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About Lee TS from USA:

Re: Wendy (59,589) (59,597) by Lee TS from USA
They have this love/hate relationship it's so bizarre. For Wendy to stop being so shady to Mariah, Mariah would have to be the bigger woman and go on her show first. Only then will Wendy praise Mariah for the goddess that she is. Look at JLo. Did you know her flower ring that she "must" wear all the time like a good luck charm was somewhat inspired by Mariah's butterfly ring? Anyways, I want Mariah to wed Jimmy just to prove her wrong lol. No, I actually hope she pumps the brakes on that but it looks like this engagement won't be a long one.
(Friday 5 February 2016; 7:45)
Re: Jermaine (59,584) (59,595) by Lee TS from USA
Yes, you're so right. That's what I got from him too, that he doesn't believe in her anymore. It's as if he became the "they" who's written her off. If anything, Bow Wow and Usher are not gonna happen JD, stop trying to make them relevant again. Anyways, that's why I really hope Mariah's team is super tight and have faith in her. LA needs to be on board and stop trying to push Mariah to be an old lady doing classics. People still want new music from her, again, these next moves they make are super crucial. I've only read headlines but if Mariah is the most influential artist LA has worked with, she needs to be top priority.
(Friday 5 February 2016; 5:58)
Re: MC sings with the interviewer (59,568) (59,578) by Lee TS from USA
Awww that was so sweet of Mariah to grace him with some music. She sounded splendid and I'm glad she gave him a moment to remember. Not to be a downer but I can totally understand her hesitation though. She's doing a junket and has been talking probably for hours, so it's not fair to put her on the spot. Anyways, very cute. This interviewer can harmonize, MC reference haha.
(Thursday 4 February 2016; 19:03)
Podcast gossip (59,565) by Lee TS from USA
So JD was on Hollywood Life podcast and was asked a Mariah question. Them being all about gossip asked about their relationship and Mariah's current state of voice. He was honest and told them a "I don't know" and doesn't pay attention to the media rumors, etc. That's how it was when he did WBT too, he didn't pay attention to whatever hoopla was going on with Mariah. What he did say that stood out was Mariah not to put out anymore music. He described it as your first experience with a drug, that first high you get. He doesn't know if people will receive her the same way again. While it's not something I want to hear and definitely something very disheartening, there's some truth to that. I was also pleasantly surprised by the host defending Mariah saying she's still young, she's doing things like Vegas, and the need to be creative. Also bringing Janet and Madonna into the mix. Then JD softens it saying Mariah may want to turn her focus on Demkids, and keeps emphasizing on Mariah's long career. Anyways, I really really hope Mariah can do one last slay. It's going to be hard but she has to fight for it. She's the only last standing diva who has somewhat of a chance. Like honestly, Madonna's Ghosttown and Janet's Burn It Up should've been big hits and they barely made a blip. And why is that? In my mind, this next record is super crucial and almost her last chance. I know that sounds terrible. Also, Perez Hilton suggested to LA Reid that Mariah should do an album of all Whitney songs, saying LA loved the idea. Whatever. I don't mind one cover song but can we not put Mariah in that category yet. I don't know what I'm saying really, but just one last slay Mariah. Then go on to be an actress or something. Then come back with another slay for nostalgia.
(Thursday 4 February 2016; 12:41)
Re: M on Breakfast Xpress, South-African interview (59,541) (59,551) by Lee TS from USA
Very fun and cute interview. My only thing was the Adele comment. Yes, we do love everybody but the way she answered that question was so dismissive. I know she meant no offense and otherwise, but it makes her seem ignorant. You cannot tell me the best selling female artist right now breaking serious records that is Adele, you being in the same business, not know her record. Ok, maybe she doesn't have the album but she must have heard Hello. And then she goes on to praise Rihanna. I guess she didn't know Adele called Mariah one of her favorite divas. Just be a little bit more gracious when it comes to other singers, especially ones who are truly talented like a singer-songwriter. You know, the thing Mariah claims to be but all everyone ever see is a diva. I don't mind the Kardashian diss, unless she's all up in Kanye's booty to produce a track for her. Rather than Ace of Spades, let's have some lemon tea. Served piping hot.
(Wednesday 3 February 2016; 23:56)
Re: MC sending us a message (59,547) (59,548) by Lee TS from USA
She's not the only one, Stella also slickly told her haters to back off. This board is a mess, haha.
