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About Lamb_O_Chop from Australia :
She's the Qing!
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Hannah chops (40,364)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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She drinks wine sweetie, not hard liquor or booze. I know many people who ramble that don't drink, who's not depressed, or have expressed having anxiety. Besides we all have stressful or anxiety-esque moments in life, so that doesnt necessarily mean she has a problem. Mariah has always deflected certain questions in interviews, that's something I've always noticed, but to say she doesn't answer any questions straight on is an exagereation. I will acknowledge that fame definitely takes a toll on celebrities and many if not all have to find ways to cope, but Mariah has been handling things well IMO; considering everything she's been through. She a very hands on Mother, she's constantly creating/recording music and working in the studio, so her cognitive state doesn't seem to be as "troubled" as some are speculating. But if you say you're genuinely concerned and you're coming from a good place then great; keep her in your prayers and wish her well, but leave the shots and sly remarks on the back burner. Unless you just want to come across all wrong.
(Thursday 2 January 2014; 0:06)
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Hannah sugar free pie (40,358)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Well I disagree darling, just because she rambles doesn't mean she's "crazy" or "troubled", or "mentally ill", that's just a bit much. Those words shouldn't even be associated with her behavior, that's just taking your unfounded assumptions way too far IMO, but you have a right to believe what you will boo. Happy New Year lambs!
(Wednesday 1 January 2014; 21:36)
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Case and point (40,347)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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See what I mean? (See Hannah from the UK message below.) Now folks are basically taking shots and showing a lack of genuine concern. And I do question how much of a real fan you are if you are making fun or speak of light a situation concerning Mariah that you deem serious. Mariah is fine. She betta be shaving her head bald, attacking the paparazzi with umbrellas, and sweating profusely the way you all are talking. Her Andy Cohen interview was actually good and not weird at all. But like I mentioned, some folks love to call others crazy to make themselves feel "sane" or better. Like Bianca Storm would say, "You keep pretending and we'll keep believing."
(Wednesday 1 January 2014; 2:10)
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Oh dear (40,345)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Edward, sweet pie darling, I love you, but you have to admit that the majority of the posts here have been very negative lately. It seems when something goes slightly wrong, everybody and their great grand mommas come from the woodworks to crucify MC, but when something cute or nice happens in her life, this messageboard stalls. Frankly, I'm just tired of coming on here and constantly reading a plethora of negative comments, we complain about because it brings our spirits down. As a fan I don't want to come here and read a bunch of depressing vents all the time. If there was a good balance between the positive and negative, then maybe you would be making perfect sense to me. Sometimes I think this messageboard should be split into categories and there should be a "rant" section for the ranters. Mariah is still working hard on her album. I heard she just did a song with Maxwell, so people just need to be patient and not bark so much about the album not being out. Just my opinion.
(Tuesday 31 December 2013; 22:01)
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Depressing pack of lambs (40,324)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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What's new here? Please chill all the way out, the women are busy crafting a great new album and putting their family first. You guys kill me with you loosely based unfounded assumptions about someone's mental health. If you're that concerned just pray and support her. I'm beyond tired of the negativity that stems from boredom. Find another hobby instead of constantly picking these women apart for no good reason.
(Monday 30 December 2013; 17:31)
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Beyonce archives (40,246)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Okay so "we" love Beyonce, "we" think she's a fabulous lamb and "we" are very happy for her success, but don't use her moment to slight Mariah. It's far from cute and beyond lame. I can't believe someone had the audacity to "what has Mariah been doing, while Beyonce's been doing this, that and the other". . Really? So she hasn't been perfecting her album, being a great mother to her two children, while recovering from a very serious injury. Get a grib and get your life boo! Mariah has worked herself in the ground for a full decade. I would go as far to say that her work ethic inspired the likes of Beyonce. "Don't forget, don't forget respect that Bow Down snitches."
