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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Favorite album (52,880) by Marissa from USA
The unparalleled vocal slayage that is Daydream .
(Tuesday 5 May 2015; 22:05)
Why are people acting shocked by the same old, same old? (52,749) by Marissa from USA
I don't understand why people act shocked at how the board divides the minute Mariah releases something new. That's what happens when you're dealing with hundreds/thousands of different people. Some people like it, some don't. Scolding and bullying people out of the fanbase is useless. We need to learn how to coexist, because this board is never going to be the utopia that some of you are hoping for. If your mood or happiness depends on a "negative" lamb fleeing the board then you are giving your power away. The world doesn't change to accomodate what you want. You have to make a change within yourself and consciously choose to be happy regardless of what someone else is posting. Also, just because you don't like a damn song doesn't mean that you don't support Mariah and you need to hightail it out of the fanbase. It really ain't that deep. If people can get over "Boy, I Need You" than this song will eventually be a distant memory to those who don't like it as well. Next.
(Sunday 3 May 2015; 0:56)
Vocal changes (52,633) by Marissa from USA
Although still beautiful, you could hear an obvious change in Mariah's voice since her performances during the Butterfly era. Contrary to popular belief, anyone who has been a fan for this long has accepted Mariah's voice changing for years. Even though TEOM was a killer album, her voice was still technically damaged, but most of us didn't complain. I think the issue that myself and other people are having is that her standards for her vocals have plummeted. Nowadays she is content with putting out a song (Infinity) that is so complicated and ill-structured that there's not a chance in hell that she can successfully perform it live. Mediocre performances no longer bother her either. I can accept vocal changes, but no longer having a dedication to excellence is inexcusable, especially if she wants to eternally use her 18 #1s as a marketing ploy. Listening to all of her #1s or watching her past performances and looking at her career now is making most people wonder, "What happened to Mariah?" rather than "Wow, look at everything she's achieved."
(Thursday 30 April 2015; 22:55)
Even though I try, I can't let go (52,512) by Marissa from USA
My number one issue with the song is how awkward and strained the vocals are. It's a tragedy to hear how her voice has deteriorated from WBT to now. If it's to the point where they are piecing together what seems like 25 different takes to make a song, it really is bad. How the hell is she ever gonna sing a song like this live? It's team too much overall. A singer of MC's caliber putting out some s*** like this is and thinking that it compares to her other #1s is "corny like fritos". I understand that some of you want to be encouraging, but even if you enjoy this song anyone with an ear knows that it doesn't hold a candle to her other #1s.
(Wednesday 29 April 2015; 2:14)
Clearer thoughts on Infinity (52,373) by Marissa from USA
The release of Infinity is really making me mourn for all of the genius songs on MIAMTEC. Imagine if Meteorite or #Beautiful would have been released today. I would have had way more faith in her snagging another #1. I would have even had more faith in "Money" being a #1 before this song. Overall I would say right promotion, wrong material.
(Monday 27 April 2015; 17:01)
No bueno (52,364) by Marissa from USA
The intro had so much potential, but I would be content with never hearing this song again. The vocals are chopped up in such an awkward way and the lyrics sound like she is trying too hard to be young and hip. Not feeling it at all. Damn, and I had so much hope too. .
(Monday 27 April 2015; 16:23)
Wendy Williams (52,262) by Marissa from USA
My issue with Wendy is that she always talks about Mariah as if she is so much better and more stable than she is. At least Mariah wasn't hooked on crack and coke for years like Wendy. Wendy needs to humble herself and remember her lowest points in life which were much worse than Mariah wearing an evening gown in a subway. Overall Mariah is fine. She just retreats into this eccentric state of mind to protect herself from facing some harsh realities, but she isn't crazy and Wendy knows that. Wendy's a mean-spirited witch who thinks her childish comments will bring down a legend, and they never will.
(Sunday 26 April 2015; 20:31)
Infinity cover (52,198) by Marissa from USA
Loving this new single cover. This era is giving me good vibe after good vibe. She's finally with a team that is not going to sit back and let her image fall to pieces. I'm so happy to see what this era has in store.
