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About B from USA: Slowly but surely®™ The Vindication of B ®™

"There are people called haters and we give them positivity" MC

New song or songs (47,578) by B from USA
I think Mariah is going to release a new album sometime next year or she's planning to release a new version of MIAMTEC that features new songs. I think that she has a song up her sleeve that will be a commercial hit. She's not stupid. She's an amazing singer songwriter and she'll come out and slay all the people who doubted her and her talent.
(Friday 24 October 2014; 19:23)
Twenty four years (47,577) by B from USA
Mariah has blessed us with her gifts for twenty four years. She's an icon. Her voice continues to improve and yet people still say she sounds like a cheap imitation of her former self. They say they don't understand what and why we enjoy some of her recent performances? What is your reasoning? I really hope Mariah never reads the message board. I'm ashamed that some of you continued to post nothing but negativity. Be nice or leave.
(Friday 24 October 2014; 18:02)
Some people (47,566) by B from USA
Some people are delusional. They call themselves fans and yet they complain about everything Mariah does. I don't get it. I love Mariah. I love her. Her voice isn't as shot as some claim. She was clearly sick that first night. I think her upper register would be the first to go. Look at Maria Callas. Her upper register was shot before her death. I think it would be a similar case for Mariah.
(Thursday 23 October 2014; 20:01)
Mariah (47,481) by B from USA
Mariah is beautiful. Mary Wells and Mariah don't look that much alike. I sees some resemblance but not much. I think it's the eyes.
(Saturday 18 October 2014; 14:57)
Mariah (47,447) by B from USA
This is from a review of Charmbracelet back in 2002: Whenever she sings, there's a raspy whistle behind her thin voice and she strains to make notes throughout the record. Her voice is damaged, and there's not a moment where it sounds strong or inviting. Mariah's voice recovered and sounded amazing after The Charmbracelet World Tour. I think she going to release a new album next year. People need to stop debating the state of Mariah's voice. Move on. New topic, please.
(Wednesday 15 October 2014; 22:16)
Mariah's voice (vocal cords) (47,423) by B from USA
Mariah still has her voice. Her voice is fragile. It's also affected by her feelings. Her voice cracked during love songs. Makes sense since she's going through a divorce. She also suffers from stage fright, always has. When rested her voice is spectacular. She's still the best vocalist of our time. Her mother is not only an opera singer, she's a vocal coach. Mariah doesn't need a vocal coach. She doesn't need the surgery that ruined Julie Andrews' voice. She knows her voice. She knows when she's giving a good performance, a bad performance, and a great performance. She's a living legend. Show some respect.
(Tuesday 14 October 2014; 0:54)
(47,378) by B from USA
Mariah Carey is my Idol. I'm not delusional but I'm not going to ever count her out or tell her what she should be doing. She's doing just fine. She's improving with each stop on her tour. How some people or so called fans can even question her talent is beyond me. Even without the voice she's still the best female songwriter, ever. She will most likely always hold the title of female writer/producer with the most #1's.
(Saturday 11 October 2014; 16:01)
Fly Like A Bird (47,355) by B from USA
That performance of Fly Like A Bird was, in my opinion, better than her performance of it at the 2006 Grammy Awards. She's slaying it. I never doubted her, or her talent. She's proven yet again that first concert was just a bad day which everyone is entitled to. All hail the queen.
(Saturday 11 October 2014; 1:18)
Emotions (47,287) by B from USA
For those of you who think she lipped her high notes, think again. If she was going to lip them they would have sounded more like the studio version. She's not going to risk getting got lipping after the debacle over her vocals last weekend. She's not stupid. What happened to the be nice or leave motto this board used to have? The last point I want to make is Mariah's voice may have changed with the wear and tear but in my opinion it's made her more soulful. Added a soulful grit to her amazing voice. You people are acting like her voice is as shot a poor Whitney's was before her passing.
(Wednesday 8 October 2014; 14:42)
Letting Go on Fallon in November 2013 (47,286) by B from USA
Her voice was on point. No one can say she lipped that performance. She has jitters, always has. She's never been comfortable on stage, her home is in the studio. She rebounded nicely with the second concert. Give her a chance.
(Wednesday 8 October 2014; 14:26)
The reason she's touring (47,269) by B from USA
Mariah is not touring for money, she made $18 million from one season of Idol. She's touring to reconnect with her fans. She always turns to us when she's hurting or upset. She's a true professional. She took those harsh words and forged forward singing her best and I'm proud of her.
(Tuesday 7 October 2014; 21:32)
Perfection (47,259) by B from USA
Mariah's voice is a gift from God. It's a once in a lifetime type of thing. Her voice is fragile, always has been. We put too much pressure on her to be perfect each and every time she opens her mouth. Why risk destroying her voice? I get it. I'll take the hit or miss voice over no voice any day.
