
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

What's really going on? (42,449) by Marissa from USA
As a fan, I wish I knew how Mariah was really feeling during this period. I see her on Instagram smiling with dem babies and Nick and all of this other stuff, but is she really happy? I know she got a lot of flack during the Glitter era when she was leaving those messages on her website but at least we knew what she was feeling instead of having to look through the smiley facade like everyone else. A big consequence of her not releasing an album in 5 years is that she does less interviews, which gives us less opportunities to hear her speak candidly. This sucks. I just don't know if she's putting on a front for the public or if she's just truly unfazed by what's going on.
(Thursday 3 April 2014; 1:15)
Faith (42,447) by Marissa from USA
It's extremely hard for me to have faith that the album will come out on May 6 since we have no info on it, no title, no official tracklist, no promo pictures and now her label is defunct. We might as well brace ourselves for the announcement that it's getting pushed back. It will be a miracle if things work out at this point. I have faith in Mariah because we all know that anyone would want 5 years worth of work to hurry up and come out, but it's apparent that the business aspect is what's holding this up at this point. This era has reminded me that just because someone is a star doesn't mean they are as powerful as we think they are. There's so much red tape involved for anything to be successful in this business. I wouldn't blame her if she retired after this debacle. This era has been exhausting.
(Thursday 3 April 2014; 0:59)
Nick (42,432) by Marissa from USA
Jaker, I think I get what you're saying about Nick playing a part in MC's career decline. Before Nick, Mariah seemed like a diva with high standards that almost no one could measure up to. When she married Nick, I think a lot of people lost respect for her and even the lambs were confused by that decision. After 11 years of being unmarried, when she finally does tie the knot it's with one of the corniest men in America. Add Nick's motor mouth into the equation and it's even worse. I think the sense of untouchability that Mariah always had diminished when she got married, which is obviously going to reflect on her career.
(Tuesday 1 April 2014; 23:58)
Marriage observations (42,431) by Marissa from USA
As far as their marriage, I think the respect is gone. Nick doesn't respect MC enough to keep their private life private and let's not forget MC's interview with Sway when Nick came and she basically treated him like a mosquito. I think since MC was traumatized by Mottola she wanted a man totally opposite so she could be in control (Nick was younger, less star power, less money, etc). When the scales are unbalanced issues arise. From my observations, when they got married, Mariah didn't adapt her lifestyle at all for him. He proposed in her Moroccan room, they got married at her estate, he moved into her house, he sleeps in a bed with butterflies that she's had since '98 (come on now) , she has her friends in the house 24/7. Nick may be reaping a lot of benefits, but no man wants to feel like an extra in someone's life. He's not running anything in that household.
(Tuesday 1 April 2014; 23:57)
Album buzz (42,390) by Marissa from USA
I seriously am wondering how Mariah and her team are gonna create serious buzz about this album. Lambs and non-lambs alike were interested in #723 for the simple fact that Mariah Carey's a superstar who hadn't dropped an album in four years. That same interest may have severely diminished since then because of the extensive delay. It's no secret that we live in a microwave society. The lambily may be willing to wait no matter how long it takes for MC to drop an album, but the general public does not find a 9 month delay endearing. If this was 1997, the delay probably would have doubled the album buzz, but MC's relevance is not the same that it was back then, therefore era glitches are even more detrimental than they've ever been. Unless she drastically changes her look (not gonna happen IMO), or announces retirement like Edward said (knowing Mariah she wouldn't use the word retire because she would probably associate that with being old, but some festive substitute) I don't know how she can pique everyone's interest again.
(Sunday 30 March 2014; 4:15)
Nick concerns (42,389) by Marissa from USA
If it really is true that Nick left Nicole for Mariah and the way he is bragging about his celebrity "smash" list is making me feel like he's an opportunist, or at least looks for women who can upgrade himself the most. I agree with whoever said that they are questioning Nick's devotion to Mariah. If your wife is the most important woman in your life, why are you even speaking the names of your exes? Are you trying to show how you have consistently upgraded yourself over the years? Just a thought.