(Wednesday 3 February 2016; 22:15)
Re: Question time (59,462) (59,473) by Lee TS from USA
I would like an uptempo fun song that's happy and festive. Something she can diva to and be fabulous. Something bouncy and catchy. Something more poppy then with a hip hop remix.
(Monday 1 February 2016; 6:45)
Rihanna going platinum (59,427) by Lee TS from USA
So what is this trickery? If this is how the game works now then I don't care, Jimmy better buy Mariah's next #1 single and platinum week sales. Mess.
(Saturday 30 January 2016; 0:32)
Topics of the board (59,413) by Lee TS from USA
Stella was seen out with a "super agent" of Hollywood, stealthily making movies for Mariah I see. Rihanna has a bop on her hands that has #1 written all over it with "Kiss It Better". Jimmy not getting a prenup would be so irresponsible, I think board members of his company would veto him out. It's true, no one can unbreak Toni's heart like she can. Impossible. Although superstardom didn't turn out the way Brenda had hoped for, I still appreciate what she did for Mariah. Not just handing the infamous demo tape, but like buying her a coat during winter. I really want to see Mariah in a backless gown. Hope she's being inspired for new music.
(Thursday 28 January 2016; 22:56)
5 songs (59,387) by Lee TS from USA
1) Whitney "I Will Always Love You"
2) Celine "My Heart Will Go On"
3) Madonna "Like A Virgin"
4) Barbra "The Way We Were"
5) Ariana "Problem"
Yes so she can snatch all their biggest hits, most successful artist with the most #1's ever dahling. Just for laughs.
(Thursday 28 January 2016; 4:46)
One thing I agree with Wendy (59,385) by Lee TS from USA
When do we get to see the blending of the children? First I thought Jimmy was probably overly protective and private about his little ones. But then I just saw a paparazzi video of his soon to be ex-wife Erica arriving in an airport with Seal and their whole brood. I counted, there were 7 kids between them two. There were cameras flashing all up in their faces. Seal was even holding onto Jimmy's son, I'm assuming that's his son. I want to see Mariah be a good step mommy to her new kids. She can take all the kids to Disneyland or something, she is a regular. I mean, if she can have Stella's kids around her why not her new step children.
(Thursday 28 January 2016; 2:58)
Article: Mariah Carey back at Caesars Palace (59,384) by Lee TS from USA
Interesting. I wonder if she will headline a residency for his hotel when it opens. Or if Caesar's has all rights to her Vegas gigs.
(Thursday 28 January 2016; 2:27)
Article: Mariah Carey is already planning her wedding (59,380) by Lee TS from USA
I read this on Daily Mail and this is too hard to believe. Now, I believe the little girl is probably very talented and congrats to her. But her other designs were very amateur and home-made looking, but she's in school so it makes sense. Her parents seem to be thirsty for the spotlight and were probably the ones who gave the story. Being someone of Mariah's caliber with any pick of designer she chooses, I doubt she'll spend that much on a fashion student's designs. Is Vera Wang too busy for Mariah? I want her to wear a Michael Cinco number. She should have at least 3-4 wedding gowns.
(Wednesday 27 January 2016; 23:46)
Re: Stella (59,369) by Lee TS from USA
Ok I'm gonna have to disagree. Even though Mariah is the traveling circus with the Russian takeover, it's not bad at all. I don't think we have to question Stella's role in Mariah's camp. Her job is to have Mariah stay booked, and Mariah is booked to the capacity getting her coins. And Mariah's been venturing into many other projects. And I wouldn't really give credit to the Chambers people or whatever, I forget, but they put out a statement some time ago that was weird. I vaguely remember it but something being very unfortunate. I could be wrong. If her infamous hashtags are anything to go by, they work hard, play hard. And if they were really doing their job, they should have a talk with Wendy to maybe talk a little nicer about their client for PR purposes. Since Wendy and Mariah are both repped by them. Or maybe get Mariah to bless Wendy with an appearance. What's good Chambers? Love her, love her hot topics. But she couldn't even fake being happy for Mariah with the engagement. Wendy was the one who told Mariah to find herself a billionaire who's not a "rapper" or in the industry. She also goes on about women of a particular age finding love and know when it's right in a short amount of time. For whatever reason, when it comes to Mariah, she always and I mean always contradict herself. And get this, Wendy's been using the word "ensemble" lately. I wonder where she gets that from? Sigh, I guess she can only love Mariah in the confines of her home with the tissues.
