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About Lee from USA: I love mimi

I see it this way (36,402) by Lee from USA
How did a female rapper with little competition became a judge anyways? I am tired of being spoon-fed this bullmess about Minaj being the "queen of hip-hop" when she is the only female rapper in the game. All of her "rivals" are either going to jail, getting out of jail, or just irrelevant.
(Wednesday 3 October 2012; 16:45)
All I said was that (36,304) by Lee from USA
Clive Davis did not do that great of a job handling Whitney Houston's addiction. He pushed her into doing a world tour that she wasn't ready for and she ended up relapsing. Clive didn't have her back two years ago when she was getting blasted by concertgoers and the press. My point was that we cannot bitch about the people around Mimi and endorse managers that love artists only when they succeed. We should give Randy a shot before screaming for his head.
(Friday 7 September 2012; 16:05)
Tommy would be great but... (36,297) by Lee from USA
He didn't do much without Mimi. I mean, she won more Grammys without Tommy than she did with him. How come he did nothing with Thalia or Lindsey Lohan? Hell, Sony practically threw him out! As for Clive Davis, why would she need someone like the man who destroyed Phyllis Hyman and Whitney Houston? Whitney still had drugs in her system when she died, so clearly Clive Davis did not get her off of drugs.
(Friday 7 September 2012; 1:21)
Bad song is death sentence? Really? (36,277) by Lee from USA
All of these other old-school artists (and hall of famers) put out worse songs than that and nobody is writing or saying anything. Yet one bad song from Mimi is an automatic death sentence. Really? Compared to all of the drug addictions, cheating scandals, and criminal acts, our girl is in good shape. I have no respect for Twitter comments because they change from negative to positive on a drop of a hat.
(Thursday 6 September 2012; 16:34)
She should sing whatever she deems best (36,260) by Lee from USA
If she sound great, then that's all that matters. And another thing, why are the tabloids trying to break up her happy marriage?
(Monday 3 September 2012; 16:28)
Here comes Perez Hilton (36,106) by Lee from USA
I mean, this guy is an idiot. When things are going wrong for Mimi, he would not hesitate to trash her. When things are going right, either he makes snarky comments or does not care. Another thing that irks me is this notion that Mimi has to be #1 all of the time. There are tons of artists that are her age or older who struggled to break into the Top 40, and they don't catch hell over it. Hell, MDNA is struggling on the album charts, but he won't write about that.
(Friday 24 August 2012; 21:51)
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