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About Lee TS from USA:

Box office score (54,211) by Lee TS from USA
I guess that's good? At least she's selling out at the 95% range. It would've been nice if she completely sold out especially during such a short run on the very first leg. I think that's what Britney and Celine have done. I wonder how much she banks after each show and after paying everyone. I'm thinking $325k? She's got kids to feed and splashes to replenish jk. I mean I don't want to count her money but it seems to be very expensive to be Mariah Carey. Music doesn't profit anymore, that's why it would've been nice if her HSN gig was successful. Like look at Jessica Simpson she's not even considered a singer anymore but a very successful celebrity empire. I hope the girl who can only afford a bagel and ice tea a day is ingrained in her. I don't want her to go broke.
(Friday 5 June 2015; 2:29)
5 least favorite songs (54,197) by Lee TS from USA
1) Boy (I need you) - I think if she had sung this in full voice I could've probably get into it. Too many whispers, not enough time to look up the lyrics.
2) Don't Forget About Us - I don't know, the lyrics doesn't do it for me. I liked it when it first come out but I don't care for it when she performs it. Next.
3) I Stay In Love - At the time the melody was very Beyonce to me. For a pretty ballad it just missed something for me, I prefer Lovestory.
4) Obsessed - The lyrics are cute but the way she sings and melody is very pedestrian to me.
5) One More Try - She couldn't match George's version. The vocals didn't deliver giving you the big vocal moments.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 17:41)
Bad articles go away (54,195) by Lee TS from USA
Ok, let me explain. The first article was when the New York Times went on a bashing spree of Mariah's opening night. Then the second article of Damizza selling Mariah out on Daily Mail. And now this Morgan mess. That's why I said what I said. Yes of course I get it's impossible to post everything about Mariah, totally understandable. I guess I just read too much into it, my bad. I love you webmaster.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 17:24)
Mariah Carey Archives (54,175) by Lee TS from USA
Please, this is in no way of criticizing the webmaster. But I noticed recently you've kind of started to omit in posting certain articles relating to Mariah that may seem harmful to her image or negative in light. Just coming from being a fan of Mariah and this website (since '99), I want to know all things related to Mariah, the good, bad, and the ugly. And I mean this in the best way possible, but don't become like Mariah Daily where she is only praised and things get censored. That keeps us in the dark. You were brave enough to post when Mariah was drunk accepting her acting award or when Nick made those crude jokes first appearing on Howard Stern. This is our go-to source and can look up past stories/articles. Yeah, that's all. [The only article I didn't post was the The National Enquirer story about Morgan and Mariah. It's The National Enquirer, need I see more why I didn't post it?]
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 12:11)
Morgan Carey, what are you doing? (54,105) by Lee TS from USA
OK so there's a report on Radar Online saying Morgan gave an interview to the National Enquirer fearing for Mariah's life. Please let this whole mess be a fabrication because I don't think I can believe Morgan would do Mariah like that. That's her big brother who's supposed to always protect her. This is going to sound horrible but I would expect this from Alison before Morgan. I don't know I can't even know what to say. I can already see Wendy running with this and slay Mariah until there's no tomorrow. Headlines upon headlines. I really hope this is false because I don't want to think of the possibility of losing Mariah. I seriously hope there's good people around her, not just record label execs/managers/pr team, but also like a life coach/therapist etc. With all the stress/tension she talks about and the celebrity life she leads, she must release it in some way and I hope in a healthy way.
(Wednesday 3 June 2015; 16:08)
More Infinity stuff (54,090) by Lee TS from USA
I'm loving the fan reactions and it shows how creative some of you really are. I do enjoy the video and have watched it plenty of times. There's one scene that seriously makes me lol, it's 2:07-2:08 mark when she's being blasted by too much wind in slow motion. First of all the way they cut up the shots in those few seconds is a hot mess. But that specific shot is to die for in hilarity. It's like she's almost making a parody of herself. Yes Skip, I totally agree with you about the dog selfie moment, too long and it didn't make sense. It's the last line of the song and it should've had an isolated moment, I dunno, I'd imagine a close up of her face eyes closed concentrating then blasting the last note to a roaring crowd. I do love the confetti but it was also kinda off too, the angle and the lighting. I mean come on, even the lyric video has a nice build up to that moment and going into the flashing Honey images worked well, it was very, "You're never going to touch this again and see me in your dreams darling." This is a fun video to poke fun at though.