(Saturday 25 April 2015; 5:14)
Lee / discussing the divorce (52,112) by Marissa from USA
Mariah is known for her "do not discuss" list so I highly doubt that the divorce will be discussed on Kelly & Michael. Even though to me it is very awkward for her to have such a life changing process happen and for everyone to have to act like it doesn't exist, I think we have to accept that we're never gonna get the scoop on why this divorce is happening. This is not going to be like the Tommy Motolla situation where we can't get her to be quiet about it. Quite the opposite.
(Wednesday 22 April 2015; 17:27)
To the complainers (51,764) by Marissa from USA
Can we take a moment to be grateful that we are no longer in the trainwreck era that was MIAM? This time last era we were dealing with album pushbacks, no album artwork, Mariah nowhere to be found, scatterbrained interviews, etc. Things may not be perfect but they are moving in the positive, cohesive direction now which is what many of us were begging for. At least acknowledge that progress has been made.
(Monday 13 April 2015; 23:14)
Album artwork (51,657) by Marissa from USA
From what I've seen of the album cover so far, this is the type of album artwork that commands attention. There's nothing weird, idiosyncratic or overly edited about it unlike MIAM. It's simple and powerful.
(Sunday 12 April 2015; 23:23)
Cindi Berger (51,489) by Marissa from USA
I actually see the Cindi and Mariah breakup as a good thing. Mariah is known for keeping people around her just because she's known them for a long time even if they haven't contributed any substantial value to her career in years. Maybe she's recognizing that she needs people that are actually going to work and she'll get a new team. I'm hoping for the best.
(Wednesday 8 April 2015; 20:25)
Shallow (51,291) by Marissa from USA
Come on guys, it's getting a little shallow on this board. Mariah has never been at an unsightly weight a day in her life. Her issue has always been wearing clothes that are unflattering. There's nothing flattering about the average person who wears a wetsuit, so I think we should give her a break in this case. If Aretha can constantly balloon up to being damn near morbidly obese and still have a legendary reputation, Mariah should be in the clear. On another note, I don't think Brett and Mariah are together, but if they were, all of these complaints about his looks are childish. It's the heart that matters and if Mariah doesn't have an issue with his looks then neither should any of us. Nick was nice looking and played her like a fiddle. It's time for new and deeper criteria.
(Wednesday 1 April 2015; 20:44)
Happy anniversary (51,180) by Marissa from USA
Happy birthday MC. I admire your candor and strength. You have been unbreakable throughout everything you've been through and when I feel low, your resilience inspires me. Have a blessed day.
(Friday 27 March 2015; 18:48)
Shelly (50,989) by Marissa from USA
Shelly, I am sad to see you go. Although we are seen as lambs on polar opposite ends of the spectrum (negative vs. positive thing), you're truly a kind spirited person and I enjoy hearing your views. You will certainly be missed on this board.
(Tuesday 17 March 2015; 16:47)
HRC performance (50,959) by Marissa from USA
The Hero performance was actually pretty good. There was nothing wrong with the actual notes, just not that amazing when she chops up some of the words. Overall I liked it. I thought her speech was cute. I know I'm classified as "negative" on this board, but I pick my battles and this isn't one that I think is worth the fight. I've heard worse.
(Monday 16 March 2015; 22:15)
Yes for a Beyonce duet (50,851) by Marissa from USA
I think a duet with Beyonce would be genius, George. Easy publicity and they actually like each other. This is the height of Beyonce's popularity and hopefully that could have a significant positive effect on MCs career. I'd prefer a club banger over a ballad though.
(Friday 13 March 2015; 16:40)
I'm still here (50,780) by Marissa from USA
Here I am Shelly lol. I have just been observing lately on the board. I am annoyed with Nick suing and his whole post-divorce/separation behavior but figured I had nothing new to add to the discussion, so I've just been enjoying hearing others' opinions.
