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About Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada:
Proud lamb since "Vision Of Love" 1990
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Re: Caution (84,897) (84,912)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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I love the title too Edward. I'm actually pretty excited.
(Monday 15 October 2018; 20:45)
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Re: With You (84,851) (84,872)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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Yup, the song gets stuck in my head and has since the first listen even if every lyric doesn't entirely resonate for me and my life, I still enjoy the song and the video is beautiful in a classic way. Her social media presence has improved, her team is representing in a respectful way. She appears happier. It would be awesome if she sang live more often, even if her voice cracks. I'd love more live stuff. But, I refuse to lose my mind over if she lipsyncs to a prerecorded vocal or studio track. It's not like being upset is going to make anything different.
(Monday 15 October 2018; 00:52)
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Re: Funko Pop create Mariah "Merry Christmas" figure (84,763) (84,774)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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Sorry Eric, didn't realize this was old news. Clearly I don't stalk Mariah headlines closely enough.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 03:53)
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Funko Pop create Mariah "Merry Christmas" figure (84,763)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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In other news, stumbled across this.
(Thursday 11 October 2018; 22:26)
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Re: Music biz today (84,639) (84,693)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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Exactly musicfan, exactly. Fast food is a great comparison, as is taking the time to invest in art and truly appreciate it.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 20:59)
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Re: Music biz today (84,594) (84,615)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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Generally speaking, we live in a culture that justifies the refusal to support artists. I can't tell you how many times friends, family and even people I don't know, have looked at me like I have three heads when I tell them I still buy all my music, movies books, concerts and TV shows. I still go to theater when I am able and depending on the artist I even still purchase physical copies of things. Yes, I do download stuff for free occasionally, but only things I can't go out and purchase like live performances or remixes not officially released. The term flop is overused so much, I actually cringe. You can't justify downloading material for free, and wonder why the overall quality of what gets produced has gone down or be upset when artists manipulate the system to try to circulate their material. People use the term flop so often, and yet are if there was a clearer understanding of how music actually operates today, that statement would not get used. I do miss the days where you had to wait until a physical store carried albums and singles before you could hear it or make a purchase. The instant gratification society we live in hasn't helped art or artists.
(Tuesday 9 October 2018; 20:10)
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Re: BT (84,547) (84,564)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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And don't mess with Special K's baby BT.
(Monday 8 October 2018; 21:57)
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Re: Nick Cannon's mind games (84,543) (84,550)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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RibbonB, your posts and commentary are appreciated.
(Monday 8 October 2018; 18:31)
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Re: Nick Cannon’s mind games (84,486) (84,492)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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If you really listen to his Vlad segments objectively he was honest while being respectful of Mariah, yes he can talk sometimes and be inappropriate, but he is not the bad guy some people make him out to be either.
(Sunday 7 October 2018; 15:08)
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Re: Messages here (84,443) (84,460)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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Thank you Darren.
I get that Mariah's choices sometimes disappoint her fan base, but it has gotten to the point where if any enjoyment is had with anything Mariah's doing, the delusional word gets thrown around and public shame is the norm if you still call yourself a Mariah supporter. I don't always love her clothing, choices and it means nothing more than I'm saying I wouldn't be comfortable wearing it. I do feel there's a lot of pressure on women in entertainment to "be sexy" and that's what I mean when I say I wish Mariah didn't try so hard to fulfill that. She's already such a beautiful woman without the extra stuff. Instead of calling her names what about having some compassion for her and why she makes some of her choices? Doesn't mean you agree with everything she does, I just don't see how ripping her apart helps anything. You can be objective without treating her like scum. She's a person with flaws. Celebrity can be extremely unhealthy as a lifestyle if you don't have a grounded sense of self, but she's not a monster.
(Saturday 6 October 2018; 22:30)
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Re: With You or Without You (84,389) (84,404)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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It's her eternally 12 thing. For whatever reason she wants to be viewed as a younger artist.
