
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Dusty and desperate (81,914) by Marissa from USA
"I can't even know what to say." Honestly, I'm surprised it even took this long for Dusty to start lashing out. I feel bad to say it because she can't change the past but Mariah should've known better. Dusty was venomous to anyone who she felt crossed her, but Mariah appeared to believe that she would be the exception. Who knows, Dusty may have a case unfortunately. The thing is that Mariah brought the wrong woman into her boundary-less life. She probably did see Mariah nude or dangerously close but in their "sister wives" world it's likely that she stopped looking at Dusty as an employee but as a "friend" instead. I'm sure when it comes to employment laws, Mariah's arrangement for employees to be substitute friends and family members would probably have her breaking quite a few. We all know that Dusty doesn't really care about this issue, but what I find problematic is why she can't just be grateful for the life that Mariah provided for her. How many employers let you and your children live with them, ignore their fans' misery to keep you around, be late to shows to celebrate your birthday, hire your child who was not competent at her job, etc.? She's just coming across as bitter and ungrateful. She knows that she'll never get an opportunity like that again and doesn't want to accept that.
(Tuesday 17 April 2018; 01:08)
God bless her (81,770) by Marissa from USA
I decided to check Mariah's Instagram today even though I know she's been kinda MIA lately. I open it up and the first thing I see is the People cover discussing bipolar disorder. I was so shocked that before I clicked on it I thought she was posting it to slam it as gossip or a lie and warn people not to believe it. I just couldn't imagine Mariah being willing to admit that. I'm so proud of her for telling the truth. It was very obvious for years, but I think people just wrote her off as a crazy, unreasonable diva who's always doing the most for no reason. Now so many things make more sense. I really admire her bravery to cut ties with her toxic team, get to a more stable place in life and finally reveal the truth. Hopefully this will open doors for a new blessed, prosperous chapter in her life.
(Wednesday 11 April 2018; 21:59)
Mariah's most inspiring song (80,620) by Marissa from USA
I was listening to Can't Take That Away today and felt so incredibly empowered by the lyrics in that song especially with dealing with negative energy at work. I think they are the most inspiring lyrics she's ever written. I wish that song was more commercially successful and well-known because it could truly help heal and strengthen a lot of people. What do you think is Mariah's most inspiring song?
(Thursday 25 January 2018; 03:57)
Lack of creativity or lack of care (80,545) by Marissa from USA
I don't think Mariah's creativity is gone as much as it's been the issue of her throwing at her recent music and not having the passion that she used to. I don't think "I Don't", "Infamous" or "Infinity" were examples of Mariah really busting her behind to make a hit and failing, I just think she made them halfheartedly out of boredom and it showed. The issue is what is Mariah passionate about at this point in her life? I don't believe that this woman went from having all platinum and diamond albums and #1 hits to completely losing her music ear and only being capable of putting out mediocrity. That can't be it. The issue is lack of passion, not talent. The question is does she feel strongly about anything? What is she doing to stay grounded and connected with the common humanity that she shares with all people? If the answer is nothing, that will be reflected in the music. I don't know exactly where her head is at, but I'm hoping that her simplifying her life and cutting out toxic influences has/will help her to find what's important again in life and put that in the music. I found the fact that she wrote something as meaningful as "The Star" during the nightmare era pleasantly surprising so maybe she actually will deliver the meaningful songs that we want this time around.
(Monday 22 January 2018; 00:00)
Accidental blasphemy (80,467) by Marissa from USA
I didn't realize that Christina Aguilera had an album called "The Lotus". I only know like 5 of her songs max so I haven't kept up. I just committed blasphemy and didn't even know it. Regardless, I still love the meaning but now I know for a fact that it will never happen lol.
(Thursday 18 January 2018; 19:37)
Don't speak her into existence (80,465) by Marissa from USA
If we don't have photos or documents as proof of Stella and Mariah reunited, can you all please not play with my blood pressure and happiness? Mariah is capable of crazy antics as well. Every time something "less than smart" happens in her life doesn't mean that Stella is lurking around in the shadows.
(Thursday 18 January 2018; 18:54)
New album title ideas (80,444) by Marissa from USA
Since we're on the topic of a new album, what would you like her to name it? I've heard "The Vindication of Mimi" from several people but I think it's too cheesy and too obvious of a play on TEOM. I'm thinking something like "The Lotus" which represents a flower that emerges from a dirty, muddy environment and rises to the surface unscathed.
