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About Tameka walker from United states: I am the biggest Mariah fan that ever lived. On the day of terrorist attacks I proudly was in the store buying glitter. PeoPle thought I was crazy but i am completely devtoed to mariah

The Star (78,909) by Tameka walker from United states
This song is awesome. I listened to it and got goosebumps. She is still the best singer out there hands down. I was totally blown away and memorized by this beautiful song. She is definitely a prolific songwriter and singer. I am speechless. I love you so much MC and I will go out and support this album.
(Friday 20 October 2017; 18:35)
Mariah and Vegas (78,626) by Tameka walker from United states
First I would like to send my heart felt condolences to Las Vegas and Puerto Rico and everyone that has been going through something lately. Second I know people will try to make the interview with Mariah this morning somehow her fault. She was booked for the show ahead of time and had no knowledge that some crazy person was going off. But I know that if people could they would blame her for everything wrong in the world. I know as a fan she sometimes doesn't make the best decisions but she is not the blame for everything single thing that goes wrong in the world. I know people find it hard to believe but she isn't. I don't know where all this hate comes from, why people hate her. I myself love her beautiful voice and songwriting that are both legendary.
(Monday 2 October 2017; 19:15)
Happy anniversary Butterfly (78,390) by Tameka walker from United states
This is one of my favorite albums by her. She is so legendary, she is the best singer in the known world, period end of discussion. No other singer can touch her. She is definitely in a class of her own, not only does she have a legendary voice but her pen game is on point. So many people have written her off or whatever and all I can say is that you can not write off a geniune talent like hers. In my heart I know she can come out with another album as good as Butterfly. I was a fan from the moment I heard her voice. I was only 11 or 12 when she first came out. I was totally memiorze by her talent.
(Sunday 17 September 2017; 16:48)
Re: Mariah/Whitney (78,180) (78,182) by Tameka walker from United states
You are absolutely right about Whitney and Mariah. That is what got me into singing as well too. There voices are gifts from God. In my opinion I have not heard anything or anyone that can match them, they are so talented. I studied them I was so desperately trying to be like my idols. The two of them together taught a generation how to sing, from Christina, Ariana Grande, Beyonce Adele and so forth. Mariah and Whitney Houston [were] everything to me when I was growing up. I didn't think there was anything like them. I too grew up wanting to be like the great Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey.
(Tuesday 29 August 2017; 16:00)
Self esteem (78,050) by Tameka walker from United states
I just want to say, that I commend Mariah for saying she has low self esteem. Did any of you guys stop to think the clothes and who she hangs around give her the attention she craves? For the clothes she wants to look sexy and be loved like other pop stars. She loves the attention because she suffers from low self esteem. I do kinda think that is what it stems from. She wants to be hot and sexy at 47. Sometimes she looks good but I love that voice and songwriting more than anything and that is why I am a fan. Now Stella and company I don't know them but what I will say is that Mariah may be looking for love in all the wrong places. I my self suffer from low self esteem and when I see some one like Mariah it shows one can have all the money in the world and still feel safe. I send my prayers to MC.
(Wednesday 23 August 2017; 11:23)
Comeback (77,709) by Tameka walker from United states
The reviews from Billboard have been positive. I strongly believe that if any one can have a comeback it's Mariah Carey. There's been so many times when people said that she was over, then she proved them wrong. For example look at 2001, nobody expected her to have a comeback but she did. Back then people said she was crazy and it would take a miracle for her to come back on top. Back then it was hard to be a fan because it seems everyone hated her. But I stayed strong and was a devoted lamb. I love Mariah Carey because of her talent. Until this day the best vocalists out there is Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey. I love those two faithfully. I love Mariah a little more because she is a phenomenal prolific songwriter and singer together. With that type of talent you can't go wrong.
(Friday 4 August 2017; 10:43)
150 albums made by women (77,486) by Tameka walker from United states
The Emancipation of Mimi should have been top five. It brought the Mariah that I know and love from the ashes. Just when everyone was saying her career was over she made a epic comeback. I believe she can do the same thing if she focuses and get back to what made her famous in the first place which is her voice. Also I hope she gets a new manager, one who knows how to market and promote her. Because let's face it she is one of the best singers in our generation and writers. I am glad she is getting good reviews with this tour with Lionel Richie. I am one fan who is always wishing her the best.
