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About Lee from USA: I love mimi

Tidal (51,261) by Lee from USA
I am glad that Mimi doesn't ride Jay-Z's coattails to succeed. I mean, I remember when he was a nobody in the 1990s that probably begged to be on "Heartbreaker". Besides, he hasn't done much for her lately. Where was he and his wife when the media were (and still is) tearing her down? Why the f*ck should she waste her time making him look better at the expense of her own? Mimi has shined without Jay-Z for most of her career, and she shouldn't need his ass now.
(Tuesday 31 March 2015; 22:32)
Enough (49,560) by Lee from USA
This is absurd. Calling her out for these "cash grab" performances is plain stupid. Michael Jackson charged people in Japan thousands of dollars to just to see him. Yet his legacy is not destroyed. The fashion critics always make me laugh. These idiots are the first to pay $300-700 to see Madonna whip out a breast and dry hump her dancers, yet be the first to complain about Mimi showing the "puppies". If Mimi covers up, then Heidi Klum, Marilyn Milian, and Kimora Lee Simmons should not sunbathe topless anymore. How is it that there isn't anyone on this site from Jamaica nor have went to Jamaica critiquing this performance?
(Sunday 1 February 2015; 18:18)
It's good to back on the site (49,150) by Lee from USA
My computer broke down, and I haven't had the chance to post. It must be torture for Wendell Williams to see our girl on Ellen.
(Tuesday 13 January 2015; 22:22)
The media's at it again (47,911) by Lee from USA
I mean, why would Mimi waste her time talking about Kim K's butt and frontal pics? When they met each other, they seemed to hit it off. I guess that since people can't talk about her voice fading, then they have to fabricate a beef or quote involving Mimi.
(Friday 14 November 2014; 17:40)
Man (47,450) by Lee from USA
Hollywood Take needs do more research on Mimi's net worth. She is worth over $500 million.
(Thursday 16 October 2014; 1:01)
Nathan (47,340) by Lee from USA
So she should go to award shows that snubbed her for 20+ years to save her reputation? Many people did not like her when she was full throttle in promotion or when she sounded great anyways. Why the hell she should kiss their asses when their opinions wouldn't change either way? You pointed out the reasons why her voice deteriorated. If she used her vocals in an unusual way to get hit songs, then she did it for her fans, not for the critics. As far as her singing, I know Mimi will do the best thing for herself, not for anyone else.
(Friday 10 October 2014; 19:10)
I agree with a lot of you (47,334) by Lee from USA
You shouldn't believe everything some critic says. Michael Bay doesn't and his movies make billions. It should matter what the fans say. I would like to see footage of fans walking out instead of reading about it. For all we know, the critics could have walked out by themselves and said that fans walked out. On another topic, I saw the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees, and thought WTF? How the hell that MC is not for induction but artists who haven't had a hit in decades are ushered in? Easy-E, a dope dealer, could get in as a part of NWA. I'm sorry but I think that an artist that scored more #1s than Elvis and spent more weeks at #1 than the Beatles should be considered at least. People may refer to Mariah's antics but compared to other inductees that used (and sold) drugs, made porn, slept with teenagers, worshipped Satan, and mutilated animals, the woman is pretty much a nun.
(Friday 10 October 2014; 15:07)
Funny (47,293) by Lee from USA
I knew it. As soon as our girl rebounds, these vultures are nowhere to be seen.
(Wednesday 8 October 2014; 19:15)
I would like to know about Yokohama (47,224) by Lee from USA
I mean, people on this site said that she improved her voice in this concert. On Wendell, he/she is not an example of honesty. This drag queen said that Beyoncé had an abortion and Will Smith was gay. And Wendell never mentions anything when her favorite artists or celebs fall short. I don't see how no one talks about the show that she sounded great in yet ramble about the one that she misses the high notes.
(Tuesday 7 October 2014; 0:44)
Sources, sources, sources (46,323) by Lee from USA
I am not sure about this fiasco. I mean, getting our facts from TMZ or any other gossip site is like buying a pizza from a burger joint and expecting the staff to get it right. It is funny we never heard them say anything themselves, but we read quotes from TMZ, the same folks that didn't give a rat's ass about him when he was in the hospital 2 years ago. I need more proof than some vague quotes from her in-law and quotes from gossipmongers to make me worry. And what "loved one" is the website is talking about? If you love Mimi like that, you would not be talking about her private life to the tabloids.
(Sunday 24 August 2014; 1:09)
About Nick (45,953) by Lee from USA
Maybe all of the criticism about his career getting a boost via his marriage to Mimi finally got to him. I mean, what man wouldn't get sick of people saying that he married a woman for her fame and fortune? I still think that he still loves her, but he wants to prove that he could stay in the spotlight without her there. These projects could be about him sending a clear message that he could boss up without a big time diva backing him up.
(Friday 8 August 2014; 23:31)
We shouldn't doubt Mimi and Nick (45,685) by Lee from USA
I mean, what are we doing? We are giving the media what those selective vultures want. The press wanted to break up her marriage for the last 6 years because their darlings' love-lives has been in the toilet for so long. I don't know why that we are debating articles from gossip websites which had an ax to grind against Mimi for 20 years. If Nick was at home all of the time, then he would be a mooch. If the opposite was true, he would be considered as running from his family and creeping around. To me, Mimi is a target of an on-and off-again media witch hunt.