(Tuesday 17 December 2013; 8:03)
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Re: An excuse vs a reason (40,240)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Bill from the UK and Lyric from the USA, thanks for your replies. Lyric: I didn't notice a significant amount of hostility from the "sensitive lambs", however the hostility from the "tough love lambs" definitely over took the message board last week. So that statement was very misplaced. Also no one was in denial about the tree lighting performance being bad or Mariah's current vocal condition or vocal issues for that matter. I think that notion was the biggest misunderstanding amongst the lambs last week. No one every said anything was wrong with giving honest constructive criticism, but something is very wrong with being negative and disparaging, I don't care how many albums you brought or videos you've seen. Bill: Whether you buy it or not, cold weather does affect the voice, it's a fact. That's why singers are urged to take certain precautions, because if you don't breathe properly and you take in too much air, it can dry your voice out; So the speed of the song could've also played a very crucial part as well. Now add all that on top of her pre existing vocal issues, the "splashes" she allegedly had before and you have all the reasons why her performance went the way it did. The inly excuse I would say people has made about MC's voice is that she's "older" or "it's been 23 years", because we've all seen other singers who have maintained their voices over the same or longer periods of time. However by the same token, some of these individuals were able to have their nodules removed successfully, unlike Mariah. Also I just wanted to point out that cold weather was one of the reasons Beyonce lipped the national anthem and Celine Dion has lipped her fair share of performances to preserve her voice as well. At the end of the day, Mariah should've maintained her voice better, but she has proven time and time again that with much rest and recuperation she can still give a great performance. So just because many lambs choose to remain positive and consider all the factors that play into her current vocal state doesn't mean they are in denial or aren't being honest with themselves. On a positive note: We all love MC and want the best for her at the end of the day, so even though we all will have differences of opinion, us all having her best interest at heart is all that really matters.
(Monday 16 December 2013; 16:59)
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An excuse vs. a reason: do you know the difference? (40,171)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Since the "lame excuses" bandwagon is on a rise, I thought I'd raise a valid question. Do you understand the difference between someone making an excuse from someone giving a valid reason. Compare the definitions below: Reason, noun a statement presented in justification or explanation of a belief or action, the basis or cause for a belief or action. Excuse, noun a pretext or subterfuge, an explanation offered to justify or obtain forgiveness. So I ask, were members of this board "making excuses" for Mariah's bad performance or where they just merely "offering reasons" why Mariah's voice was in the condition it was in at the tree lighting performance? Ponder, sleep on it, even respond if you will. Or not.
(Wednesday 11 December 2013; 3:53)
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Lee, Lamby from Hong Kong, Joyce (40,158)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Lee from the UK: Sugar sugar boo boo, my point still stands, many things the lambily mentioned in reference to Mimi's tree lighting performance weren't "unfounded excuses", but if you say no shade was intended then I digress. Lamby: Sweet potato, we don't know the details of what Mariah had to endure with Tommy. Even MJ said he was a , so it's not our place to tell her to "get over it already" or call her mean when we don't know all the facts. Letting go ain't easy baby. Also be careful with what you give Tommy credit for, because the Mariah we fell in love with wasn't Tommy's puppet, but was the result of Mariah fighting to add favor to her sound. It wasn't all Tommy, it was his guidance and Mariah creative instincts that created the artist we fell in love with. I believe if it was up to Tommy, we probably wouldn't have Daydream, or several of MC's biggest hits as well; instead we'd have several Music Boxes and she would still be stuck in the Whitney Celine clone status not how I wanna see my Mariah. So please stop giving him all that. As a matter of fact, I blame him for MC not having a balance now. Joyce: Mariah is not old, so you're right it's not age that affected her voice, evidently it's medical issues with her vocals chords due to many things already mentioned. Therefore you can't compare her vocal state to Celine, Barbra, Patty or whoever else's, because they don't have the same vocal chords or have the same vocal issues MC has. After finally seeing the performance, I think she just had an off day which could've been due to several factors, so I totally disagree with the individuals who believe that this is the best of MC's current vocal condition. If you believe that it is then you should refer to the camera phone video of her singing on Fallon, it gets no more undubbed than that.
