
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Warren from Trinidad & Tobago: I am a fan since early VOL days and being from the Caribbean, far south close to south America, access to music and information was always so difficult. LOVE MC's music all these years and feel like she has only gotten better. I have been able to see her twice and they have been fantastic experiences.

Interview / Will (53,141) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Man that interview was just so amazing. I feel so much for her and if its possible respect her so much more now. Such poise and class. No pulse in her arm? Wow. She knows about her weight, and yet people here keep ragging on her for how she looks. I hope everyone reads that article, just goes to show how little we know. Love you MC.
(Saturday 9 May 2015; 4:20)
Las Vegas / Infinity (53,083) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I like what I am seeing and hearing from MC alot. The clips, the promos, everything. As for Infinity, I do think that video should have been out already, but I assume her new people know more than I do since everything in this new era seems to be working. I will say this though, I don't hear her on the radio at all, and on Tuesday I heard Infinity on the local radio station. I never even heard #Beautiful. Granted I am from the Caribbean and from an island of 1.3 million people, but it says something about the market penetration and what's been happening behind the scenes. I hope to see it climb the charts.
(Friday 8 May 2015; 7:52)
Infinity (52,303) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
My goodness. That lyric video was ingenious in so many ways, but first, that song - wow. Direct lyrics that not just the lambs will know and understand (eg. Petals, though not a single). This is so not what I thought it would be, but so much better at the same time. It's quite significant that the lyrics video used alot of Honey video clips. I think it represents the same kind of thing happening. Back to the song, sorry I'm on a tangent. I just love it. Everything seems to be right.
(Monday 27 April 2015; 7:22)
Mariah's voice (52,071) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Someone mentioned the Beacon shows and I was looking back and saw this clip. Apart from it being completely live (in my opinion) I was really struck by the 5.05 mark. Do you see what MC does? What is that? Who says she doesn't take care of her voice. I mean I don't know what happened in Jamaica (it wasn't that bad, but it was no Beacon Theatre for sure). I love too the fact that she's sweating visibily, means there is effort and no fans etc to dry her voice. I know it was winter, but did anyone who go her show say if the auditorium was cool? I remember for Divas Live Aretha insisted the airconditioning remain off so her voice remained on point.
(Monday 20 April 2015; 16:44)
$$$ (51,784) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I have noticed quite a few people here talk about Mariah only interested in making more money. While I am in agreement that from a value for $ perspective maybe it isn't the wisest, but from her first album in 1990, MC made more $ than most of us will ever have and even more so after 1990. If we are fans, and want and wish to support this artist and not see her dropped from another label then we know what to do. I do think that this compilation is less about us, and more about the 90's audience that maybe doesn't support like we do still. I am from a country where $6.45 of my currency is US$1.00 and so it's with import fees, profits etc CD's aren't the cheapest to acquire (about US$32.00). Yet it is my choice to support an artist who has done more for me than US$12.00 (or $32.00 in my case) can buy. For those who choose not to support this, it is your right, but it does not entitle you to demand what MC and her new label should or shouldn't be doing. I have been to Cher and Celine in Vegas and a concise compilation is what sells - a more expensive set with songs people don't know or won't relate to will not sell in Caesar's Mariah shop. That being said, should a Mariah Tee sell for $10.00 in this shop as tees usually go for in Old Navy or American Eagle? Just my opinion.
(Tuesday 14 April 2015; 2:42)
MimiL (51,585) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Wow, would you believe Your Girl is my absolute fave track off TEOM. It's just a retro vintage vibe that is so steeped in old Motown type songs, especially the chorus (which sounds like a girl group of the day). I also love the fact that it wasn't dragged out and was quite short, a true homage to that time. Guess we're all lambs but MC really does cater to all different tastes and genres.
(Saturday 11 April 2015; 23:16)
New video (to me) (51,502) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I happen to come across this video quite randomly and it's the first time in a long time I am not so nervous about the future of MC's voice (despite the remarkable showing at Beacon). For once its actually pretty good and fair reporting. On a side note, things are starting to happen, the Vegas article and then the pic on Twitter with Reid and the for the pr firm. Let's go MC25.
(Thursday 9 April 2015; 5:53)
Nostalgia (51,460) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I remember playing with my friends and having a great time with the radio being on. While we were all in the middle of our games VOL came on the radio and immediately I stopped because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. As the song progressed and then to the high note I was in such disbelief and was totally transfixed. Being from a small Caribbean Island, we had no computers or internet back then and so I had to go home and get on the landline and call the radio station to find out who was that. From that moment I was lambily for life. 1990 baby. From the very beginning.
(Tuesday 7 April 2015; 17:49)
Goats (51,144) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I have been searching YouTube looking for where MC talks about Goats. Does anyone know where I can find that video? I'm telling another lamb who doesn't know about them.
(Thursday 26 March 2015; 18:30)
New cover idea (51,054) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
As MC loves doing a religious song (which in today's world probably doesn't resonate with many people) I think she should do Hallelujah. The chord progression and style of the song seems like the most perfect thing for her and right up her alley (singing style-wise). Also, it's it a very popular song that people won't have to Google or Youtube (like most of us had to do for Heavenly) in order to know the song before it is heard. That way buzz can be generated about it. Enough with the 80's covers for now. Just an idea.
