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About Billy from Greece: I don't know, and neither do you.

"Alone In Love" (52,109) by Billy from Greece
Can we show this song some love? Such a gorgeous song. By far one of my favorite Mariah records. I think it sort of predicted her future or even "core" sound better than her more mainstream hits. It is also quite unique structure-wise, in terms of verses versus choruses.
(Wednesday 22 April 2015; 12:34)
Re: Jon (52,090) by Billy from Greece
Thanks for the interest Jon. My piece has not been published somewhere. It was my dissertation for my Master's some years ago. However, for starter's, do check Brett Farmer's article “The Fabulous Sublimity of Gay Diva Worship”. There is also a Master's thesis available online by Blake Paxton, entitled "My Bad Romance: Exploring the Queer Sublimity of Diva Reception" which covers an extensive bibliography on he topic (it is somehow akin to what I did also). Another article is by Andrew Milnes, called "Vamps, camps and archetypes: gay men, the diva phenomenon and the inner feminine". Great stuff.
(Tuesday 21 April 2015; 10:43)
Re: Jon / identification (52,083) by Billy from Greece
Great post Jon. I have wondered about the same thing just like you when it comes to identification between myself and Mariah. One of the first instances for me to notice a similarity between my person and Mariah was in terms of her preferences when it came to her own music, but also music in general. Whenever I would read or listen to an interview, it was like she spoke out my thoughts, mostly regarding issues on music. There is definitely the feeling of "ambiguity" and "outsiderness" that provoked an identification early on. I just love how she can be composed yet sassy at the same time, seemingly conforming to conventions yet inserting a sardonic touch on things. Basically, I like how she subverts ideas of seriousness and convention, which I tend to do also, more often than I should probably, "just for laughs". I could go on and on. Without assuming anything about anybody, there is a hugely interesting area of research on identification between gay men and their divas, often called "gay diva worship". I have also written a few stuff about it. Finally, though not a fervent believer of astrology, it's funny how not only Mariah, but almost all of my favorite divas are aries, just like me (Diana Ross, Sarah Vaughan, Chaka Khan, Aretha, Marvin Gaye, Luther, Elton John, Billy Mackenzie). I don't know if that enhances the identification saga.
(Monday 20 April 2015; 22:24)
"After her crazy last album on DefJam" / Showbiz411 (51,911) by Billy from Greece
What exactly was crazy about that album? Go blip yourself mr. Arrogant, unknowledgable reviewer.
(Thursday 16 April 2015; 11:42)
Music Box tour / "Vanishing" (51,885) by Billy from Greece
Several years ago, I downloaded a live version of "Vanishing" from the Music Box tour. I listened to it, I adored it, but I did not revisit it that often. I am now looking at various clips from the same tour and it's like being in front of a gold mine. Especially now that it's been more than 20 years, you realize even more clearly that the woman is not only a national but a global treasure. When we talk about real music, you know, real music that matters, voices that will last a lifetime such as Ella Fitzgerald's, Sarah Vaughan's, Whitney's, you cannot not include Mariah. It's like listening now to concerts by Sarah Vaughan recorded in the late 1950s or early 1960s and you wonder if the people in the audience then were aware of the legendary moment they were experiencing. I wonder the same thing about the people that attended those early concerts of Mariah, or those that went to the MSG 1995 concert, for instance. When the legend of the artist is established something changes. It's still magnetic, but it's the mystique of the early years that leaves you wondering and marvel at the rare treasures that YouTube offers us now.
(Wednesday 15 April 2015; 20:59)
"Long Ago" (51,647) by Billy from Greece
Random, but I wanted to say that this is a straight up hip-hop soul record. And people were supposedly shocked with "Butterfly". The beat is as thick as it gets, chorus filled with overwhelming soulful vocals. It actually sounds like something Dave "Jam" Hall would produce, or something Mary J. Blige would record back in the day.
(Sunday 12 April 2015; 21:00)
Cover (51,646) by Billy from Greece
While anticipating for the new album cover, you just once more realize how iconic the original cover of "1's" is. Loving the new one so far. Not sure about her nose though, which at times it looks very MJ-esque, but nowhere near as much as in past photoshoots, like Allure in 2008 for instance. Her eyes though, ever since the divorce, look very different. It's not plastic surgery. Could be the eyeshadow or makeup in general. But as I said before, "you always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows".
(Sunday 12 April 2015; 20:12)
Billboard article / Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (51,553) by Billy from Greece
Check the drawing in this quite interesting article.
(Friday 10 April 2015; 19:05)
"I Still Believe (Stevie J. Clean Remix)" (51,547) by Billy from Greece
Can we show this remix some love? I mean, this is a completely different interpretation of the original or of the "Pure Imagination" remix. I love the "darker", moodier melody and beat, while Mariah's nasal vocals just hint on what she would do on "Crybaby". One of Mariah's most creative phases.
