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About 90sMariah from SG: What?

Re: A message for B (83,205) (83,210) by 90sMariah from SG
At least she'll have something else to talk about other than her 500 hours of beauty school and her unfunny private jokes with her background singers (Big Nasty, home of the fish sandwich etc).
(Saturday 21 July 2018; 15:40)
Celine in Manila (83,209) by 90sMariah from SG
I'm trying to dissect her performances on which songs and which parts she is lip syncing, but it's too difficult. I guess the only way to check is to play her performances on top of the other. She is just too darn good at it. But one thing is for sure though is that she when she comes in to add her ad libs at the end of her songs, her voice still matches the possibly pre-recorded parts. What I'm saying is that her live and pre-recorded voice are seamless. Even the audio and sound mixing are impeccable. Celine is so fun to watch with her down to earth theatrics and personality. She doesn't dance nor does she run around the stage, but her stage presence and showmanship shines through. Someone we know or may not know should maybe try and emulate Celine's dedication and professionalism. That's all.
(Saturday 21 July 2018; 09:22)
Re: Be nice or leave (83,157) by 90sMariah from SG
I apologise for hurting all your feelings. From this day on I will focus on the positives. Here I go: Mariah who used to be known for singing really well looks really good for her age, her hair styles are amazing, her make up's on point, her shoes look fierce, she looks healthy and she really has nice looking gowns - really nice. That really feels good - being nice and complimenting.
(Tuesday 17 July 2018; 15:28)
Let's play a game (83,121) by 90sMariah from SG
What particular song does Mariah sing that still makes you believe that her voice is redeemable and not at all lost? It has to be 100% live, effortless, powerful, no "Ey Ey" screams, no sharps, no flats, no ear fidgeting, no BS. Go.
(Saturday 14 July 2018; 08:18)
Re: Ear monitor fidgeting (83,084) (83,090) by 90sMariah from SG
You're welcome. I knew real lambs would appreciate her flawless and convincing live performance of ISB haha. Mariah had been fidgeting with her ear monitor for years, maybe to give people the impression she's singing live.
(Wednesday 11 July 2018; 17:08)
Re: She uh have nice gowns - Aretha (83,081) (83,089) by 90sMariah from SG
This is honestly the first time I've seen you this riled up. Lol. You're usually the level-headed one, but this time I can feel that you've had enough of her non-sense haha. For us fans who have lived and breathed her music for years - yes, it is a huge insult to our intellect and sensibilities when she does something like that in her shows. We don't really expect her to sing like she did in the 90s, but I wish she'd put effort in her lip synching or work on her voice somehow. It's pretty hard to watch her now. How can we defend her when she's making it too easy for her non-fans to criticise her? I wish she'd do a full-on Celine in her concerts - do pre recordings and perfect her lip synching. Please Mariah. Please Mariah enablers, make her do it. Good luck to her in her Philippines concert, I've seen videos of Filipinos who can sing the eff off of her songs and I hate it. Haha.
(Wednesday 11 July 2018; 16:55)
She uh have nice gowns - Aretha (83,079) by 90sMariah from SG
Eeeeeeee-muh-ugh-ugh-ugh-shuns. Ey. Ey. Seriously though her live performance of ISB blew me away. It sounds like the recorded version. Oh wait.
(Wednesday 11 July 2018; 13:08)
Re: Mariah's voice (83,034) (83,044) by 90sMariah from SG
Is this the reason why she always sounds like her nose is blocked? That's how/what she sounds like to me when she's singing. We can only hope she'll find her way to finally try and fix her bad habits because singing is her bread and butter, that's what she is known for. If she continues on this path, people will forget that she once had a stellar voice. If she's going to lip sync, I hope she sings for her MF life.
(Monday 9 July 2018; 14:12)
The voice? (83,020) by 90sMariah from SG
If Mariah, in her current state vocally, auditioned for American idol or The Voice do you think she'd make it to the next round? Do you believe the judges would all turn around for her? She doesn't even have to sing her own songs, let's say she sang "Love Hangover", would the chairs turn for her?
(Sunday 8 July 2018; 11:57)
Gone girl (83,003) by 90sMariah from SG
It's really hard to watch her struggle to sing her songs, the voice I fell in love with is truly gone. The once velvety, multi-layered, agile, beautifully round, elastic, free-willing, explosive and resonant voice is now replaced with thin, dry, achy, nasal, limited, staccato. It's sad really. She looks great though.