(Wednesday 17 January 2018; 22:54)
Re: Will we ever see a new album? (80,396) (80,402) by Marissa from USA
I'm content with the body of work Mariah's put out. If it's not going to be revolutionary, I'm not interested in a new album. I've been so traumatized by the mediocre or plain bad songs that she has put out recently that I don't want new music just for the sake of getting new music. I'm tired of songs that I have to listen to 5 times in order to like it, and even then a part of me is still forcing myself just because it's Mariah. If she doesn't start dropping some songs that at least have a chance of getting into the top 10 (without lambs having to sit at their computer and stream it 96 times in one day in order for it to happen), I'm not interested. I'd rather hear an old masterpiece than a new throwaway song or album.
(Friday 12 January 2018; 20:05)
Re: New Mariah (80,326) (80,331) by Marissa from USA
Oops, I meant presenting at the Golden Globes, but it would be great to see her at the Oscars too.
(Tuesday 9 January 2018; 03:16)
Re: New Mariah (80,325) (80,326) by Marissa from USA
You made some excellent points. I also love how active the new team is at spreading positivity. So far the main things I've heard about her are the Golden Globe nomination, presenting at the Oscars, creating a new word ("linner"), having the courage to do NYE again, dressing well, etc. All of these positive changes to me really highlight how much the nightmare era team were way out of their league with working with someone like Mariah. All of these positive changes are actually just the bare minimum that a legend needs. It's amazing to me how no one thought to do any of these things for the past 2 years when half of the changes the new team has made have been simple common sense. A great stylist, hairdresser, PR person, manager, etc. are basics. As long as this team keeps up the good work, I hope they are around for a long (caps) time to come. It's so wonderful to no longer deal with daily non-stories from Gossip Cop, hourly Nobu sightings, and Celine bags that were big enough to hide spellbooks, a cauldron as well as a family of 5 in. Every day is so exciting to see what's coming up next for her. I'm feeling refreshed and happy to be a lamb.
(Tuesday 9 January 2018; 00:55)
Thank you Jesus (80,188) by Marissa from USA
She's been vindicated. Point blank period. She sounded wonderful, and especially slayed Hero. Can't sing who? Vocals on point even during 9 degree weather. Happy New Year lambily. Hopefully this great performance is a sign that we all will have a great year.
(Monday 1 January 2018; 08:50)
Re: What songs should she perform? (80,088) (80,092) by Marissa from USA
My top three are It's Like That, Dreamlover and Make It Happen. ILT always gets the party started, Dreamlover is a fan favorite that isn't performed as much as the others so it would be more refreshing to hear and MIH is upbeat and inspiring. My top three that I do not want to hear are WBT (too miserable to bring in the New Year to), Hero, and Honey. (I'm traumatized by the frozen performance she gave at the VH1 Hip Hop Honors. I need a break lol.)
(Wednesday 27 December 2017; 02:33)
Re: Take 2 (80,004) (80,012) by Marissa from USA
I am so (caps) here for this announcement. First I was in shock and skeptical, but the more I started to think about it, the more I love it. I could be wrong but I see this move as her lowkey sticking it to Stella as well. She's about to show how a real team would handle the exact same situation. In fact I think a lot of her moves now are at least somewhat motivated by the desire to highlight how much Stella was f***ing up on even the basics. She's bounced back way too quickly for there not to be something extra lighting a fire under her behind. I feel like she has something to prove, but she's using that energy skillfully and constructively this time. I agree that this team is challenging Mariah to step out of her comfort zone and get all that she can get. They're finding that balance between letting her be lazy (the 2014 and prior team) and pushing her too hard (the nightmare squad 2015-2017).
(Saturday 23 December 2017; 01:24)
Re: 3rd Christmas album (79,927) (79,936) by Marissa from USA
Probably an unpopular opinion, but no. I don't think the two Christmas albums can be topped vocally (90s vocals and flawless pregnancy vocals) and she couldn't cover much because she's covered pretty much all of the notable Christmas songs already. Also, I think Mariah has to be careful with overdoing the whole "Queen of Christmas" thing. It's festive and all, but I don't want her to be seen as only being truly relevant one and a half months out of the year. I'd rather see that energy be put into a regular studio album. I'm curious to see what material she has since her whirlwind ordeal during the "nightmare era".
(Sunday 17 December 2017; 10:46)
Re: The Grinch (79,873) (79,876) by Marissa from USA
Lol, she's "big mad". We gave her so much advice to get her act together that she wouldn't have been fired had she listened instead of acting irreplaceable and untouchable. Don't get an attitude because you were stubborn. We asked and her new manager said her life is on fleek.
