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About Pau from Mexico:

Why "One Sweet Day" is not a timeless classic? (63,199) by Pau from Mexico
Hi guys. Well I just came across this video on YouTube: Do teens know 90's music? Uploaded in april 2015 and has 13+ million views. If you are not familiar with this channel, they have 10 teens identifying songs and artists from an specific decade. If you go to 4:45 you'll see when One Sweet Day starts and none of the 10 kids identify the song by the end of it. Only four of them identify Mariah even though they don't know the song or listen to her, but they recognized her voice. I know it is not a representative sample, but it does say something. I'm 26 and before I became a fan I've never heard OSD, which is not the case with other MC's songs. I think it is sad OSD didn't became a timeless classic when I believe it was a sure thing, especially considering it's the longest running number one song and it is so relatable. After such success, I wonder why MC or her team never saw the opportunity to make it an anthem, to be played in special ceremonies, homages, etc. Right now, OSD has the record, yes, but the new generations are totally unaware of its existence.

(Friday 10 June 2016; 5:15)
Why we love big voices (63,182) by Pau from Mexico
This is the kind of articles we'll read in next years (2020's and so on). The media will have to compare the new upcoming artists, so they'll need to be objective and compare them to the female legends. MC's name will come up and all the negative stuff will be forgotten, they will praise her voice and even her songwriting skills. We all know Aretha Franklin has her own diva antics, but who cares? She is in her 70's and when you talk about her and somebody in the conversation doesn't know her you just start singing "Respect" and they go "Oh yes, I know her. I love that song." In 10 years somebody will start singing "Without you" or AIWFCIY and they'll say the same thing.
(Thursday 9 June 2016; 21:53)
China and South America (62,866) by Pau from Mexico
MC said in her interview with Kelly and Michael in her own words: "I'm going to China as well later on in the year and South America." That sounded very official to me and now I'm freaking out because I'm afraid she is only going to Brazil. I think that if she was considering Mexico, she would say "Latin America" and not South America only. What do you guys think? Mexican lambs, let's all pray Stella has little geographic knowledge and Mexico for her is South America too.
(Monday 30 May 2016; 22:38)
MC and JD (62,324) by Pau from Mexico
This is incredible news. Anyone? Lol. I'm sorry but I thought their friendship was over and I'm very happy to see that it's not and probably this dinner means they are going to start working soon. Also, it's so nice to see Mariah without the Bulochnikovs. I suppose it would be very awkward to have JD and Stella together. They are so different, JD is all about music and Stella is just TV and "fake reality" shows. JD has been there since 1995 and Stella since 2015. I agree that we should not care so much of what she decides to sing and who she hangs around with, but c'mon, it's not healthy to be surrounded by the same people all the time. I do believe MC's team is doing a good job, but musically speaking she needs JD and true musicians. This is a sign that Mariah gets it too, no matter how good Stella can be, how hardworker, etc, she has no experience in music, so she is of no use in the studio really.
(Wednesday 18 May 2016; 4:14)
Re: Insta (59,899) (59,917) by Pau from Mexico
I have something to share with you guys. I decided to leave a comment at Stella's instagram in the picture that she uploaded with Mariah. I believe it is the only way one can make sure somebody reads our good wishes. So, I wrote something about how amazing they look in the picture (MC of course looks more stunning), wishing them good luck for next month and asked Stella if there's any chance we can have a "Sweet Sweet Fantasy Latin American Tour". She erased it. It's the second time she erases one of my messages, the first time is when MC performed at Israel last year and I wrote something like "please please come to Mexico". Funny thing, the messages where I don't mention anything about coming to Latin America are still in her account. I don't understand why she erases them, but I hope it doesn't mean she just doesn't care about this specific region or doesn't want to get this type of suggestions.
(Monday 22 February 2016; 5:04)
Latin America tour? (58,422) by Pau from Mexico
Ok, so MC is gonna be almost everywhere in Europe next year. I mean, she is going to Luxembourg and South Africa. From this exact moment I'm gonna start wishing for a first-ever Latin America tour, do you think it could be possible? Anyone is invited to join vibes and maybe if our wishes are strong enough, MC will do a tour in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina etc.
(Monday 14 December 2015; 20:23)
Re: Steve Harvey (58,178) (58,181) by Pau from Mexico
I just watched the interview too and it is just weird how watching the whole program without the editing changed 100% my opinion about her stiffness and awkwardness. Mariah appeared with a very down to earth and likeable attitude. She looked calm and mature, and I'd say somehow careful with her responses but still being honest. The interview was really well thought and scripted, seemed like a favor from Steve to MC and from her to him. I'm really impressed, her publicist and Stella are really doing their work.
