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About B from USA: Slowly but surely®™ The Vindication of B ®™

"There are people called haters and we give them positivity" MC

Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,545) (88,559) by B from USA
When Mariah Carey was released, critics took notice of its "overly produced" and "studio perfect" quality, where in comparison, Emotions maintains a "raw, live sound. Music Box however, falls in between the two, a decision made by Carey during the album's production. She would layer each track with live backing vocals, so not to sound too overly produced, but still kept the inclusion of musical synthesizers. (Nickson, Chris (1998), Mariah Carey revisited: her story, St. Martin's Press, ISBN 978-0-312-19512-0).

Guess making it sound like a song from Emotions was intentional.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 19:54)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,534) (88,557) by B from USA
I didn't know he was married to Wanda, isn't she a lesbian?
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 19:35)
Everything Fades Away (88,556) by B from USA
Who sang background vocals on EFA? It's not Trey.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 19:33)
Re: Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,542) (88,545) (88,555) by B from USA
Just a theory. It's not that deep. It even begins similarly to Can't Let Go. It would sound at home between And You Don't Remember and If It's Over. It would sound at home between And You Don't Remember and If It's Over.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 19:27)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,545) (88,554) by B from USA
I wrote that it sounds like an unused Emotions track because it does, it doesn't sound like any other song on Music Box. However, it does sound similar to several songs from Emotions. Just a theory. It's not that deep. It even begins similarly to Can't Let Go.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 19:22)
Re: The tour (88,541) (88,553) by B from USA
I don't understand why self professed lambs are complaining about this era. Mariah has released three videos within days of each songs release (which had been a major issue). More importantly the videos aren't embrassing or cringe worthy. Caution is a great album and the tour is an overwhelming success. Mariah isn't promoting the album version of A No No because a remix is imminent and the promotional efforts will be focused on the remix. Go to YouTube and watch clips of Mariah singing YDKWTD and be festive. By the way, don't forget to stream A No No.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 19:16)
Re: Video view check-in (88,549) (88,552) by B from USA
I also see it becoming the most viewed video from the album. Its release has also increased the views of GTFO and With You.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 19:03)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,528) (88,542) by B from USA
Long Ago and Slipping Aaway do not have similar themes. One is about the end of a relationship and the other is about thinking about a past love.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 12:41)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,522) (88,528) by B from USA
In my opinion, it would sound out of place on Music Box. Music Box is a pop album and closing the album with an R&B ballad wouldn't work. Maybe Everything Fades Away was the first song Mariah wrote and recorded for the album before Tommy and the other Columbia executives demanded that she make a more pop leaning album after Emotions underperformed compared to her debut. Or it was written during the Emotion sessions and not recorded until she began work on Music Box. Maybe she'll address why these beloved songs were relegated as b-sides in her memoirs. All that's ever been said is that the were deemed too urban to be included on their perspective albums. We all know Slipping Away wasn't included on Daydream because it addressed the martial discord between her and Tommy.
(Wednesday 13 March 2019; 00:23)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,499) (88,521) by B from USA
I did and I do. In 1997 I had managed to collect every cd single Mariah had released in the US however I lost all of them in a house fire. After sharing this story a special member of this board kindly sent me his collection of cd singles and completed my collection again. However, in October I had to move because of an electrical fire and all of cds are in storage. He's a kind soul who I will not name because I would hate for someone to take advantage of his kindness and generosity.
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 21:53)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,504) (88,520) by B from USA
It was released as the b-side of Hero so the majority of US fans heard it the day the Hero single was released since we always rushed to the records stores to purchase Mariah's singles like they were albums, lol.
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 21:30)
Water your thoughts: leave Mariah alone (88,519) by B from USA
I love this article. I recently watched Mariah's appearance on Lettermam from 1994 when she sang Anytime You Need A Friend. During her interview she mentions how cold it is in the studio and how the cold affects the voice which I plan on using this Christmas when my friends troll my Facebook page with her Rockefeller performance.
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 21:14)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,491) (88,496) by B from USA
I prefer Do You Think Of Me. Does anyone have an mp3 of that song and Slipping Away? My nephew fired my laptop and I unfortunately didn't save either to my tablet or phone.
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 01:25)
Re: Impressed with Caution (88,479) (88,490) by B from USA
Because money is now made from touring not record sales.
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 00:00)
Re: Have lunch with Mariah's former manager (88,484) (88,489) by B from USA
What the [censored]? Are you serious? Is this real life?
(Monday 11 March 2019; 23:58)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,477) (88,482) by B from USA
Does anyone know when EFA was published? If it was published in 1990 or 1991 it confirms my theory fhat it was an unused song from Emotions.
(Monday 11 March 2019; 18:33)
Re: A No No single art? (88,476) (88,481) by B from USA
The cover will probably feature Mariah and the featured artist or artists.
(Monday 11 March 2019; 18:30)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,473) (88,477) by B from USA
Something we finally agree on. It's too urban to be included on Music Box. I used to think it was an unfinished or unused song from Emotions.
(Monday 11 March 2019; 16:52)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,465) (88,472) by B from USA
I can't imagine Music Box not ending with All I've Ever Wanted.
(Monday 11 March 2019; 00:05)
Re: A No No (88,457) (88,463) by B from USA
The eyeroll moment that GMA turned into a meme already went viral on Twitter and so has several others. Say what you want to about Mariah not understanding the current landscape of the industry but she knows how to create a memeable moment, lol.
(Sunday 10 March 2019; 14:35)
Re: A No No high notes (88,392) (88,456) by B from USA
If you think Mariah had to digitally alter those whistles watch this.
(Sunday 10 March 2019; 03:49)
Re: Caution (88,441) (88,455) by B from USA
You've only listened to the album, from start to finish, only once? I'm glad your not a music critic. What did you mean when you wrote Caution is "the best version of what it could be. Or wants to be." Caution is Mariah Carey making the album she wanted to make while keeping her vast and varied fanbase in mind. She not only has to cater to fans from the 90's and mid aughts but also has to appeal to mainstream R&B which she managed do to effortlessly on Caution.
(Sunday 10 March 2019; 03:34)
Re: Caution (88,444) (88,454) by B from USA
Mariah releases her best album in years and her fans don't like it. Well not her fans just members of this board. Go to Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube and read the comments and you'll notice that most of them are people saying they can't believe they ever doubted her and praising the album especially GTFO, Caution, Giving Me Life, 8th Grade, and One Mo Gen. Andy, darling you make this place miserable but I decided that leaving because you returned which everyone knew was coming gives you power over me and I'll never do that. Yes, I read your messages because someone has to call you out on your bs. By the way, A No No has over a million views on YouTube and is still trending and it has been streamed over 100,000 times on Spotify today alone.
(Sunday 10 March 2019; 03:23)
Re: Remix coming (88,437) (88,443) by B from USA
But I'm delusional, smh.
(Sunday 10 March 2019; 00:30)
Re: A No No video review (88,420) (88,430) by B from USA
I wanted Mariah acting like Ava Gabor in Green Acres. Moving the lawn in a pair of Louboutin's and during the second verse on an island dressed up like Ginger from Gilligan's Island, but we don't always get what we want. It's currently trending at #13 on YouTube.
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 14:14)


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