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About ADAM from USA: I love MC music

Mariah's World - my thoughts (71,587) by ADAM from USA
This show is probably the worse reality show I've ever seen. Every scene is so badly staged and choppy and isn't coherent. The conflict between Anthony and Maryann is so clearly staged and stupid and the less said about Molly the better. The most illuminating thing about MW has been how clear it has become that undoubtedly Mariah has a serious drinking/mental health problem. In most of the scenes regardless of the time of day she is cradling a glass of wine or champagne. Most people drink to celebrate, however Mariah always appears to either about to drink or is already drunk. In her voice-overs and in her confessional scenes, Mariah always sounds medicated. She never sounds clear and always appears to be out of touch. Its really sad how she has no friends that aren't on the payroll and/or surrounds herself with anyone who can keep it real with her. She appears she has it all but IMO she has nothing. She looks so lonely and drunk that she's just hungry for any attention. She doesn't have that spark in personality nor enthusiasm in her voice that makes you believe she's in her right mind nor invested in what's she doing. Anyone with a half a brain that was sane, would not edit the show this way where she comes off as a cheater and out of touch diva who is aging and won't let go of the hooker-attire. If you want more proof she's lost her mind just re-watch the Charlie Rose interview in 1999 and watch MW and tell me she is the same person mentally? Whatever happened in 2001, it had a profound affect on her mental state because since then its all downhill. Unfortunately until she passes, no one in her current camp will spill the beans nor tell her the truth about herself. That's the problem when you push away your friends and replace them with staff - people who rely on you for a paycheck will never rock the boat.
(Tuesday 24 January 2017; 22:16)
Re: MW new trailer (68,411) (68,414) by ADAM from USA
Such a shame someone with a legacy like Mariah has succumbed to antics like this whether real or not. It's really sad and tragic. Her stats and talent are so above this fray she has wanted to be a part of. Goes to show you the lengths some people will go to, to stay relevant whether it's positive or negative press. Yikes.
(Thursday 17 November 2016; 23:13)
Re: Pictures from Disneyland taping (68,400) (68,410) by ADAM from USA
Does anyone else think that she had the flirtation with Bryan Tanaka throughout the whole Packer relationship? She just has no respect for herself because she can't appear to be by herself for any period of time. It's interesting she seems to think that the comfort of a man is the problem she's trying to fill the void when it's clear she's the problem she's not working on. Bryan is on the payroll and this initial fascination he has with her will eventually fissle out like the way Nick Cannon did. I just think the way she paraded around Snapchat with Bryan and DJ Suss One a few months back while being drunk and still engaged was so disrespectful to James. I hope she gets its together because she's aging whether she likes it or not and this antics have a limited shelf life.
(Thursday 17 November 2016; 22:05)
Re: Kitty, Jussie and his hit the right-note pills (67,070) (67,074) by ADAM from USA
I so agree with you review Andrew. While I'm happy Mariah has received generally positive press from this small cameo, it was a cringe fest for me. She really is the worst actress and needs to stop getting acting opportunities because she doesn't have the talent in that arena nor the "look". The way Mariah looks now is like a wax figurine of herself. Empire only highlighted that fact she's clearly had plastic surgery done. Whatever she's doing to her face and the lace front wigs she's wearing more often is just terrible. I wish she'd just age gracefully and accept that for what it is. If she left the fillers, botox and whatever else she's doing she would still be beautiful and not like some chipmunk who played in her mother's makeup box.
(Friday 7 October 2016; 22:21)
Re: New Insta pics (66,240) (66,245) by ADAM from USA
Marissa I agree. I'm throwing in the towel. I've unfollowed her on Instagram and feel so disinterested in anything she's doing nowadays. The memory I have of her music and character is something I'll always remember and treasure, but it's clear the persona she is now is not something I stand to support in any way. I will not let her team manipulate the adoration and trust of legacy fans like myself any longer. I'm not falling for the "my fans are everything" gimmick and how music is her saving grace. I've come to the realization that I don't like who Mariah is personally for quite some time now and that the distain is enough to make me walk away. If she ever decides to creates good music again I'm sure I'll hear about it otherwise I'm not here for this gratuitous woman who has no class, respect, or integrity. She has become so deluded in her vanity and insecure with her standing in the world that she continues to alienate not only herself but many of her long-time fans. While the world suffers another tragedy, Mariah continues to flaunt diamonds, yachts, and selfies. She really has zero interest in the world around her and I hope that her money keeps her company because she doesn't fool me as happy lounging around in her excess and material goods. Goodbye.