(Wednesday 27 January 2016; 17:11)
Re: Calabasas (59,345) (59,357) by Lee TS from USA
Her apartment is too iconic to be sold to some random, like she says, only a true diva would be able to own it. As of now, I don't see anyone worthy of owning the apartment. I do think she'll keep it forever because it was basically her first home and she's spent too much time and money on it. Like those jeans, I can't see her letting it go. I never thought Mariah was a fan of California, she's so NY with the bagels and pizzas, even calling it Los Scandalous. Well, I'm sure Kris Jenner is pleased with the new billionaire neighbors. I think she's a fan of Mariah.
(Tuesday 26 January 2016; 23:08)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey announces shows (59,340) by Lee TS from USA
But Celine does have a watershow for a song, that's pow. Mariah has cheap props like being rolled out in a jet ski. They share the same stage, just saying. Where the diva at?
(Tuesday 26 January 2016; 2:09)
Article: Mariah Carey announces shows at Caesars (59,334) by Lee TS from USA
Since she's staying I hope Mariah ups her Vegas game. Although JLo is not gifted vocally, the woman knows how to put on a show and is a "firecracker" lol. New wardrobe, set designs, dancers, choreography. She needs to add that Vegas extravaganza element to it. Mariah's show looks cheap compared to other divas. A bed and background screen of a mansion for a number? Come on.
(Monday 25 January 2016; 23:02)
Re: Does anyone know (59,332) (59,333) by Lee TS from USA
Josefin or Josephine. The girl Mariah cracked up with over a pig or a turkey. I think she lives overseas now. Yeah, I miss seeing her with Mariah, I hope they stayed in touch. There's also this new girl in Mariah's entourage who looks like one of Stella's friends, I think she's also a stylist. But yeah, I think some lambs would be happy if Stella put her girls in boarding school in Switzerland or something lol.
(Monday 25 January 2016; 22:49)
Re: Mimi L./Stella (59,313) (59,317) by Lee TS from USA
Yeah, like I get Mariah needs extra attention and everything is about her and her only. I doubt Stella is doing anything besides the Mariah Carey brand. They're basically a travelling circus now haha. I don't know, whatever makes them happy and if it works I guess. And Mariah doesn't have friends, you're never gonna catch her on a brunch date with Beyonce and Julia Roberts. Mariah isn't squad goals unless you're the paid help. Oops.
(Monday 25 January 2016; 11:53)
LA Reid (59,307) by Lee TS from USA
Dude, this guy is so sketchy. The way he's portrayed in TLC and Toni Braxton's biopics gives me the whatever. He's going to bankrupt you Mariah, leave him.
(Monday 25 January 2016; 5:18)
Re: Mariah and James (59,287) (59,288) by Lee TS from USA
Yes, I hope she had her eggs frozen if she ever decides to have more babies. She doesn't have to carry the baby herself. But it seems very unlikely since they both have young children already. Unless their love is so strong they want to create a little billionaire baby together, lol kidding. But yeah, I can't imagine Mariah wanting to have another baby.
(Sunday 24 January 2016; 1:24)
The crib (59,283) by Lee TS from USA
I think Packer should buy the 15th floor of Mariah's building to add to her home. Need to make space for him and her new stepchildren when they visit for summer lol. Demkids now have new siblings to play with.
(Saturday 23 January 2016; 18:25)
Article: Mariah Carey's engagement ring cost $10 million (59,267) by Lee TS from USA
Forget the ring, let's talk about the wedding. I want her to have the most obnoxious wedding filled with celebrity guests of the elite. She deserves a wedding of the century. Opulence.
(Saturday 23 January 2016; 6:42)
Re: MC3 (59,241) by Lee TS from USA
There were already internal problems before the injury, the album was already announced as delayed before the fall. Just so happens she fell during the right time to push everything all the way back.
(Friday 22 January 2016; 9:37)
Re: St Barts (59,212) (59,215) by Lee TS from USA
I don't know, the St. Barts pictures weren't very flattering. I don't really have anything nice to say. I liked the hat though.
(Wednesday 20 January 2016; 22:59)


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