(Sunday 30 March 2014; 3:26)
Nick is at it again (42,388) by Marissa from USA
Anyone can tell that Nick is one of those people that has diarrhea of the mouth. It's one thing if he slipped up and shared some details once or twice, but now this is unacceptable. I can only imagine how frustrated Mariah is to have said multiple times that she wishes Nick didn't talk so much about their personal life and he just keeps going with it. At this point I don't know what would make him stop. It seems like in every interview he keeps trying to prove how great his life is. Just be quiet, keep it classy and let your life speak for itself. Telling everyone that he "f***** the s***" out of his wife is not adding any value to this world. Whether he did or not is irrelevant and TMI for even the most devoted lambs. Nick needs to stop this foolishness before he loses the privilege of having Mariah Carey as his wife. He had better wise up because nothing can break down a marriage like chronic disrespect.
(Sunday 30 March 2014; 3:15)
What's going on? (42,298) by Marissa from USA
I'm confused about why so many people don't have faith that the album will be released May 6. Is the album officially delayed again or are people just scared?
(Saturday 22 March 2014; 21:48)
MC in the flesh (42,278) by Marissa from USA
These stories are interesting. Who else has met MC or seen her in person?
(Friday 21 March 2014; 22:17)
An all-time low (42,273) by Marissa from USA
I honestly hope to God that Mermaid In Disguise is not the official title of the album. I'm sorry but that sounds like the name of an album Hillary Duff would have released in 2003. To me that title is just straight up embarrassing. Some members of the lambily may be cool with it but the general public will never let her live that down. Let us pray.
(Friday 21 March 2014; 20:39)
The business aspect (42,257) by Marissa from USA
Ok you guys are scaring me now because some of you are confirming my fears. This era definitely feels tragic to me and I'm not even talking about the music, but the business aspect of things. I feel like Mariah and IDJ are at the end of their road. I just wonder what other label Mariah would get on if this doesn't work out. I can't imagine her going back to any of her old labels, so it will be interesting to see what will happen next. I really want Mariah to work with people who are going to get the job done. Forget friends. Mariah does not want to get out of her comfort zone in any way, and that's not good business sense at this point. Total comfort and commercial success cannot coexist. First Randy Jackson as her manager (I don't think anyone was feeling this business move), now JD. Sometimes you may have to work with a person where there's nothing more to your relationship than business, which would be perfect for her at this point. Mariah has to learn to separate business from personal in order to protect her legacy because there are newcomers whose eras have been way tighter than this. I definitely think Mariah needs structure and having strictly business relationships would help give her that.
(Friday 21 March 2014; 0:34)
Favorites / least favorites (42,210) by Marissa from USA
Favorite album cover art: E=MC2. Simple, yet sexy.
Least favorite cover art: Glitter. It looked very kitschy.
Favorite single cover art: Dreamlover. Stunning.
Least favorite: #Beautiful. Extremely disappointing.
Favorite album: TEOM. Almost every song was single-worthy.
Least Favorite: Memoirs. Other than UOMF and H.A.T.E. U I wasn't feeling it.
(Wednesday 19 March 2014; 2:07)
Clarification / musical taste (42,170) by Marissa from USA
I am tired of the Ariana discussions, but I just need to make one final clarification (btw I won't be responding back to any comments regarding this). What I meant was that some of Ariana's songs are more relevant to the general public (not the lambily) than MC's past singles, except #Beautiful, which saw significant success. MC's recent singles may be relevant to the lambily, but the music that the general public in the U.S. listens to seems to be music with a ratchet twist, upbeat or more loose (as in not so perfect and precise) i.e. Drunk In Love. I know those aren't every American's preference, but from my observation ratchet music has taken over. I can almost guarantee you that if MC would have released Migrate as a single in 2014, it would be number one because it goes with the music trends of today (that song was so ahead of its time). Whether the lambily likes it or not, sweet, understated ballads like TAOLG or YME don't have a strong competitive advantage over these other more upbeat and club banger type of songs. I know someone may give an argument like "MC doesn't need to follow the trends" or "she doesn't want to do music like that," and that's fine, but there's a price to pay, which is charting lower, lower sales, less YouTube views etc if your music isn't aligning with the general public's taste. As you can see from the lower YouTube counts and chart positions, the lambily can only do so much. We need non-fans to get on board and think the songs are hot too.
