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About Liz Archer from Sweden:
A fan since a long time. Meet her shortly during her tour in Sweden. I of course was shy as usual.. but she was amazing.
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Mariahs World (63,503)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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When is the show airing?
(Friday 17 June 2016; 15:03)
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Re: Mariah on Snapchat (63,239) (63,241)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I am stunned. I'm mean is this ok with her boyfriend? She looks super waisted. Who are these people?
(Saturday 11 June 2016; 18:13)
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Re: Mariah vs. Wendy (63,135) (63,178)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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No I know what you mean. I was hoping she was going to reply to it. It's not that bad or offensive dig. I thought it was hilarious. Mariah even mentioned Wendy in her song. She should be honored that Mariah referenced her show in one of her songs. I really don't get what their beef is (if there is one).
(Thursday 9 June 2016; 7:47)
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Mariah fabulous life (62,997)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I honestly don't know what to think. I don't know if I enjoy her "diva" acts in her interviews the last couple of years. I mean, I can see the fun in those "diva" moments. As a person with a sense of humor I get the festive moments and I get the persona that Mariah puts on. It is like acting. But honestly I am also a bit concerned. It is hard to take Mariah seriously when she act like that. Every interview, it's like she on her own dimension. I'm just worried that it's making people not feeling they can relate to her. As a fan, that is important. Or maybe we are just being too harsh and shouldn't take these things so seriously. Maybe Mariah knows what she is doing and simply is just trying to entertain us. Found out the the media outlet give her attention when she is extraordinary like the diva everyone think she is. Personally I don't think she is like that in private, but it's hard to really know. I'm just worried it alienates people more than being them in to adore her and her music. She is really special, she should be part of SNL or do some comedy acts. Maybe then people will get her.
(Friday 3 June 2016; 23:39)
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Craving new music (61,779)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Gosh, I am craving new music from Mariah. How long do you guys think it will take until she releases anything new?
(Tuesday 3 May 2016; 0:07)
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Re: Connecting with fans/how to do meet and greets (61,186) (61,193)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Completely agree. It is a shame it is not organised better. But who is going to quality check her employees work with this? It's not like they check the fans satisfaction after such meet ang greet. I don't know how it compares to her last tour. Has it got worse or the same? Does anyone know? I did meet Mariah in the last tour but that was because mom and me was waiting outside the hotel. Such a fun experience and she was kind to meet with us and sign our memobilia. Sadly it has partly been destroyed now. The pen she used was a bad one. Partly faded. Didn't think that one though.
(Sunday 10 April 2016; 1:36)
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Re: Article: Meeting Mariah (61,173) (61,185)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I'm sorry, I usually don't comment on these things since it is not my business and I usually try to spread positivity. I know I might be backslashed for this, but here it goes. But do you realise how strange you come across? I can totally understand that you are in a sad place and life has been difficult for you. I have had a terrible last year and I am still struggling to get pass what has been the worst thing happening to me. You mention giving Mariah your grand grandmother diamond cross and you have a daughter? Wouldn't your daughter rather have it? I would do anything to have an item from my grandmother or even my mother. Mariah is a wealthy person, and although the gift was certainly kind but you basically gave away a family item to a stranger. Of course can do anything you want with your stuff. I just find it inconsiderable to your future family line. You don't pay your rent to come to see her. That is not something you should be doing, what is going to happen now when you get back? Will you lose your apartment and are your family dependent on this? I wish I could see Mariah when she was visiting the country I am currently in, but I have to pay my bills and I couldn't afford it. Last big adventure that my mother and I did before she died was seeing Mariah Carey. I wish I could have seen her this time but sometimes you have to make reasonable choices. I could have spent a few thousands to see her but then I would have been in a more difficult situation. You seem to think that Mariah will come and save you and are waiting for her "promises". I just don't know what you are expecting here. I don't know what she promised about or what you discussed but I worried that you put so much hope into something that is not given. Mariah sees many fans around the world but she is still a person. It feels wrong with this attitude that seem to come across from your postings. It shouldn't make you more important that another person/fan, sick or not sick. You can't put your hopes on one person, because then you will be, most likely, disappointed. I don't know what you discussed, but remember she is a person just like you, with her problems and her responsibilities. She can't just go and drop that for one person. And maybe it's possible for her to do whatever she promised, but she is not obligated to do so because one person asked her. I am sorry that you are in a terrible place and are suffering, but something I have learned from last year or so, how harsh it may sound like, is that people don't like a pity party. At some point you have to pick up your shattered pieces and try to live the best way you can no matter what situation you are in. Ok, maybe I was a bit harsh here and I apologise.