(Wednesday 26 July 2017; 17:21)
150 albums made by women (77,485) by Tameka walker from United states
The Emancipation of Mimi should have been top five. It brought the Mariah that I know and love from the ashes. Just when everyone was saying her career was over she made a epic comeback. I believe she can do the same thing if she focuses and get back to what made her famous in the first place which is her voice. Also I hope she gets a new manager, one who knows how to market and promote her. Because let's face it she is one of the best singers in our generation and writers. I am glad she is getting good reviews with this tour with Lionel Ritchie. I am one fan who is always wishing her the best.
(Wednesday 26 July 2017; 17:20)
New deal (74,335) by Tameka walker from United states
I am so excited about this new deal. I have been a fan of Mariah's since I was a little girl and I have always wanted La Reid to come in and give Mariah another comeback like she is capable of. La Reid knows what he is doing just look at The Emancipation of Mimi that record that they worked on together was awesome. I strongly believe she can have another great era all she needs to do now is rid of Stella. Mariah Carey is a prolific songwriter who has written 17 of her 18 number one songs. Plus she has taught this generation how to sing. She is very influential when it comes to female artists. I am so rooting for her here comes more hits and classics made only by the one and only Mariah Carey. Good luck with your new deal.
(Monday 10 April 2017; 17:54)
Birthday/anniversary (74,002) by Tameka walker from United states
Happy birthday to the most prolific singer songwriters of your time. You have always been my favorite singer in the known world. You are the greatest singer in the world and on the planet. Please make an album and show everyone that you and only you have what it takes to last more than three decades. I am greedy I still know in my heart that you can surpass the Beatles. And get more number ones. You can do it, I believe in you if any one can break records it is you. You just have to work with LA Reid and be willing to accept his guidance. Love you, happy birthday, treat it as a holiday.
(Tuesday 28 March 2017; 09:28)
Celine Dion vs Mariah Carey (73,685) by Tameka walker from United states
I justice wanted to say that I agree with the latest post. When they say that Mariah have a better catalog. They both are talented singers but in my opinion Mariah is more talented because she writes and produces. Mariah is a very prolific songwriter. I love Mariah's songs. Now her image has taken a beaten because of her management. However Mariah Carey will always be my number one artist. Her phenomenal music has gotten me some very difficult times in my life. I would love to be able to see her live. That is my ultimate goal in to see her live this summer.
(Thursday 16 March 2017; 09:03)
Re: Celine Dion lipsings and it's ok? (73,641) (73,642) by Tameka walker from United states
Ty I would have to agree with you. J love dresses like a skank and the public says it's sexy. When Mariah does it they say she is too old to be dressing like that. It is a double standard if one looks at it. Then I agree with you about what you said about Celine Dion. It just seems the public likes to tear Mariah down. I look at Britney Spears, she shaved her head and had a break down. The public was forgiving of her, why can't we the same for Mariah? In my personal opinion I feel as though she more talent and it's like she said she is the only one who have to have 5 million comebacks.
(Tuesday 14 March 2017; 16:53)
Celine Dion vs Mariah Carey (73,639) by Tameka walker from United states
I just want to say that both are incredible singers. Mariah in my personal opinion is more talented. It is true her voice suffered some wear and year through the years. I am not sure but I think Mariah put out more albums plus she did more remixes to her songs where she had to redo her songs so the remixes sounds epic. Plus Mariah Carey is a prolific songwriter. Celine Dion never wrote any of her songs. Mariah Carey is a phenomenal singer and prolific songwriter. I love Celine Dion and think she has a great voice. Mariah Carey can match that plus people need to keep mind that Mariah has written 17 of her 18 number ones. She is second to the Beatles in number ones. Way to go Mariah.
(Tuesday 14 March 2017; 15:03)
Kids' Choice awards show (73,556) by Tameka walker from United states
I just want to say that I think it's magnificent that they remain on good terms for the kids' sake. Because of that their children are having the best childhood memories ever. They're seeing mom and dad get along and putting them first. There aren't too many divorced parents who do this. I just want to say kudos for them doing that. If I am ever in their situation I hope I can do what they do. Which is get along for the children's sake.