(Tuesday 10 December 2013; 2:16)
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Lee from the UK (40,124)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Sweetheart, people are not "making excuses". MC didn't just forget how to sing, so evidently something or somethings have affected her voice. And yes nodules, alcohol consumption, the weather, over singing etc. are all factual factors that affect the condition of the voice. MC always had a sensitive voice, and many of her peers have suffered from vocal nodules and were fortunate enough to have them successfully removed. None of us know what she's going through in this issue so it is not fair to blast her for something that may be out of her control at this point. Mariah is not a robot, she's human and last time I checked humans weren't perfect.
(Sunday 8 December 2013; 23:34)
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Zendi from Indonesia (40,051)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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See, now I can respect what you're saying: that it could've possible been a big hit with video, and radio promotion. This is a more logical discussion in reference to the song. My gripe was people not realizing that it would've taken those two things for this song to make a huge impact, so it can't really be considered a flop when it wasn't promoted to be a hit.
(Tuesday 3 December 2013; 17:05)
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Oh no not again (40,049)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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To the right is my face when people keep asking the same questions about TAOLG. Why must we keep having the same discussion over and over in reference to why it's not a hit. People. I ask you to just simply read the message board and you will have a good answer and if its not too much I also ask you to just make peace with it.
(Tuesday 3 December 2013; 15:47)
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I don't know and neither do you (40,005)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Mimi L. Bangladesh, I will calm down after you calm down, you quoted me first, remember? I really wanted to just drop this subject with my last post, but there was so much ridiculousness in your last post that I just couldn't. How could you compare Mariah's fourth or fifth single from Music Box not having a video to TAOLG not having a video. Even you know that was a reach. I said "second" lead single which would be more like Love Takes Time, Can't Let Go, Hero, One Sweet Day, Butterfly, TGIFY, Boy I Need You, WBT, Bye Bye, and IWKWLI not having videos. Get my drift? It just hasn't happen before. IMO it's evident that Mariah knew that this raw old school throwback ballad wasn't going to top the charts like Vision Of Love. She knew it wasn't the most radio friendly song in her arsenal. Even lambs like myself that absolutely adore the song knew it wouldn't. So evidently she just want to connect with the fans and perhaps regenerate some buzz for the album since #Beautiful died down. None of us are in her inner circle so ofcourse we don't know for sure, but I just putting two and two together she has yet to mention a video or any further promotion for this song and Christmas is around the corner so you know she will be getting her AIWFCIY on every chance she gets. Anyway I'm over it moving right along.
(Tuesday 26 November 2013; 18:59)
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Single or Not? (39,988)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Okay so the debate for me wasn't really over it being a single. Ofcourse it's "technically" a single. It was whether it was meant to be this huge commercial single or whether it was just a song released to the public to tie the fans over until the official "album pushing" song is released with a video to back it up. When has Mariah ever released an "official" lead or second lead single without a video to back it up? I'm just saying. So yes it's a single that can be downloaded, but what was the intent? Did they do the radio deal to push it? Does she have a video scheduled to push it?Why would she do ten videos for #Beautiful and not one to push her second proper album pushing lead single? There's no logic behind that. It wouldn't even make sense for the label to do that if they wanted her to push the album. So unless Mariah herself comes on here and says otherwise. I maintain that her intent for TAOLG was for it to tie the fans over until the album is ready. I bet her next song she releases close around the album will have the single treatment and accompanying videol like #Beautiful did.
(Monday 25 November 2013; 14:27)
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Mimi L. from Bangledesh (39,979)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Mariah said it was for the lambs that wanted to hear her sing over a piano with just vocals. The better question would be: what makes you think it was meant to be a huge single when she never mentioned anything about a video and hasn't performed it anywhere, but for who? The lambs in an intimate environment on Jimmy Fallon. Who does that when they really want a song to be huge? I'll wait. She released it to iTunes so it'll be available to the fans or whoever else wanted it. The song obviously hasn't been given the single treatment because it's simply wasn't meant to be an official single. I don't have to justify anything, the proof is in the pudding darling. So stop trying that make it a flop, how about that?
(Monday 25 November 2013; 4:32)
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David from Spain (39,970)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Hunty, have you not been reading the board since your last comment? TAOLG was released for the fans, not for radio or to be a number one hit. So there won't be a video. If you like the song then just embrace it, if not then let it go. I know it ain't easy.