(Thursday 14 December 2017; 19:56)
Doing big things (79,791) by Marissa from USA
Congratulations to Mariah on her Golden Globes nomination. It would be wonderful if she won. It's great to see her bouncing back in such significant ways so quickly.
(Monday 11 December 2017; 19:36)
Re: In defence of Andrew (79,741) (79,746) by Marissa from USA
Quick question: What is the difference between being continuously "racially insensitive", never apologizing or modifying your behavior, and being racist? As a person who has experienced it, there is no difference. Everyone has said something racially insensitive out of ignorance before. What keeps me from categorizing someone as racist is if they are quickly (caps) apologetic and make an effort to modify their behavior for the better moving forward. He does neither, so that is why I have given him that label and not budged. Like I said before, this really isn't about his opinion anymore. He's not changing no matter what we say. I don't hate him and wanting someone to be held accountable does not imply hate. It's about someone who doesn't even try to adapt for the sake of the community after years of complaints and has been consistently excused. Also the phrase "offense is a choice" implies that no matter what harmful thing a person does to you, the fault lies with the victim for acknowledging that it's morally wrong. They should have just not gotten offended and everything would have been fine.
(Friday 8 December 2017; 23:13)
Re: Why are weapons formed against us prospering? (79,728) (79,740) by Marissa from USA
Thank you for your response. Andrew is not a misguided person who just needs a little correction. If that's the case, where is his apology over what he just said and the things he's said in the past? I don't even want it at this point because I know it would just be a b.s. attempt to stay on this board. He has no interest in changing, whether it's being racist or being evil towards Mariah. He doesn't even apologize for the things he says. He just disappears, posts a few neutral messages when he comes back and strikes again with his vitriol when he wants to shake things up. We have had to confront him over the same issues over and over again. When he's having attention withdrawals he says something inflammatory and cruel in order to get his needs met. Our confrontations can't help him because he doesn't want to be helped. I understand your line of thinking but we've shown him for years that the things he's said are unacceptable and quite frankly, that isn't our job. This is the Mariah Carey Archives, not the Educating Andrew Archives and he is too much of a distraction from the reason we come here: Mariah. I appreciate your promise to enforce the rules more strictly because I truly feel like we've suffered enough after years of trying to police this dude.
(Friday 8 December 2017; 19:54)
Why are weapons formed against us prospering? (79,727) by Marissa from USA
"Messages that are insulting (to Mariah, other artists or members of this messageboard) will not be posted." Has this rule ever been enforced regarding the problematic person who shall not be named? He should have been banned years ago. I've seen people confronted more harshly about grammar mistakes than his racist remarks. Just because he isn't calling people the n-word (or maybe that was censored) does not mean that he isn't racist. Racists usually use insidious and covert methods to show their views, but dodge accountability by pulling the "I didn't tell you to go back to Africa so I can't possibly be racist" card. There are many ways to show that you can't stand a group of people without actually saying it and he's shown them all. Ultimately, this isn't even about his opinion. If the rule was being enforced, I wouldn't even be burdened with knowing what his opinion is. That's the point. The fact that you have the power to end all of this and haven't makes me wonder if you agree with him and that's what's hurtful. I can visit this board and someone can be blatantly cruel to my, Mariah, Mariah's children and fans' race and get away with it with no or little protection from the person who can stop it all. Granted, I don't know how many messages he's written that haven't been posted (if any), but I know the ones that have seen the light of day are terrible. The basics that we all deserve is to have our (and Mariah's) identities off limits (race, religion, etc) from being insulted. This board doesn't have to be inhumane to be interesting. His cruelty campaign is actually one of the most predictable and boring things here. If you have no plans of banning him or blocking his messages, can you at least share why you keep him around after hundreds of complaints for years? It's like Mariah keeping Stella around at this point.
(Friday 8 December 2017; 10:15)
Undeniable receipts (79,717) by Marissa from USA
Here's a passage from an interview Mariah did with The Guardian in 2009: "'I'm a black woman who is very light skinned.' As a child, she was self-conscious of her mixed race, and it is still enough of an issue, in the US and elsewhere, that Carey is routinely accused of 'trying too hard' in one racial direction or another."
(Friday 8 December 2017; 00:02)
So happy with her progress (79,678) by Marissa from USA
I'm so proud to see Mariah making so much progress in terms of her happiness, style of dress and performing in such a short period of time. It also looks like she's spending way more time with her kids now that she doesn't have as many distractions (and y'all know who those distractions are). When you have the right people around you, things start to go in the right direction and that's what I'm seeing now. I wish her continued blessings and happiness.