(Wednesday 14 September 2016; 4:34)
Re: The Goddess (66,046) (66,066) by ADAM from USA
I just watched the clips you posted from The Goddess and I got goosebumps and stomach sank. This is nothing news for fans like us. Mariah has been on a downward spiraling crying out for attention for years. I think her celebrity and fame will drown her if she doesn''t gain the strength to stop herself from her own demons and stop her enablers. Mariah is the only one who can get herself out of this mess. I don't believe James nor Stella are the devil. These are just people who obviously like/work for Mariah and give her the attention she craves because she doesn't want to be alone. I really feel continuing to watch Mariah deteriorate alongside her physical features becoming more and more plastic-like with enhancements and smoke/mirrors is like watching Whitney or Michael come t other own demise. I really hope her pastor or someone from her Faith comes and knocks some sense into her because I think a divine intervention is really the only think that will get her to see the light.
(Saturday 10 September 2016; 5:02)
Re: A disertation on being negative (65,909) (65,918) by ADAM from USA
Marissa that was a really insightful post. I thought you articulated your opinion really well and also feel a similar way. Mariah has changed in many ways good and bad throughout her career and the hope I have is that one day she will evolve into another phase that is a better balance than her current state. I can deal with the lip syncing of certain parts and the glamorous facade. What grates my nerves increasingly is the false connection she makes with her fans and crappy music she puts out. If she wants to rests on her laurels and sell her name on her past, fine. But don't continue to be inauthentic to your fans and perpetuate that you have this connection with us and connection to your music when its clear you really don't. If she wants to abuse herself and self medicate with drugs, alcohol and/or prescription meds, its not my business or call to make but she shouldn't take advantage of her fan's loyalty and commitment we've made to her throughout the years.
(Monday 5 September 2016; 22:12)
Re: The Emancipation Of Mimi era (65,419) (65,420) by ADAM from USA
I wish she'd do a one-off performance from start to finish of her debut album all acoustic. Alicia Keys did something like that a year ago and I thought it was a perfect platform to remind fans and non-fansalike that you're still relevant but also to share stories about this famous record. Mariah always says she's tired in many ways of performing the hits, but never steps outside her comfort zone to perform any material that's not. I don't consider the random singing of a few lines of The Roof or Cant Let Go sufficient enough. I feel she's lazy and doesn't put in the work to re-package older material to her fans. Madonna and Beyonce are excellent in this matter. They both always change up the structure and melodies of their older hits and it always makes for intrigue as a listener when they perform. The creativity they put into there songs makes me sad that Mariah doesn't do half the effort.
(Friday 19 August 2016; 13:39)
Re: Me I Am Mariah (65,252) (65,256) by ADAM from USA
TAOLG is a horrible song. There's no cohesive melody, bridge, and it's nonsensical in lyric composition. I can't believe she released that. It's embarrassing. Honestly it's makes me grateful to all the co writers and co producers she's worked with in the 90s to help compose her good music. I just hated all the hype before TAOLG. They built it up to be the next Vanishing and back to form to her earliest albums and it was such a let down. I hate these last several years of half efforts. I rather have less albums but quality music than these repeated attempts to recreate past hits. These kinds of stunts are making her lose her fan base and authenticity
(Sunday 14 August 2016; 18:26)
Re: Company (65,126) (65,135) by ADAM from USA
Exactly. It's like Mariah is footing the bill for Stella's whole extended family to travel with her and not her own. I get Mariah isn't close with her own siblings but she seems to cluster herself with anybody else but James Packer alone. I think it's deliberate. It's clear for many years now, Mariah is obsessed with status, wealth, and fame and the ultimate way to stay relevant and show up Nick Cannon is by having a billionaire fiancée whose infatuated her. When someone's infatuated with you, you can always throw them a couple of crumbs and they'll just be happy to be near you. And I think with James she's using him for his status but doesn't appear to be in love. She's can't be in a room with him without it being recorded or with an entourage. I hope he gets the courage to stop being played like this.
(Wednesday 10 August 2016; 20:57)
Re: Pettiness: in reverse (65,064) (65,073) by ADAM from USA
Wow. It's amazing how many likes your post amassed. I'm so glad you articulate this point so well. I'm at the edge and really want her to turn it around. Whoever this person she is now is gross and I don't recognize her. She seems lonely and is putting on a front so that the works thinks she has fortune, looks, and love. I don't buy it. I wish she'd find Jesus again or whatever humbleness she retained when she was in the 90s. So sad. I feel like we're watching Michael Jackson in his decline.
