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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

At RJJ12 / Matt Summers (45,847) by May from Denmark
RJJ12, no offense taken. I don't get offended by anything, I think being offended serves of nothing haha. I was just pointing out the weight thing, not accusing of anything, only to clarify because I think she does look great and she is no longer 20. I agree with you about JD suggesting things and she not taking much into consideration, and that's what I was referring to about mixing friendship with work, perhaps he didn't want to upset her so he wouldn't push things he should of have. I think the change is going to be great.
Matt, I wasn't expecting her dancing with "bananas locas" lol your comment made me giggle a lot with the whole description, but while I agree that she started her career the way you mentioned (mostly because she didn't have experience yet) she evolved and we got superb performances like when she sang Joy To The World at the Saint John church there around the 90s and since then that energy it has been her staple, her tours are full of that vibe, only that now she also adds the whole couch diva act which I think is fun and looks nice for some songs. So what I was expecting for an exploding song like Meteorite? I did expect a bit more movement.
(Tuesday 5 August 2014; 10:10)
Good step forward (45,846) by May from Denmark
I actually think it is great finally the JD era has come to an end and Mariah has moved on with a new manager. I like JD but it obviously was one of those things MC should have given it double thought before, he has been her bestie since forever and I don't think it went that well mixing friendship with work. Hopefully now it will all settle, they will keep being friends, maybe do some good music in the future again and MC albums will start going around once more. It's been known that JD was gonna step down from management but it took really long for the final decision. I'm really eager to see what's going to happen next. About Migrate I totally was expecting a single back in its days, it was so good. I don't know specifically what happened back then with her album and why the sudden disappearance, but it would have been a big hit after the success of Touch My Body, that song gained Mariah a lot of new fans and it probably was one of the most fun albums Mariah released in my opinion.
(Tuesday 5 August 2014; 9:53)
MC speech (45,833) by May from Denmark
At RJJ12: I thought the speech was great, loved all the improvisation, the little singing to the fans, even the comment "accused of influencing some upcoming singers" was a fun touch. Really you felt tension with JD? I didn't have that impression, I re-watched just now and didn't see anything out of the ordinary, JD did point to the toddlers but maybe just did it to remind her just to add something about them or maybe was a cue to start closing the speech, it could be many things. I loved the dress she came with to the stage. Why people are always expecting women to look like sticks? She looked gorgeous in both dresses, I think we all know she is no fan of the gym but she looked very well and pretty. While I question myself sometimes a couple of her late years wardrobe choices, the long dresses all look great on her. Wasn't this show performances already tapped like months ago? Surely wasn't live, was it? Maybe just the awards handling and speeches.
(Tuesday 5 August 2014; 0:57)
Staying positive but also objective (45,832) by May from Denmark
I love Mariah, since day one I followed her. I still remember when my mom came home with a cd and a cassette of her album debut and I asked her "Who is Mariah Carey?", I didn't even know how to pronounce her name lol. I recall listening to Prisoner and that was it, I was hooked for life. I even drew a picture of her when I was small and sent it to her hoping she would get it and I would get something written back haha, I never got anything but when I was a teen I watched a MC special where she showed the room where she had all the things she collected from fans through the many many years I was very happy. I'm 32 years old now and while I always liked her very much and still like her a lot as an artist, I wondered myself a couple of things through the years sometimes (like the time she gave the concert for the Gaddafi family, she apologized and then years later she did it again with another dictator) but I always let some things go, because we all make bad decisions at times and she is no exception. Yet while I see many positive things, I can also be objective, from the artistic perspective. I always try to say things with respect in this forum but English is not my first language, in fact, I have taught myself English by translating MC songs when I was 12 years old (so I have a lot to thank her for more than just inspiration) and maybe sometimes the way I write might sound a bit cold or harsh but is not intended. I'm just pretty straight forward and honest with my opinions.
(Tuesday 5 August 2014; 0:33)
Mariah and her lately "glued shoes" (45,777) by May from Denmark
First gonna kick in with my two fav remixes, those got to be My All/Stay A While and I Still Believe feat. Bone and Da Brat. Those two never get old and I never get tired of listening to. They are awesome.
About the performance of Meteorite - my fav song from her latest album because I love the house vibe - I'm actually more disappointed with the fact that Mariah' shoes keep being glued on the stage rather than more disappointed by the less than half true singing. The dress was lavish, super fabulous, I totally loved the way she looked. I keep having this issue with her performances the last years, she hardly moves at all. All she does is stand in front of the mic. I remember one of the things that made me love her so much was that incredible energy on the stage, always coming and going, always looking strong and powerful. I don't know what's going on, are her 10 inches platform shoes more important now? She walked (with help) from one mic to another mic and that was it. I loved seeing her but I was expecting more, overall with such a song. I enjoyed near the ending.
