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About Dove from United States:

Re: Lizzo (92,810) (92,811) by Dove from United States
I didn't say she needed to but she probably will. They all do. I think Lizzo carries her weight well and still looks hot. Maybe because she feels comfortable and owns it.

Honestly, I have issues with my own weight so I assume everyone else does too. Maybe I'm projecting. After my divorce from my first husband I was super depressed watching Netflix and eating a lot of take out. I got up to a size 14 (I'm only 5'3) and took a cab down to Tijuana to get the sleeve then a tummy tuck a year later. My first husband would always comment on how fat I was when I was married to him (even though I wasn't that overweight back then) and when I was a kid, whenever I gained too much weight, my mom would put me on a "diet" where she wouldn't call me down for dinner. So whatever mean comments I may make are rooted in self-hate.
(Wednesday 12 February 2020; 00:53)
Lizzo (92,806) by Dove from United States
Honestly, even though she's overweight, her face is still very pretty. I'm sure she'll get the sleeve and be thin in a few years.
(Tuesday 11 February 2020; 10:41)
Vocal decline (92,805) by Dove from United States
I don't think it would be for the fans. It's more for people who watch performances like this one and write stories and air it in the news that she can't sing anymore.

I haven't heard anyone call her crazy since she said she was bipolar. Nobody talks about Wendy Williams or Sharon Osbourne's botox and plastic surgery because they talk about it first. If they do, it doesn't matter because it's already out there. They're not ashamed of it so it can't be used to shame them.

I remember MC did address it in a special for E. She went to a doctor about her nodules but that was a long time ago and people probably don't remember. It was around The Emancipation of Mimi. She was wearing a plaid skirt, a pink or yellow shirt, and a sweater around her shoulders - preppy style.

I personally don't care because I know she can still deliver but maybe it would be beneficial if she addressed it and just explained that her voice is fragile and sometimes doesn't cooperate. Or whatever the issue is. I think the general public would be more compassionate if they knew what was going on.

Regarding touring, if she's making money and still likes doing it then she should keep doing it. I already saw her a few times so the selfish me wants her to stop and get working on some new music but ultimately it's about what's most beneficial to her.
(Tuesday 11 February 2020; 10:27)
Re: Jessica Simpson (92,799) (92,804) by Dove from United States
I think I said there are exceptions. If I didn't I meant to.
(Tuesday 11 February 2020; 10:08)
My Valentine (92,795) by Dove from United States
I just watched My Valentine on Hulu. "A pop singer's artistic identity is stolen by her ex-boyfriend/manager and shamelessly pasted onto his new girlfriend/protege." It's like Hulu's version of Black Mirror. Kinda Twilight Zone meets Lifetime. Anyway, I guess it's supposed to be about the YouTubers Poppy and Mars Argo but it reminded me of Mariah, especially with all the bisexual lighting. The fans from "the board" reminded me of us lol.
(Tuesday 11 February 2020; 06:02)
Re: Jessica Simpson (92,789) (92,793) by Dove from United States
I agree with you. When she was popular during Newlyweds I bought all of her albums and DVD's - I really wanted to like them, because I liked her, but I just didn't - except for a few songs.

At first in the book she goes on and on about Nick so I thought, "What the heck, is she still in love with the guy?" because she was only saying nice (magical) things but then she got to the part where their marriage fell apart and that was really honest. She even admitted that she was in love with Jonny Knoxville during the last season of Newlyweds. Then a few more things happened then she got to the part where she met Eric. I was surprised she admitted that she "did the deed" with Eric the first time they met. When she talks about her relationship with Eric, it seems like a more grown up relationship, like they actually talk about things and he respects her opinion. The love seems different. It seems like he really loves her for her, flaws and all. I mean he must if she can openly talk about all this stuff in the book while still married to him. It must be a secure relationship if he doesn't feel threatened or jealous by her past.