(Monday 17 March 2014; 9:29)
A general message / putting it to rest / no response needed (42,165) by Marissa from USA
The entire time I've posted on this messageboard there have been many things said that I've disagreed with but I've never once challenged anyone on their beliefs because it's a waste of energy to me. If someone is calling someone out on their opinion they are either a) trying to convert that person to their beliefs or b) trying to prove that they are right and the person they are responding to is wrong. The only time I've mentioned any lambs names on here is to either point out that I agree with them or because someone has responded to me. Responding for any other reasons than those two typically ends up contributing to the division that people are noticing among the lambs. On another note, I think some people are scared to share what they think because they see the backlash people get for saying things that go against the grain. I think the vibe of welcoming different opinions has diminished on this messageboard. Unless you agree with everything Mariah sings, does and says, you're throwing yourself into the lion's den. I know everyone won't agree but I think unless you're saying something positive or responding back to someone who has addressed you just leave it alone because no breakthroughs/nothing good ever seems to come out of it. Lamb_O_Chop, yes I definitely agree that we should just put this to rest.
(Monday 17 March 2014; 1:27)
Just an observation (42,142) by Marissa from USA
I've been reading some of the messages on here and it's sad to me that people take differing opinions so personally that they feel the need to give a counterargument to everything someone says. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Challenging/arguing with someone's preferences are not going to change them. It really just ends up becoming a battle of the egos. If you see that someone believes something different then you, why not just let it go or try to understand the logic behind what they feel instead of just writing them off as crazy, not a true lamb, ignorant, etc? I don't go toe-to-toe with everyone who likes the past 3 singles just because I don't. It's not worth it because it's not personal. Some people just can't handle that not everyone is going to rally around their opinion.
(Sunday 16 March 2014; 0:46)
United we stand, divided we fall (42,134) by Marissa from USA
Lamb_O_Chop, I never once said or implied that my opinion is a universal truth for the lambs. I am speaking from my perspective. I have loved every album MC has ever made except Memoirs. I listen to her multiple times a day because she has a body of work that is unmatched. That being said, my opinion about her recent music isn't going to change regardless of how many times you call me honey or sweetie. It would be nice if you focused solely on the points I'm making instead of trying to belittle me with pet names because I have a differing opinion. I also refuse to stoop down to the level of calling people's opinions laughable just to try to strengthen my perspective. I'm grown enough to state my opinion without the elitist attitude. I think the unity within the "lambily" is at an all time low. By unity I don't mean everyone having the same opinions, but everyone respecting others opinions and remembering that we are all lambs because we have a common love for MC. Some of her songs have touched our lives. It doesn't mean we have to like every era, song or no other artists except the ones MC likes. I also think the whole "if you don't like MC join another fanbase" thing is a bit much. Just like in a marriage, just because you aren't happy with a particular period doesn't mean you're going to run and get a divorce.
(Saturday 15 March 2014; 20:06)
It is what it is (42,125) by Marissa from USA
Lamb_O_Chop, I think it's a huge slap in the face to the fans that the songs we're getting are forgettable and it seems like her musical standards have gone down. I also think it's a slap in the face that we've gone from having lyrics like "Treated me kind, sweet destiny carried me through desperation to the one that was waiting for me," to "I'm making a statement of my own opinion." If Mariah was operating on the level she was in 05 or 08 I wouldn't even bring Ariana up. Recycled or not, the songs sound way better than what Mariah has put out recently. MC recent songs aren't songs that would make people say, "Wow, I want to be a lamb" or "This woman is a musical genius." On another note the YME music video was a downgrade. I think concept videos like Obsessed, WBT, Honey, etc. are the way to go. YME was basically just her touching herself (don't take that out of context) and mouthing the words. Beautiful location, but basic. Like someone said not too long ago, if IDJ's budget is too small then she may want to start funding some of her videos because I really don't want to see her go out like this.
(Saturday 15 March 2014; 0:58)
Think about this (42,118) by Marissa from USA
To touch on J's point, yes us lambs do our part regardless of whether we are in love with the music or not. I often see in the comments on her recent videos on YouTube people saying "Come on lambs. Is this the best we can do?" or "Where are all the so-called lambs?" The thing is that Mariah used to make music that was so good that the lambs didn't need to bear all of the weight of trying to push her songs to the top, the general public helped us because they thought the songs were hot. Now I feel like we're on our own. The music she's making now isn't hot/strong enough to convert people into the lambily anymore. I honestly can't tell you the last time I met or chatted with a new lamb. On the other hand, it seems like every 10 minutes someone is converting to the Beyhive or tweeting "surfboard" on my TL. Don't you guys remember when Obsessed came out and everyone used that song as an excuse to ask the question, "Why are you so obsessed with me?" I need that kind of stuff to come back. Let me ask you guys this: If you weren't already a lamb and heard TAOLG or YME would you really become a die-hard fan of hers based on those two songs? Be honest. My answer is no. I think asking questions like that force us to look at her stuff more objectively and forces us out of our lamb bias to see how the general public views her work. A lot of us are lambs based on her previous work, and we're really just enduring this era, praying that the outcome pleasantly surprises us.
