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About Butterfly from :

Re: It's oh so quiet (65,636) (65,637) by Butterfly from
I notice something different since the United Nations event. Very quiet. No instagram post for weeks, latest tweet without hashtag and she liked a tweet since forever.
(Friday 26 August 2016; 15:12)
Article: The Lyric interview (65,557) by Butterfly from
Trust me, it's not true. Old skool lamb here.
(Tuesday 23 August 2016; 13:44)
LA Reid's tweet (65,541) by Butterfly from
My name is no. My sign is no. My answer is no. Not signed here baby. Not epic. Is this about Mariah?
(Tuesday 23 August 2016; 2:51)
Bra top (65,168) by Butterfly from
She looks ridiculous cheap. Someone tell her.
(Thursday 11 August 2016; 17:28)
Re: Stolen concept, leeches and the likes (65,153) (65,166) by Butterfly from
You know what's funny. Stella is close to Nicki Minaj and Mariah's assistant Lianna worked with JLo. The person literally lifted the entire concept, and the title, and the visuals. Mariah quote from 2015. I always thought she was talking about JLo's AKA. Similar title, Nas is featured and don't forget Benny Medina worked with a majority of her old team. What if someone within her old team asked Benny for advice and showed Benny the concept of MIAM? That would explain her bitterness against JLo these past 2 years.
(Thursday 11 August 2016; 16:54)
Reality show (64,995) by Butterfly from
Mariah denying it's a reality show cracks me up. You sold out. Deal with the consequences. Your manager is a reality tv producer and you signed a deal with Bunim/Murray. The series will follow Carey as she tours the United Kingdom, Europe and Africa while planning her wedding to James Packer, an Australian billionaire. But the singer made one thing clear: "I don't consider it reality," she said. Planning a wedding in front of the world like Kim K but it's not a reality show.
(Friday 5 August 2016; 17:51)
Will the real MC please step to the mic? (64,978) by Butterfly from
Without the glitz, glamour, lies and disturbing personage. PS: It's a reality show boo. You're in a wedding dress planning a wedding.
(Thursday 4 August 2016; 22:42)
What's normal to you? (64,805) by Butterfly from
"I want them to still feel normal," Carey told Clash. "So, if they don't like traveling around at some point, they won't have to travel around," she said. "But they love traveling." Excuse me this quote rubbed me the wrong way. Lame excuse because you're putting yourself first and your children needs second. Children have no idea what's good for them. They love candy, should we give them candy all day? New York is her city. Choose a school for them. They need education, stability and a place they call home. The daily routine is so important. Breakfast, school, home, watching cartoons, dinner and go to bed. Building friendships with classmates, going to b-day parties, hanging with their dad in New Jersey etc. Mariah can still work. Plenty recording studios in NY. You can schedule tour dates around your children's school schedule. Every summer break tour wherever you want. Take them with you and have a work-vacation tour. All these loud inappropriate people around her children non stop. A private teacher is so bad for children. They don't have stability nor good education or contact with people (classmates). NY apartment is their real home. I don't think they have been there longer than 2 weeks since forever. Calabasas, Malibu, Capri, Vegas. James yacht is not their home. Just rented for a short time. Children sleeping in the same bed everyday is very important. Or does Mariah think luxury can buy a stable life?
(Saturday 30 July 2016; 18:47)
Complex and Clash (64,680) by Butterfly from
Both covers screams Illuminati. Stella, James, Bryan, Brett are part of the Illimati and they want our Mariah to join. Straightforward no filter guys. It is what it is. I pray for Mariah because I see these people as evil and into scary stuff.
(Tuesday 26 July 2016; 18:21)
Re: Adam and Marissa petition (64,422) (64,428) by Butterfly from
Like I said before I don't think anyone in her circle would risk their job or the luxury benefits to save Mariah. You can always try. Best options are La Reid and Lee Daniels. Both are independent wealthy guys. They don't need Mariah for anything. Mary Ann, Shawn, Trey, Kris, B Scott, don't bother guys. They're not going to tell her the truth.
