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About Brad from USA: Tha Source. Biggest, Oldest Dang Lamb out there. Wrote the book on being pip and festive. He's a pro and treats others the same way. Waits for MC to reach her creative zenith and wants her to keep pushing toward that. Writes the words about it that others wish they could even know what to say.

Met Gala (102,535) by Brad from USA
I suppose if there ever was to be a time when Mariah would attend the Met Gala it might be this time around as they are honoring Karl Lagerfeld. She had a connection to him and performed at a birthday party for him. As well, she is friends with Naomi Campbell who frequently worked with him. So, we will see. The theme is "In honor of Karl".
(Tuesday 11 April 2023; 23:34)
For The Record (102,426) by Brad from USA
Whenever I hear this phrase used around me, "For the record", I always sing it back to the person and add "you oughta know". This is such a personal point of reference for me. No one understands what I am doing when I do that, but at this point in life I feel I have earned the right to do that. Needless to say, I have always loved this song.
(Thursday 30 March 2023; 21:51)
this is a reply to message 102,420
MC's former Buckhead manse (102,396) by Brad from USA
Hi. Not sure I'm allowed to post a link like this to a walk through of MC's former Buckhead manse. I like how they say "Mariah has moved back to NY." Umm, yeah thugs broke in so, yeah MC said "See ya." Anyhow, the gingham wing chairs look familiar.
(Saturday 25 March 2023; 03:05)
Chaka Khan and MCArchives (102,279) by Brad from USA
Chaka: Classless

MCArchives: I've been there for all 25. I remember being in my office 25 years ago as a very young professional and being delighted at this site. So thank you for everything over the years. Congrats. Here's to 25 more.
(Friday 3 March 2023; 07:57)
Mariah's Cookies fail (102,250) by Brad from USA
I would respectfully disagree. If she marketed them silently and no one knew that they were associated with her at all, then I would say they are for the general public. However, Mariah knows that invoking her name really is only for the lambs at this point because the general public no longer follows her career and products in any real meaningful way. Therefore, using her symbols, colors (pink yet lavender), name and sayings on stickers on the boxes, she is aiming at the lambs. And if your business model has gone from promising warm delivery to offering no delivery, then you got a problem. I frankly think all of her business ventures would do better if she was "secretly" behind the product and no one knew she was "behind it". The same thing will happen with "Black Irish". It would have done better if she was a silent partner and not had her symbol all over the bottle.
(Thursday 23 February 2023; 01:34)
this is a reply to message 102,247
Mariah's Cookies fail (102,246) by Brad from USA
It had been a minute since I last ordered Mariah's Cookies, so I thought I would order them today. To my mind, the pleasure of them wasn't just their relatively good flavors but also that they were delivered to your home and they were already warmed. Well, it seems those days are over. I used the Mariah's Cookies app to try to order for delivery in my area and delivery is no longer available. I was directed to DoorDash and I can't find them on that app either. I called the local restaurant (Bertucci's) that used to deliver them and the person indicated "yeah, technically you could come here and get them but I haven't had anyone ask for them". Bertucci's is also going out of business in my area.

Clearly, something is bust with the former business model for these cookies and they haven't exactly taken off in my area (Connecticut). Have folks had different experiences than my own? For what it's worth, even though they were costly, I enjoyed them and liked the flavors and the fact that they arrived at your front door warm.
(Tuesday 21 February 2023; 19:06)
Live at Pearl (102,224) by Brad from USA
I went to one of those shows (I think it was the second or third- gosh I can't remember at this point) but I didn't make any recordings. I had a very good seat and she was terrific. It now seems so many lifetimes ago.
(Tuesday 14 February 2023; 23:40)
this is a reply to message 102,222
Rarities re-release (102,132) by Brad from USA
Does anyone know if this will have added tracks to it or if it's the same tracks as the original release? The article I read wasn't quite clear on that point. Thanks.
(Thursday 26 January 2023; 04:31)
Butterfly (102,072) by Brad from USA
With my mother's recent passing, I think of her in the context of this song and sending someone you love on to the afterlife and hoping that world will embrace them and that one day we will join them again. It's a bit of a different take on the lyrics of this song and the song's original meaning but equally fitting in many ways, especially when your loved one has gone through so much before their eventual passing.
