
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Brad from USA: Tha Source. Biggest, Oldest Dang Lamb out there. Wrote the book on being pip and festive. He's a pro and treats others the same way. Waits for MC to reach her creative zenith and wants her to keep pushing toward that. Writes the words about it that others wish they could even know what to say.

Tree lighting and things (48,197) by Brad from USA
Hello fellow lambs. For nearly 25 years Mariah and her music have been a light in my life. In ways, they will always be. It does seem clear and undeniable that the best of those days have passed. I think she possesses talents and perhaps an appeal that would enable her to still be in the public spotlight if she worked hard at it and desired that. I think it requires her to turn in, be quiet with herself and find what it is that she now wants to be about. Perhaps it is something beyond music, beyond artistry, beyond stardom and more about humanity and the world she wants to leave to her children and grandchildren. Bigger picture things. One can hope. Until she makes that determination, I can only hope she protects herself, her children and her remaining voice (her gift) to the best of her abilities and makes good decisions for the welfare of each. Nobody told any of us the road would be easy but I don't believe He brought us this far to leave us. May God bless us all, always, and most especially during this special time of year. We love you, Mariah and forever thank you for the gift of your light. Be well.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 6:37)
Wendy Williams (46,801) by Brad from USA
I always get the sense that Wendy is just a little bit jealous of Mariah because she knows that Mariah can always change her hair and make-up and not look like a busted up drag queen.
(Tuesday 16 September 2014; 19:58)
Ariana (46,728) by Brad from USA
Can't. Understand. A. Word. She. Sings. It's. Called. Enunciation.
(Wednesday 10 September 2014; 22:30)
Appalling discourse (46,566) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. I hope everyone is being well to themselves and others. I have not commented on the "reports" concerning Mariah and Nick's marriage. However, the disgraceful comments that some online readers and many "media outlets" seem ready to hurl toward Mariah, in particular, are appalling. I am not sure when such attacks and pure meanness became acceptable in our society but it seems the proliferation of electronic media has really emboldened safely anonymous people. I find it disgusting. Mariah is a person as we all are. She is a mother and sister and daughter, as so many of our own family members are. She has created great joy and aspirations with her career and God given talents. And like each of us, she has shortcomings. That so many readily feel empowered to vilify her is a truly sad comment on the nature of the society that we have created for ourselves and our children. Be well.
(Tuesday 2 September 2014; 1:52)
Matt / the silent snapdragon (45,934) by Brad from USA
Hi fellow lambs. Matt, your message brought back the good old days when I would pour over CD liner notes, when there was a mystique about the creation of an album. Yes, I have his album and noted that nickname for MC back in '92. I have actually incorporated that name in personal uses since then, so it's funny to me that you mention it. Anyhow, I'm not sure if it is some kind of reference to the flower or a comment about personal behavior. I'm not sure that there was ever a public dialogue about this nickname for her (since it was long before social media and blogs). I thought that her bouquet from her first wedding had snapdragons in it but I am not so sure about that now (and obviously the wedding occurred after his album). Anyhow, I was happy to see your question. That album from "Big Nasty" had some good songs on it. On another subject, it seems telling to me how silent MC was with Nick Cannon appearing on Jimmy Fallon last night and she did not tweet about his appearance at all, as she once would have. Also, Nick seemed intent not to mention her at all during his appearance. This seems to speak volumes about the current status of their relationship.
(Thursday 7 August 2014; 23:10)
ZachMC / Camouflage / your MIAMTEC mini concert (45,725) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. I hope everyone is being well to themselves and to others. I just wanted to echo ZachMC's post about "Camouflage", my listening to MIAMTEC always begins there. I feel this song. In fact, my MIAMTEC loop or mini concert setlist for this album would consist of: (1) Camouflage, (2) Money, (3) Make It Look Good, (4) You Dont Know What To Do, and (5) Supernatural. Right in that order. I do enjoy other songs on the album, but these songs are the heart of it, for me. What's your MIAMTEC mini concert setlist look like?