(Wednesday 30 July 2014; 15:42)
Edward, Truth (45,485) by Lee from USA
If Madonna was so relevant, then why hasn't she had a #1 hit on the Hot 100 since the late 1990s but had the number 1 grossing tour of 2012? It surely isn't the music that drawing her fans in. I thank the heavens that Mimi don't need to resort to that nonsense to make her legacy. But I agree with you that Mimi needs some new people around her to help preserve it.
(Tuesday 22 July 2014; 0:53)
One question (45,360) by Lee from USA
What would you all have said if Mimi went hard on the promotion and MIAM ended up selling up 40k anyways? If she sits on her ass, then she is lazy. If she goes ham, then she is seen as desperate and over-the-hill. It's kind of pointless to go hard on Mimi about her album sales when virtually everyone else is doing worse.
(Sunday 13 July 2014; 1:48)
Thank you, Anthony (45,162) by Lee from USA
I agree with you. The media will always find a way to hate on her when she fails or succeeds. Did the author of the last article actually did any research or made it up? The author did not read any reviews of MIAM from Donatella Versace, Timbaland, and George Michael, or watched the TeeNick Top 10 Countdown.
(Monday 30 June 2014; 2:02)
Elena (45,149) by Lee from USA
I don't know if this article is true. I mean, why is only one website reporting this and no other website is talking about this video. If it is true, then it is pointless to bash Mariah after five years of following her game plan somewhat poorly. If not, the article is not good enough to wrap fish in.
(Saturday 28 June 2014; 21:48)
Thanks, Bill (45,121) by Lee from USA
I was making the point if other artists are doing worse than Mimi was, we can't be losing our minds about a damn photo. I just stated the obvious, and if you are going to get mad at me for doing so, then you all should get mad at the Reelz Channel for putting their business out there. Lately, she has been talking about her kids and she put the album together. Every time she is in a magazine, they list her accolades. In other news, did Nick actually said that stuff or did the media made it up like they did with the MJ fiasco.
(Thursday 26 June 2014; 21:56)
Another thing (45,108) by Lee from USA
How could Wendell Williams complain about how our girl dresses but spent thousands of dollars trying to look like her?
(Thursday 26 June 2014; 0:47)
Image (45,106) by Lee from USA
Jaker, according to you she should break up with Nick and ship the kids to her mother's. When I read people bitch about her image, I start to think about the artists that have done worse than our girl and still are defended. Mimi never was accused of child molestation, smoked crack, abused or chased off any of her spouses or boyfriends, or made a sex book. No federal investigations at Camp Mariah had been launched, and yet she is being bashed about a single cover.
(Wednesday 25 June 2014; 19:02)
Ok (44,986) by Lee from USA
But why is everyone caring about the single cover? As long as the music is critically acclaimed, it shouldn't matter too much. Ain't she promoting it like she was supposed to for the last 2-3 weeks that her CD's been out? And what's the point of being relatable to everybody? We can't just go up to our favorite celebs and go drinking and dancing with them. I have seen artists hold grudges all of the time, and it doesn't mean they are not likeable. Elvis hated the Beatles, but it didn't make him less liked. If Mimi was holding a grudge, then Nick should have been cursed out for having her on his radio show. She didn't give a shit then, and probably don't give one now.
(Saturday 21 June 2014; 22:02)
Uh (44,964) by Lee from USA
There's no proof that Mimi said anything bad about J.Lo in the first place. The comment about J.Lo was from an unconfirmed source in People magazine. Why would Mimi reconcile with someone who she hasn't wronged in the first place? Didn't she went to one of her parties, or vice versa? Besides, isn't she promoting her album like you all been screaming at her to do?
(Saturday 21 June 2014; 15:20)
Billboard (44,729) by Lee from USA
My problem with the Billboard article is that it reeks of a double standard when Mimi puts out an album that sells less than 1 million copies. This is purely bullsh.t given that Billboard just called an artist an "icon" despite her selling less than Britney Spears. The album sells less than expected and it's code red. And yet, no one writes any articles or says anything when artists like J.Lo put out four flop albums in a row. Where are these guys when Shakira sells only 50 million albums? Bruce Springsteen only has one #1 hit to his credit, and these reporters are still kissing his butt.
(Friday 13 June 2014; 23:30)
Jorge (44,533) by Lee from USA
I agree with you on Medina. He is making Lopez look better than she really is. But her albums and movies still stink. Why would anyone go on Wendell Williams' show anyways? She (or he) would probably smile in her face and trash her behind her back.
(Friday 6 June 2014; 15:32)
Gilbert (44,488) by Lee from USA
I am with you on that. But the only problem with her not being #1 is that the haters have something to talk about. They won't try to do research on what's really going on, and instead, would tell their audience whatever they want to.
(Wednesday 4 June 2014; 19:08)
Carly (44,460) by Lee from USA
I know, right. I always thought RS (or BS) was on someone's payroll. TEOM got 3 stars and ended up with three Grammys and selling more than 40 million copies worldwide. All of the people that liked Mimi has left and doing bigger and better things. All the goats are stuck there and are killing the magazine with cover stories about terrorists and skanks.
(Tuesday 3 June 2014; 20:28)


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