(Friday 14 March 2014; 21:32)
Vocal potential (42,117) by Marissa from USA
I respect lambs like RadChad who can at least wish the younger generation like Ariana luck. I agree Mariah will never be duplicated, which is why I think people need to relax and let Ariana do her thing because we know Mimi's success will always be unmatched. We should strive to be mature fans that don't feel the need to oppress someone else's talent. On another note, I actually do have faith in Mimi's voice because of the amazing vocals she gave in 2010 for Merry Christmas II You. Yes it was recorded almost 4 years ago but I have faith because she was anticipating being pregnant (she had in vitro, right?)/pregnant during that time so she couldn't drink, which is why I think her vocals were so amazing. I wanted to know exactly what damage alcohol does to your voice so I looked it up and it causes the muscles of the throat to constrict and can dry out your vocal cords. I don't think Mimi's an alcoholic or anything, but I definitely think she drinks more nowadays then she used to. I also highly doubt that she still sleeps for hours with the humidifiers, does the vocal rest thing, etc. anymore. If she makes a few tweaks, I think her voice will be in great shape again. Will Mimi actually make these changes? That's a whole other question.
(Friday 14 March 2014; 21:04)
Originality, Ariana and opinions (42,116) by Marissa from USA
I totally agree with Tiina and J. Mariah has done a lot of original things, but not every single thing she's done has been original. She has sampled and covered plenty of songs and has been inspired by Minnie Ripperton. Does that make her a copycat? Yes, The Way and Almost is Never Enough are the caliber of songs we should be getting from Mariah. Whether you think Ariana is a copycat or not those songs are way stronger than the songs Mimi's been putting out from 2012-2014. Half of you guys that keep saying Ariana isn't original haven't even heard her entire album. I think that they are different artists that don't sound alike. If Ariana didn't use her whistle, I wouldn't even think of Mariah while listening to her. Ariana is a child of the 90s. Naturally MC is her inspiration. Is she supposed to distort her voice just so she doesn't get backlash from the lambs for "copying" MC? The music biz never lets anyone be an individual. They'll always compare a current artist to a previous artist, deserved or not. That's how it is. I disagree that unless you're a music executive you should keep your opinion to yourself. I'm not going to go along with everything she does because I'm not a producer, vocal coach, etc. You don't have to be an expert to give effective feedback. Cutting down on the "splashes" in public, taking more musical risks, changing up her look, and toning down the excessive diva behavior, could and will benefit her career. I don't have to be JD or Benny Medina to know that.
(Friday 14 March 2014; 20:40)
Questioning our lamb status? (42,094) by Marissa from USA
I'm tired of people challenging our lamb status the minute someone gives Mariah constructive criticism. I feel like a true lamb steps up and talks about the things that need improvement because we want to see Mariah win. The path she's on is not impressive. Everything we are talking about on here is stuff that she has the power to change. Just like with family, you may love them, but you aren't going to agree with everything they do. Some of you guys are more devoted to Mariah than you are to your own family. The issue is that Mariah only seems to be in touch with lambs that agree with everything she does, which isn't going to lead to improvement. As far as Ariana, you shouldn't be worried about a 20 year old even if she is similar to Mariah. She doesn't stand a chance of achieving Mariah's success because music doesn't sell like that anymore. She doesn't have the power to take away anything Mariah's achieved, so why does it matter? If Mariah is serious about protecting her legacy then she better make some memorable music because songs like YME and TAOLG make it easy for anyone to blow her out of the water because they are forgettable regardless of whether they are doing well on the charts. Say what you want about Ariana, but her songs The Way and Almost Is Never Enough are the caliber of music we should be getting from Mariah.