(Friday 1 August 2014; 20:24)
SESAC vs. ASCAP vs. BMI (45,408) by Brad from USA
Hi fellow lambs. So SESAC is not management or PR, it is an agency that collects royalties for artists from teh playing and performing of their music, like BMI or ASCAP. Mariah had been with BMI. ASCAP and BMI are really the big players in terms of popualr music. Their collection of royalties relies on the artist having massive hits. SESAC seems to be relying on the use of an established artist's catalogue more than on current smash hits. I am not sure what this will mean in terms of where we hear her catalogue. Frankly, the only place I hear her music regularly is my Stop & Shop grocery store. Always playing her. That may have to do with a musac contract or something. Since membership in SESAC is by invite to songwriters, MC may have felt flattered because she prides herself on her songwriting. Perhaps she feels she will get new partners through SESAC in better exploiting her back catalogue. Not sure. Either way, this change doesn't directly speak to her current label, representation and management issues. Be well.
(Tuesday 15 July 2014; 16:50)
Mariah could learn from this board alone, truth (44,615) by Brad from USA
Hi fellow lambs. I haven't commented in a minute but I have to say I do like the album. MILG, YDWTD, Camouflage, Supernatural and Money are my favs, in that order. That said, the marketing of this "project" is an insult to the fans on this board alone. She has hyped her success as part of her image and now doesn't seem a bit interested in assuring it in any way. I think "letting go" is letting go of us, the fans, fame, money, whatever. But she needs to let go of that sycophant, JD. Learn from JJ, bb. And she may just have to because if she no longer appeals to me, a fan of 24+ years who is fortunate enough to be able to fly to various cities and see her concerts in the front row, then she isn't going to appeal to anyone with her current public image. I hope she has soundly invested what money she made. And her new beverage? Mess. Her "performance" at the presser for this drink was scattered, as ever. Not to mention it alienates the super majority of people who care enough to even post on this board, which I venture to say is about two-thirds gay males (including myself). Still, I aint gonna buy no pink bottle with sugar water in it. Have a little more forethought than that MC, jeeesh. Why not make it honey flavored tea that's good for the voice, I could maybe see that. Also, if the voice is gone for live performances, be upfront. It's not your fault per se and it will actually humanize you to the public. Sorry to be negative but life aint all Butterfly beverages. Truth.
(Tuesday 10 June 2014; 17:06)
The "Great Writer" shade (44,408) by Brad from USA
Mariah's reference during the Matt Lauer interview to being told by a "great writer" that tabloids wrap fish the next day is shade to Mottola's book "Hitmaker" in which he discusses his marriage to Mariah. She was obviously being sarcastic. She can be quite coy when she wants to be. Makes you wonder what other little jabs she throws out there and we don't even know it. I definitely think there is trouble in Mariahland with Nick, the label or perhaps her own health. It sounds like she wants to try to work through it and not have it be public. That her heart beats on despite all the heartbreaks. That she is not broken. Perhaps that her children make the heartbreak go away. I think that is the significance of the heartbeat on the album after "One More Try". We will see, I guess. Be well.
(Monday 2 June 2014; 6:09)
Re: G.G. from the USA (44,019) by Brad from USA
Ha. Love you, G.G. The people who work in the stores that you and I go to must be like "dang, where'd all these Mariah Carey albums come from?" Funny part is, that's just the tip of the iceberg of my Mariah escapades over the last 24+ years, if only people knew. You know something, it would be great if the lambs compiled stories of the unusual measures they go to in furtherance of their love of MC and her music. As a teaser for that compilation, I would have to include my stories of: (1) Hiding in the woods from a local fire chief in order to greet MC's limo post concert, (2) sorta stalking an older woman who won tickets to an MC concert at a store opening until the radio DJ who gave the woman the tickets spotted me and snuck me my own set of tickets out in the store's parking lot, and (3) changing MC concert t-shirts in the front row every time MC had a wardrobe change during her CT Angels Advocate Tour stop. And so many more stories like these. Anyhow, it's all in good fun, so please don't hate on me folks. Be well and enjoy this new era for what you find in it for yourselves.