(Monday 8 August 2016; 20:53)
Article: "American Idol" contestants react to Mariah Carey (65,041) by ADAM from USA
Mariah is ridiculous for still labeling this period as abusive. It's offensive because it diminishes the word abusive when there's really trouble at hand and also because she was paid 18 million dollars to show up and give an opinion. No one feels sorry for you. We all have coworkers we could care less about. You just need to suck it and and stop behaving like a brat. If I were staff or a contestant on Idol during that season, I'd be really annoyed at Mariah. And yes I think Mariah initiated and antagonized Nicki Minaj into that big fight. Because from the beginning before Idol, Nicki always respected Mariah. Mariah's insecurities manifested to the point that she had to behave catty toward Nicki because she couldn't handle being secure on the panel and that there was another woman. No excuses for this kind of behavior. I would have eventually snapped at Mariah if I were Nicki too.
(Sunday 7 August 2016; 16:56)
Re: American Idol dresses (64,788) (64,797) by ADAM from USA
I agree. Mariah never looked better in her life than when she was on Idol. Her hair, makeup, nails, and wardrobe were a 10 everytime. However I think Mariah hated her outfits. Do you remember he Jimmy Fallon performance where she ad-libbed TAOLG and mentioned American Idol? She sang a line where she said she hated going to that place everyday and making her wear those dresses. So it seems like while we all loved her image during that time, she clearly didn't and I guess was upset she couldn't go on live TV with a bra and panties lol.
(Saturday 30 July 2016; 14:05)
Re: Weightloss? What weightloss? (64,514) (64,533) by ADAM from USA
Lol. I live for your posts Andrew. Mariah needs to just accept her physical features for what they are because she has made and continues to make herself a laughing stock. The delusion she must be under to photoshop her images to death. That what really kills it for me. Anyone with a half of brain can see that she's not near what she puts out. It's really a shame. Imagine how her children will grow up and adopt the same unhealthy body dismorphia?
(Thursday 21 July 2016; 21:43)
Broken engagement? (64,490) by ADAM from USA
Does anyone think Mariah is hitting the bottle too hard? She looks lately in several appearances like she has a glazed over look and I haven't seen her engagement ring on. Does anyone think there's trouble in paradise?
(Thursday 21 July 2016; 2:07)
Re: The weird weight loss (64,477) (64,479) by ADAM from USA
I didn't think that. I think she's just aging. Her muscle are losing definition and she always had a pudgy face. I just think now that's she's 47 she's not able to conceal these factors. If she worked out to build muscle vs tone, she'd look better but the weight on her face she's stuck with. That's why she contours her makeup and always angles her face in public to accentuate her jaw line and reduce face bloating. I think she doesn't have a healthy relationship about being a woman in the spotlight and aging. What makes it worse is not that people don't expect her to age but that she dresses cheap in ill fitting clothes which bring on riducule. She's hasn't let go in her head she's no longer the sex kitten.
(Wednesday 20 July 2016; 22:50)
Re: Bruises? (64,475) (64,478) by ADAM from USA
Normally I'd be concerned but she does have 2 children at home. It's more uncommon for a parent to not have any bruises or cuts if there's children around with toys, erratic behavior and little Jack Russell Terriers involved. Mariah doesn't seem like the type to stick around for any type of domestic abuse that were physical.
(Wednesday 20 July 2016; 20:54)
Re: What's with the stockings? (64,442) (64,453) by ADAM from USA
There's something that's consistent in every set of pics between James and Mariah - they look like associates. She's doesn't look engaged and doesn't touch his arm. She always looks as if she's disconnected or disinterested. She looks like his paid company. Mariah looks more interested and excited whenever she's around Bryan Tanaka or DJ Suss One. Is it weird during this era? I'm just waiting for her to snap out of it.
(Tuesday 19 July 2016; 21:02)
Re: A question for all (64,359) (64,373) by ADAM from USA
Haha. Aside from living as well I'd say the best thing from this last year has been her working the intro for Emotions and singing the climax for WBT.