(Tuesday 19 July 2016; 0:30)
Re: Liron (64,340) (64,344) by Butterfly from
Did anyone ask Liron? Or is this another lie to keep lambs quiet. Lambs has been extremely vocal on Mariah, Stella and her behavior on twitter, instagram this past week. I hate to sound so pessimistic but what's the thought about recording in Europe during your vacation? Vocal rest, alcohol free vacation?
(Saturday 16 July 2016; 20:30)
Marriage and faith (64,270) by Butterfly from
Tommy: First love
Nick: Marriage and kids
I get why she married Tommy and Nick. After two failed ones how can she do it again? Especially with her faith in God. She's taking marriage as a joke now. I'm afraid nobody in her life wants to save her. It will end bad. Tommy 2.0 but worse. With Michael Richardson, Rachel, Louise Mcnally, Morgan all gone I don't expect anybody in her life to step forward and tell her the truth. Stella and her crew are more worried about their luxury lifestyle and checks. Shawn her nephew seems like a narcissist and yes person.
(Thursday 14 July 2016; 17:08)
Mariah's World (64,146) by Butterfly from
Her dancer said it's coming in the winter. However this is not a confirmation whatsoever if Mariah's World is still happening.
Just wanted to let you all know it's for sure postponed until the winter. Why?
1) What Truth said about someone being difficult and Mariah's World is not going to air. So saying winter is a way to buy time to figure it all out.
2) They're waiting for the wedding so they can include it in her reality show.
Also wanted to add. Antony Burrell (black dancer always with Bryan and Mariah on tour) was fired or left on his own right before the last Vegas leg. He was her creative director but got replaced by Bryan Tanaka. He confirmed it on his IG the MC chapter is done. He didn't say why or anything bad about Mariah. Anthony with Bryan was a huge part of Mariah's World so maybe he doesn't want to be on it anymore. All strange but it's fishy how many members are fired/leaving. I'm counting:
1) Michael Richardson
2) Gaylin
3) Michael Kane
4) Wilfredo
5) Anthony
6) Chris Chambers
7) Connie
(Sunday 10 July 2016; 16:42)
Mariah's behavior (64,107) by Butterfly from
Mariah's traveling all over the world non stop. From her tours, vacation in Italy, St Barts to LA to NY to Vegas. Staying in Ohio a month to shoot a movie, filming her reality show in Calabasas etc. There are different people around her children non stop. How is that healthy and putting your children first? She always talked about wanting a normal life for them. If you want them to have a healthy life, live in one city and let them go to one school without being shuffled around to city to city just because you want to make more money. Children need stability. One school and seeing friends everyday in school. Not a teacher giving them private lessons in a plane or hotel. Mariah claimed Vegas was perfect because she could stay in one place for her children. Talk is cheap. Action speaks louder. But it's not surprising if you see what Stella thinks is important in life. Not school for her children, just having fun. Mariah has a drink in almost every picture. She went from Champagne/wine to hard liquor (since Stella). I've seen pictures/videos the past 6 months. Mariah is high/drunk whatever and barely can talk and walk straight. I love her but truth must be told. Nobody cares enough to step up and tell her to sit down and act like an adult. She's lost and acting weird again.
(Saturday 9 July 2016; 20:01)
Stella (63,881) by Butterfly from
She is always saying "our". Our creative director, our dancers. Who is our? Is Stella paying Bryan Tanaka? Is Bryan a manager's creative director? She's weird.
(Tuesday 28 June 2016; 1:55)
Mariah last 2 IG posts (63,571) by Butterfly from
Major diss to Nick. Did she have a divorce party? I like ice post is a respond to "What happened to the rings? Did she fling 'em out?"
(Saturday 18 June 2016; 17:53)
Divorce (63,525) by Butterfly from
Nick is signing the papers. James engagement saga was part of the divorce processing. Look out for the headlines saying they broke up and she wasn't ready to get married.