(Thursday 22 May 2014; 22:54)
Cohesive listening v. sales and release day rituals (43,998) by Brad from USA
Hi all, I have not listened to the entire album and will not do so until I download it Tuesday and pick up the Target exclusive via the old brick and mortar model. I have a ritual I do when getting a new MC album, have done it for 24+ years, and going to an actual store to buy it is part of that ritual. I do extra facings for the album at the store too while there. Does anyone know what I am talking about, hehehe? What's your ritual on release day? Anyway, I get wanting folks to hear the album as a cohesive body of work. The problem is that on the business end of this project, people in America don't buy music from well established artists that they haven't heard on their radios or televisions. Decent reviews only get you so far. This new material has not been heard by the general American public. Accordingly, I predict very low sales, at least at first. Perhaps sales will pick up or will be well sustained once some singles are serviced to radio, which I truly hope occurs soon. I needz to hear YDKWTD on my radio. My wish for it is 250+ million audience impressions. Does anyone here even know what I mean by this? Anyhow, either way, enjoy it. Be well to yourselves and each other.
(Thursday 22 May 2014; 16:45)
YDKWTD ft. Wale (43,685) by Brad from USA
Now this is what I am talking about. In my opinion, this should be the next single and served up immediately. It has everything. The right tempo, hook, vocals, guest rap (which is "bright" and keeps the tempo and doesn't distract from it). It reminds me of "You're So Cold" in that it is an unexpected uptempo that will get people up and moving. This song has made me excited for the new album. And can I just say how exciting it was to hear the debut of a new Mariah song through a live performance. For the nostalgia, people. I know Mariah is sorta throwing the spaghetti on the wall and seeing if anything sticks with this album, but I think this one has some sticking power in the pop arena. Lets enjoy it and be well.
(Friday 16 May 2014; 16:15)
Thirsty (43,529) by Brad from USA
Meh. Not what I was looking for. It kind of sounds like several songs shuffled into one. Toward the end she starts to actually sing a bit but I think I would have preferred the mid-tempo, throw back RnB slow burner that obviously it was originally recorded to be. The beat and refrain is obviously added to make it seem more radio/club friendly. I'm not Thirsty but will offer a toast to hoping there's something deeper, more mature, evolved, refined, challenging and overall refreshing about the rest of the offerings on the new album.
(Tuesday 13 May 2014; 17:08)
If It's Over (42,796) by Brad from USA
The time has come to drop the hammer. I think it's over. JD is trifling as a "manager" and assisting in the ruin of the remnants of MC's recording career. MC aint doing too much to help herself either. As a fan of 24+ years, I am through with it. I am, in point of fact, the biggest, oldest dang lamb out there and I want the truth, not smoke and mirrors. If the voice is gone, let me know. If the creativity, drive and zest to entertain is over, let me know. If it's label politics, let me know. I'm over waiting and wondering. I will just enjoy the catalogue and what was, not what might be. Have some respect for the people who have repeatedly put you in the position that you wish others in the game would revere. In other words, "If it's over... just let me go."
(Tuesday 22 April 2014; 19:36)
Nick is a zero (42,399) by Brad from USA
No man with any sense of decency would ever leave any question of interpretation as to the level of respect he has for his wife and the mother of his children. And that's exactly what he did in his radio interview with Big Boy. Furthermore, no trifling diamond encrusted bracelet can atone for such an insult, especially on, near or around MC's anniversary. He is a cras zero of a boy who needs to be gone. Should an album ever be released by MC and a tour or performance ever be made again by her in support of such, he better not step his sorry self on stage because he will be booed off faster than a bad act at the Apollo by the loyal lambs. Maybe he doesn't understand, for if the lambs don't like you, you're gone. See you.
(Monday 31 March 2014; 4:15)
YME on Sirius/XM Channel 48 (42,123) by Brad from USA
Hi all. I hope everyone is well and being good to others. This morning, as I pulled into the parking garage at work, they played YME on "Heart and Soul" Channel 48 Sirius/XM radio. I was so surprised and excited to hear it on the radio that I nearly cried, but that would have made me late for work. Anyhow, it made me happy to hear it on the radio. I wanted to share that elation with you all. Be well.