(Saturday 14 January 2023; 19:00)
this is a reply to message 102,071
Singer v. voice (102,030) by Brad from USA
I sense that Rolling Stone is drawing a distinct line between one's voice and the "range" of things that one's voice can do and how the singer has employed that "range" of things throughout their career. For example, James Taylor is not on said "200" list. His voice sounds nearly as pure today as it did 50 plus years ago. That said, there is a limit to the "range" of things his voice can do and how he employs his voice. Therefore, for this list, he is not on it. Please note that the use of the term "range" does not necessarily only mean hitting a high note - rather it is about inflection, effect, skill, subtly and the particular emotion conveyed. For Mariah, "range" in this sense is vast. One can look at a song like "Emotions" and compare it to "Subtle Invitation" and "We Belong Together" and "8th Grade" and "H.A.T.E.U." There is a "range" there of how the singer is using their voice in its effect and as an instrument to perform the job of the song itself. While I would generally agree that Celine Dion does not have such a "range" to the same degree as someone like Mariah, I do think she employs her "range" in a highly effective manner that likely should have placed her on said "200" list.
(Wednesday 4 January 2023; 18:04)
Whoopi Goldberg mocks Mariah (101,904) by Brad from USA
Darlene need to be sure she give back Ms. Patti her blonde wig. Because even if Mariah didn't snatch it, Patti will for sure. Stay outta Patti's closet, Darlene. Happy Holidays to all.
(Monday 19 December 2022; 19:15)
this is a reply to message 101,898
CBS may have pulled the special (101,864) by Brad from USA
Looking at the CBS website, technically her special is still listed under the programming but there is no promo on the sight for the special. Moreover, the promo photos are not there at all. This is worrisome for the only dimension of her career that still exists. I only hope her voice isn't totally gone and that she isn't ill or in pain. We wish her only the best. My sense of it is that her focus on the use of the whistle register has ruined her chords. I'm just not sure. Very sad indeed.
(Saturday 17 December 2022; 03:00)
Mariah and Dolly and Patti and other stuff (101,746) by Brad from USA
I know they aren't necessarily an apparent pairing but I think for Christmas music season it would be neat to see Mariah pair up with Dolly Parton. To shift gears, have we heard anything about the collabo of MC and Patti on Patti's next album? To shift again, it's pretty nice to see Mariah doing her mogul activities at this time of year with so many ventures. I'm not the biggest fan of the alcohol/spirits lane she is in but I understand it can be lucrative. I didn't quite understand the Moet & Chandon performance, is this for her Angel champagne? The snippets I heard sounded like she was singing over a backing track but definitely a good portion of it was live. I also like the "little bus" she has been using to get around NYC. It seems so smart to me, she can do work with her team on her way to an event and also have her kids with her. Is this a particular kind of bus? It looks like a party bus but I'm sure its more sophisticated than that and hopefully environmentally responsible. She seems to be doing well and appears to be healthier and more fit. Hopefully that is in fact the case. Anyhow, enjoy the season and the moment.
(Wednesday 7 December 2022; 00:42)
Macy's parade (101,675) by Brad from USA
To me, the really weird thing was the CBS coverage. They showed no performers, not even Mariah who is to have a special on their station next month. Also, not for nothing, when Gloria Estefan had her number, the music and lyrics were going and she wasn't even freaking moving her mouth at all in any way, shape or form. I'm not sure I would have been moving around too much in such a dress on a moving platform. Just saying. I thought the exuberance in her face was nice to see. Everyone knows these things are lip synced. For all performers. And no, she wasn't making millions at this performance. Nope.
(Friday 25 November 2022; 17:07)
MSG (101,588) by Brad from USA
I too was at that NYE show at MSG and when we heard her we were like "umm where is she" and then we looked up and she was in the sleigh overhead with the flowing red ball gown. Completely epic. The entire audience fell out.
(Thursday 3 November 2022; 02:57)
this is a reply to message 101,581
Bring the Porsche to Limerock (101,524) by Brad from USA
Staying out of the singing debate, I'm just writing to say I wish Mariah could/would bring her late father's restored Porsche to Limerock. It could be on display at their vintage festival in late August. It would honor her time going there with her dad. Many of us have similar memories there with our dads. I wish my dad's MGB looked as great as her dad's convertible.
