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About Randy from USA:
MC is my favorite artist of all time and I love her songwriting skills on her introspective songs. My favorite album: Butterfly. My favorite song: Right To Dream.
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Finally, triumphant (38,572)
by Randy from USA
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This is why we're fans. Everytime we think it's over, she comes back and proves us wrong. She sang. Live. I didn't get to see America The Beautiful. But #Beautiful was live and so was Hero. I thought it was interesting that Nick said that #Beautiful was from the upcoming album "The Art of Letting Go", so that's the album title lol.
(Friday 5 July 2013; 4:43)
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Will from England (38,516)
by Randy from USA
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I disagree with you totally. Yes I am sure Celine Dion lips sometimes and so does Beyonce. Whitney never did. She would go on stage and sound horrible. She would apologize and give an excuse. To me that's a soldier. Check her performances at Divas 2004 and GMA in 2009. I suffered from ear bleeds and embarrassment and had to see my therapist lol. Whitney did that because her legacy was her voice. What is Mariah's legacy? Her voice. What's so odd, and I agree with whoever said this earlier, she seems to be able to sing in candid moments or whenever she's onstage in concert. Why is it so difficult on television? That is when it counts. The audiences are non-MC fans. I love MC. Lord knows I do. But, she is a singer. That is her job. That's what made her famous. I am a teacher. If I do not teach, I get fired. What happens when a singer doesn't sing? And final point. This is Mariah Carey. If you ask anyone about her, they mention the voice. It's Mariah Carey. Ciara sang live. So did Tamela Mann. Effortlessly. It is Mariah Carey. That's why we're making a big deal. She should be able to sing live. I'm going to say it one more time at risk of the webmaster editing the post. It's Mariah Carey.
(Monday 1 July 2013; 18:54)
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Trickery and deceit (38,490)
by Randy from USA
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I love her. But more than the lack of promotion, rappers in her songs and her body baring clothes, this lipping is what's going to kill her career. Die hard fans have been crying foul since 99 and the Rainbow era. My Facebook and Twitter lit up from non-fans during the BET Awards about her lip-syncing the same way it did during American Idol. Whatever is going on with the pipes, she needs to record songs she can actually sing live. If the world's best vocalist can't sing, what does she have to fall back on? There's plenty of pretty girls in the music business under 40.
(Monday 1 July 2013; 3:26)
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Calm down girl (38,444)
by Randy from USA
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Lol. I'm not being insulting, but half of you sound like you're going to slit your wrist. Now I've been critical of MC, especially over live, critical performances that she's lipped or sounded awful, but keep in mind that MC has never given us a bad album. I personally feel like #Beautiful is her worst lead off single ever. It's so boring. But I believe that any album she puts out will be top quality. I know I differ with you guys in that I loved Memoirs and I didn't think Bye Bye was a bad single choice. I know we agree she puts out the best albums even if we don't always like certain songs/single choices. I still believe.
(Friday 28 June 2013; 16:32)
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Stephen from UK (38,376)
by Randy from USA
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I agree with you on the quality of the music, but honestly, TEOM was not seamless. Remember, when she brought an album, with Say Something as the first single to IDJ, LA Reid told her to go back and work with Jermaine and they wrote the three big hits together. I will say that MC is more than capable of putting a great album together by herself. Remember that Glitter was all her and we agree despite its poor sales performance it was an awesome album. I am not a big fan of #Beautiful, but I did like Memoirs a lot. So I trust her and IDJ should also. She needs to leave that label and most of you will agree on that, even though you may not agree with my viewpoint. That's all.
(Wednesday 26 June 2013; 1:49)
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TAOLG / Heartbreaker / If You Should Ever Be Lonely (38,329)
by Randy from USA
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I still feel like there is another single that is going to be released before the album and it's going to be a killer. She's just trying to gain interest and reintroduce her iconic brand. As for the remix you all keep touting, I hated it in 99 and I hate it now. Mariah's best mash-up to this day: My All/Stay Awhile. Whenever I'm in my car and that comes up on several of my iPod shuffle playlists, I blast it and sing it to the top of my lungs, and I don't care if I'm in the hood, aka the West End of Atlanta or the ritzy neighborhoods, Alpharetta or Vinings. My All/Stay Awhile is undeniable.
(Saturday 22 June 2013; 0:41)
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The Art of Letting Go (38,294)
by Randy from USA
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I like the title. It means we'll have introspective ballads like Petals, Right To Dream, Outside, Languishing, Looking In, Vanishing, Close My Eyes, Twister etc. Those are my favorite songs by her for the most part and I'm intrigued more than I was after the #Beautiful release. I hope Triumphant (Get Em) doesn't make the tracklist and #Beautiful is the weakest track because it bores me to tears. I wonder what work she's doing with Miguel now. I'm bored with this collabo and I want her to shine without tapping a current artist as if she's trying for a hit. She's ridiculously talented as a songwriter and I want her to shine all by herself. That's all.