(Saturday 9 April 2016; 17:32)
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Re: Meet and greet mess (61,103) (61,127)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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In a way I understand what you mean and I think it is a shame. I think it's the wrong formula. What she really should do is like a book or conference signing. Have people come to her to give an autograph and take a photo with the person in line. That way the person has a chance to speak to her shortly and get a real photo but understand she can't speak with you for 5 minutes since others are also in line. Many tv celebs do that in these fan gatherings and those pics can be quite funny.
(Friday 8 April 2016; 11:00)
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Behind the scenes (60,992)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Honestly, we don't know what is going on behind the scene. Mariah has had a few unsuccessful years and maybe those "people" she fired was aiding in that failure. We don't know. All I know is that it has gone pretty well for Mariah lately. Las Vegas was a hit, and this tour has been an excellent idea. Her voice has improved immensely, she is back to shape. She is more comfortable on the stage once again. Her old fans (and maybe some new ones) gets to see her sing like she used to and I guess the idea of this documentary is to try to gain some new fans or bring back some go the old. It's how media today works, so she is trying to gain some momentum so people don't forget her. If she releases an album soon I think it could work, but honestly it depends on her new manager and what she does next. She is getting married soon (I guess) and if she decided to be a stay-home mom it can affect her album releases. She need to really promote her new work and if she doesn't it could fail, which seem to be happening before. And of course the material has to be good. Honestly I hope she doesn't stop the Las Vegas thing, I hope to see her there. Trying to save for it, but another tour wouldn't be that bad. It seem very successful and I wish I had the opportunity to see it, but not this time. I mean, sure. I am not a big fan of Stella and how she does certain things (her daughter, her behaviour to media), but if she can get Mariah the "it girl" again and have a successful album release, because that is what I guess fans want, to hear new music and wish her more success, then fine. So I guess we just have to wait and see. Ps. My thoughts might be scambled, it's late.
(Sunday 3 April 2016; 0:00)
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Re: What an amazing show in Oslo (60,960) (60,977)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I'm so jeoulus. Wish I could have come to Oslo.
(Saturday 2 April 2016; 10:01)
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Mariah mention (60,920)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Well, I was watching a show called Supergirl. The episode was featuring was a crossover between Supergirl and the Flash as from different dimensions and Flash had run fast that he crossed over to this world with Supergirl (and Superman). The episode was featuring a meta-human (I think) that had the ability to scream in ultrasonic voice. So, in that scene where they discuss this meta-human and how to stop her, the character playing Flash mentioned, "At least it is good to know we both have Mariah Carey" or something like that. Anyways, I thought it was funny that they mentioned Mariah Carey as the common thing in the two different universes. 
(Tuesday 29 March 2016; 23:19)
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Re: Concert in Stockholm (60,870) (60,916)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Aww. I wish I could see her in concert again. Last time I saw her in Sweden was at the Globe. That was so much fun. I met her in the freezing night and got an autograph. This time I can't afford it.
(Tuesday 29 March 2016; 15:38)
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Re: Messy Stella (60,835) (60,841)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I couldn't agree more. I really don't like Stella. Frankly, I knew very little about her until I saw her constantly being in Mariah's shadow and her being unprofessional. I would understand if she had to be there since it may be part of her job. What I don't understand is why her children are being part of Mariah's squad and constantly in the pictures with Mariah. Doesn't she go to school and why is she part of this tour? And I don't understand her behavior to the media. She is very rude and the way she disses people and let people wait. It's not a good thing. Mariah needs someone that will be though and determined, but you have to be smart too. And clearly having an attitude and pissing of media and fans is not the way to go. She certainly has not impressed me. A manager should be in the shadows, not visible. I really hope she does not live with Mariah. There should be a line between personal and business. When the lines are too blurred then bad things can happen.
(Sunday 27 March 2016; 4:44)
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Teens and 90ies music (60,795)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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So, on YouTube there is a channel that tested a few teens if they recognised some songs and artists from the 90ites. When Mariah came with One Sweet Day, I was horrified. Some of them knew it was Mariah, but said they didn't listen to her. Some said they had no idea. One even referred to Ariana? I mean, is this why it has gone so badly for Mariah in selling albums/singles in 00s? How do you change that? Is it because Mariah sings ballads and that is not "hip"?