(Monday 4 August 2014; 0:42)
Tracks I like most MIAM (45,716) by May from Denmark
1. Meteorite (I burnt my pc with this song on repeat lol)
2. Cry
3. Make it look good
4. You don't know what to do
5. One more try
I really liked "You are mine", so probably would go number 6 on my list and I have played it quite a few times, my 3 years old loves it and she sings it in a very cute... loud way lol. The one I truly dislike but I guess I dislike any song that it sounds noisy alike, is Money. I tried to like it, but I can't. I know a bunch of people who love that song. I can't find the reason why. Supernatural is sweet but there's too much going on so I can't be bothered to listening to it as a stand alone track. It's a boom that the tweet thing was a fake but oh well, I still truly hope a re-release.
(Friday 1 August 2014; 12:47)
"No big deal" about Perry (45,715) by May from Denmark
While one could draw several things positive or negative - depending what you want to "find" - from one tiny little phrase in Perry lyrics, truth is that I think she just took the advantage of the moment and simply did a game of words "Mariah Ca-rey-o-ke". Bet she thought what singer name she could use when writing the lyrics and thought Mariah surname fit perfectly for that line, I bet she even thought "uuh, I'm so clever" while chopping a fluffy flamingo pen in a boyish pyjama on her bed ahahahaha. And I don't feel bothered at how MC was portrayed in the video, it's just someone pretending to be her in a sexy pose, nothing more. I would say, let's move on.
(Friday 1 August 2014; 12:33)
Tour (45,694) by May from Denmark
Anybody knows all the places she will be touring? I only know a couple but seems to be Asian places and would love to know if she will add European countries to the tour.
(Thursday 31 July 2014; 0:11)
Simply expressing, sharing thoughts (45,693) by May from Denmark
About how I felt when Nick and Mariah got together first I thought "who is Nick" haha, is that I only remembered him by a tv show from Nickelodeon. Like another poster mentioned, she looked so happy and so blooming I also felt so happy for her. I never really cared her personal life, just her music. Probably the first time I ever paid attention to her personal life was when she broke up with Luis Miguel. I used to like them together because they were both singers and since I wasn't into their whole relationship I simply smiled every time she appeared on a mag cover with him or on tv in the news looking happy in the beach with him. But one day I saw a cover mag where she was crying and going into her car. I actually felt so sad for her, it was the very first time I saw my idol so down, the next days all her pictures had her face looking gloomy and unhappy. Then went the down spiral. I'm not saying she will split from Nick Cannon, it's only suspicion, like I said before, the divorce rumors go back since forever. But some things lately look different. I do hope they stay together, because I don't want to see MC like in those days with LM, I want her happy and joyful. I guess also the reason why sharing this kind of opinionis and thoughts is because, I don't know you guys but I'm dying waiting for the next MC move, that video, new music and a probable re-release of MIAM. Still, can't let go those hints in Thirsty "You used to be Mr. all about we pull down them Tom Fords".
(Wednesday 30 July 2014; 23:58)
MC nowhere to be seen with Nick? (45,677) by May from Denmark

Hi G.G. and thanks for the heads up. Nick has been posting stuff on Twitter, just that not about Mariah. I also used to check his twitter just to see if there was anything new about MC or them together that wasn't on her account but nothing. The last tweet about her (if I'm not wrong) was about the song Thirsty on May 13. "Thirsty. Definitely one of my favorite joints. Wait until you all hear the entire album. Fire. Amazing." I know he did a launch daylight party for his new tablet just yesterday, and Mariah neither the kids were present and she didn't mention anything about him launching anything or doing any promotion or mention as she used to for his projects in the past. I'm so surprised about that tweet. Wow, I missed it and I did checked on her twitter today, she posted a candid pic with B. Scott looking gorgeous. I'm now so eager for the Thirsty video. Hopefully if it's true, I wish wish wish the video to be awesome. Btw here is a throwback video of Nick Cannon and his "he should have shut the f***" moment. This is why I never bothered listening to him in interviews. To be 100% honest, I never liked him much and I don't think he is that funny.