(Thursday 13 March 2014; 22:57)
No love for the younger singers (42,073) by Marissa from USA
I agree with Adam. I can't see MC being a mentor or godmother to the younger generation like Patti because she's too insecure and scared that someone is going to take her spot. If you have out-charted the Beatles and Elvis, why is it so hard for you to acknowledge a kid 23 years younger than you like Ariana Grande's talent? The only young females that I can remember Mariah publicly praising are Beyonce and Rihanna, but trust me if they could get into the whistle register or sounded similar to her, she'd be acting like they didn't exist as well. It is very sad to me that someone who has achieved success as massive as MC's (that will never be achieved by anyone else, IMO) is still so insecure. If the lighting isn't right, if there is another female on a judging panel, if her boobs aren't showing, she act's like her whole identity is going to crumble. I know she struggled a lot with insecurity as a kid, but it is more important to heal those insecurities so you can maintain confidence in all situations than allowing them to rule your life and crafting illusive situations (like special lighting, not hanging out with many females younger than you, etc.) so you can feel like you are okay. This just goes to show that success does not equal self-confidence or security.
(Thursday 13 March 2014; 3:35)
I've figured it out! (42,054) by Marissa from USA
I agree with jaker20 in "TEOM era is her best image." What I've been missing from Mariah in this era is maturity. Her passion, poise and dedication were the gems of TEOM era. The eternally 12 thing, constant champagne sipping and over the top interviews are ridiculous for a living legend. When asked in a Breakfast Club interview about Ariana Grande you could tell she wasn't feeling the comparisons and gave a halfhearted wish of longevity to the general public without acknowledging her existence. Mariah has achieved success that will never be achieved again in this lifetime. Whether she agrees with the comparisons or not, she should at least acknowledge the girl's talent especially since she seems to be a devoted lamb, praising and acknowledging Mariah practically every time she's interviewed. Mariah is 43, Ariana is 20. This is what I mean by immaturity. By never acknowledging Ariana it makes it look like she sees a 20 year old as a threat. I wonder how Mariah would have felt if Whitney had shunned her when they were constantly being compared to each other. A grown woman can acknowledge someone else's talent without worrying about it diminishing their own. Some of the greats like Patti and Aretha have always acknowledged the younger generation's talent and guess what? It doesn't take away their legendary status because they talked about someone other than themselves.
(Wednesday 12 March 2014; 4:27)
She doesn't seem to love it anymore (42,051) by Marissa from USA
In my opinion, this is the worst and weakest era in Mimi history. Every song she has released from 2012-2014 has been forgettable. I just don't think she has passion for music the way she used to and it shows. I think she's working because it's something to do rather than working out of a love of the craft. Lyrically her recent songs have been weak (what happened to words like inadvertently, indefinitely, and intrinsic being in her lyrics?). I just wish she would take more musical risks and really blow us away. #Beautiful, TALG and YME all sound very basic and safe and nowhere near the caliber of music a living legend should make. Songs like Migrate, We Belong Together and Fantasy really wake the fans and the charts up. I haven't been on here in a while so I'm trying to vent all of my feelings about this era. I also feel like Mariah is too predictable. I know that every other post on Instagram will be her doing something diva-esque, I know she's going to wear the same hairstyles and use the same terms in interviews like "bleak", "moments", "dahling", etc. I love MC, but I'm just bored. I am also sick of the diva persona being played in almost every interview. She's a living legend. All she has to do is relax and be herself. She made it to the top without the diva attitude so why she's using it now after she has already proven herself is unbeknownst to me. People have labelled Mariah as a diva since the 90s, but she didn't play into it until E=MC2 era. It was cute in the beginning but now it seems like almost every interview (except the one I've seen with Ralphie Aversa) she has been over the top. She is most interesting when she showcases her down to earth side instead of the persona people assume she is.
(Wednesday 12 March 2014; 2:36)
Forget a single, I'm ready for the album (39,493) by Marissa from USA
I'm so ready for this album, I don't even know what to do! I need MC to bring it. I'm not one of those fans that thinks she is incapable of making mistakes. Memoirs just didn't do it for me. I hope that she does a lot of ballads with plenty of belting. I won't be able to take another album that gives mostly breathy vocals. They're beautiful but sometimes there are so many that it sounds like she is being vocally lazy. I'm looking for a Mine Again feel. A single is cute, but will an album follow soon after? She got us excited with #723 so you would think that she would be ready to release the album and not just a single. I'm just going to say it. I love MC, but she has really disappointed me this year. From the American Idol stint to the good, yet forgettable #Beautiful, I just hope she turns this mess around, and quick.
(Wednesday 16 October 2013; 5:23)
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