(Friday 10 April 2015; 9:58)
Me. I Am Mariah / YDKWTD / Now That I Know (51,546) by Billy from Greece
As I continue to wonder how the people who wanted all these years "classic" Mariah did not embrace "Me. I Am Mariah", I just can't see how they missed the references in that album to Mariah's own early hits or hidden gems. For instance, "You Don't Know What to Do" can be considered an homage to "Now That I Know" or even "Someday". "Meteorite" obviously channels her work with David Morales. You can even follow the evolution of the album through the concerts she gave prior to its release. For instance, it was clear that opening the Australian setlist with the 'Revival Triumphant Mix" of "CTTA" was not random. "Money" (my least favorite song on the album) is along the lines of "Don't Stop" or "I Know What You Want". Clearly, she enjoys the role of the "chorus girl" on R&B jams, even within her own albums. I could go on and on about other songs but I'll stop here. The point is not to describe these songs as identical, but to show how Mariah has really stayed true to her artistry while also moving forward and expanding.
(Friday 10 April 2015; 9:53)
"Vision of Love" Jamaica (51,492) by Billy from Greece
I just love the way she sings the bridge in the Jamaica concert, especially the part "and I visualized the love that came to be". Brilliant.
(Thursday 9 April 2015; 0:36)
Re: Kate / nostalgia (51,412) by Billy from Greece
Dear Kate, it's all about the nostalgia when it comes to pop music and favorite artists, trust me. From early memories ranging from the "Music Box" era to present day, Mariah is irrevocably linked to specific moments and milestones of my life. I'm very sentimental over late 1990s Mariah, since her music defined my adolescence. I vividly recall the days I purchased the "Butterfly" and "Rainbow" albums. Actually, I first got the "Butterfly" album in cassette (yes, they still existed back then) and I remember opening it as I was heading back home, being mesmerized by the photos in the booklet. I remember walking into a Virgin megastore on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 and seeing the "Rainbow" album stacked in the new releases section, while it was playing in the store and available for previews in a headphones section. It was like entering the twilight zone, eyes wide open. I remember buying the "Glitter" soundtrack first day of school, September 2001, left speechless as I was listening to "Lead the Way" for the first time once I got back home, then going into the living room to see what the fuss was all about in the news. Eerie feeling. Or rushing to an HMV to get "E=MC2" as soon as it was out during my Master's in the UK. "Memories, like the corners of my mind." Though "Butterfly" is hands down my favorite album, out of all her albums, "Rainbow" is the one that gives me the sense of nostalgia you're talking about the most. The sense of an innocent time in one's life lost.
(Sunday 5 April 2015; 18:24)
Happy birthday Mariah / The Root article (18 songs) (51,173) by Billy from Greece
Though it feels sort of weird wishing Mariah happy birthday through a messageboard, happy anniversary anyways. Also, the little tribute by The Root titled "18 Mariah Carey songs you probably never heard" is almost carbon-copy identical to my own favorite cuts of each of her albums. Uncnanny similarity. Wow.
(Friday 27 March 2015; 17:05)
Island years / Sony (51,074) by Billy from Greece
While some fans believe that even the imprint of the Sony logo on a Mariah cd would erase all "bad" memories or imply a magical restoration to the good old 1990s, among the many things that can be said about the divisive Island years, I have to acknowledge that if there was ever a problem (since "Charmbracelet") that would be the single choices, not the material. Old story, but re-checking out posters of "Charmbracelet" now and even the stickers on the album, there was no clear direction as far as the second single was concerned. Apparently, sticking to "one" plan never really worked (except for the "Mimi" album). Similarly, with "E=MC2" and "Memoirs" not choosing for singles songs that charted on the Hot 100 for crying out loud (not on a subsidiary chart) with no promotion at all seem now like career-making or breaking choices. Although I want to avoid the "shoulda coulda woulda" kind of posts, and I may sound like I'm rehashing topics that have been exhausted to death, I'm saying all this to point out that, despite the record industry politics that went on, the material recorded while Mariah was on Island is really of high quality. A record company alone, or chart success, does not entail great music per se, which many people seem to forget. Finally, to all the fans that complained about wanting "classic" Mariah during the Island years and not getting it, I'm still amazed at how "The Elusive Chanteuse" failed to satisfy them. That album is the epitome of classic Mariah.
(Saturday 21 March 2015; 16:37)
FYI / Rainbow interviewer (50,997) by Billy from Greece
The guy who did this interview is Craig Seymour. He has written a biography on Luther Vandross which I own and I have seen him talk previously on a Luther tribute. Wikipedia says he is also a former stripper. Always good to know.
(Tuesday 17 March 2015; 21:42)
MC/Whitney VH1 countdown (50,954) by Billy from Greece

I think someone was looking for this a while back. I think this is the whole interview, so there you have it.