(Saturday 7 July 2018; 13:01)
Latin explosion (82,634) by 90sMariah from SG
Remember back in the later part of the 90s when Latin music became really popular and there were these hilarious rumours that Mariah will be changing her last name to Nuñez? Lol. That would have been the gag of the century, and not in a good way.
(Monday 4 June 2018; 06:31)
Jimmy Kimmel (82,628) by 90sMariah from SG
I'm a little excited over this, because I wonder which version of Mariah will be showing up for the interview: will it be the docile, monotone, bored out of her mind Mariah, or will it be the camp, spiralling and babbling Mariah, or will it be the early 90s coherent Mariah? I can't wait.
(Sunday 3 June 2018; 13:10)
MET Gala (82,341) by 90sMariah from SG
I haven't seen her on it. Was she never invited for any of it?
(Tuesday 8 May 2018; 14:19)
Re: The Polarity Tour (82,197) (82,252) by 90sMariah from SG
Lol at the Polarity tour name. This is why I enjoy and love ya, Andrew.
(Tuesday 1 May 2018; 07:31)
Re: In studio photo op (80,744) (80,746) by 90sMariah from SG
You're right, she's most likely eating kale chips while selling t-shirts with her face drinking tea. Groundbreaking.
(Wednesday 31 January 2018; 19:44)
In studio photo op (80,739) by 90sMariah from SG
I knew it, the photo she tweeted of how she "misses" her "second home" was just an obvious stunt, when in fact she wasn't really doing anything in making new music. She's so full of [censored].
(Wednesday 31 January 2018; 07:52)
Re: Best music video? Heartbreaker/Honey (80,711) (80,731) by 90sMariah from SG
Everything from the Butterfly era - from Honey to The Roof. Theme, cinematography and production they were filmed beautifully. They were just classy.
(Tuesday 30 January 2018; 05:57)
Re: What songs should she perform? (80,088) (80,107) by 90sMariah from SG
Please no more VOL or WBT. I'm sure she's so tired of singing to those songs more than I'm done with her performing them "live".
(Thursday 28 December 2017; 08:46)
Re: Article: Lovari features Mariah Carey remake (79,812) (79,826) by 90sMariah from SG
He has no technique, no resonance, no singing talent - he sounds like a constantly constipated chipmunk.
(Tuesday 12 December 2017; 17:29)
Re: Article: Lovari features Mariah Carey remake (79,773) (79,780) by 90sMariah from SG
Agreed. I hope people around him would stop encouraging him because he can't sing. He sounds like that guy singing falsetto badly at a seedy pub on Karaoke Night where random people go up on stage to sing because their friends say they are fantastic singers. I watched another one of his videos, just to give him another chance, and wow - he's still horrible. Please stop singing.
(Monday 11 December 2017; 12:51)
Re: Article: Lovari features Mariah Carey remake (79,769) (79,775) by 90sMariah from SG
He does sound atrocious. I honestly wanted to hear a decent male take on TBAY, but alas it wasn't meant to be. How is he a professional singer? He's cringe. Sorry.
(Monday 11 December 2017; 08:06)
Article: Lovari features Mariah Carey remake (79,761) by 90sMariah from SG
I just watched his live performance of his cover on Youtube. He sounds like Jeremimi minus the sense of humour.
(Sunday 10 December 2017; 14:39)
Re: An upper respiratory infection (79,562) (79,566) by 90sMariah from SG
After doing an reverse image search, I found out that the Thanksgiving photo was taken back in 2012. Here's an Idolator article containing a captioned image. What is going on with her? Is she really sick?
(Sunday 26 November 2017; 17:56)
Sexual harrassment (79,322) by 90sMariah from SG
Well, Reddit has already picked up the story and it's now on its frontpage. Mariah's already fragile reputation will never be able to survive this and whoever started this story must be laughing their ass off. Poor Mariah.
(Thursday 9 November 2017; 02:42)
Re: New interview (79,094) (79,095) by 90sMariah from SG
That's nice. It's been a while since I last saw her unmedicated, drunk or doped up. She's sounds and looks normal in this video. I hope she continues to get better.
(Tuesday 31 October 2017; 10:08)


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