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About Lee from UK: Favourite Songs: All I've Ever Wanted, Underneath the Stars, The Roof, Outside & Butterfly.
Favourite Albums: Music Box, Daydream & Butterfly
Instagram: @leemdylan

Re: Layout (55,839) (55,843) by Lee from UK
Of course. Thanks for that. Keep up the good work.
(Sunday 9 August 2015; 1:43)
Layout (55,839) by Lee from UK
I really like the new layout of MCArchives. It's so much easier to use on my mobile phone. I'm not sure if this is a problem that you are already aware of, Eric (or if it is just an issue with my phone) but I can't read messages on the message board, just the subject lines. [Webmaster: See message 55,793.]
(Saturday 8 August 2015; 22:57)
Mariah Carey in Vegas: going for the high (55,536) by Lee from UK
"If her voice today sounds relatively strained - a stark matter of anatomy and aging ... it's not her responsibility to somehow regain the able-voicedness she once possessed. No: it falls on us, the listeners, to listen to this difference differently, compassionately." What an eloquent writer this journalist is. I often wish for the vocals of the 90s but I know it is me who has had to adjust to Mariah's vocals over the years. I am still here. I am still a fan. For me, the only thing Mariah needs to improve is her song writing. Her music just doesn't grab me like it used to.
(Thursday 30 July 2015; 14:11)
Video release (53,518) by Lee from UK
What is with the massive build-up to the Infinity video release? I wouldn't mind if it was a good song but I am just not feeling it. Sony have their act together with promotion at least. I've seen more of Mariah in the last few weeks than I have in the last 5 years in the British media which is a bonus.
(Tuesday 19 May 2015; 10:17)
Backing tracks (52,616) by Lee from UK
Was Mariah serious in that interview about her use of backing tracks? Was she honestly trying to say that the general public are confused about her use of backing tracks? Was she seriously trying to make us seem like we are the crazy ones for even suggesting she doesn't sing live? Her exact words were "I mean, I have so many overlapping parts and background vocalists and background things. There's always some confusion and something about it, but I mean like, if there's any confusion they're welcome to come to my house and sing in the shower with me. It's not a problem." I truly am sorry to hear Mariah basically deny the obvious use of backing tracks. This is worrying. There really is no confusion, the evidence is there. How she could stand there and say other people are confused, I can't even.
(Thursday 30 April 2015; 15:40)
Infinity (52,389) by Lee from UK
Perhaps it's because I'm English but I really dislike the way Mariah never pronounces the "t" in the word infinity. As a result the whole song is ruined for me and should have been called "Infinidy". More than that though, there is no hook to the song. Mariah will never pull this off live as the verses are too quick and we all know she struggles with that live. This song has album filler written all over it.
(Monday 27 April 2015; 18:26)
Witty lyrics (52,022) by Lee from UK
Am I the only one around here who is not a fan of Mariah's "witty lyrics"?
(Sunday 19 April 2015; 13:15)
Jon (50,483) by Lee from UK
I totally get your message. The part which resonated with me, was the part about the bond we formed with Mariah. As a fan, I formed my bond with Mariah a long time ago in the early 90s. With each album she released the bond grew stronger. The songs she wrote felt like they were written for me. Once Butterfly landed, I had this uneasy feeling that my bond was being tested. Butterfly is now my second favourite album after the joint first of Music Box and Daydream. Each subsequent release tested my bond with Mariah but it remained as strong as ever until TEOM. I know this was her comeback album and her shining glory but for me I felt this was targeted at a whole new breed of fans and not the fans who formed their bond with Mariah many many years earlier. Having said this, I still have this explainable bond with Mariah even if it is not as strong as it was before. I think it's because of all the good she has unknowingly done in my life. I know every fan will cite Hero, or Make It Happen as songs that have inspired them or helped them. Whilst these are included in my list of inspirational songs, it was the likes of Outside, Close My Eyes, Looking In, and Butterfly that stuck with me. These songs are the ones that have really maintained my Mariah bond and no matter how hard Mariah falls, no matter how bad her vocal performances, no matter who surpasses her amount of number 1s, no matter which lambs call me a hater, no matter what, I will never be one of the fans who disowns Mariah. I have never been afraid to call Mariah out on her bullshit throughout the years and I feel like I can do that because the bond I feel with her. I will never be a fan who turns around and quits. I know we often say, Mariah owes us this, or Mariah owes us that. But in all honesty, I think it is me who owes Mariah.
