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About tadatorao from japan: Lamb since vision of love.

America the Beautiful (43,348) by tadatorao from japan
The inclusion of America the Beautiful probably has nothing to do with patriotism. They have omitted the titled track to make room for a bonus, so it's more about length of time of the song. The spoken dialogue of the title track means not much to Japanese, so they gotta find an 18th track which would fit into the disc space. Obviously Triumphant and Almost Home are too lengthy. If we talk about pushing of sales figure, Almost Home would have been a fitting choice as Japanese devout anything Disney. Before the bonus track was confirmed, the track list for the Japanese edition ended with a note of "bonus track under negotiation". I wonder if Mariah was ever involved in the selection of bonus track. It looks like more of a job by the record company. I will order the standard US edition and the Japanese edition.
(Thursday 8 May 2014; 13:13)
Bonus track (43,320) by tadatorao from japan
Universal Music Japan just announced that the bonus track for Japanese edition is America the Beautiful.
(Wednesday 7 May 2014; 19:18)
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