(Thursday 24 March 2016; 22:35)
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Re: Toxic relationships (60,684) (60,707)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I agree, it's worrying. A manager should never have so much control. She should not live with her client. It is very unprofessional. She sounds very unprofessional, you don't handle press like that.
(Monday 21 March 2016; 17:55)
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Tour (60,677)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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So upset and sad I can't go and see Mariah. I went to see her last time (and meet her) and it was a great experience. But this time I can't afford the travel or tickets, my current economical situation doesn't allow it. I hope she does this soon again when I am better prepared for it, although from that magazine article it seems she isn't planning a new tour anytime soon again.
(Monday 21 March 2016; 2:13)
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Mariah Carey and Justin Timberlake (60,598)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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This needs to happen. I need to see a duet between Mariah Carey and Justin Timberlake. 
(Saturday 19 March 2016; 12:41)
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Article: Mariah Carey's reality show stalled by diva stylist (60,597)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Sighs, I was afraid of this. She really needs to get rid of people like this. Seriously, Mariah, you can get tonnes of other stylist that won't be such a diva. The people behind should never be standing in your way.
(Saturday 19 March 2016; 12:07)
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Re: Tardy Mariah, naughty Mariah (60,557) (60,558)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I totally agree, it is so disrespectful. Please, don't do this to your fans. At least have the curtesy to show up in time for your own concert. I don't understand how she can be late. I would be ashamed if I did that to people. It is not OK Mariah.
(Friday 18 March 2016; 14:32)
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Re: 22 May (59,195) (59,197)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Oh wow. Totally missed that. Ok, forget my question. It's been so long since I was on that website. It's really gone dead? Luckily I can count on this website. I've been actively watching this site since forever.
(Wednesday 20 January 2016; 1:45)
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Re: Empire (59,196)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I disagree. I loved Lady Gagas character. She acted the part well as expected, but it was a character that totally fitted her music/artistic persona. With Mariah Carey it's a bit more difficult. I think Empire could be a good place for the Mariah Diva or non-diva persona to shine. I think if Mariah relaxes a bit, be humble and follow directions it could work. It's hard to say. I want her to be successful but sometimes making that transition is hard. Just see Jennifer Lopez new tv show. I thought it was terrible. JLo has been good in movie (the one she acted as that Latino star) although that is basically only what I've seen from her movies.
(Wednesday 20 January 2016; 1:40)
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22 May (59,195)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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On Mariah Journal website Mariah seem to have some appearance with major shows like Ellen etc. Any idea what that might be about? Can we even dare to imagine a new album? [Webmaster: Mariah Daily Journal last update was on 9 October 2015. The upcoming events are all from 2015.]
(Wednesday 20 January 2016; 1:31)
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Re: A Christmas Melody (58,609) (58,622)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Just because I have been a fan of Mariah's music since early nineties doesn't mean I will automatically love everything she does. I'm a fan with my own opinions. If I'm not in love with one of her projects doesn't make me less of a fan. You should be allowed to recognize something isn't super terrific and still be loving her other work.
(Tuesday 22 December 2015; 1:33)
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Christmas Melody (58,598)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I think the casting for the movie was well done. Many of the actors are people I love to see. I really liked the movie over all, it was very cute. I hate to say this but Mariah wasn't super great in this. I get the parody of her role but it just went a bit wrong. I think one of the main things why, is that her stand-alone scenes had a different lightning and they are just that, stand-alone (one of my biggest beefs in the movie). I also think that maybe "bitchy" isn't want people want to see from her. I don't associate that when I see Mariah. I think her larger than life singer personality is so strong that it feels weird to see her as anything else or maybe its what you don't want to see. You want to see more of a down-to-earth side. I don't know, overall the movie was better than I thought. I enjoyed it.
(Monday 21 December 2015; 13:03)
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Re: Christmas special (58,570) (58,586)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I agree the christmas special performance was spectacular. This is what I wanted to see and enjoy. I loved her dresses and the lightning and all was really great. She looked amazing and sounded great. I haven't seen the movie yet, I am afraid to watch it to be honest. I wish she would do great as an actress and I would personally love to see more of acting, but I am afraid that she might let her "diva"-ness take over. I saw a small snippet and I was sadly to see some "mistakes" from a director point of view. From the reviews I've seen so far it doesn't looks so great.
(Sunday 20 December 2015; 22:38)
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