(Friday 17 June 2016; 20:38)
Stella (62,663) by Butterfly from
This is beyond her career. We know Mariah has been making bad career choices. I have never been worried about a Mariah employee in my 19 years of being a fan. I'm not being delusional or overreacting. Stella has entered her life and all of a sudden she changed for the worse. Lap dance, drunk clubbing, weird ig pictures, reality show, moving to Kardashian land, cursing at the paps etc. I don't want to go to far on here but her jewelry and eyes scares me (...). We know what happened with MJ and Whitney. People are fake and act like they care about them but they just want money (in Stella's case also fame). God bless Mariah.
(Wednesday 25 May 2016; 19:19)
Stella (62,635) by Butterfly from
You can tell from her Instagram she loves luxury. Jets, fancy restaurants, houses, yachts etc. She's [censored] and is fooling Mariah with this fun, loving life, no negativity crap. She's planning her way to the top of the reality show business. Being nice with the E. producers so she can produce a bunch of future shows. She makes me sick. Mariah or shall I say James has a deal with TMZ. His best friend owns the company behind TMZ. This marriage is not going to happen because it was fake from the beginning. James wants to promote his casino and having a lovely superstar joining him at business meetings. Asia, Israel, St Barts will seal the deal. He's struggling in a few country to get his casino approved by the higher powers. Why is Mariah doing this? Money and good PR after the whole Nick mess? Stella is doing everything to get her name out there. TMZ articles always talk about her. Why? She's the one talking to them and wants to be famous like the Jenners/Kardashians. I hope Mariah wakes up before.
(Tuesday 24 May 2016; 16:36)
Re: Morgan, Alison, Mariah (60,427) (60,430) by Butterfly from
Yes, a house would be nice for Alison. Just so she's safe somewhere. If Mariah doesn't want to give her a monthly payment, she can send a package with food, daily needs every few days via Fedex. A house, food and medical care.
(Monday 14 March 2016; 18:04)
Shawn Mcdonold (60,422) by Butterfly from
You're not the real Shawn. Someone brought to my attention a post on a messageboard for my aunt's fans that purports to be from me. It is not. I don't post to messageboards. If someone knows the mods please ask them to take it down.
(Monday 14 March 2016; 15:57)
Morgan, Alison, Mariah (60,421) by Butterfly from
Morgan, Mariah and Alison all had a bad childhood. Thankfully Mariah is rich and never have to worry about money. I'm sorry but that's your sister. I don't care what she did in the past, present. You buy her a house, send her a monthly payment for her daily needs and pay her medical bills. [...] Let Morgan and Alison sign a NDA. Take care of them. You don't need to be in their life just let them have an easier life. Alfred would have wanted that. You don't go to fancy restaurants when your sister, mother is living in a car without food and a roof. What kind of person are you? I could never do that even if my sister, mother or brother hurt me. You don't have to be in her life but at least make sure she has a roof, food and medical needs. If she dies her family will send tweets or whatever how much they loved her blah blah blah but does it matter? She needs you now when she's broke. I don't think Alison and Morgan would have gone to the tabloids if she just paid them a monthly payment. What's 5k a week for Mariah? A 1 million house? She can't sell her house if it's on Mariah's name. Mariah doesn't owe them anything but still wouldn't it be nice if Alison had a beautiful house, a car and a monthly payment to be well taken care of?
(Monday 14 March 2016; 15:52)
Truth (60,388) by Butterfly from
But she's singing about Eminem? What do you mean Truth?
(Sunday 13 March 2016; 1:29)
Victor Peralta (59,755) by Butterfly from
I think it's JLo. Her album title AKA is similar to Me I Am Mariah The Elusive Chanteuse. Both albums featured Nas.
(Friday 12 February 2016; 23:31)
James Packer / TMZ (55,425) by Butterfly from
Something is off.
(Thursday 23 July 2015; 20:25)


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