(Thursday 19 March 2015; 21:02)
Vegas doc video (50,498) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Hey guys. I just wanted to say based on everything I am reading that I posted that video primarily because of the amount of work that goes into a "Vegas" show. Mariah has always been, and has always said her home is in the studio. It is just a huge daunting task, and maybe we have to look at it as this being her challenging herself. People talk about her mixing it up, and maybe this is it. In the lowest point in her life, taking on such a project might be the outlet she needs. It happens with all human beings. When faced with challenges there are two outcomes, and we all know what she is and can be capable of. Forget her voice and singing style and even musical choices for now, what seems to be the most critical for this to work is a dedicated, knowledgeable and professional team backing her and supporting her, giving her the best advice.
(Friday 27 February 2015; 17:29)
Vegas \ depressed (50,435) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
This video just turned up on my YouTube suggestions and 27 minutes into watching I have to say I am a little depressed. I don't think MC has these kind of people around her, who really care and are so professional. Apart from that, I don't know (having seen her twice before) if she is as disciplined to do this. Please everyone, I am not ragging or being intentionally negative, but if you have 27 minutes, look at this. I want nothing more than 25 #1's and success beyond measure for MC but looking at the kind of work that this production is, how Celine (who I am not a huge fan of) takes care of her voice and all that is just frightening. Shouldn't MC be in Vegas now preparing all of these things? Do we or anyone know where she is? I want this to be her second big comeback and shock the world, but I am so sad after seeing this video. Mostly I am worried about the people entrusted to handle her show and career - that is the biggest concern to me as a lamb since 1990. What do you guys think?
(Thursday 26 February 2015; 21:40)
Oscars (50,363) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I can't help but comment on Lady Gaga's performance last night at the Oscars. After the "disasters" that were her public image and then album Artpop (not a disaster musically by any stretch) she has taken a totally different approach and man has it worked. Mariah needs to take note of this. It can be done and Mariah more than has the talent to do it. Gaga has been trending worldwide non-stop after her tribute performance, mainly because of her vocals. People already know Mariah can sing, but it's her voice that has been under fire recently, a live performance with that kind of audience will do wonders. Gaga, also, despite being in her twenties has totally changed her image and covered up, so people can't help but to listen to what she has been doing with Tony Bennett and then last night. MC can do it, I hope she saw it and takes heed.
(Monday 23 February 2015; 22:52)
Butterfly concert video / Darryle (49,384) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I just looked at it - man it was so much better than the compilation they put together for around the world. I totally loved it. From the moment she opened her mouth her voice was stunning.
(Friday 23 January 2015; 18:10)
Edward (49,177) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Hi. Well I can't even know what to say. However, since I have never heard it, I probably won't take the chance now (not that I was seriously thinking about that anyway).
(Thursday 15 January 2015; 4:49)
Will and Edward (49,169) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
The closest she ever came was saying Valentine in Petals, as that was Tommy's stage name. And Edward, that story, I don't know if to laugh or not. It is very funny though I have so say. I just finally want to say I just hope she really thinks about her moves clearly and makes the best ones to get her name back in the media in the most positive way possible. We all know that the best and only way is with killer music and even more killer performances.
(Wednesday 14 January 2015; 20:33)
#MC25 (48,937) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
MC's new cover photo on FB. Something is coming.
(Saturday 3 January 2015; 11:25)
Jared (48,531) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Thanks Jared. I'm looking forward to it.
(Tuesday 16 December 2014; 1:36)
AIWFCIY on NBC (48,195) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I loved the fact that she moved around and had fun and just got rid of the little jacket when it was in the way, but I think it was too cold for her to really let loose vocally. She did sounded good at some parts though.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 6:02)
Myles re: Butterfly (46,978) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I always felt so. There were switching perspectives during that song that as a teenager had me a bit confused, but yes, sheer brilliance.
(Friday 26 September 2014; 20:24)
NBC Special (44,378) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I loved that special - the interview segments were among the smartest and the most directly answered in years. She showed so much knowledge about music and just plain maturity. So surprised (pleasantly) that she performed Heavenly, and actually performed the way we would want to hear - her voice was on point. She didn't seem to be lipping or dubbed too much and even so, it was not the version on the CD at all, so she at least re-sang it. This in conjunction with WMA would have been great. I tried to look at it not as a lamb and I think the key thing was how she carried herself in the interview parts. Well done.
(Sunday 1 June 2014; 9:44)
One More Try (44,164) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Does anyone feel that this song was chosen because she is referring to the "teacher" as the music industry? She made the reference to "if" this was her last album etc. She would not have said that jokingly. So then to listen to where she focusses her emotion in that song, and keeping what has been happening to her it could very well be about that. Also, with the way she pays attention to album sequencing, with Heavenly right after, "coming so far to turn back now" could mean that she really isn't giving up on being on top again. Any thoughts?
(Tuesday 27 May 2014; 17:03)
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