(Tuesday 5 December 2017; 22:15)
Thank you Jesus once again (79,507) by Marissa from USA
I am here for this Roc Nation news. This is a relevant company that doesn't play around with their artists. Of course I am not expecting this to be a silver bullet because having the right team is only half of the battle, the other half is Mariah putting in the work, but because I know how easily influenced Mariah is by her team (for better or for worse, as we saw during the nightmare era) this could really push her in the right direction. I am excited to see what's next and proud of her for making these "money moves" lol.
(Tuesday 21 November 2017; 20:11)
Re: Article: Now what for music's ditsy-est diva? (79,239) (79,240) by Marissa from USA
You do realize that Mariah is half black right? Mariah has said a million times "if your father's black, you're black" so what does that make her? Since Mariah's aesthetic doesn't match up with what people typically envision a black/biracial person to be, she still has people attach themselves to her who would prefer to pretend that she's white/too pure for black culture because she's fair skinned. Her fanbase is full of people who compartmentalize her as a white woman and are biased against 50% of who she is. One thing that I've always respected about Mariah is that she owned that she was part black from the beginning no matter what and didn't try to "pass" as white just because she could have gotten away with it. Mariah has said herself that she is an R&B singer. Who invented R&B? Black people. The runs and riffs that everyone loved even in the beginning of her career are inspired by black singers like Aretha Franklin. It doesn't make sense to try come for the very culture that most of Mariah's sound, style and musical influences came from or acting like she isn't a part of that culture. I debated whether or not I even wanted to address this but if I don't defend my culture no one else will and comments like these will continue to be normalized and ignored.
(Monday 6 November 2017; 10:56)
Thank you Jesus (79,213) by Marissa from USA
I just had to come back to celebrate this momentous news/occasion with you all. I heard the news and this is the holiday miracle that we all wanted. Almost 3 years of longsuffering is over. Thank you Jesus. Stella/Mariah's Stella-influenced antics made me chuck up the deuces to being a lamb because I couldn't take it anymore. It seemed like an endless downward spiral that she was never going to get out of and I couldn't watch it anymore. The people that say "if you don't like the direction Mariah's going in, leave" have a point even if their intention is usually antagonistic when they're saying it. To me, there's no reward for keeping 24/7 tabs on someone you feel is chronically frustrating you. Life is too short to keep putting yourself in situations daily that you know (caps) are pissing you off. Sometimes you've just gotta take a break and come back when the coast is clear for the sake of your own happiness. Anyway, after seeing how happy and normal she looks in her latest photos and with Stella being gone, I have hope that she can pull it together. Break out the champagne everyone. After all of the atrocities we've witnessed, we've earned this celebration.
(Sunday 5 November 2017; 04:45)
Breaking point (75,481) by Marissa from USA
I've tried to refrain from commenting on Mariah for months and have tried to detach with love, but seeing this latest picture of her and Tanaka/hearing about the tweets about him sent me over the edge and I need to speak on it. Let me be clear, I think she is entitled to dating/hanging out with Tanaka again if she wants to. She can do whatever she wants in her love life, but stop dragging the fans into it by shoving it in our faces when most of us are begging you for everything but (caps) this. The same energy it takes to come up with new ways to troll her fans about her love life is the same energy she could use to actually connect with us, especially since we have been begging for years (caps) for her to listen/care about us again. Seeing that picture, I finally felt the middle finger she has been giving to us for years and I realize that it's time for me to retire as a fan. I'm tired of the only (caps) energy she directs at her fans being used to manipulate, troll, lie, sow false hope, bait and play games. There's a huge difference between going through a rough time and doing some out of character stuff and actively playing your fans for fools for your own entertainment. This isn't a phase, it's a lifestyle and as a result, being a fan has become a constant headache. If Mariah was someone broke who needed stunts to pay bills, I'd give her a break, but she's simply greedy and addicted to attention, and the attention is never at least put to a constructive use. All of this self-degradation but when is her recent music ever on the radio though? Platinum albums? Grammy noms? Throwing everyone including herself under the bus and for what? I'll check the board for a little while in case anyone responds but after that I'm letting go because keeping up with her life is frustrating and she doesn't look like she's changing any time soon. I'll always always love Mariah, but I'm not going to actively check for somebody who doesn't care about their fans, career or reputation. I'll love her from a distance. It's been real.
(Sunday 21 May 2017; 10:41)


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