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About Billy from Greece:
I don't know, and neither do you.
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Re: My All chorus (78,271) (78,280)
by Billy from Greece
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She sang it live also during the Philharmonic performance at Central Park, after the dislocation of her shoulder.
(Tuesday 5 September 2017; 11:13)
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Vision of Love / Kansas (78,218)
by Billy from Greece
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She slayed and snatched wigs galore here. Wow. 
(Thursday 31 August 2017; 12:27)
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Mary J. Blige remix / sample (78,183)
by Billy from Greece
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Mary's "Love Is All We Need" remix (featuring Foxy Brown) is built on the same sample used for the Drifting Remix of "Underneath the Stars". Worth checking out for anyone interested. Really good reconceptualization of the song.
(Tuesday 29 August 2017; 17:06)
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Miss You Most (At Christmas Time) (78,137)
by Billy from Greece
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Early or not, this has come up, the video version. Oh boy. Sigh.
(Saturday 26 August 2017; 21:45)
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Re: Simply amazing (78,056) (78,068)
by Billy from Greece
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In truth, this is the typical complaint that fans of most (if not all) musicians that achieved massive superstardom have. I have seen this happening with artists like Diana Ross, Elton John, Tori Amos, even Prince, and the list goes on. Some artists are less polarizing than others. But there is always something that changes along the way that comes in opposition to the original image/sound that the musician established, leaving fans feeling either puzzled or "betrayed" or unable to follow the evolution. At the same time, some manage to adjust to said evolution. I first fell in love with Mariah's voice during the "Music Box" era, which at this point may be the least "Mariah-esque" era, but I could see that there was something differently fascinating happening post Butterfly that only got me more intrigued. I totally understand why Edouard posted his "Mariah is still the Mariah we fell in love with" comment, because in that Oslo performance I can recognize elements of all the things that have come to define Mariah as we know her both now and in her earlier years. I also posted a while back a performance of "Always Be My Baby" from the same concert saying something similar. I just happen to be able to embrace most (if not all) sides of Mariah at this point, and I can see them as a whole. Sure, if you put the "Hero" video next to the "Heartbreaker (Remix)" video you can detect an obvious discrepancy image-wise. But I don't mind that. You can similarly compare Elton John's raw "piano boy" early 1970s classics to his overproduced and over the top mid-1980s outing and detect a similar gap. Undoubtedly, there are certain aspects of Mariah's image/productions that I prefer over others, but musically I have never felt "betrayed". I have witnessed her go in directions that are downright indefensible (Mariah's World) but I'm always genuinely intrigued by most of the things she does, musically first and foremost, including her still mighty and gorgeous voice. Despite natural limitations/alterations that inevitably occur resulting into aesthetic change, I really don't understand how people can't appreciate the masterful and ever complicated, frankly inimitable, directions she has gone vocally over the last three years, especially in "Vision of Love" in Vegas for instance, at least when she is "on" and in good performing days (which still outnumber the bad ones). As I've said before, it is the medium of "popular music culture" that she still operates within that accentuate whatever flaws people harp on. If she threw that out of the window, yet with all the glitz and glamour still in, I think she would be less polarizing.
(Wednesday 23 August 2017; 20:22)
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Urgh (78,048)
by Billy from Greece
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Is anybody else sick of phrases in various articles like "the I'll Be There singer", "the One Sweet Day hitmaker", "the We Belong Together lady" yada yada yada? 
(Wednesday 23 August 2017; 10:58)
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Mariah - Florida, 10 August (77,868)
by Billy from Greece
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She was fabulous. Looked great, more energized and she slayed vocally.
(Friday 11 August 2017; 23:09)
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"Pisces" - Trey Lorenz feat. Mariah (77,821)
by Billy from Greece
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Listening to this sweet little ditty right now. Lovely song and totally Mariah-esque. Her background vocals are so soothing here, as always.
(Wednesday 9 August 2017; 20:14)
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Re: Anthony Burrell / Complex article (77,787) (77,789)
by Billy from Greece
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Everything he said was totally on point.
(Tuesday 8 August 2017; 23:06)
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Re: Something new (77,785) (77,788)
by Billy from Greece
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And just in case we forget, "Migrate" was charting on the Hot 100 without promotion, for crying out loud. It was charting on its own. Also, I remember walking on Oxford Street a few days after E=MC2 was released, and "Migrate" was blasting from a store. I mean, c'mon.
(Tuesday 8 August 2017; 23:06)
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Interview magazine 2007 (77,665)
by Billy from Greece
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A great interview, in case anyone's interested in revisiting it. And a lovely photoshoot too.