(Tuesday 7 October 2014; 17:11)
Emotions (47,255) by B from USA
Mariah doing those runs, hitting the notes she was accused of not being able to hit anymore, with her fist pumping and all that attitude was amazing. She came out guns ablazing. Slay the haters.
(Tuesday 7 October 2014; 14:29)
Love? (47,231) by B from USA
Am I the only one that noticed her voice broke during songs about love? She's heartbroken and upset which affects her voice. Her pride is wounded. And now her fans are turning their backs because of two 15 seconds clips. Give her the benefit of the doubt. She's still Mariah freaking Carey. I'm ashamed that she's not given the respect an artist of her caliber deserves.
(Tuesday 7 October 2014; 2:23)
The Tokyo travesty (47,192) by B from USA
Her voice isn't shot. This is nothing new. Her voice is fragile. Personally, I thought she did ok. She sounded heady like she has a sore throat or a head cold. She sang 23 songs that would exhaust even a young singer. Why the media is always trying to tear Mariah down is beyond me. She's The Voice and they can't take that away. Her voice will be a signifier of what a truly outstanding God given gift sounds like. Mariah of the 1990's will never be duplicated, sorry Ariana. Show some respect. Aretha's voice isn't what it used to be but you don't see the media telling her it's time to retire. Sad. How some if you can even call yourselves fans is beyond me.
(Monday 6 October 2014; 15:06)
2015 (47,045) by B from USA
2015 marks twenty-five years of Mariah blessings us with her gift. Her voice is a gift from God. She's the lyricist of our generation. She's a singer-songwriter, producer, and actress. 2015 marks my twentieth year as a fan. I still remember where I was at when I heard Fantasy for the first time. I was ten when Fantasy came out in 1995 and I'll be thirty in 2015. Mariah's music is the soundtrack to my life.
(Thursday 2 October 2014; 16:16)
Mariah (47,044) by B from USA
Mariah writes her best songs (albums) when she's unhappy, has anyone else noticed this?
(Thursday 2 October 2014; 14:25)
Grammy nominations (46,998) by B from USA
I think MIAMTEC has a chance to score a nomination or two. It's gotten some of the best reviews of her career. I hope it does but if it doesn't I'm ok with it.
(Sunday 28 September 2014; 19:38)
Abraham (46,807) by B from USA
I love reading your post.
(Wednesday 17 September 2014; 0:54)
Mariah (46,806) by B from USA
I'm not worried about Mariah's mental health. She was exhausted, not suicidal. Nick and his family and his management team know the public thinks she's crazy after the events that occurred in 2001. It's a chead and obvious ploy to try to get custody of the children.
(Wednesday 17 September 2014; 0:52)
My Top 25 Mariah songs (46,804) by B from USA
1. The Roof
2. Breakdown
3. Close My Eyes
4. Butterfly
5. Always Be My Baby
6. Underneath The Stars
7. Fourth of July
8. Outside
9. Long Away
10. Never Forget You
11. Just To Hold You Once Again
12. You're So Cold/And You Don't Remember
13. We Belong Together
14. Don't Forget About Us
15. Side Effects
16. #Beautiful and the Jezzy remix
17. Cry
18. Faded
19. Dedicated
20. Thirsty
21. Make It Look Good
22. Meteorite
23. Camouflage
24. Stay The Night
25. Mine Again
Man, this was hard.
(Wednesday 17 September 2014; 0:45)
Thoughts (46,802) by B from USA
The 25 Criminally underrated Mariah Carey songs was a great article besides the fact that they included Boy (I Need You). They should have given its spot to Can't Take That Way (Mariah's Theme). Other than that it's great. Some of Mariah favorite songs made the list Do You Think Of Me, Slipping Away, When I Saw You, Melt Away, The Roof, Breakdown, Baby Doll. Did they author include Close My Eyes? I think he or she did. If not it deserved inclusion. Nick is a loser. I honestly think he cheated and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Mariah will survive this and come out stronger than ever. With an album that will silence the journalists who have written her off. Mariah writes her best songs when she's unhappy, miserable, hurt, and betrayed. Her last divorce inspired the masterpiece that is Butterfly. Mariah you're in my prayers and thoughts. Lamb for life.
(Wednesday 17 September 2014; 0:27)
Mariah (46,759) by B from USA
Mariah's enunciation has never been a problem for me. Breakdown is sung in a lower key but the lyrics are easy to follow and sing along to. I can always understand what Mariah sings, Ariana not so much.
(Friday 12 September 2014; 18:54)
Petals live (46,730) by B from USA
I just watched the video posted below of Mariah preforming Petals during the Rainbow era and it made me cry when the tears begin running do Mariah's face. She's the greatest. The lyrics to that song are some of her most personal. I think the boy and girl that became like a brother and sister to her were Tommy's children. The patriarch she sings about is Tommy obviously and the flower that taught her to pray was Alison.
(Thursday 11 September 2014; 0:59)
Ariana (46,717) by B from USA
Ariana is not the next or new Mariah Carey. Mariah writes and produces her songs. Ariana doesn't. She can sing but not as well as Mariah.
(Wednesday 10 September 2014; 17:53)


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