (53,973) by B from USA
Lee Daniels, Brett Ratner, Deborah Cox, Rita Ora, and Cookie. I think I heard of other singers being there like Patti or Chaka but I'm not sure which one it was. There are VIP rooms that you can't see in so who knows JLo might have been there looking for some inspiration, lol.
(Monday 1 June 2015; 0:05)
Mariah and Britney (53,971) by B from USA
It could work. Mariah singing in her lower registers, which is always enjoyable, would compliment Britney's voice nicely. Mariah is so versatile she is able to compliment any artist's voice.
(Sunday 31 May 2015; 21:57)
Lee (53,962) by B from USA
How is this era similar to the MIAM era? She isn't abandoning this project. She did her part. She recorded a new song for this rerelease and she has consistently promoted it. I've enjoyed her interviews and performances from this era. The only thing that is disappointing about this era is that the video hasn't been released yet but as long as she releases an amazing video I'm fine.
(Sunday 31 May 2015; 17:11)
Merry Christmas (53,959) by B from USA
All I want for Christmas is a new album or confirmation that Mariah is in the studio writing and recording her next full length studio album.
(Sunday 31 May 2015; 16:49)
RJJ12 (53,924) by B from USA
Thanks. I don't care if they dated or not but he did provide some interesting behind the scenes information about Mariah's relationships with Tommy, Luis, and Eminem. It was an interesting read.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 23:35)
Merry Christmas (53,923) by B from USA
What is Reid doing? Releasing an updated version of #1's to coincide with the residency made sense but rereleasing Merry Christmas before the release of the film doesn't make sense to me. I guess it will coincide with the Beacon shows but it doesn't seem necessary. I guess I'm selfish because I want a new studio album.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 23:28)
Mariah (53,920) by B from USA
Mariah doesn't need a producer to save her and she doesn't need to record an album of standards. She's still relevant. She just scored a hit with #Beautiful. I love MIAM and Infinity. I hated Triumphant. Can Mariah score another #1? Absolutely. However, expecting Mariah Carey to save the industry or sell millions of albums is unrealistic. MIAM sold well considering the state of the recording industry. Albums don't sell and that is a fact. Katy Perry, Rhianna, and Lady Gaga struggled recently and their relatively new artists. However, I still think Mariah should work with new producers.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 22:50)
Mariah (53,898) by B from USA
I still love Mariah's music but if she continues making the music she's making and working with the same producers she's not going to remain relevant. She made an excellent album that flopped because the public views it as a rehash of things she's already done before. Mariah Carey and JD are no longer a winning team. If they changed up their sound and stopped trying to recreate certain moments they might be able to move past the wall they hit creatively in 2008.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 15:35)
MIAMTEC (53,875) by B from USA
Mariah's lyrics and vocal performances were the highlight of MIAMTEC. The beats that JD produced could have been leftovers from 2004-2007. Mariah brought in Mike Will Made It and other top R&B and Hip-hop producers for the tracks with the freshest beats on the album. JD is great for a throwback to the sound that was dominate in the mid 2000's. I'm just being honest. I love We Belong Together, Always Be My Baby, Don't Forget About Us, Long Ago, and The One but JD's best days are obviously behind him. The best ballads on MIAM were produced by Mariah and Big Jim. The songs JD produced were saved by the sampling and interpolating of classic records from back in the day.
(Friday 29 May 2015; 23:47)
Abraham (53,873) by B from USA
If what he said is true I don't disagree with him. However, it was the wrong place to say these things. This should have been said privately not publicly.
(Friday 29 May 2015; 23:29)


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