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About Butterfly from :

I Don't / the new marketing model (72,392) by Butterfly from
"I Don't" is a throwaway. The lyrics are below average. Her tone is not listenable anymore. All I hear is Mariah mumbling her way through songs nowadays. She really needs a vocal recovery which requires stop smoking weed, put the bottle down and rest properly. She should really listen to "Touch My Body" and We Belong Together". Clear, smoothly, natural and tender vocals. I don't think Mariah understands the new marketing model for musicians. It's not about you being all up in the public eye or viral moments (I rather call them embarrassing viral moments). It's about quality and being respected by the people. She really depends on a magnificent image.
(Wednesday 8 February 2017; 23:14)
Re: Showbiz 411 (72,236) (72,251) by Butterfly from
The Cindi/Roger connection is simply not true. Roger and Mariah's friendly relationship started because of Roger's friend Benny Medina. Cindi wasn't even working with Mariah when Roger wrote all those positive articles from 2002-2008.
(Monday 6 February 2017; 13:06)
Sober (72,059) by Butterfly from
There's no way Mariah is ever sober. She needs serious help, but I doubt she will seek it. How sad her children didn't inspire her to grow up. It's just a matter of time before something bad happens. No sober person goes to a weed store with a 12 year old kid.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 14:49)
I Don't (72,010) by Butterfly from
She looks and acts like a porn star. I'm grossed out and sad.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 23:30)
PitypParty (71,805) by Butterfly from
She can play victim and shift blame all she wants, but she's the problem. She wants to be worshiped 24/7 and be all loony tune but when shit hits the fan Mariah acts all innocent, sad and mopey and goes on a full attack. No independent person can tolerate all that craziness on a daily basis.
(Monday 30 January 2017; 17:01)
Re: Song snippet thoughts (71,729) (71,732) by Butterfly from
Her voice is shot. That's what happens when you drink wine like water and smoke weed. And lol at her playing the victim re-James. Honey, you're on Bryan's D while being (fake?) engaged. She exposed herself and she looks like a looney tune wearing the ring.
(Saturday 28 January 2017; 22:40)
Will the real clown please stand up? (71,730) by Butterfly from
Mariah said: "It's not a reality moment," she insisted. "Anybody that's trying to be shady and write that - they just look like a clown. They're going to look like an idiot when they see it."
(Saturday 28 January 2017; 22:34)
Re: Mariah's world (spoiler alert?) (71,442) (71,447) by Butterfly from
James Packer and Bryan Tanaka aka Eric Roberts and Wentworth Miller. Maybe Mariah's World will end with a music video ala "We belong together". They looked like they were shooting a video in Maui (the beach pictures).
(Thursday 19 January 2017; 10:46)
Re: Media and social media break (71,018) (71,024) by Butterfly from
She has to say I'm taking a break from social media because some fans do believe it's really her posting. It's easier for M to be clear so fans don't ask where you at or please post a picture etc.
(Monday 9 January 2017; 0:01)
Tommy Mottola (70,950) by Butterfly from
He'll be on the Today Show on January 17 to promote his musical. I betcha Matt Lauer will ask about Mariah. I can't wait.
(Saturday 7 January 2017; 23:42)
Mariah Carey interview with Ryan Seacrest (70,653) by Butterfly from
Look at her body language and tell me what you guys are seeing. I personally see someone with full anxiety mode.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 19:06)
Re: Ex-Wham singer George Michael dies (70,297) (70,302) by Butterfly from
I'm in shock. What a legacy he leaves behind. RIP George Michael.
(Monday 26 December 2016; 0:48)
Re: Anthony Burrell drama queen latest post (70,189) (70,190) by Butterfly from
Bryan is just a back up dancer and nothing more. Anthony is a choreographer, creative director and dancer who has worked on Beyonce's Leomande, Superbowl and many more big projects. He speaks his mind without being afraid to lose his job. I applaud him for that.
(Thursday 22 December 2016; 12:35)
WWHL (70,151) by Butterfly from
I personally can't stand interviewers who constantly bring up other celebrities. This "shade" thing is getting out of hand. It's a shame he didn't ask about a new album even though she did say she's in love with a new song but Andy didn't ask a follow-up question.
(Tuesday 20 December 2016; 18:56)
Mariah's World ratings (70,149) by Butterfly from
Wow, it's a huge flop. I wouldn't be surprised if this got cancelled. Congrats to Stella.
(Tuesday 20 December 2016; 18:25)
Stella (70,095) by Butterfly from
She's honestly a vile piece of trash. Mariah is a nutjob for allowing Stella to run her career and life. Leave Stella in 2016 with her ill motives.
(Monday 19 December 2016; 17:38)
Re: Earth to Mariah's World: come in, Mariah's World (69,911) (69,918) by Butterfly from
It's easy money for Stella. Lionel Richie's team is doing all the hard work. Preparing and organizing a tour is not easy. We have seen what happened with the South America tour. A disaster.
(Wednesday 14 December 2016; 1:43)
Re: Stella's employment crimes (69,885) (69,896) by Butterfly from
Stella forever defending/justifying her motherhood skills, you know something is wrong. Lately, Mariah have been doing the exact same thing. Very worrying if you ask me.
(Tuesday 13 December 2016; 18:38)
Roc and Roe school (69,895) by Butterfly from
Are they ever going to school or what? I hate to say it but Mariah has turned their life upside down. From Asia, Australia, NY, LA, Ohio, Vegas, Calabasas, Europe vacations, Europe tour, China, Mexico, Hawaii and now a 3 month US tour and then back to Vegas. I'm all for working mothers but not at the expense of education and a stable life. Mariah is mostly concerned about her fake image, fake boyfriends, money, keeping Stella happy and showing her boobs. It's all about priorities and #1 on her list is sadly herself.
(Tuesday 13 December 2016; 18:20)
Trump Soho umbrella (69,215) by Butterfly from
Beautiful umbrella, Mariah.
(Wednesday 7 December 2016; 16:56)
I'ts not a reality show, it's not scripted (69,089) by Butterfly from
According to Mariah. Oh how the mighty has fallen. She's nothing more than a Kim K wannabe.
(Monday 5 December 2016; 13:54)
Mariah's reality show (69,029) by Butterfly from
Mariah's reality show is starting tomorrow. If you have any respect for the artist Mariah Carey and her legacy don't watch. Do we want this show to be canceled? Don't give them any ratings. I've been a fan for 19 years, it's not easy to boycott a Mariah project. Do the right thing lambs.
(Saturday 3 December 2016; 20:31)
Beach picture (68,950) by Butterfly from
Here they're with a photographer.
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 21:22)
She's too far gone (68,925) by Butterfly from
Living in a bubble with her insecurities and likely mental and alcoholic problems has taking a toll on her. At some point she'll snap like Kanye West. I pray someone who truly cares about her drags her away from the spotlight. Mariah doesn't need a reality show or slaying this and that. Oprah, Lee Daniels where you at?
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 16:32)
Breast obsession (68,856) by Butterfly from
Can she stop? It's not sexy or cute.
(Wednesday 30 November 2016; 20:38)


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