(Wednesday 2 August 2017; 20:55)
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This is disgusting (77,653)
by Billy from Greece
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No words. [Webmaster: That's why I won't post the link.]
(Wednesday 2 August 2017; 13:12)
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"Through the Rain" (77,442)
by Billy from Greece
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I've really missed this song. This is a song I would like to hear MC do again. Currently listening to "Charmbracelet". "It really still feels good."
(Monday 24 July 2017; 22:46)
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Re: Someday (new vocals) (77,422) (77,425)
by Billy from Greece
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Who has access to them, though?
(Monday 24 July 2017; 12:03)
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Someday (new vocals) (77,417)
by Billy from Greece
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Where do these new vocals come from?
(Monday 24 July 2017; 00:48)
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Re: Mariah's World / help / Mimi L. (77,359) (77,362)
by Billy from Greece
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He was referring to the Mottola years, when the whole "imprisoned princess in the castle" was going on, basically.
(Friday 21 July 2017; 22:16)
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Mariah's World / help / Mimi L. (77,356)
by Billy from Greece
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In case anyone remembers (and because I'm trying to avoid watching the series all over again so as to not expose myself to "that woman" - not MC, obviously): What is the episode where JD appears on and he says he knew her since she was "Rapunzel"? Mimi L. I'm counting on you. I went through your excellent and much helpful overviews of the episodes but did not manage to locate the info I'm looking for. Great job though. I found it. It's episode 2. Thanks, nonetheless.
(Friday 21 July 2017; 19:26)
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Do You Think of Me (77,333)
by Billy from Greece
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I was listening to the great Teena Marie and Rick James's duet "The Once And Future Dream" from the late 1980s and its mood brought to mind Mariah's aforementioned wondrous b-side. Such a stunning piece of music.
(Thursday 20 July 2017; 23:38)
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Re: Biggest concern (77,068) (77,070)
by Billy from Greece
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While most of us are aware that there are issues in Mariah land, your constant overly judgmental tone of critiquing her with nothing but contempt has really grown old. And this is not in the vein of "telling it like it is".
(Wednesday 12 July 2017; 14:26)
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Question (77,054)
by Billy from Greece
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Once more, in case someone remembers, where and when did Mariah say that when she did "Fantasy" there was no rap/sung Grammy category?
(Wednesday 12 July 2017; 02:03)
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Butterfly (77,023)
by Billy from Greece
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Am I the only who goes through "Butterfly" as an almost "sacred" listening experience? Having been addicted to it once again the past few months, I'm still amazed at the intensity and mixture of emotions that I'm overwhelmed with after listening to the whole album. It is by far one of the most (if not the most) gorgeous albums I've ever listened to in my life. The melodies, the layering, the production which is timeless and organic, yet cutting edge, the vividness and confessional tone of the lyrics and vocal performances, run through me and get me each time. I'm in awe. Listening to it almost twenty years after its release, and with everything that has passed off in Mariah's life before or after it, I can honestly say that it is without a doubt the freest and truest Mariah has ever been as an artist on record. And I don't think we fully realize what a bold artistic statement the whole album was at the time, and still is. Forget about the whole "Mariah going hip-hop", this is totally irrelevant. We're talking about an album representing a "mainstream" artist expanding, reaching her utmost genius and crafting music that has spoken to millions of people. It is the musicianship that truly leaves me speechless, especially considering that in the broader context this is "just popular music" as some purists would say. The boldness lies in Mariah aiming for and achieving utter sophistication in her music, taking her time with the songs, building on them as the listening unfolds, making you rethink the limits between chart music and artistry. Sonically speaking, the album is pure beauty. Finally, can we talk about the magic, the exquisiteness, the insurmountable glory that Mariah produces with her background whistles in the intro of "Fly Away"?
(Monday 10 July 2017; 22:53)
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The Emancipation of Mimi / photoshoot / LA Reid (76,970)
by Billy from Greece
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Reading LA Reid's book, he mentions that he rejected the first photoshoot for the album's cover, telling her "I need you to look expensive." I wonder which of the photos were supposed to be the original artwork.
(Saturday 8 July 2017; 22:54)
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Mariah & Whitney (76,961)
by Billy from Greece
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The rarity of this.
(Saturday 8 July 2017; 10:53)
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Lullaby (76,930)
by Billy from Greece
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Such an addictive song. Purely sublime.
(Thursday 6 July 2017; 23:33)
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Thank you B and Warrior Butterfly (76,927)
by Billy from Greece
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Thank you for responding.
(Thursday 6 July 2017; 20:36)
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