(Wednesday 3 June 2015; 1:41)
Infinity (again) (54,077) by Lee TS from USA
Now watching the teaser or promo for Vegas which it really was a clip to promote the residency, it just slays. In that little bit, every second was utilized. From the opulence shots of her diamonds and kitten slipper it really showed the diva in her glamour space. From her singing "lose the key" in that quick/slight pan and the way she was coming forward and upwards was everything to me. Her looking up to the beauty lighting and singing for a quick second was splendid. From the way she looks to the side at the vanity singing Infinity implying it's not forever. Of course the lipstick drawing of infinity and erasing it emphasized the message. The way her curls were bouncing and she giggling was cuteness for days and prominently featuring her beauty mark. Then the connecting hair flips of her silhouette and closet was just amazing. Her running in her sequinned gown was also fabulous, if there's ever a moment that requires hair being blown it was that and she perfects it with a quick pose and over the shoulder moment. Now back to the video, why in the sam hell was Mariah lounging on a sofa and not a chaise lounge? That whole shot irks me. Towards the end when she giggles and twirls up in all that confetti, it for some reason made me think of Hocus Pocus. If I didn't know, I seriously would've thought that was a body double on stage because of the wig. With the opening shot being the guy on the violin, it would've been nice to see Mariah also get lit up in one of her famous silhouette shots. It was too jarring. Why did she forget how to apply perfume? She sprayed but didn't do a diva twist instead she did the dab technique. The butterfly ring barely made an appearance. Shout out to the World Music Awards dress making an appearance in the closet. I don't truly understand why she would turn down Frito when he's brought splashes with him. Shout out to the puppy being inspired by Ginger. There's plenty of moments.
(Tuesday 2 June 2015; 21:36)
Tiina Infinity / good music videos (54,049) by Lee TS from USA
Now those are some festive ideas lamby. They really could've done so much for the video and playing more to M's comedic side. They didn't live up to the hype they started. If this is what will blow our minds I think I'm gonna pass on the Christmas movie. Maybe they lost their spark since the mess of H.A.T.E.U. Their torrent love affair didn't do much to help, just for laughs. Since the board has been on this feud/rival tangent I'll like to mention Fifth Harmony. Now we love the girls because they're big MC supporters and has won the big stamp of approval. But I recently came across their so-called rival's Little Mix Black Magic music video and I was totally entertained. I legit watched their video 3 times in a row because it was so darn cute and the song was super catchy. In that moment I was almost ready to be like, "Little Mix all day". Lol but I'm way too old to be stanning for some girl group, I had my Spice Girls days haha. But here we have 5H looking like little strippers while Little Mix played up their cute and sexy side. But yeah, a good music video is everything and a bag of fritos.
(Tuesday 2 June 2015; 16:06)
Infinity / Caitlyn Jenner (54,037) by Lee TS from USA
M looks really pretty in the video with nothing but beauty shots. I don't get the video, it doesn't gel very well and wasn't smooth. I like the concert footage because of the sparkly dress and the stage colors really popped, but it kept cutting and the shots didn't scream concert to me. I don't know much about cinematography but like the aerial shots didn't feel grand or the audience shots were so quick. I would've liked more outfit changes too, why must she stay in the black gown while lounging to swipe on her phone. Her bouncing in the closet looked funny and I expected the first "close the door" to have a huge moment but she just kinda slithers around. And I wish she was more expressive in the facial area, or even in her body language. It's very much smile and bounce. Actually no, her reactions to the guys were funny. The vanity moment was so so, it was very much I Stay In Love and I liked the original Infinity version better when she drew the inifinty sign with her lipstick. And just for laughs I think Mariah needs a better gaydar because she stays leaving with the gay boys. Girl. Now onto a total different and unrelated topic, Caitlyn Jenner formerly known as Bruce Jenner. What an amazing and brave person. I already wrote but I wanted to share it on here too, I dedicate Mariah's "I Am Free" to her. Love to all and infinity.
(Tuesday 2 June 2015; 11:10)
Entourage (54,016) by Lee TS from USA
Random but I was watching Wendy in one of the past hot topics and she was going on about MC being paranoid about a staff member reporting back to Nick. Now, what if that sold out was Rachel aka RaeRae aka Racine. She's been noticeably absent and it's a bit strange, she's usually there to fix a mic pac or screaming at fans. Anyways, I hope MC is surrounded by a great supportive team who wants to win and gets the job done.
(Monday 1 June 2015; 20:41)
Beyonce / Vegas (54,007) by Lee TS from USA
Are we really gonna hate on Beyonce now? You may call her overrated, over exposed, pretty perfect image but the girl delivers. She's an amazing performer and she works hard for it. Too rehearsed, I rather that than Mariah being under rehearsed. That's the tea. Things like Beyonce ain't the brightest, ummm, I don't think Britney is either. And I love me some Britney and glad to see her doing her thing. One thing Mariah can learn from Beyonce though is how to properly lip sync because she has it down haha. Beyonce should just announce her Vegas residency and shut all this mess up, that would be funny. While I don't see Mariah doing any female collaborations anytime soon, it would be cool (and unlikely) to see her work with Celine, JLo, and Britney on a Vegas commercial. Imagine something like backstage and diva antics, like a "come see us in Vegas" moment. It would finally put an end to some feuds.