(Monday 18 July 2016; 4:14)
Re: Poor Mariah (64,347) (64,357) by ADAM from USA
Wow. Spot on. As a fan of MC, I see her choices that's she's made professionally and personally as all her own. I think some people take Mariah's lyrics or confessionals during interviews a little too personal and feel like Mariah isn't accountable for her own behavior and choices. Nick was someone who she fell in love with and is the father of her kids and not the "villain". When they were together she genuinely looked the most in love and it produced the first and only set of children she's ever had. That's no small feat. When two people get together it takes the love and commitment from both ends to make a relationship work and when it no longer works out anymore, it's okay. When two people break up it's because they feel that point, they'll both be happier apart. Why does Mariah have to be taken advantage of? It's so silly. To me, whether it's Tommy, Nick, Stella or James. These are all people who had/have relationships with Mariah and at one point or another were close with MC. We'll never know both sides to anyone's relationship so why do we feel the need to destroy or victimize the other person? We all have been kind, loving, and at times with other people mean, unkind, and drift apart. This includes Mariah Carey. Let's just vote on whether the content she creates is good or not and remember that we are all human even the ones we consider to be supernatural lol. Thanks for reading. No ill-intentions from this post.
(Sunday 17 July 2016; 14:54)
Re: Tragedy in France (64,323) (64,329) by ADAM from USA
I think your criticism of me was fair. I was being a bit harsh in tone and expectations of her. I feel guilty about what I said but know that I can't be so stringent in my opinion of her that when someone is making amends to not forgive them. There's so many frequent violent acts of hate going on in the world this past year that I think we could all learn to love one another and just support each other. Mariah if your reading this (I know she's not lol) I'm sorry for anytime I've hurt your feelings. It's not my intent. The source of my frustration has only been out of love for your talent and because of that, I always hold you in such high regard with high expectations. In summation, I'm glad she's aware of what's is going on in the world and has responded in some fashion of her remorse.
(Saturday 16 July 2016; 1:37)
Re: Tragedy in France (64,306) (64,319) by ADAM from USA
Or maybe she just cares to speak up when it affects white people. I don't know how else to interpret it when she completely ignores the tragedies that have affected gay people in Orlando or the Black Lives Movement. I'm not suggesting she has to speak up for every movement but when you cherry pick what you support like she does it leaves you open to every opinion. Here comes all the dissenting opinions now and all the comments about how Fly Like A Bird and Outside and tokens of her appreciation for these minority groups. No thank you. It's not good enough. Flaunt your diamonds and endless self promotion of your body somewhere else.
(Friday 15 July 2016; 18:33)
Re: When is enough really enough? (64,211) (64,213) by ADAM from USA
While I'm a fan of her music from the 90's still, I find that her public image and way she's distanced herself from her fans and music in recent years has made me grow apart from Mariah. I think her music was honest and introspective when she worked with 2 or 3 other writers/producers at most. Post Glitter, her credits are filled with anyone and everyone and she doesn't seem to have to heart in her in music like she used to and seems to have a plastered smile on in everything she does. I feel she's decaying inside for many years now and uses her money and image to drown her sorrows. Whatever the case may be, I find I don't like the person she has become and see her becoming like Prince or Whitney if she doesn't change the course of her life. I don't blame the entourage or Stella or find that there's any one specific person or entity influencing her. I believe in life one surrounds themselves with the message they want to hear. And in Mariah's case it's truly Mariah's World. I'm just not buying into anything half baked that she's pushing. The wool over my eyes has been lifted.
(Tuesday 12 July 2016; 3:11)
Re: JP (64,048) (64,049) by ADAM from USA
Whenever I see pictures of JP and MC together she looks dead behind the eyes and has a smile that looks uncomfortable and fake. I feel like she looks in love and lustful whenever she photographed with Bryan Tanaka vs her own fiancee. I think she's with James for similar reasons to probably why she went with Tommy. Security and a older mature figure. I think Mariah is obsessed with status and wealth and will go to the lengths of even marrying this dude because it makes her look good. She's jet setting so much that she never seems to be alone enough times that she has to worry about being so intimate with James.
(Wednesday 6 July 2016; 5:01)
Re: ADAM from USA (63,880) (63,890) by ADAM from USA
My point wasn't about her weight at all. My side comment was a footnote on the bigger issue which was her behavior degrading her talent and legacy. Very similar to what you were feeling. Her weight was never an issue with me. Her weight gain always seems to be an issue with herself judging by the awkward angles ill fitting clothing she chooses to wear. I wasn't fat shaming her. I think when she's heavier she look good and seems to wear more flattering prints and silhouettes IMO. In closing, I feel bad when Mariah comes in public looking trashy because inevitably people always blame her stylists at the moment. But the truth is stylist are paid to buy fashions for their client that the client personally wants. At the end of the day Mariah is going to walk out the house and choose whatever pieces she wants in the order she sees fit. This is not one bad outfit Mariah wears. She is habitually known to wear this cheap trashy Jersey-esque atheistic that she likes. And if she likes it, so be it. Doesn't mean that I have to like it.
(Tuesday 28 June 2016; 3:31)


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