(Friday 27 February 2015; 15:16)
B from USA (49,888) by Lee from UK
The Fantasy lip sync fail is unforgivable to many fans and the public certainly won't forgive it nor forget it. You must be half deaf to think that the other performances were "solid" and believe me, she didn't need to adlib to ensure we knew she was singing live. We knew it was live by how awful the whole thing sounded.
(Saturday 7 February 2015; 18:16)
What's a girl to do? (49,879) by Lee from UK
"It should come as no surprise that music icon Mariah Carey has been battling vocal issues for the last year" and the rest. This has been going on for a number of years. I honestly can't believe it has taken so long for the general public and the media to become wise to this. Mariah has been having vocal troubles for much longer. Of course it was all going to come crashing down eventually. Of course Mariah would get caught out in this day and age of social media, content on demand, YouTube and the availability of anyone, anywhere being able to record and upload an event in minutes of it occurring. I really hope Nathan Morris' words hit home with Mariah. But of course, there is no way in hell that Mariah is going to perform live night after night in Vegas. Not one little chance. Her voice is too fragile and she can't risk having a thousand videos popping up on the internet of her sounding rough. So what's a girl to do?
(Saturday 7 February 2015; 12:59)
Dubbing (48,940) by Lee from UK
Here is an example of a performance that can be called "dubbed". This hasn't been sang live twice choosing the best bits. It has been sang once and then new and better parts added in a studio at a later date after Mariah has listened to it and decided she didn't like certain notes she hit (or didn't hit) In this version you can clearly hear where parts were dubbed over with the new vocals. It is an almost isolated track but it's not which makes it great for spotting when the dubbing has occurred.
(Saturday 3 January 2015; 18:05)
Everything to prove (48,360) by Lee from UK
I guess this is not the 20th anniversary celebrations Mariah wanted for this song. People here are constantly saying Mariah has nothing to prove. I agree, until now. As the saying goes: you're only as good as your last performance. Mariah, now more than ever, has everything to prove. Which is why I stand by my previous post of getting back out there and slaying an a capella version of one of her songs.
(Sunday 7 December 2014; 0:02)
Damage limitation (48,359) by Lee from UK
The only way Mariah is going to recover from this backlash is to take to the stage again, in a very public context, and sing a capella. Why a capella? As a big f*ck you to the people who released the isolated track. We know Mariah still has it in her. She just needs to practice and nail one song live and a capella. It will have to be a song the public knows though from her back catalogue. If it were me I'd go for My All.
(Saturday 6 December 2014; 23:58)
Isolated vocals (48,280) by Lee from UK
I think this "isolated vocal" leak will become a trend especially among high profile artists. I think some will be genuine leaks, especially when the artist sounds bad. The others will be purposeful leaks by the artist or their team when they are sounding particularly good. It will be Ariana or Beyoncé next for sure. Then it will spark a whole new saga of comparisons as to who sounds better live. I am actually quite shocked that Mariah doesn't have a team member who overseas the recording of her vocals during events like these possibly shadowing the sound technicians as she likes to be in control of everything. If she didn't already, I bet you she will do from now on.
(Friday 5 December 2014; 14:40)
Christopher from USA (48,272) by Lee from UK
I couldn't agree more with your post about Mariah evolving and giving us something that suits her current vocals. Hopefully she will stop trying to please the masses who remember her for her big voice. Recent events have completely shattered any illusion the public may be under about Mariah still being able to deliver the big songs. I agree that something Jazz based would be amazing. We know that she grew up around the Jazz standards as she told us many times on American Idol. She even plays with Jazz when she is just riffing during he concerts and that recording of Mariah in the Jazz club a couple of years ago is still sticks with me. Even the video of Mariah singing along to Fly Me To The Moon and New York, New York was effortless. You hit the nail on the head when you said Mariah can't compete with her former perfect image so she needs to stop trying and give us something new. There are so many textures in her voice. She needs to forget about the charts, forget what is current and popular, forget who may be up-and-coming with a bigger voice, slow down and use a comfortable range in which to deliver something that only the fans will enjoy. The "lambs" will eat up anything Mariah puts out but a true fan will only enjoy the quality things Mariah produces.
