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About Lee TS from USA:

Mariah's hair (47,516) by Lee TS from USA
I hope this doesn't come off as ridiculous, well it is, but I'm not feeling her hair in the recent performances. She looked really beautiful, I think it was Yokohama with the side swept hair in soft waves. But during the China leg, her weave looks a bit raggedy especially the ends. Her glam squad needs to get it together. Mariah needs to bring back the dynamic duo Kristofer and Roque, they always had her looking flawless. Just a silly post.
(Monday 20 October 2014; 16:10)
Grammy submissions (47,496) by Lee TS from USA
According to the Mariah hate blog That Grape Juice, Mariah's camp had submitted the following in consideration for the Grammy's. Let's hope she can swing home a few nominations: 1) You’re Mine (Eternal) – Record of the year, Song of the year, R&B Performance, R&B Song, Music Video 2) You Don’t Know What To Do – R&B Performance, R&B Song 3) The Art Of Letting Go – Traditional R&B 4) Me. I am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse – Album of the year, R&B Album.
(Sunday 19 October 2014; 7:37)
The best Emotions so far (47,479) by Lee TS from USA

I think she sounds incredible here.
(Saturday 18 October 2014; 11:07)
Def Jam CEO Steve Bartels (47,443) by Lee TS from USA
I spoke with Billboard: What do you think happened with Carey's latest album, which spent just eight weeks on the Billboard 100, her shortest stay for a studio LP? Listen, sometimes an artist - and in the case of Mariah, an artist I've worked with for 10 years - makes an amazing album that just doesn't connect with the audience. Of course that is very disappointing, but it would be impossible to pinpoint that down to just one thing. I've enjoyed incredible success with Mariah and many of those hit songs and albums have made Billboard history. But this latest effort just didn't go all the way.
(Wednesday 15 October 2014; 15:54)
Mariah is 17, now stop it (47,441) by Lee TS from USA
MC will never admit her age and she is uber sensitive about it. I remember watching a clip of her on Rosie's show and she couldn't even accept being 27, like really? She always get uncomfortable when it's brought up and automatically goes to being eternally 12. The only time I remember her somewhat acknowledging it was when being interviewed for being American Idol and saying she's lived her dream for more than half her life. I can imagine when Monroe blossoms into a young beautiful teen and refers to MC as her sister. Mariah would be the Amy Poehler in Meangirls, kidding. It also brought up my initial thought of MC being inducted into Rock and Roll hall of fame, I think she would reject the idea until a lot later on. And Ms. Wendy Williams is forever picking on Mariah about it. On the topic of age, just for fun, how would you all feel if MC goes the Madonna/JLo route and dates a 25 year old boytoy?
(Wednesday 15 October 2014; 12:08)
She prayed through the nights (47,403) by Lee TS from USA

Chengdu, China.
(Monday 13 October 2014; 15:58)
Click here (47,396) by Lee TS from USA
This will make you smile.
(Sunday 12 October 2014; 18:59)
Without You (47,369) by Lee TS from USA
If it's worth your while, say something good.
(Saturday 11 October 2014; 6:12)
Some positives (47,254) by Lee TS from USA
Can we congrats MC on looking faboosh? I think she looks absolutely amazing and is really working the outfits, I can do without the black ensem because we've seen so much of it. That little silver number she wears is so daring, that slit is practically up to her hip. Her stage is presence is captivating, diva strutting, hair flipping, and hand emoting. MC doing Emotions in the second show brings me back to her Hawaii Butterfly tour. The clip of dembabies during Supernatural is uber precious. Hoping she can pull off some solid performances in the upcoming shows and impromptu acapella moments.
(Tuesday 7 October 2014; 14:25)
Mariah getting panned (47,186) by Lee TS from USA
Omgosh guys, the vocal issue is really making its rounds. I just saw a clip of ABC news The Skinny commenting on it. It's not just the blogs anymore like Perez and TMZ. Watch Wendy is gonna put it in her hot topics on Monday. I have to say the debut performance of the tour was a "complete and total mess, in fact". All you have to do is listen to I'll Be There and ABMB, she just couldn't pull through. I hope she was jetlagged, under the weather, or something. I mean, she did only arrive to Japan like a day before. I really hope she can "make it happen" for the upcoming shows.
(Monday 6 October 2014; 10:59)
Must listen, Mariah sings Billie Holiday (47,093) by Lee TS from USA