(Sunday 12 March 2017; 12:41)
Grammys (72,928) by Tameka walker from United states
I have seen some of what she said about the Grammys. My thoughts is if she has a great album and do the work she is capable of she could end up with the Grammys you never know. I doubt she would get album of the year because they never give it to r& b acts. I look at Emenem and how he dissed the Grammys and he still went on to win. So I do believe that if she puts out great music she can still be a Grammys darling. She needs to work with LA Reid and other people to make a great product. I do think that people holds Mariah to a different standard and that is just not fair. Other artists do the same thing and nothing is said. She is right she has to make like five million comebacks before she is accepted.
(Monday 20 February 2017; 7:53)
Standard (72,898) by Tameka walker from United states
I was reading the interview that she gave and she is right on some stuff. It is like she has to make five million comebacks. People set the bar so high for her and when she doesn't live up to it, people try to tear her apart. I see many comments about the way she dresses. Look at other stars like Lady Gaga. What Gaga had on I didn't like it but that is her and I respect her as an artist. Same goes with Mariah, my favorite artist is Mariah and what she does is her business. I am here for the music
(Sunday 19 February 2017; 17:47)
Adele (72,564) by Tameka walker from United states
I was just watching the Grammys and Adele had to start the song over for the George Michael tribute. I wonder if the press and media will give her a hard time like they did Mariah. With Adele and Mariah it proves things happen live you know.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 3:58)
New single (72,286) by Tameka walker from United states
I really like the new single but I have not downloaded it because I don't know how to download. Most of Mariah's fans are older and for me specifically I just do not know how to download music from iTunes. I wish I did know so I could help Mariah out and buy it. The song is catchy and I love how they sampled Donnell Jones' song. Can someone on this message board teach me how to download the song from iTunes with step by step directions so I can help our girl out. My email address is
(Monday 6 February 2017; 22:46)
New song (71,728) by Tameka walker from United states
Where are you guys hearing the song at? I would love to listen to it myself.
(Saturday 28 January 2017; 21:25)
Comeback (70,918) by Tameka walker from United states
I believe that if any one can have a comeback it's Mariah. Back in 2001 people had written her off and in 2005 she had one of the biggest comeback in music history. It is what Mariah said once, you just can't write off talent. Mariah has one of the best voices in recorded music history. She is a very prolific writer and singer. I say my money is on her having a comeback with the right material of course.
(Friday 6 January 2017; 19:02)
New years eve (70,740) by Tameka walker from United states
The music business is a difficult business. If any can have a come back it is Mariah Carey. She bounced back from 2001 and she will bounce back from this too. I do believe she was having technical difficulties. I could tell that because when I saw her she was messing with her ear piece. The one thing that no one can take away the fact that she is one of the best singers of our generation. A lot of people lip sync in order to make sure everything goes smoothly. All of the big stars do this. I remember Beyonce had lip sync and she caught negative publicity when she did it at president Obama's inauguration. She bounced back and now is nominated for nine Grammys. Mariah will bounce back too.
(Wednesday 4 January 2017; 7:19)
Mariah (70,260) by Tameka walker from United states
It seems to me and I know that every one has a right to their opinion. I totally respect that but it seems like people hate her. When I see others like Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé dress.
(Saturday 24 December 2016; 6:09)
Nick and Mariah (70,219) by Tameka walker from United states
First I would like to wish Nick a speedy recovery. Second I would likely to say that on Mariah's World there was this one person on there that said show your boobs and look sexy. So I am just saying maybe she thinks people want her to be this way. Maybe that's one reason why she acts out like this. The clothes.
(Friday 23 December 2016; 13:38)
Mariah / Nick (70,015) by Tameka walker from United states
I think it is great that they get along for the sake of the children. Say what you want about her but at least she is making a conscious effort to get along with the father of her children to give them the best possible childhood ever. I really do respect that.
(Saturday 17 December 2016; 0:15)
(69,806) by Tameka walker from United states
Beyoncé came to see Mariah 's show and I personally would love for them to collaborate on a track. Those voices are phenomenal that track would be bananas. It would be a number one hit if they collaborate. I am a fan of both could you imagine the beehive and lambily coming together?
(Monday 12 December 2016; 8:03)


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