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About Billy from Greece:
I don't know, and neither do you.
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Mariah - UK (37,767)
by Billy from Greece
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Why have I always had the feeling that the UK just doesn't "get" Mariah? Like, at all? I was going through some UK reviews regarding "#Beautiful" and one of them characterized the song as a "sensual ballad". Uhm... right, whatever. Not that this is the most representative example, but through the years, the UK press, UK fans or non-fans that I have discussed with, have made - in my opinion - remarks that show how misconceived Mariah is there, both as an artist and personality.
(Wednesday 8 May 2013; 23:05)
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#Beautiful (37,709)
by Billy from Greece
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Oh my goddess.
(Monday 6 May 2013; 15:23)
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"Vision of Love" at NARM (37,590)
by Billy from Greece
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(Friday 19 April 2013; 10:44)
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"I Still Believe (The Eve of Soul Remix)" (37,479)
by Billy from Greece
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Does anyone else love the aforementioned remix as much as I do? "I Still Believe" could be such an epic EP. So many remixes, resung, reinterpreted, and completely different from one another.
(Monday 25 March 2013; 12:15)
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Eloquence (37,190)
by Billy from Greece
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Has anyone seen any interviews by Mariah, especially from the late 1990s? Mariah is one hell of an eloquent person. Her flow of speech, vocabulary and communicative skills are more than impressive. I'll admit that the past few years she appears to have changed her approach in terms of the way she expresses herself, being more reticent, but it is undoubted that Mariah can do some serious talking if she chooses to.
(Friday 15 February 2013; 10:08)
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Re: Will (37,099)
by Billy from Greece
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If you pay close attention, the "Emotions" album cover also features her right side. It's just flipped horizontally.
(Thursday 17 January 2013; 0:10)
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Love it (37,059)
by Billy from Greece
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I love that at this point any tv, radio or printed reference to Mariah starts with the following: "With a career spanning more than two decades..." Hell yeah.
(Tuesday 8 January 2013; 18:16)
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"I'll Be There" (live) (37,016)
by Billy from Greece
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Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. That left me speechless. I've said it before, I'll say it again: Mariah always comes up with new techniques. There is always something I haven't heard from her voice in every new (top) performance. A sidenote (not a negative one, by any means): Trey was awesome as always, but it was the first time I thought his voice sounded "different" (a little deeper) than usual. Awesome, just awesome.
(Wednesday 2 January 2013; 10:54)
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CTTA (Remix) (live) (37,015)
by Billy from Greece
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Hell yeah. Oh yeah. Now that was something I never expected to hear live and oh my, she did it. Oh yes.
(Wednesday 2 January 2013; 10:47)
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Mariah and Whitney on Oprah, 1998 (36,697)
by Billy from Greece
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A quick question: the part where all three start laughing about the "diva" issue: does Mariah say "They might not be divas 'o' the day" (a la "Sign O' the Times") or "all the day"? Oh, and yes, "Bring it On Home" boasts some fantastic vocals indeed.
(Wednesday 7 November 2012; 22:05)
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"Music genres and corporate cultures" (Keith Negus) (36,300)
by Billy from Greece
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"Sony Music Entertainment was, for those in other companies and for ex-staff members who wished to distance themselves from their previous employer, a record company that maintains 'a culture of control' and 'order' and a highly bureaucratic corporation - 'even press releases have to be signed by about seven people'. Sony was described as 'inflexible', a company in which 'people know their place'. It was frequently asserted that staff were motivated to work through 'fear' and 'paranoia'. For a number of observers this was perceived as an environment that had been deliberately fostered by President Tommy Mottola who, in the words of one person, 'instituted a reign of terror and really bootstrapped that company. It worked.' In a profile of how Mottola had 'rebuilt' the corporation, the Los Angeles Times preferred the adjectives 'aggressive', 'abrasive' and 'brash', an approach reflected by Mottola himself." (page 66)
(Friday 7 September 2012; 8:05)
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