(Wednesday 19 June 2013; 0:03)
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Blake, single choices, album title (38,174)
by Randy from USA
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Blake, it's so funny to me that even as fans we disagree sometimes. I loved Loverboy and Obsessed and their accompanying videos. Why Loverboy was not a hit, I have no idea. The sample was hot and so was the vocal and to me it's one of MC's most vibrant videos. In addition, I didn't like the "Firecracker" sample Mottolla ripped off of her so I guess I was the lone one that was shocked when that tanked. Be careful when you guys ask for something fresh, because #Beautiful is fresh and sounds nothing like any other MC record and yet it bores me and many others to tears. I would like to hear, and no one's going to agree with me, a scorching ballad. Something like Beyonce's 1+1 or Melonie Fiona's 4 AM. Of course with MCs lyrical capabilities, it would be light years beyond those two songs. But the production and melody on those two songs are amazing and I'd like that instead of a repeated melody. Have you guys ever heard the instrumentals to Touch My Body or We Belong Together (boring). Finally, I would die of happiness for a one word album title. I know I'm asking/wishing for a lot. MC is more than capable of delivering, so I'll hold my breath.
(Friday 7 June 2013; 16:53)
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Ballads (38,148)
by Randy from USA
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My favorite songs are Butterfly and My All. They are just lyrically and vocally amazing. I'm surprised no one mentioned Through The Rain. I loved that there is no background or vocal layering on that song. I was pissed that everytime she performed it live, there was a wall of background singers, since it wasn't like that on the record. Additional favorites are Never Forget You, Vanishing, Lead The Way, Outside, Close My Eyes, Petals, Right To Dream, Looking In. This could really go on and on for me lol.
(Tuesday 4 June 2013; 8:15)
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Lip sync, dub, pieced together, vocal rest and other excuses (37,902)
by Randy from USA
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I'm going to be diplomatic as I can when I say this, because I am angry. We are not talking about Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears or Ashlee Simpson. We are talking about Mariah Carey. She is considered the best singer in the world by many. A little thing such as singing a live medley of her hits should not be problematic. There are lots of excuses on this board running around and my problem is that when I look at performances from 1990-1997 I can see the talent even if there are mistakes. I'm in MC's corner, hell, I was making those excuses for her on Facebook last night when my friends were blasting her. But seriously, why can't she perform 100% totally live when it counts? I want to be able to say her name amongst non-lambs without a snicker in the room. I'm still not able to do that. Furthermore, I think this is a case of "can't do" not "won't do" like a few of you think. My theory is the voice is shot and that is why in interviews during the last ten years, she has been focusing on getting others to know that she's such a great songwriter to steal attention away from the vocals. She blushes when people compliment her voice and it's in a way that lets me know she lacks confidence in them. I still love MC, but I'm tired of smoke and mirrors.
(Friday 17 May 2013; 22:18)
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Heartbreaker (37,885)
by Randy from USA
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You know a few years ago when MC was promoting WBT on every show, I would be excited and tell my ex. His remark was, what is she lip-syncing to, the album track or the scratchy track meant to make you believe she's singing live. On AI last night, she used both. And once again my Facebook is lighting up from non-fans. And once again I'm stuck doing damage control. I am so disappointed. It's not the lambs that will get Mariah press off of her breasts and her antics; it will be her voice and the music. If she is ever going to hit Aretha Patti Barbara legend/icon status, she has got to put those live performances out there when it counts. This was a huge miss. I am mortified.
(Friday 17 May 2013; 3:20)
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Mariah airplay (37,869)
by Randy from USA
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Airplay and sales have been manipulated for a long time and not just MC. However, I am let down that IDJ made a deal for radio airplay. One of the reasons MC is not an icon to most regular people is because her fans push her songs to #1, not the general public, in my opinion. This is why I gained another whole layer of respect for the webmaster when he refused to let a link be posted that would gain #Beautiful streaming views. I remember when TGIFY came out in stores. The Make It Last Forever Remix was sold out so that was a #1 based on mostly sales and not airplay. No one but us knows that song. I want MC to come out with a song that everyone, not just lambs, support. One that gets airplay because people like it. #Beautiful doesn't cut it and I knew it the first time I heard it. I still believe IDJ has something up their sleeve. There's a lot of time left because we don't have an album title or release date yet. Last thought: I don't know why people are up in arms about airplay and why Billboard still counts it as much as it does in its tabulations. No one listens to the radio anymore.