(Wednesday 30 July 2014; 0:22)
Re this_is_qhm (45,670) by May from Denmark
I also would love an album with all new and fresh stuff. She could leave all the already-done music or left-overs for bonus tracks, surprise tracks, secret tracks, anything else as extra for the fans. I am enjoying MIAM, tho I do skip the first tracks usually. Not because I dislike them, but because it brings my mood down when hearing slow type of songs right from the get go, I have to either be in a position where I identify myself in such situation or after going through the whole more upbeats then going down for a "relax" kind of moment. Obviously is a personal thing haha. I do think the songs are wonderful. Does anyone find it strange that she started this last album with slow tracks as opposite with the upbeat ones as she usually does? The ones that started with slow but powerful ballads if you could call it somehow were "Vision of love" and "Through the rain", both with uplifting messages. She said it was a "body of work". What you guys interpret out of this album when listening to it from begging?
(Tuesday 29 July 2014; 11:05)
Divorce storm news not so news again? (45,653) by May from Denmark
First Shelly, just speak your mind, your opinions are yours and everybody is entitled to it. I think you got to understand tho that this is internet and everything we say is written in text, so nobody can see faces or hear tones of voice, etc, and sometimes some people might take things personal or whatever, or sometimes, just be plain rude because you are not there to smack their faces haha.
About the divorce thing. They bought the Bel Air house in 2009, much before MC was even pregnant. The place was more like a "love nest", holidays place to pass the time, etc. When the babies arrived I guess it became more like a home as they ended up staying there. Then the rumors of separation came when Nick got ill. It was said that Mariah really wanted him to quit working and just spend family time, recover good and take care of his health, etc. He didn't listen and kept on, he prolly took a week free. Then Mariah told in an interview how she "spent the whole pregnancy alone", a fan asked and she replied "I had preeclampsia, I had gestational diabetes, a really difficult pregnancy and I was alone most of the time". Then again in 2013 rumors of definite distance came, and early in 2014 they placed their home crib in Bel Air for sell but pulled it off after some days. Now they did sell their house and the whole divorce rumors are back. They spent almost half a year in 2013 separated doing different things (according to stalking paparazzi). I think Mariah wants family time, he not.
(Monday 28 July 2014; 22:24)
Re Abraham (45,642) by May from Denmark
The picture comes from her twitter, from this week. I also asked myself if she was doing new music or just "splashing" a bit with him (having some drinks and a fun time). Something tells me though that she might be working new things. It would be great to see or listen something fresh soon before her tour.
(Monday 28 July 2014; 17:48)
Re Lynn about Nick (45,641) by May from Denmark
While I agree that she has said some goofy things about him as well, both sides have had their funny tolls. Whoreally cares what she wears? He is her husband, not her owner, she is not his property because she is not a thing. She can dress however she wants wherever she goes. And Nick shouldn't sigh a peep, because he knew how she was before and after being together. Really. Not trying to attack you, just not agreeing with part of your comment. On the other hand, we don't know how people are behind doors, it's true. But I never understood why Mariah and Nick were together, I often thought it was cause she probably enjoyed his childish side, because they always seem to disagree about everything. In interviews of them together you can see Mariah rolling her eyes when he says something she doesn't agree, or him shaking his head in a "no no no". Maybe they finally realized the "honeymoon" stage is done and they are moving into the next one? Wouldn't know. They don't seem to spend much time together lately, I know he is into this tv show all the time where he does challenges or something, haven't looked at it.
(Monday 28 July 2014; 17:24)
Shelly about the home (45,621) by May from Denmark
The house pictured in the cover of the news is not Mariah Carey's home. It never was. She was planning on buying it and it was said she checked the house and everything but never did buy it. It was all over the news in its time because that manor is incredibly expensive. That house pictured in the news front (which is wrongly depicted, maybe no one has pointed out that to them, the has done the same mistake) is a house in Beverly Hills called "Fleur de Lys", its owner is a multi-billionaire who bought the house for over 100 million dollars. It's currently one of the most expensive manors in the US. Mariah Carey "recreational" home is the one you posted, the "West Coast Crib" where she did the tv special. She used to own a Bahamas house and posted for sale around 2012 if I'm correct, I don't know if it got sold. And finally she rented in that same year she was trying to sell the Bahamas house a mansion in the Hamptons for a couple of months. She still has her amazing "flat" (haha, it sounds funny to call it that way) in New York. I guess she will always keep that one dearest to her heart, it's known to be her preferred place, the "home sweet home". I'm guessing she might get another house in the future or looking into it.