I don't think Mariah's book is going to be this honest. it's not her brand. She won't even admit her age. When she was on Andy Cohen he asked her about Jeter and she said, "He just got married, why are we still talking about this?" So I don't think we're getting any stories about her important relationships. I know she sees it as being respectful but a biography is supposed to talk about all the significant things that happened in your life. I mean I'll still read it but I'm not expecting anything we don't already know.
(Tuesday 11 February 2020; 05:05)
Re: Vocal decline (92,788) (92,790) by Dove from United States
When you put it that way, I get it.
(Monday 10 February 2020; 16:33)
Vocal decline (92,787) by Dove from United States
I don't get why it's so important to some people that she address her vocal decline. I don't care about that at all. She already gave us years of flawless vocals, anything else she gives is a bonus for me. Do we really expect people to sing as well as they did when they were 20 forever? Vocal decline is expected. Why do we have to talk about it?
(Monday 10 February 2020; 09:16)
Jessica Simpson's book (92,779) by Dove from United States
I just finished listening to it and I really enjoyed it. She's so open. At the end of the audiobook she includes some new songs and her voice doesn't sound as annoying or sexualized like on her Christmas songs. I actually liked them. I'm glad Jessica is doing well and it was nice to catch up with her. I felt like I knew her from Newlyweds.

I hope Mariah's book has an audiobook version read by her too. I really enjoy her speaking voice.
(Sunday 9 February 2020; 15:52)
Re: Jessica Simpson (92,757) (92,759) by Dove from United States
Regarding my last post about Jessica Simpson. I'm not saying it's right. I don't make the rules I just observe them. If it wasn't true Meghan Trainer would be way more famous than Camilla Cabello or Selena Gomez.
(Friday 7 February 2020; 11:34)
Jessica Simpson (92,757) by Dove from United States
I think Jessica Simpson is pretty and funny, I love her clothes and shoes, I have Newlyweds on DVD and the wedding book she came out with when she got married to Nick - but I've never liked her singing. In Spanish she's what you call "mamona". Sorry to be crude but this is the only way I can think to describe it: when she sings she sounds like someone's having sex with her. It's especially bad in her Christmas songs.

About the pressure to lose 15 pounds: if you want to be that kind of famous, and popular among young people, you pretty much have to look good and be fit. You have to be a dream girl. It's what the public wants. Marilyn Monroe used to endure as many colonic irrigations as she could to stay thin. They all go through it. But you're making tons of money and this is your job so get a chef and a trainer. It was her choice to go about it in an unhealthy way.

I do think the audience grows more forgiving as they grow older with you though. If you think about people who have been super A list famous in the last 40 years, they're for the most part out of this world, breathtakingly beautiful.
(Friday 7 February 2020; 08:22)
Re: Superbowl set list (92,739) (92,756) by Dove from United States
I know you're joking but I love all of those songs so I actually love it.
(Friday 7 February 2020; 07:57)
Re: Superbowl Halftime Show (92,742) (92,746) by Dove from United States
I caught that too. Just didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure if I was seeing things due to my bias.
(Thursday 6 February 2020; 17:27)
Re: Breakdown video (92,706) (92,719) by Dove from United States
I remember in 9th grade I used to do my makeup exactly like the first picture with the gold eyeshadow all the way up to my eyebrows. (Not for school but for parties.) I wanted to be like MC so bad.
(Tuesday 4 February 2020; 01:57)
Superbowl halftime show (92,718) by Dove from United States
I watched for Shakira because I'm a fan but I actually thought the whole thing was good. Nobody can accuse Jennifer of not trying. She takes what she has and makes the most of it.

I don't think it's necessary for Mariah to perform at the Superbowl. She's not really that type of artist and I don't think she wants to be. Her strengths lie more in songwriting, singing, and in making studio albums. Fans and future fans would like having visual content but she could just record her Vegas shows and use the best performances. And dig in the vault for hidden treasures from the past.

What I really want from her right now is new albums, a few concert movies (a newer songs one and one with great performances from the past). And one or two more number ones please.
(Tuesday 4 February 2020; 01:53)
BTS (92,679) by Dove from United States
I just saw an article on BuzzFeed about how the BTS fans donated to a charity James Cordon supports because they appreciated that he was a good host to them when they went on his show. According to the article they do this a lot, sometimes "just because". It would be neat if the Lambily organized something like that. Maybe for her birthday we could donate to The Fresh Air Fund or Save the Music. I'm not on any social media anymore, so I can't do it, but maybe somebody who has a lot of Mariah fan followers can suggest it? Just an idea.
(Friday 31 January 2020; 14:56)
Re: Iconic photoshoots (92,668) (92,678) by Dove from United States
From those you listed, I like the Butterfly photos the best.
(Friday 31 January 2020; 14:52)
Dolly Parton challenging (92,651) by Dove from United States
I love it. It's so funny.
(Tuesday 28 January 2020; 23:33)
Billie and Finneas (92,643) by Dove from United States
I had only heard Bad Guy but I've been listening to more of their songs today and I'm quickly becoming a fan. They're giving me hope for the future of music.