(Friday 5 October 2018; 20:34)
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Re: A message for Adam (84,331) (84,342)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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Lovely post Bill.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 23:33)
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Re: It's hard, but... (84,275) (84,325)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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I so agree with you Edward. She's not going to suddenly release a track that has 90's Mariah vocals on it. It's just not going to happen. I doubt she will ever stop using the breathy, airy style either. It's just the reality. She also chooses to market herself to a younger audience. She chooses R&B not adult contemporary pop music in akin to Celine Dion. If she constantly disappoints, maybe it is time to let her go. I don't see the point in following an artist that consistently brings you misery. With You has a solid piano part, the hook is catchy (listen a time or two and you're singing along). Is it a monster hit? No, but I haven't stuck around all these years for monster hits. I actually could care less how it charts. Not up to me anyway, and the likelihood of her achieving another WBT is slim to none as it is. Could I do without the references to alcohol or hook ups in her music? Absolutely. But for whatever reason, it's prominent in music. Nothing I can do. Not going to waste my energy being upset about stuff I have no control over.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 19:42)
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Re: With You, my birthday (84,201) (84,235)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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Happy Birthday Stacy. Have a great day my friend. I agree the cover art is very Sonyesque. I always have loved her b&w stuff. The trailers on Instagram are on point and I like the snippets thus far. Credit where it is due for her and her team. I’ve loved the last 2 covers. Fingers crossed she left out the expletive. Lol. 41 and fabulous indeed.
(Tuesday 2 October 2018; 19:42)
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Re: MC15 meaning (84,077) (84,081)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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I think E=MC2 is a highly underrated album. It's so fun to me. Sometimes albums like Music Box and TEOM become so popular with the general mainstream listener that it impacts how you hear the music, and not in a good way either. It can become too big and commercial.
(Friday 28 September 2018; 17:40)
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Re: Listening party (84,074) (84,076)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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I agree with you about Boy Licia.
(Friday 28 September 2018; 16:57)
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Re: Meteorite (83,972) (83,974)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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That's so random, but cool nonetheless.
(Monday 24 September 2018; 00:02)
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Re: iHeart set (83,959) (83,964)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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Yes there were a few issues with iHeart, namely GTFO but overall I genuinely really enjoyed myself a lot which speaking only for myself, is the point. It was a much more solid performance throughout. I bet she was nervous, I would be too every move I made was under constant scrutiny and disapproval by the public and the fans. No, I don't always agree with the diva characterization she chooses or the sex symbol image she loves to amplify. I don't think she needs all that. I'm a less is more type person and I love seeing Mariah under less pressure to be all that stuff and just be. But, I still love her. Yes she has vocal issues, there's rasp now. She's been using backing track for ages. But, the fans have been asking her to sing more live than she has been recently, and she's been doing that. Her costumes were more flattering. One day she won't be around anymore, and all we will have is videos of old performances. We can't do anything about the voice or the backing track and I get the fact that she has disappointed people, fair enough. But at some point if watching her stops being enjoyable it does make you wonder. She's going to do what she does. Things don't have to be taken so seriously.
(Sunday 23 September 2018; 16:34)
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Re: Toni Braxton featured? (83,890) (83,892)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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I personally would love a duet with Toni and Mariah. I don't care how relevant it is perceived to be by the world. I love them both.
(Thursday 20 September 2018; 16:03)
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Butterfly Returns merch (83,847)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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So, I love the black and silver butterfly shirt Mariah wore the other day when she made the announcement GTFO was out. I must be getting old. I remember when you could still buy a shirt for $25. They're $50 now. Sigh. Lol.
(Monday 17 September 2018; 22:54)
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Re: Just a quick update on GTFO (83,834) (83,839)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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(Monday 17 September 2018; 18:50)
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Re: She didn't, but now she does (83,812) (83,818)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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The production quality of the video. Is better than it has been. Her hair and makeup look lovely now if she would just grasp she does not need to try so hard to be sexy.
(Saturday 15 September 2018; 18:25)
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Re: GTFO (83,730) (83,733)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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I agree Licia. The artwork for the song is decent and ok. I could really do without the f bomb. Not my thing, but I don't condemn other artists for using it, so I can't her either. Like the last single she featured on, I loved her vocals but the song was basically about a hook up as a distraction so I couldn't embrace everything about it either. I bought it and I bought this one. I like the song. I mean yeah if she starts cussing in every track from now on it will turn me off, so I get why people don't like that.
(Thursday 13 September 2018; 17:52)
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Instagram The Roof (83,595)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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Anyone know how to save an Instagram story? It’s so rare to hear any part of The Roof. Thanks.
(Tuesday 4 September 2018; 18:42)
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Re: Criticizing Mariah / other divas and fans (83,083) (83,092)
by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
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So cool you got to see Miss Ross. I don't entirely agree the fans are too hard on Mariah. If people are disappointed in her and how she's handling her shows, they're going to be. It's just going over and over ithe argument doesn't change anything and for me is rather futile.
(Wednesday 11 July 2018; 19:37)
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