(Friday 5 December 2014; 11:30)
Manny from U.S (48,236) by Lee from UK
No, no, no, and no some more. Please do not blame Mariah's performance on the weather. This has happened on several occasions when she has performed outdoors and people have blamed the weather. It could be practically tropical and I doubt Mariah would have sounded any better. If you listen to the live mic feed version of the song which is literally just her voice a cappella, you can hear that she is out of breath and not breathing in the right places. Her pace was all off and she just could not hit those notes. I'm sure if Mariah knew she was going to sound that bad, she would have put the CD in and pressed play so to speak. I highly doubt it has anything to do with the weather.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 22:46)
Tree lighting performance (48,221) by Lee from UK
You could tell from the first note that this wasn't going to go well. She constantly had her fingers in her ears fiddling with monitors so she was obviously struggling to hear herself. She sounded winded and out of breath and as a result didn't even attempt to reach most of the higher notes. The ones she did aim for fell flat. I'm glad she performed completely live but would have been lost without her backing singers. I hope Mariah watches this back to herself and has a think.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 19:54)
Lateness (48,164) by Lee from UK
If the article about Mariah being turned away for being late is true, then that makes me happy. It doesn't matter what is going on in your life, if you have a job to do (and getting paid to do it) then you show up on time and do the job. It doesn't matter who you are. Hopefully Mariah will learn from this.
(Wednesday 3 December 2014; 17:44)
Christmas shows (47,711) by Lee from UK
That poster for the Christmas shows says "first annual". Does that mean this is going to be a yearly thing that Mariah is doing from now on? I sure hope so. I would plan my holidays around this and go and see it every year.
(Friday 31 October 2014; 16:49)
Kuala Lumpur (47,575) by Lee from UK
Having watched as many videos as I could of this Elusive Chanteuse Tour, I was extremely worried for Mariah. That was until I saw the Kuala Lumpur video. I liked how there was less production in the concert, there was less dramatics and over the topness. It was literally Mariah singing her songs without a lot of the campness that goes with her performances of late. As a result, she sounded a hell of a lot better in my humble opinion. If I was to see Mariah on this tour, this is exactly what I would expect. I hope Mariah can maintain this for when she comes to the UK. Nobody wants to see her try to compete with the likes of Beyoncé for "putting on a show". We British are quite simple people. Show up on time, sing your little heart out and we will go home happy.
(Friday 24 October 2014; 12:24)
Mandy Monroe (47,485) by Lee from UK
That was a lovely performance of Miss You Most. Have you seen this version? This guy was on the Australian X Factor.
(Saturday 18 October 2014; 18:26)
Mimi L from nowhere (47,433) by Lee from UK
Mimi L, sweetie, let me allay any fears you may have that I misread or did not comprehend your post by providing you with a direct quote from it with its original context. "DM just posted horrible pictures of Mariah from the most unflattering angles, and with her undergarments showing. MC will be pissed when she sees these." Having re-read your post and provided you with a direct quote, I believe my point still stands. Your point (in addition to the unflattering angles) was about Mariah's knickers being photographed (otherwise why even mention it?). You then mention how Mariah will be "pissed" about this. Now, if it's simply a case of bad grammar/argument construction on your behalf, so be it. As I stated in my previous reply to you, If Mariah was concerned about having her knickers photographed then she should either 1) cover them up or 2) not wear any. However, I suspect option two is not an option any of us would relish. So to reinforce my original point; with a stage so high and a skirt so short... you do the maths. I'm pretty sure Mariah already did.
(Tuesday 14 October 2014; 20:27)
Mimi L (47,407) by Lee from UK
If Mariah really cared about people getting pictures of her underwear, then she should wear clothes that don't allow her underwear to be seen regardless of the angle. The woman is raised up on stage therefore most people will be looking up, it's hardly surprising. I think I've seen Mariah's knickers more than I care to mention over the years and I don't purposefully go out looking them.
(Monday 13 October 2014; 19:08)
Lip syncing to a live track (47,313) by Lee from UK
I just have to correct a misconception some of you have about lip syncing. I think B from USA said it in his/her last post. Mariah doesn't have to lip sync to the studio version of a song. In fact, she tends to do what I believe Beyoncé got in trouble for some years ago. She pre-records a live track and then lip syncs along to that. To me it's naughty and deceiving but it clearly fools other people.
(Thursday 9 October 2014; 10:01)
The lambs are bleating (47,209) by Lee from UK
Here we go again, the "lambs" won't have anything negative said about Mariah's vocals. Then they go bleating on about how those who are complaining are not fans or should move on to another fan base. All I hear is baa baa baa. Yes, going through a divorce isn't a pleasant experience and I understand how it can have an effect on Mariah's voice but what has her excuse been for the last 5 years when she was seemingly happily married? I remember some "lamb" here once blamed the weather for a poor performance. I believe the time has come for us to stop looking at external correlations and begin looking at Mariah herself.
(Monday 6 October 2014; 21:17)


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