I just had a Devil Got My Woman moment (from the movie Ghost World) with the Grammy performance of Billie Eilish singing When the Party's Over. I think I've listened to it for about four hours straight on repeat. It spoke to my soul. I know this is a Mariah Carey fansite but I feel like I need to share my experience. I'm impressed at how young she and her brother are and they have these deep songs that describe exactly how I've felt at certain times in my life. A lot of songs by young people today are superficial, or try too hard, or are generic, or seem calculated but these songs are so good IMO. I hope they continue to evolve. I'm excited to see where their musical journey takes them.
(Tuesday 28 January 2020; 02:19)
Re: Billie and Finneas (92,629) (92,631) by Dove from United States
Sometimes I listen to the radio, just to see what's new, and I actually like the Billie Eilish song that won SOTY. I don't like the words but I like how it sounds. I don't change the station when it comes on.
(Monday 27 January 2020; 16:06)
Re: The Marammys (92,547) (92,550) by Dove from United States
I love a list. Right off the top of my head:

Album (of the career): Daydream
Ballad: Lead the Way
Up-Tempo: Fantasy
Mid-Tempo: Make it Look Good (I think that's mid-tempo? If not, then #Beautiful.)
Cover: Heavenly (No Ways Tired/Can't Give Up Now)
Rare: There For Me
Lyrical: The Roof
Christmas: All I Want For Christmas Is You
Duet/Feature: One Sweet Day
Live Performance: Without You (Tokyo Dome)
(Thursday 23 January 2020; 00:03)
Re: Some dirt (92,510) (92,519) by Dove from United States
Wow, that's crazy. I'm sure stuff like that really does happen, though, because there is a lot of money at stake. They probably do pay "influencers" to sway people into thinking things are good or bad. Maybe they even go into fan forums and comment sections and post negative comments about every single little thing artists do to try to turn the tide. And it goes both ways.

I hate trash talking but the prime example that comes to mind is Jennifer Lopez. Nobody has anything bad to say about her on shows, even Wendy Williams who talks crap about everyone has nothing negative to say about her. Jennifer looks good; has beautiful clothes; and great production in her performances, songs, and videos; but she's not an exceptionally talented singer, songwriter, dancer, actress, or anything. It makes me wonder why she's so exalted. She plays the exact same character in every role and her singing is cringeworthy. There has got to be some money exchanging hands for all this positive press she gets.

After I finished writing my last post I went and watched Jennifer Lopez when she was on The Wendy Williams show and she actually does seem like a nice, humble person so I can see why people like her. I really do feel bad for hating on her but at least I don't do it on a Jennifer Lopez fan forum.

I love Mariah as an artist and as a person. She's been a part of my life since 1990 when I was 6 or 7 years old. Sometimes she does things I don't love (I Don't video) but eventually I end up appreciating it because I love her. To me all of her albums are timeless masterpieces. That's why I come here.

Sidenote: I love Mariah's hair the way it is right now. Please don't change it.
(Tuesday 21 January 2020; 02:15)
Butterfly vs Caution (92,516) by Dove from United States
Butterfly is definitely more poetic than Caution but Caution is great too, in its own way. Mariah doesn't make bad albums. I agree that the songs are about Bryan, Stella, and Packer. I don't even think the Packer thing was even real, in hindsight. He was the rebound guy and he looked good on paper but I doubt she was ever really in love with him.

On The Art of Letting Go, I like how parts are kinda clunky. I feel like when you're angry and emotional your thoughts are kinda clunky and jumbled. I thought it was pretty genius that she made it that way.
(Tuesday 21 January 2020; 01:03)
Walter Afanasieff (92,490) by Dove from United States
He probably hasn't congratulated her because whenever he mentions her name some of the Lambily jumps on him like he's the worst villain ever. Just like they did to Tommy when he congratulated MC when AIWFCIY hit number one. These are rich, grown men with their own lives to live. They don't need all that drama.
(Monday 20 January 2020; 05:03)
8th Grade (92,453) by Dove from United States
Speaking of 8th Grade, has anyone watched this movie? It captures the feeling I think Mariah is singing about.
(Sunday 19 January 2020; 01:33)


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