(Thursday 16 May 2013; 0:38)
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Excited and nervous (37,634)
by Randy from USA
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I am excited for this new era. She has been on vocal rest so I'm hoping that she can give live non disputable, non debatable performances when it really counts. And as for American Idol, I agree that she should leave the show. I love what Wendy Williams said. Give them the money back so that it appears that you didn't need the show, it was beneath you and it was a mistake. I have a feeling when she leaves, because it's painfully obvious it isn't going to work another season, American Idol is going to rip her to shreds. Last thought: I hope that IDJ stands by the single no matter how well it does on the charts and doesn't release a bunch of music pre-album or push the album back.
(Saturday 27 April 2013; 14:18)
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Whoa Ribbon B (37,581)
by Randy from USA
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I didn't jump ship when they signed Nikki to the show. I thought it was a good addition and diversified the panel but I didn't care one way or another. But clearly Mariah has disappointed when it comes to expressing herself. How could the woman who uses words such as emblazoned, euphoric, disarming and incessantly in #1 pop songs, seem to be grasping for words everytime she opens her mouth? For a minute, I was starting to think MC was using a ghost writer because she's so inarticulate on the show. Then my ex reminded me that she's always suffered from stage fright or being put on the spot. That's why her live television performances are so mediocre. She has a lot of time to write a song, alone in a studio. What angers me the most is once again on a live television show seen by many non-fans, she is choking like she does with her live performances. And once again I am having to defend her talent and genius to non-lambs. P.S. I am not a Minaj fan. In fact, I sampled songs and lyrics from her album after watching the show because she is so interesting. She's not the lyrical genius MC is and it pisses me off that she's more articulate when put on the spot.
(Thursday 18 April 2013; 0:44)
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Edward/buying multiple copies (37,269)
by Randy from USA
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I am not criticizing you, because it is your business what you do with your money. I've never understood buying multiple copies of MC music unless it's to have in the car and in the house. In the case of mp3s, that's not feasible. Over the years, I've always wished fans wouldn't buy multiple copies because I want Mariah's #1s to be public induced so they would become timeless songs in mainstream culture. A fan induced #1 is instantly forgotten or not even experienced by most people. An example of this is "Thank God I Found You" when MC was at her peak with fans. No one who is not an MC fan knows that song. It is when you have many timeless hits that people in the mainstream respect you, you get tributes and put on every greatest of all time list. Mariah gets no respect in the industry. At least not the amount she deserves. Kelly Rowland singing a tribute? How many tributes did Whitney get before she even died? Finally, remember when there was a DJ backlash against playing MC songs because fans were calling in so much? Mariah makes great music. Let the general public make her #1.
(Thursday 21 February 2013; 23:10)
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Almost Home snippet/Idol (37,205)
by Randy from USA
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I was hoping for something without vocal layering, but it sounds very current and not a R&B or Pop ballad, which would be ignored by radio, so not bad. I can't wait to buy it. As far as Idol, as with certain live performances in the past , I see a lot of fans are rallying around Mariah and making excuses for poor performance. Let me say this: Fox paid her 18 million, so it's not logical to edit her out. It is what it is, a disappointment. The woman who uses words like euphoric, disarming and elusive in #1 pop hits should be able to give well-worded relevant criticism to newcomers after 20+ years in the industry. I love her dearly, but she's underwhelming as far as Idol goes.
(Saturday 16 February 2013; 22:58)
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MC on Idol (37,145)
by Randy from USA
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I have to agree with Lee and CDC. Nikki's critique right now is way better and far more interesting than MC's. I thought Mariah was going to be more technical and give useful feedback. Considering she has a vocal doctor, has had vocal coaches as background singers and her mom is an opera singer, MC knows everything about the human voice. To me she is just giving commentary and not critique and Nikki is coming off more useful than MC. I will say this though: part of the reason for the fued is Nikki is grabbing and hogging the spot light on this panel and I think this is why MC doesn't want her there. I think MC should become more assertive and less passive aggressive and then Nikki might quiet down. I'm starting to like Nikki now and that surprises me.
(Saturday 26 January 2013; 12:57)
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Digital Spy article and video (37,018)
by Randy from USA
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My ex posted it on my facebook. It shows MC adlibbing and entertaining the audience while they fix her ear piece. She sounds amazing. And if you've read my posts over the years, I am very critical of her live performances. Especially when she lips. The voice sounds amazing and I hope and pray she is able to hold onto it during her promotional tour for the new album.