(Thursday 3 December 2015; 10:23)
Queen of Christmas (58,144) by Pau from Mexico
MC is rocking the numbers. Not only in iTunes as some other Lambs have been informing us. If you check Spotify, you'll see how she is scaling up the Global Top 200 chart. At the end of October she had 3,588,020 monthly listeners, was ranked in the 198th place in the world and had 726,395 followers. Today she has 6,121,113 monthly listeners, ranks 76th in the world and has 750,096 followers. On November 21 she appeared for the first time in the Global Top 200 chart in the 192th place with AIFCIY and she closed yesterday with 687,408 streams in 43th place. I guess we are going to see MC go even higher in that chart. Also, her views in YouTube have increased from a daily average of 850,000 in October to 1,540,429 in the last 7 days. Surely her average is going to increase during December, best proof is that yesterday (11/30) she achieved 1,945,109 views. There's no doubt Mariah is the queen of Christmas with this numbers. Although, as a fan, it is a little bit sad to think that in a month she is going to drop in the charts until next year. I really hope she'll perform in the Rockefeller Tree Lightning tomorrow, if she wants to be the queen, then she should go.
(Tuesday 1 December 2015; 22:38)
Re: I mean no offence, but... (57,982) (57,985) by Pau from Mexico
I mean no offense to you either but are we really going back with this topic about the antidepressants? And Morgan? We generally jump into assumptions of what is going on with MC: her love life, health, feelings, lyrics, etc. We can’t help it, but unless we are part of her entourage or she talks about it openly, we will never know for sure. I've read that in an interview if she talks too much and is in a hyper mood it is because she is drunk (promotion of MIAMTEC), and now if this year she is reserved and taking care of what she says she is taking antidepressants? Then again it is just my way of thinking, but I truly believe there is a strategy behind her answers and behavior. She has a huge team working for her checking all the little details, all in order to ensure her success.
(Thursday 26 November 2015; 2:55)
Touch My Body - 100M Vevo certified (after 1 week) (57,857) by Pau from Mexico
Exactly a week ago, I posted that the TMB YouTube video had 94,474,627 views and asked all the lambily to watch it every now and then to achieve what would be MC's 3rd Vevo certification. You want to know how the lambily did? At the moment, the video has 94,883,950 views so it had a growth of 409,323 views in 7 days. If this pace remains constant, MC would get the certification in 12.7 weeks and that would be in mid February 2016. Do you imagine how cool would that be? To get the 100M in the middle of her Vegas run. If you guys want to know more about MC's YouTube statistics, go to this link and check how she is doing in total views, views per week, subscriptions, etc. You cannot know the growth per video, the website only gives you the average change of her 133 videos, and even gives you projections. In the last 60 days she had an average of 1,060,169 views per day, which I believe is too low, although I reckon it has been increasing little by little and we could get to make it go even higher.
(Wednesday 18 November 2015; 7:37)
Touch My Body - 100M Vevo Certified (57,752) by Pau from Mexico
Don't forget to watch every now and the TMB music video. At the moment, it has 94,474,627 views and it would be MC's 3rd VEVO Certified award. The views this video is getting is amazing, it gets around 500,000 per week. We really need to watch more often MC's videos and share them. Eminem has 5 billion views and 22 VEVO Certifications while MC hit 1 billion views a year ago and only has 2 VEVO Certifications. She is not even in the top 20 of most viewed artists.
(Wednesday 11 November 2015; 9:35)
Re: Social media (57,723) (57,751) by Pau from Mexico
I also agree on this topic. MC is not taking advantage of her social media, when is the best way to keep yourself relevant and to maintain contact with your fans. As an international superstar, this should be important. Also, it is the best marketing you can get, considering it's for free, it's always available and it can get viral. MC's new strategy is very good with the GOW ads, AIWFCIY book, Hallmark movie, Christmas concerts, MAC lipstick, and participating in The Lego Movie. With the GOW ads, book and movies she will get a new generation to get to know her. I can see how she is trying to reach a new audience, but in my opinion these efforts should be supported with what she's known for: her music. As she says: first and foremost she is a singer and songwriter. She's definitely working in her consolidation in the top of mind awareness as the queen of Christmas. Which I believe it's fantastic and was thought through very well. I was thinking and I'd like to propose an idea: We could try to write to Stella. She is very active on Instagram, so we could just write to her, very politely, our suggestions/ideas about MCs social media. I've seen how she and Kris Buckle erase hate comments in the pictures they upload with MC, so she does read the comments and maybe she could take into consideration what we think.