(Sunday 27 July 2014; 12:08)
Photography (45,421) by May from Denmark
Shelly, I don't know if you understand how the world of photography works, but in a session there is more than just the photographer, sometimes there are involved about 10 people in one place. Everybody is always open to see the pictures and anybody who was there could snatch them, it usually happens, Mariah is not the first artist to have happened and I'm sure, if I recall, it's not the first time it happens to her. All original pictures are always kept. It doesn't matter the kind of photographer she gets, they all retouch pictures, either by request or on their own for either color retouch, enhance, etc. Mariah is well known for having most of her pictures over retouched but then again, even famous top models as Michelle Bundchen get retouched for magazine spreads, tv announcements, etc. It's an awful norm in the industry. But we all know pictures of MC that are candid and she always looks good. No matter if she loses weight or she hires another photographer or she gets a new stylist, there will always be people who want to throw her shade, jam and beef, then again those same people do it to everyone else. I do think she needs a re-style, 100% with you there. Her image hasn't change in ages.
(Wednesday 16 July 2014; 10:00)
Anybody waiting for her next video (45,317) by May from Denmark
To be fun, vivid and finally catching? It has been a long time since we got an amazing MC video of her songs, all the late ones were so boring, repetitive and lackluster on the creative side. To be honest I like anything where she appears haha but I'm truly hoping that the video for "You don't know what to do" turns out to be refreshing. I'm not quite sure about the lack of promo, it clearly did have promo, perhaps people were wanting it to have double promo. I think it's simply her age, truth to be told. Ariana Grande songs are sang with a "very-obvious-want-to-be-says-inspired" alla Mariah and sound so bubble gum pop with goofy teenage lyrics and yet she is splattered everywhere and sells a lot. Clearly she sells because, while her songs are not fresh or new in beat, they are catchy and people who consume the most music (overall mainstream) identified with her age. I still think that by this time after the release of MC album, we should have got two videos already, one for YDKWTD and another for Meteorite, that song is so club, so in, so danceable. Crossing fingers for a fun video.
(Friday 11 July 2014; 21:03)
Diva thing OOC (44,908) by May from Denmark
I feel that MC talked so much about the idea of diva that she ended up believing it. One of the things that turned me down as being a hardcore fan was the drastic change in her personality over the years. Yes she used to use the word "darling" but it was not over the top as it is now. I can't watch or hear through a whole interview because many times she just rambles and mumbles and then does that thing with her face to a side while still mumbling things and covering her face with her hair. It's repetitive and tiresome. The same with the lightning thing, the make up stuff, the pinky up when holding a cup and the usual splash of whatever thing she is drinking and the insufferable uncomfortable looking poses. There is this other thing that drives me insane and is that she can't even deliver a real joke anymore, it feels forced all the time and when she can't finish it because she doesn't know what to say she simply laughs and replies "whatever". Before she was truely funny, it was spontaneous, she didn't have to try so hard all the time. This is my point of view ofc. Maybe it's an age crisis or something, I don't know. This whole "diva" thing started really heavy when she got to perform for the Divas VH1, she would joke at first, then it got out of hand. I don't like it. And I even loved when she did her Bianca role, was so much fun. It would be nice to see her walking with strength in her performances but her dresses make seem contrived.
(Thursday 19 June 2014; 22:32)
Lee (44,154) by May from Denmark
About "throwbacks" I meant that there are things in her songs that sound like a lot of things we heard in previous albums. Not specifically coming from the first self titled album itself or Daydream purely. I think this album has a wide variety but from my point of view (after following Mariah for all her career since day one) there is nothing I can say "wow that's new", that's all I meant. I would put this album next to TEOM, overall great songs, great potential with just some laid down songs. Hope it's clear now.
(Tuesday 27 May 2014; 15:38)
Good tunes, great album (44,151) by May from Denmark
We are all sharing our take on the album so here goes mine. I give it 3. 5 stars out of 5: here are my reasons. It's very obvious the production took a lot of care in the making except for BGK. The editing was very poor, like a "cut-copy-paste" type of effect. It'd have been nice to have a back and forth from Mariah with the featured artist, like a conversation, to make the song more interesting. "It's a wrap" was poor as well, I was hoping for a duet almost like Whitney-Mariah. I was hoping for something innovative but the songs are like throwbacks. Two songs reminded me to melodies I've heard in the 80s, "Cry." is one of those but is beautiful still. It's like Mariah can't move forward because die-hard fans always want "oldies come back" and it feels like she stays resting in her comfort zone and got used to that. Meteorite is a great club tune, it definitely describes artists of today. Supernatural is cute, bit creepy first listening with the children giggles (too many 80s horror movies here haha, those were the days) the ending was adorable to the max. Yet another song that has the "old vibes". As an atheist I don't feel identified with Heavenly but I think is awesome how she brought back all that soul. The rest of the songs are nice, I only disliked one and thar is "Money", very "Glitter". I purchased some songs but not the album, as a whole I don't see myself listening to it all the time. The deluxe version is disappointing. Strong work set. Won't disappoint old fans.
(Tuesday 27 May 2014; 14:31)
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