(Wednesday 2 January 2013; 19:24)
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Mariah is still MC (36,971)
by Randy from USA
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I don't agree that she has changed beyond recognition. If you listen to MOAIA, there are tracks that are introspective like Languishing. Hate U reminds me of My All and I Wanna Know What Love Is is similar to Without You. There's a thread of introspect, wantoness, remake, love, hope and bitterness on each CD. What I am thoroughly angry about are the live performances since 1996. We can't tell if they're ever 100% live, because she's so slick now with the lipsyncing, unlike when she started that foolishness circa 1997 and she flapped her arms and spun around when she wasn't singing. I will grant you that she was good on the Rockefeller NBC thing, but it's a shame we now sit on pins and needles because we don't know what we're getting. For someone considered one of the premier vocalists of all time, it's sad that we're not getting spontaneous show off performances. Notice how now whenever an interviewer brings up how wonderful her voice is, she quickly tells them "I'm a songwriter". MC has yet to put out an album I don't love but MC live, wooph.
(Sunday 16 December 2012; 13:56)
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Videos (36,721)
by Randy from USA
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I keep saying over and over, with the music industry being what it is, no label is spending on videos what they were spending at the millenium. Albums don't sell digitally or physically due to internet sharing. MTV and VH1 maybe play 12 videos a day. There's no money for it. MC is not a video artist, she is a singer.
(Sunday 11 November 2012; 14:04)
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Classy (36,681)
by Randy from USA
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Look at how classy MC looks when she is speaking by the first lady's side about voting for Obama. This is how she should dress more often.
(Tuesday 6 November 2012; 12:20)
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Memoirs/The Dream (36,568)
by Randy from USA
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To be honest, I'm not disappointed she's working with The Dream. I liked Memoirs and was surprised that one producer could put together an album with different sounds. I loved MC's time with Wally A, but weren't Just To Hold You Once Again and All I Ever Wanted and When I Saw You and Whenever You Call all the same song? Isn't My All, After Tonight, and I Only Wanted the same song with three different producers? Mariah was the common thread and she was probably repeating the Spanish guitar formula. I think MC will put together a great album; she never hasn't. She may not get a #1. The singles choices may suck, the promotion may suck, the fashion may suck and even the live performances may suck. But I will bet my entire retirement account the album won't and isn't the music what's most important?
(Sunday 21 October 2012; 0:12)
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American Idol (36,434)
by Randy from USA
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This whole situation is entertaining to me. First of all, I didn't want MC to join because Idol is a sinking ship and I knew MC would be used as a scapegoat. Secondly, I can't see MC being disrespectful to Nicki Minaj's opinion. If she was signed as a judge, then the MC that has been presented to us for 20+ years would've been happy getting along with everyone. Of course, recently MC has done some things that have made us wonder if who she is is what we've been presented with (eternally 12 year olds don't get married). But that's a conversation for another time. I don't care what you guys think; the judges table needs Nicki Minaj for a younger demographic. This situation has interested people in the show in a way that wouldn't have been possible with just the new judges alone. Finally, I don't think MC should've called Barbara Walters. While I do believe Nicki Minaj said she would shoot MC if she had a gun, I'm sorry, I wouldn't take a cartoon rapper seriously. Especially since if now anything happens to MC or dem funny looking babies, Nicki and her camp would be immediately suspected. Calling Barbara and hiring extra security made MC seem like a drama queen, and the royal highness that Nicki said she was. This isn't a publicity stunt, but it isn't a predecessor to violence either. It was an argument that got out of control. I am sure FOX is loving this. And does MC really need someone to carry her umbrella? I wonder how much he gets paid?
(Saturday 6 October 2012; 15:32)
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Butterfly (36,352)
by Randy from USA
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I'm glad some of you mentioned the anniversary of this masterpiece. I will never forget that day 09.16.97 when I brought the CD home and opened the cellophane. I already loved Honey but then I heard Butterfly, My All and the rest of the tracks in secession and I was amazed. I couldn't believe an album had been made that had no filler tracks. Everything was different and yet belonged and connected. This album set her apart from Celine and Whitney at the time because wow they had great albums, neither have had anything that compared to this one. This was also the first time I took MC seriously as a songwriter and her themes of alienation and loneliness apparent on Close My Eyes and Outside made me feel like there was someone who felt the way I did about my family and how society treated me for being different. I love this album and though I still love MC and have loved Rainbow, Glitter, E=MC2 and Memoirs, I am still waiting for Butterfly's true follow up.
(Tuesday 18 September 2012; 1:43)
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The performance (36,271)
by Randy from USA
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It was better than I expected. Her falsetto wasn't shaky and flat and she sang in full voice in some parts and it wasn't lipped. However if you want to compare this to 1995 Daydream at Madison Square or even 1997 Butterfly/My All @ SNL. This is a sad fall from grace and what makes me laugh hysterically: some fans still say the voice hasn't changed because she can still do whistle notes. I miss the days where she refused to do them because she didn't want them to be a gimmick. Now they're her saving grace to the argument 'she's still got it".
(Thursday 6 September 2012; 3:48)
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