(Monday 1 June 2015; 17:23)
I love you Ardis but (53,961) by Lee TS from USA
I don't think Britney fans are as young as you may think. The days of 10 years old screaming girls singing to Baby One More Time are long gone. Do you remember when Madonna did a duet with Britney and it kinda looks like Madonna was sucking the youth out of her? I give you Britney's Pretty Girls with Iggy. Britney is struggling to hold onto relevance herself but I still love her. If you want Mariah to tap into the young fans then ok, this will never happen but she's going to have to hum notes with Ariana. Just saying. Or JLo's mini me Becky G who knows? Or the queen of the moment Taylor Swift. Madonna already left Britney and Christina in the dust and moved on to Miley and Taylor. Knowing Mariah she will never collaborate with a younger or prettier female artist even as someone as qualified as Beyonce. She might come out with a duet with Patti LaBelle though, just saying. Just for laughs.
(Sunday 31 May 2015; 17:01)
Banking on nostalgia and Christmas (53,954) by Lee TS from USA
It's not working Mariah and Co. There's no point in re-releasing Merry Christmas. Look at the little latest effort #1 To Eternity, no one cares. Sigh. I'm sorry it's just frustrating. It's MIAM all over again and she's already abandoned the project. Same thing last year, she releases it and go flies off to another country and perform for a private party to collect a check. Might as well just shelve the video too because no one's gonna watch it. Just do a couple of Vegas and Christmas shows a year and call it a day. Focus on Dembabies and school and be a mommy. Maybe a break will do some good.
(Sunday 31 May 2015; 15:35)
RJJ12 / Damizza's book / Bill (53,918) by Lee TS from USA
Wow, what a great read. Mariah's chapter reads like a movie it's so dramatic. The Glitter era really got me anxious and I was like stressing over what was happening to her. It seems like Damion was a great friend to her and I hope she finds great memories when thinking about him. I hope Mariah releases a memoir one day or a mini series as she likes to call it. They really do call the wind Mariah.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 21:47)
Infinity video / Deborah Cox (53,897) by Lee TS from USA
We will get it when there's an end to infinity. No but seriously though from the way it's looking, some lambs may be right about it finally seeing the light of day once M is done ranting. Or maybe they'll use the video as a tool to help relaunch the single. Or maybe the video was only meant to help promote Vegas, lol who knows? Talking about videos, was little Mariah not allowed to smile during the debut era? I don't think she truly smiled in one until Emotions. Let's hope she has some good moments to share in the latest little splendor memoir thing haha. How cute is it to see M share a moment with Deborah. It's nice to see real singers support each other. The only song I ever really knew from her was the "Suppose to be here" song, and it always reminded me of Butterfly. When I saw their pic I thought two incredible voices but such different careers. Thankful the stars were aligned for Mariah.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 14:53)
DHR / B (53,894) by Lee TS from USA
Mimi that was me and yeah I saw that they gave Mariah a mention but it was more of a, "she said what?" type of deal. In other words it didn't really make her look good oh well, not surprised. B, just a question, do you think Mariah's best days and music are behind her too? That she's fabulous for a throwback as well? I'm sorry but what you said about JD was very Katy Perry of you. I get that he has a sound and may not be poppin' at the moment, but there shouldn't be an expiration to it. I don't know I still enjoy me some MC/JD collabos. Let's not forget YME and TAOLG were Darkchild releases, if anything she should leave him alone in the dark along with The Dream. Thirsty didn't sound fresh to me at all and I could't stand it but finally tolerated it.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 13:57)
I can't even know what to say (53,891) by Lee TS from USA
Mariah is always billed as this diva, #1's, millions of records sold. But to be honest, that's all in the past darlings. I don't think people care in this day and age where it's, "What have you done for me lately?" And lately for Mariah the struggle is all too real. She's been plagued with bad publicity that will unfortunately live in infamy, ok bit exaggerated. But what do they say, you're only as good as your last hit and that's true even for M. She hasn't transitioned into a Aretha Franklin, Barbra Streisand, or Bette Midler yet where you really have nothing else to prove. And with Mariah she never did anything else besides music. Her little side projects has always been touch and go. It's like Madonna will flop but do a massive tour, JLo will flop and move on to the next thing, and Celine will flop but has her gig in Vegas. I guess Mariah will flop but she'll always have Christmas? Sounds shady I know. Divas are generally struggling to make a comeback, look at Gwen Stefani and Fergie. What happened? Janet is readying for a comeback and if that's the road she chooses I wish her the best of luck. *fixes hair* Lol no but really it's like all these little pop starlets are gunning for the top. Taylor is in her imperial age where whatever she does is huge, sorry not sorry but Bad Blood is stupid as f*ck. It's like the movie role will always go to the younger and prettier face, not everyone can be a Meryl Streep. We'll always have the nostalgia.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 10:43)
JD calls Mariah out on her BS (53,852) by Lee TS from USA
Ok, maybe a little bit exaggerated but what does he mean by this? Watch this. I mean, I get it she can't rest on her laurels and legendary status. Don't lose your drive Mimi.