(Saturday 15 March 2014; 0:31)
Double album (41,971) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. I hope everyone is well and treating each other well. It occurs to me that the singles we received to date from this "new era" are essentially the remnants of a shelved album that MC once delivered to her label (Triumphant, Almost Home, TAOLG, Youre Mine). I am not so sure about "The Art of Letting Go". I think MC felt she had to release that particular track once the intended title of the album was leaked and it was subsequently decided that the album would be shelved. She knew she couldnt include it as a track in the album that eventually gets released but didn't want it to never be heard since it is a relatively strong vocal performance. Anyhow, I have a feeling that our girl will be very busy recrafting this album over the next month or so. I don't think it will resemble the album that was shelved last summer/fall. Be well.
(Tuesday 4 March 2014; 0:50)
Words of encouragement for our MC (41,734) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. This may be the time for us to harken back to words our MC once chanted to us (if only from the B-side of an import), in order to repeat them back to our MC: "Don't give up, don't never ever give up, don't ever give up." If I could fly to Australia and sing that live to you, MC, I would. Just like you did. And then you packaged it with the beauty of "Underneath the Stars" and brought delight to a "little boy" far, far away who desperately needed it. We believe in you and await the higher perch, for you and us all. With love, be well.
(Tuesday 25 February 2014; 19:59)
Mariah's last album (41,524) by Brad from USA
Hi Lambs. Sources close to the situation say that Mariah intends that this new album will be her last due to vocal irregularities that she now experiences. Be well.
(Thursday 20 February 2014; 4:28)
YME airplay, elegance and MC demeanor (41,342) by Brad from USA
Hi Lambs. Hope you all are well. After listening to YME quite a bit, I've grown to really enjoy it. I was wondering if anyone here is actually hearing the song on their local radio stations. I live in Connecticut, USA and have not heard it on the radio. It occurs to me that the song, while catchy in some ways, is rather elegant and nuanced; perhaps in a way that radio won't embrace. Maybe that's why the remix and dance tracks have been released so soon. As for Mariah's demeanor, I'm bemused at times. The way she often comes across and portrays herself seems incongruous with her roles as a mother, wife, woman of faith and gold-hearted, diva next door. It potentially has a greater impact on her legacy than her ability to have a hit 25 years out. I do hope she appreciates that on some level. Lets hope for the best during this new era. Be well.
(Saturday 15 February 2014; 6:10)
YME (41,186) by Brad from USA
Hi Lambs. I hope everyone is well and treating one another with respect. I would give YME 2.5 out of five stars. I was hoping for something groundbreaking but it's not horrible. My interest is in seeing if this track and MC make it to radio for an extended period of time, not just 1 day. I do wish the vocal track had been laid on top of the synth track, its a bit buried. Music reminds me of HATEU, which to me, is a far better song btw. Anyhow, lets just enjoy it for what it is. She owes us nothing and vice versa, but we both are happier when things are succesful. Be well.
(Wednesday 12 February 2014; 22:07)
MC as enviro crusader (41,123) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. I'm so excited for the new era and hopefully a return to form. I read that the new video for You're Mine was filmed in the rain forest of Puerto Rico and that MC wished to bring attention to the need to preserve our natural resources. I hope this is true and I have always wished that MC would take a stand on this issue and be an enviro crusader. I think it would be a great direction for her to go in. I wanna see a crunchy MC. Help save the planet, MC. Be well.
(Tuesday 11 February 2014; 16:05)
Mariah at the Olympics? (40,943) by Brad from USA
Hi Lambs. So MC's latest little video clip that she posted over the weekend mentioned only 6 more days. The only thing I can think of in those terms are the opening ceremony of the Olympics and my 42nd birthday! Is Mariah going to perform at the opening ceremony of the Olympics? Just wondering. Be well.
(Monday 3 February 2014; 15:26)
Chris (40,743) by Brad from USA
Hi Lambs. Lets all welcome, Chris. Welcome to the board!
(Friday 24 January 2014; 22:00)
My Christmas ask of Mariah (40,243) by Brad from USA
Hi Lambs. I supoose if I had the ability to ask Mariah for something for Christmas, I would ask her to drop the "out-of-touch" diva antics and undertake moments where she shows grounding and a level of gravity about herself and her artistry that is commensurate with the degree of respect she seeks from her peers and the music buying public. On the rare occassions that she does this, she is at her best. That's all I want for Christmas from MC. Be well, everyone.
(Monday 16 December 2013; 21:38)


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