(Wednesday 11 November 2015; 9:16)
ET Halloween interview (57,611) by Pau from Mexico
I just watched the interview MC gave to ET at her Halloween party and I believe it is so awesome MC invited Nick. Even though what happened between them she has the maturity to do the best for Roc and Roe. I am sure we all can agree that the reunion happened because she wanted it and that says a lot about her values and of course as the type of mom she whats to be. Also, I was wondering if anyone else thinks her voice in the interview sounds like she has a soar throat. I hope she can rest her vocals and take lots of care. I mean, December will be her moment, and although we acknowledge her greatness, deep inside we all want her to have a mini come back. I sure want her to make all the people that judged her last year after the Rockefeller situation regret what they said.
(Tuesday 3 November 2015; 5:43)
Thank you Mariah Carey (57,415) by Pau from Mexico
Hello everyone, this is my first post in MC Archives. I became part of the lambily a few months ago when I listened to MC's music for the first time in May. I'm from Mexico, 25 years old, second language is English, and I have listened to music from English speaking countries since forever. I must confess I cannot believe I grew up ignoring a living legend and I wonder why Sony never promoted an amazing artist as her in Mexico, because we do listen to American music. I could write a huge list with dozens of artists that are well known here, and even have done concerts in Mexico. Just focusing on the main top pop acts: in less than a month Sam Smith and Ariana Grande came to Mexico City and Beyonce, Katy Perry, Madonna, Lady Gaga (to keep the list short) came in 2014 - Madonna comes back in January, though. Mexico is well know as the "door to Latin-American music market" and its own 120 million people market is not bad either. So, why has she never looked at Mexico as a potential market? Especially in the 90s when she was in her 20s. In Latin America she's never visited another country besides Brazil for a promotional tour more than once. She came to Mexico for Charmbracelet and went to Argentina for Rainbow but it was for a day or two, so could you really count those? What about concerts? Just in Brazil and every 10 years. As a new lamb, it is very disappointing to realize she is not appreciated in the latin world, not even in Christmas time. MC is known just for her relation with Luis Miguel, and maybe a couple of songs like Without You and WBT, maybe TMB. Last week I found a parody on Youtube from one Mexican TV show (very important one), the parody is from a bad experience with her when they interviewed her in Rainbow era. MC was rude, purposely "falling asleep" in the middle of the interview, and answering with mono syllables - of course I don't judge her for one interview from more than 15 years ago knowing that era was very exhausting for her, but every time they mention her (if they ever), there will be a reference of "Mariah Scary" as they started calling her. (Yes the interviewer is still on the program.) During the last months I changed my normal readings (politics, social sciences, history) for MC material. I committed to my research (lol) and I read hundreds of articles, watched her music videos, interviews, tours, TV specials, speeches, and any material that is available on the Internet. I even read a high amount of the articles from 1990 until 2015 on this website. With my research I did my best to catch up for the last 25 years and I must say that I am so impressed by her. The only thing that kept me reading and looking for more was her. She is the first singer I admire and in order to understand her legacy I had to study more about the music industry, which has never attracted me before. Now I cannot stop reading about music, its industry, its development and its business model, oh. And I can't stop listening to all the incredible singers I'm discovering every day. I really have to thank her for that because for the first time of my life I'm enjoying the music because I now understand its beautifulness and its important cultural value. Also, I am always looking up to strong, independent and successful women like her. To me, as ambitious as I am, it was amazing to have found this new role model as Mariah Carey. I find her so interesting and inspirational. Actually, I decided to use MC as a role model for young girls in my NGO along with the rest of the profiles from different industries I have chosen. Mariah Carey is definitely a role model and has a story worth telling and to look up to for all women. I also find very interesting the comparison between her and Beyonce, two of the most succesful American female artist of the last decades, one from the 90s and other from the 2000s, their backgrounds naturally determined their personalities and professional decisions, but the generation difference (Gen X vs Gen Y) is worth writing an article just for fun because the mark these amazing women are leaving are very different. Sometimes when I read the messageboard I'm happy to find out new things about MC from interviews that are not available on the internet, so thank you to all of you, Lambily, for those interesting contributions. I'm sorry for the length of this message, but I really want to be part of this community and I thought for my first comment it wouldn't be that bad. Saludos a todos desde México.
(Tuesday 20 October 2015; 8:10)
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