(Friday 29 May 2015; 18:23)
Where in the world (53,847) by Lee TS from USA
From a little bit of instagram stalking it seems like Mariah may be in Austria at the moment. I wonder what she's doing there, that citizen of the world. Ardis, besides this site you can always check Mariah's social media to stay up to date. Her rants can be found on her Twitter/YouTube pages.
(Friday 29 May 2015; 15:55)
Memories and rants (53,841) by Lee TS from USA
Ummm, I don't think she's really dissing her own videos. Like a lot of people said it's very much "I don't like how I looked in that picture" kind of deal. She's giving these funny little moments that happened and laughing about it. To me, it's a lot like during First Vision when she told the story about how LTT took a lot of time to film because it kept raining. I don't think she's gonna like any videos until Honey comes along when she finally broke free but she might "complain" about the heels hurting. You already know it's gonna be the shorts were played out, only allowed to wear curls, couldn't have fun and living vicariously through her videos on TV, you know the usual.
(Friday 29 May 2015; 11:08)
Random moments (53,819) by Lee TS from USA
Because M idolizes Aretha and Patti, I would like to see M take more after Patti than Aretha. I don't know the history between Aretha and Patti or follow their careers close enough to know, but it seems like Aretha is known for being shady boots and Patti comes off as more graceful and god-motherly-like. It seems like M is becoming more or has been known as this shady diva with her off comments, there are articles/gifs galore highlighting her shady moments. Yeah, it can be cute and funny at times ala the infamous "I don't know her" but other times, it's really just insecurity talking. While I appreciate her honesty when asked about AI, I rather her give a pageant answer and the "we love everybody" spiel just to avoid tabloid fodder nonsense. Like Wendy says it's kitchen table talk haha. To throw some shade, Ariana's latest little diddy is tumbling down the BB Hot 100. Now some can say the girl can't even break top 10 on her own merit without the word "featured" in it. Bloop. Lol no but I actually do like the girl and I hope she achieves longevity. Now this may seem desperate but the lambs are thirsty for anything, ok, a little bit exaggerated. But the Fifth Harmony girls are steadily rising on the charts with their biggest so far and may even reach the distance, who knows. But let's say they do get a #1 hit, then I hope Reid would release "Like Mariah" and M can make a cute cameo like she did for Allure. Thirsty I know but it would be a nice moment.
(Thursday 28 May 2015; 20:59)
A revisit of this Hero performance (53,661) by Lee TS from USA
I don't know if many lambs have seen this performance but I love this. Her performing Hero on Jay Leno way back when. I've never seen this until like yesterday and it's pure perfection. This is one of those where she can just stand there and sing but not stiffed and awkward.
(Friday 22 May 2015; 12:53)
Umbrealla holder (53,649) by Lee TS from USA
I believe that's her makeup artist who doesn't paint her well.
(Friday 22 May 2015; 2:41)
#1's (53,619) by Lee TS from USA
1. Dreamlover - Her voice is like butter. So sugary. So pretty. So innocent.
2. Fantasy - The song that made me a fan. Timeless. Video is super festive and all about a good time. Probably one of her most sexiest without even trying.
3. We Belong Together - Song that saved her life. Video is perfection and like a mini movie.
(Thursday 21 May 2015; 17:06)
Jimmy Kimmel (53,525) by Lee TS from USA
Full performance of the mini concert captured by a fan. And the full interview with Jimmy. Yay, tens across the board. Mariah has her talk show game on. I'm loving the interview, she's being light, funny, poking fun and in on the jokes. I've missed this so much from her. Totally selfish now but she needs to go on Corden, bid farewell to Letterman, and fake laugh it up with Fallon. Kimmel was a slam dunk.
(Tuesday 19 May 2015; 14:12)


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