Maybe she can win some of your hearts back? From last night.
(Saturday 4 October 2014; 19:28)
Mic (47,073) by Lee TS from USA
Maybe this is her mic?
(Saturday 4 October 2014; 1:29)
Mariah's legacy (47,021) by Lee TS from USA
I read this on twitter one time, "As long as Christmas is celebrated, Mariah will be remembered. Let that sink in." When will your faves? Haha. I hope the tour goes off without a hitch, good things and new music to come. I want to see MC back on top and celebrated.
(Tuesday 30 September 2014; 5:03)
The Roof (46,945) by Lee TS from USA
I can appreciate the song for Mariah's writing but I've never been a huge fan of the song. Don't hate me I know it's one of the fan's favorite album cut. Question, when she sings, "It wasn't raining yet, but it was definitely a little misty on that warm November night." It's sexual right? Lol.
(Thursday 25 September 2014; 1:55)
The Mariah in Katy's video (46,888) by Lee TS from USA
Omgosh, I didn't know it was her that was impersonating Mariah in the video. I thought she did an amazing job for those 2 seconds. She is a true lamb and I remember watching many of her videos years ago when she was just dabbling into drag. From what I remember, she's really sweet and hilarious.
(Monday 22 September 2014; 2:35)
Concert drop clips (46,871) by Lee TS from USA
Hey lambies, check out this tumblr for 2 clips of MC doing drops for the concert. She looks so pretty.
(Saturday 20 September 2014; 18:03)
Check this video out (46,861) by Lee TS from USA

These little lambs are so cute and talented.
(Saturday 20 September 2014; 1:52)
The ring situation (46,859) by Lee TS from USA
In this pic, it looks like she has her diamond wedding band on with the butterfly ring. So hmmm. I just want Mariah to be happy whether she stays with Nick or not, especially with dembabies. But yeah, MC looks incredible and so natural. I'm loving it.
(Saturday 20 September 2014; 0:55)
The Elusive Chanteuse Show (46,853) by Lee TS from USA
It's exciting to see Mariah adding additional dates and I hope she continues to do so while on the road. I hope the tour really becomes a world tour and brings her all around the world to places she hasn't visited. Maybe she can treat the tour like a long extensive vacation with dem babies, being on the road and enjoying her time performing for the fans. This could be Charmracelet World Tour 2.0 where it puts her in a good place vocally and her writing new music. And we all know what came after. But as of now I want her to come out looking beautiful, sounding powerful, and just enjoy her time on stage as the elusive chanteuse.
(Friday 19 September 2014; 18:30)
Just a bit of gossip, lol (46,852) by Lee TS from USA
I do enjoy Ariana Grande and I think she's a talent. Yes, she's no MC by far but I don't think it's horrible for Mariah to get that comparison. It shows Mariah's influence and impact on pop music. Miss Grande has been getting a lot of bad press lately for supposedly diva behavior and I find it funny she only allows her "good" side which is her left side be photographed. Mariah much? Haha. But that'll be perfect for MC and Ariana if and when they ever meet, they'll both get to be on their good side. So here's the tea, Mariah's makeup artist Kristofer dates Ariana's ex-choreographer Isaac, rumor has it Isaac was fired because he told Ariana to lose weight. After being fired, Isaac has been showing love to MC on his instagram and Ariana's fans call him out for being shady. And Kristofer has been working with Ariana a lot lately and lambs on twitter are even saying she's trying to steal MC's makeup artist lol. It's actually all very silly. I think Ariana has a very pretty voice and is still spanking new, she's trying hard to escape MC's shadow where she won't even talk about Mariah anymore. As a longtime lamb and a new fan of Ariana's, I hope they'll cross paths one day. Maybe at an award show or sing together on stage a la '98 Olivia Newton John Aussie performance. It can be cute.
(Friday 19 September 2014; 18:06)
Wendy Williams (46,795) by Lee TS from USA
I actually like Wendy and I find her very entertaining as a gossipy host, it's her schtick to go in on celebrities. To me, Wendy loves MC and has said many good things about her. Always referring to her as a legend with the voice. With MC, I didn't think she was horrible about it but says it like she means it (lol). Wendy paints the public perception of MC; her mental/emotional state with the breakdown, her sips of splashes, her age, and MIAM not selling. I'm forever a lamb but come on those things are, eh, I don't know how to put it. We all know TRL was a hot mess, splashes for everything, eternally 12, and MIAM being practically non existent. Wendy has always put MC and JLo together, her trying to make JLo happen was only because she went on her show. I have to agree with Wendy re JLo though, her album did worst than MIAM but she's out there slaying with the promo and red carpet looks. And wouldn't we want that from MC? I enjoyed their radio moments together and would love to see MC go on Wendy's show.
(Tuesday 16 September 2014; 11:28)
Fun Parody Video (46,738) by Lee TS from USA
Hey Lambily. Here's a fun video that features Mariah's impersonator Jessica. And just want to say huge thanks to webmaster for the site, I've been visiting since I was a little boy.
(Thursday 11 September 2014; 10:29)
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