(Wednesday 11 March 2015; 16:00)
Greatness must be maintained (50,500) by Marissa from USA
I loved your post Ardis. You hit the nail on the head when you said that it takes work and care to stay at the top. That's the thing that people seem to be missing. I don't understand why people think that excellence will just keep flowing with from Mariah with absolutely no maintenance or effort. Excellence can come effortlessly for a long time, but there comes a point where you have to start putting in work and that time is now.
(Friday 27 February 2015; 18:04)
Fans (50,497) by Marissa from USA
A true hater is someone who wants to keep a person down, therefore they give criticism without suggesting any solutions. Rarely has that happened on this board. The suggestions that people are making like Mariah getting a vocal coach, surrounding herself with professional people, working with relevant artists and changing songs so she can sing them well with her current voice will do nothing but boost her career. How is that negative in the big picture? What disturbs and confuses me is how fans of one of the most successful, unparalleled singers who has ever lived can feel so comfortable about the way things have taken a turn for the worst in her career. Regardless of how positive you are, everyone knows that Mariah/her career is nothing like it used to be. Period. If you don't make a big deal of the changes, fine, but I don't understand how anyone in their right mind can be outraged or shocked by other fans having problems with the way things have changed. Not everyone can easily cope with, accept and even celebrate (like some people seem to do) their favorite singer going from excellence to mediocrity.
(Friday 27 February 2015; 17:07)
Does being out and about really matter? (50,416) by Marissa from USA
Constantly being in the public eye does not translate to album sales. If that was the case why did JLo's album sell less than Mariah's? You can't even name a celebrity over age 40 that is in the public eye more than JLo and her sales were still laughable. I believe that it's all about the size and dedication of your fanbase and there being serious buzz surrounding your music. Showing up to red carpet events that have absolutely nothing to do with her career won't help. She needs to start performing on relevant talk shows so people will know that she has music out. She needs to collaborate with artists who are currently hot on the charts so the music will essentially promote itself to the younger generation. It's about promotion, not randomly being in the mix just because she's a celebrity.
(Thursday 26 February 2015; 2:36)
Red carpet appearances (50,403) by Marissa from USA
I've never cared about the fact that she rarely makes red carpet appearances. The more elusive she is, the bigger of a star that she seems. All she needs to do is connect with her fans more and heavily promote her shit. She doesn't need to be JLo 2.0 showing up to every event with a step and repeat just to be seen in a cute outfit. In the words of Baltasar Gracian, "The best is always few and rare: much lowers value."
(Wednesday 25 February 2015; 17:54)
A recommendation (50,311) by Marissa from USA
For those of you who are sick of the mean spirited comments and chronic Ariana Grande comparisons towards Mariah on YouTube, there is an extension called "Hide YouTube Comments" if you use Chrome as your browser. My life is refreshed by being free from sexists, racists, trolls, etc. Now I can watch her videos and enjoy the artistry without the ignorance of low-lives. (I did not create the extension so this is not shameless self promotion in case you were wondering lol.)
(Friday 20 February 2015; 20:36)
Shelly / prayers (50,271) by Marissa from USA
I love the list of prayers that you posted. This is inspiring me to pray more specifically in my life. Thank you.
(Wednesday 18 February 2015; 17:20)
Communicating with the fans (50,200) by Marissa from USA
Mimi L.'s call for MC to address the lambs directly got me thinking. I think so many people are frustrated with MC not just because of the issues that she's having, but because of the fact that she never addresses those issues publicly. Vocal issues are never spoken of. Emotional problems are never discussed. There's always smoke and mirrors. She may not necessarily owe us an explanation for her struggles whether vocally or emotionally, but if she wants to stop the madness it would be wise to do so. People can be more understanding when they know what's going on. For example, if Mariah did an interview where she said that she had tried everything to get her voice back and it's just never going to be the same, I would never speak negatively about her voice again because at least she would be being honest. It's the constant bulls***ing that angers me and makes me lose sympathy for her. Tell the truth and people will fall back.
(Monday 16 February 2015; 7:10)


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