(Monday 24 October 2022; 01:05)
Re: Nick Cannon (101,034) (101,050) by Brad from USA
The more I think about it, the more the burden that Mariah has in parenting her kids becomes clear. She is forced to walk a tight rope between the legal requirement to enable her kids to have a relationship with their father (as I am sure she would have originally wanted following the divorce) and her own convictions to raise her children to understand that their father's attitude toward sexual relations and child-bearing "relationships" is not a model to be emulated and is not generally accepted or viewed favorably or honorably by society at large. Rather, it is a misogynistic disposition that disrespects the women involved with him and devalues the children that are produced. She has to convey this to Moroccan as a potential future husband/father figure and to Monroe as a young woman who should never allow herself to be treated in such a way by a man. This is to speak nothing of how irresponsible it is to have 10 children in an age of over population and environmental degradation caused by over population. Mariah has a big challenge on her hands. We stand with you, MC.
(Friday 26 August 2022; 01:44)
Re: Nick Cannon (101,030) (101,034) by Brad from USA
I feel so sorry for Mariah and the twins. Nick is an embarrassment to humanity.
(Thursday 25 August 2022; 06:00)
Global Citizen NYC concert (100,961) by Brad from USA
Yes, yes, yes! This is the aspect of Mariah that I have longed to see Mariah take hold of and utilize her public persona for. Female rights, climate change action and poverty efforts. As an enviro, I've always wanted Mariah to advocate for the animals and oceans that she so loves. And she is always in a place to do that, regardless of whether she is "trending" or has a #1 hit or not. It's what you do when the cameras aren't rolling that really matters. I hope it is a wonderful and safe event for all involved and those attending. I considered going but mass gatherings in the USA aren't always safe, unfortunately. I would love to see Mariah come out strong, command the stage, sound strong and convey the messages on female empowerment, environmental action and income disparity that she means to convey.
(Friday 12 August 2022; 03:19)
Re: Mariah in the Hamptons (100,830) (100,836) by Brad from USA
Meh. It's just a rental. They had a story on it in the NY Post. The comments to said story were not exactly kind.
(Tuesday 26 July 2022; 18:53)
Mariah in the Hamptons (100,830) by Brad from USA
Based on MC's posting today, I am wondering if Mariah has made a new real estate purchase in the Hamptons or Montauk? Anyone know?
(Tuesday 26 July 2022; 02:59)
Mariah in Capri (100,778) by Brad from USA
It's been a minute since Mariah has been to Capri. I think she was last there when she was engaged to James Packer. The pandemic certainly affected her ability to travel there. Some photos show Mariah in her standard wetsuit attire. They appear to reveal Mariah in less than fit and healthy form. I do hope she is taking care of herself and being healthful. Personally, I don't think she feels her best when she is so overweight, Hopefully she can find a better balance for herself that leaves her feeling better and being healthier. I know from personal experience that after a certain age you have to give up certain foods and cut back, including calorie loaded alcohol. I hope she will do that for herself and her family.
(Tuesday 19 July 2022; 22:41)
BET Awards (100,586) by Brad from USA
It's heartening to see the BET community honor Mariah, in a kind of way that she always wished they would. She is yours and ours. A unique gift and blessing to us all. Relish the moment, Mariah. You earned and deserve it.
(Monday 27 June 2022; 07:01)
Re: Songwriters speech (100,475) (100,480) by Brad from USA
I agree that Mariah's speech could have used some editing, but it wasn't incoherent or really ditzy. To me, it had the feel of the child that shoulders the burden of everything that is wrong in life for years on end and finally the child is given a chance to speak their truth and every bottled up thought and emotion comes pouring out of the child all at once. What her appearance also shows is that we as fans really have zero clues as to what is going on with her in her personal and professional life, as well as her physical and mental health. That is the way it should be, as we each deserve privacy. Clearly, Mariah isn't going to be releasing new music when she is at a rough stage in her own life, as she is now. She has two children to raise (on her own), who are entering difficult years of development and a brand/business to figure out how to sustain, grow, develop and secure for the foreseeable future. The release of new music just isn't a component of that right now as it doesn't pay the bills any longer. But hopefully she is still writing and when she gets to a place where she wants to record and send something out into the universe she will be able to. That just is not right now. For now and always, lets enjoy and relish who she is and what she has given us for so, so long. And we will keep that fire burning.
(Friday 17 June 2022; 19:46)
Songwriters Hall of Fame website (100,464) by Brad from USA
This honor means a lot to Mariah. I was looking at the website for the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the profile they have for Mariah. It is filled with errors. They indicate she was born in 1969. Nope. They indicate her first song was titled "Visions of Love". Nope. I could go on and on. Its pretty disrespectful in some ways but nonetheless I hope she has a wonderful ceremony and feels truly honored for her work to date.
(Thursday 16 June 2022; 19:07)


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