(Sunday 24 November 2013; 5:13)
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Enwar (39,957)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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I love you for that message. This is truly the underlining message I get from many on this board and they don't even know it. Smh.
(Friday 22 November 2013; 18:59)
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Lyric / a song for lambs (39,920)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Lyric, it's not considered a real single because it wasn't put up for radio adds, nor is there any plans for a video as of yet. So how are non lambs or the general public supposed to hear and appreciate the song if they haven't put it on the radio? Mariah stated that this song was for the lambs that wanted to just hear a raw ballad with piano and vocals, and she said it before it tumbled down iTunes. So no I don't believe it's a cop out and yes I believe this was just something to tie us over until she's ready to put the new official single and album out. She's not as out of touch as something people claim or want her to be. I know she will bring that fire like she always do when she's ready to chart. As for people complaining about the lyrics and vocals on the song, I'm sure the "redundancy" that people keep referring to was intentional and it makes perfect sense really. So I don't get why people are bothered. I also can't see how anyone can complain about the vocals, because they are outstanding, and it's supposed to sound raw, it's a raw ballad. I actually love the slight rasp in the first line, it adds that raw soul feeling and sounds perfect her voice is as smooth as butter throughout the rest of the song, so I just don't get why some of you would trash the song. As for me, other's opinion or iTunes positions doesn't matter to me, I still think it's a brilliant piece of work and nobody's touching MC.
(Wednesday 20 November 2013; 17:12)
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The madness (39,844)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Mariah gave a very clear, well articulated explanation for the Facebook message and even gave a disclaimer. So how is she crazy again? I'm starting to believe some of you just want something to be wrong. Why would you even say she's having another breakdown or that this is going to be Glitter 2? Would that make some of you happy to see that happen? I'm more concerned about some of you, if that's really the case. You guys are reading way to far into things.
(Saturday 16 November 2013; 3:01)
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The voice (39,728)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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All hail the queen. This will be a huge album for Mimi. I predict it selling like donuts from a crispy creme booth at a cop convention. I'm telling you, "can't nobody can't nobody" sing like Mimi, that voice speaks to me like no other. She just gave us gospel, jazz, and classical all in one song in 2013, now that's a bad bad bish right there. Excuse my French. Simply the world's greatest. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I hear what she and Stevie did in that studio. Have mercy.
(Tuesday 12 November 2013; 0:42)
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Proud lamb (39,695)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Well I'm a proud lamb, I'll take that title with honor. A lamb is just a dedicated fan, that has stuck with Mariah through thick and thin (literally and figuratively ). So if you're just a casual fan then boo. Lol. No that's fine, but nothing's wrong with being a lamb, it's just a term of endearment given to us by the king herself, nothing to be irritated by at all.
(Saturday 9 November 2013; 13:42)
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No offense but... (39,658)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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What sense would it make for Stevie to just randomly be in the studio listening to a random Mariah/JD song and not be apart of it? That would be a bit much, don't you think? I'm sure Mr. Wonder has better things to do with his time. So it's safe to say that the duet is confirmed.
(Monday 4 November 2013; 20:18)
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What's Tommy got to do (got to do) with it? (39,622)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Ugh! I hate how some of you all give this guy all the credit, just because he made MC wear potatoe sacks for 7 years. Isn't this beloved hero the same guy that told MC her left side was ugly anyway, or to pass as a "white girl that sings black", held her hostage and force her to sing none stop, better yet stole her song and gave it to "J.Lo" to sabotage her career? Need I to say more? I'm sure he has everything to do with all her insecurities you speak of, so why not give him credit for that instead. I don't get the big fuss whatsoever, you all must be bored.
(Thursday 31 October 2013; 11:16)
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Mariah take note? (39,224)
by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
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Carlos, boy you're wild, even though I was kinda thinking the same thing. If MC took a page out of Celine's book, she wouldn't be involved in the songwriting process and just sing hand picked songs from the record label. No thanks. I love Celine and Whitney, but c'mon, lambily lets not.
(Saturday 7 September 2013; 13:00)
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