(Monday 16 March 2015; 21:32)
Re: Lost "Rainbow" Mariah interview (50,898) by Billy from Greece
Amazing. Articulate, astute, intelligent, a true artist. Great questions. Kudos on the interviewer as well for knowing his stuff. That's exactly the kind of discussion I would love to do with Mariah if I ever get the chance to meet her (again). The energy of the "Rainbow" era still gives me life. It's just so empowering. Mariah was confident then, outspoken. You could even feel that in her music and her performances. Though they are almost controversial words, that's when I feel she was at her most genuine and real, in the years 1997-2001. She pretty musch deconstructs her whole image which at that point in pop culture was pretty radical to do for a "mainstream" artist like Mariah. I love it. Thanks to anyone who uploaded it and brought it to our attention. Finally, this interview shows clearly just how aware Mariah is of everything that pertains to her career and public perception of her. She is no amateur. The woman is a total pro, an array of professions combined in one entity. And yes, "Rainbow" is a total classic.
(Sunday 15 March 2015; 15:21)
MC interview (2000) (50,784) by Billy from Greece

That's a short but very nice interview with Molly Meldrum. I love "Rainbow" era Mariah. She was the the most "Mariah" she's ever been.
(Wednesday 11 March 2015; 16:49)
Mariah Instagram - "Glitter death" (50,674) by Billy from Greece
I burst out laughing when I saw that post. Girl has humor. "I know it was bad but sheesh. Lol, kitsch, cult classic lol." Check it out.
(Friday 6 March 2015; 10:31)
Re: Baby / "Heartbreaker" jeans (50,656) by Billy from Greece
Just have a look at Lenny Kravitz's 2000 "Greatest Hits" set and you'll see how she influenced guys wearing their jeans also.
(Thursday 5 March 2015; 9:39)
"Crystal Ball" article (50,615) by Billy from Greece
They write the following: "The two weren't able to work out a day to record, leading to some tension and Mariah to hold an impromptu press conference: 'If you're not careful, the media can come between a collaboration, especially when you have two incredibly public icons collaborating such as Lauryn and myself. I still have faith in the song and in the idea that both her and I can make it happen.'" Two incredible public icons? Icons? That so-called quote sounds so un-Mariah. Most likely a totally made up "statement".
(Wednesday 4 March 2015; 12:13)
Mariah and Whitney / Oscars, Oprah (50,582) by Billy from Greece
Since it was recently mentioned here (in a different context), I thought about bringing it up. I get the impression that most fans prefer Mariah and Whitney live on Oprah. That was also my initial preference, though at this point I prefer the Oscars' version. What I realized about the Oprah live was that there was some overdubbing on Mariah's first big note on the refrain, while the vocal interplay between the two was a bit rougher compared to the Oscars. While some people say that Whitney dominated in the Oscars, if you watch the duet on a good quality video, the performances were complimentary. What I love about Mariah in that performance is that, while not necessarily at her loudest, her voice was very agile, and the many nuances that to me are the highlight of the performance. Whitney's bottom notes were very resounding, no doubt, yet Mariah's high notes (both in the bridge and in the climax) are much clearer than the Oprah version. I also find Mariah's interpretation in the Oscars more expressive compared to the Oprah duet, though that was impressive in its own right. Finally, both MC and Nippy looked stunning in the white dresses, and the setting was very arresting. Looking back at it, with a distance of a decade and a half at this point, it is a highlight in Mariah's career, and also a great testament of that precious collaboration and diva friendship. I love diva collaborations.
(Monday 2 March 2015; 23:41)
Re: Trey Lorenz (1992) (50,537) by Billy from Greece
"Always In Love" is gorgeous. Actually the whole album is like a lost Mariah album of the eraly 1990s. It has a "Can't let Go"/"Do You Think Of Me" kind of vibe throughout, not to mention the quite a few impressive guests on it.
(Saturday 28 February 2015; 22:27)
Re: Norman (50,531) by Billy from Greece
Wow. That was poignant. I loved reading your post. It's probably the most mature, knowledgeable and respectful post I've read in I don't remember how long in a messageboard that is inundated with teenage-level futile comparisons between Mariah and other artists, rehashing the same points over and over again. I really appreciate the distinction that you made between knowing Mariah the artist versus Mariah the person, as most people here seem to forget that, but this is the nature of fan cultures I guess. You're really a Mariah fan I would be interested in exchanging viewpoints with.
(Saturday 28 February 2015; 12:19)
Re: Carlos (50,249) by Billy from Greece
Carlos thank you for your help. I finally managed to find it after all. It is from a new photoshoot for Vegas, right? I've thus far seen this one and another one similar to your profile picture, with the same big hair.
(Tuesday 17 February 2015; 20:23)


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