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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

Re: Love Mariah honestly (64,189) (64,199) by May from Denmark
Packer is not into Scientology. It's something I keep seeing around. He said in an interview about it, he said Tom Cruise invited him personally but he was hesitant, another time he was called again and he said "I went, I saw, I learnt a lot." And by "I learnt a lot" I'm sure he meant to say he realised it was a scam and all they wanted was his money. He never came back to the Scientology Church and has denied being part of it.
(Monday 11 July 2016; 22:33)
Re: Mariah is not a politician (64,143) (64,149) by May from Denmark
Good words Mirage.
(Sunday 10 July 2016; 20:05)
Re: Mariah's behavior (64,114) (64,136) by May from Denmark
To be completely honest, in my eyes Mariah has always acted grandiose since Music Box. Her interviews regarding music up to this day are the only grounded sounding. When it's not about music, she acts as she always did. Just this week I was looking at some nostalgia backstage interviews and perks, and saw some from the Daydream era, Mariah, holding the glass of wine in one hand, inviting the interviewer some too, then running all over the street foolishly back and forth, laughing out loud just because the air blew as she tends to do, in a mini skirt with high heels. Sorry, but she has always been this way, I feel that the only difference is that somehow, throught all her "90s respectable Mariah with her blue tetris shaped gown singing Hero", Mottola held her back in interviews, having her publicist always being right there to tell her how to act (we pitifully had to witness once in an uncut interview). Mariah came full force showing her funny side when Rainbow came out and she was free to act as pleased, we all remember the craziness of Bianca, yet we took it in a fun way, she was young, she could get away with that. But more and more, the Mariah that we see today, started to emerge. She has always been since day one the sexy vixen braless pluck down cleavage girl, playing with her hair, flirting with her voice, laughing coquettish, wearing skimpy clothes, only through Music Box and part of Daydream she was the most dressed up and then she doesn't own it up, she likes to remind people that that "wasn't her", was there ever a time she didn't have a glass of wine? My only concern is that now at days she does seem to drink more than she used to. I don't feel surprised or shocked by her revealing clothing and they don't bother me neither, I don't feel embarrassed as some fans because she is an individual and a grown up woman with all the right to dress however she pleases, the only thing that would make me embarrassed as a fan is something like her failed lip-synch of Fantasy in Jamaica, because I defend a singer, not a model. Past that, regarding the Orlando I thought she didn't want to post out of controversy after the Pray For Paris. But "Black lives matter" makes me wonder, I understand she is on vacation with her fiance, friends and family, I understand she has people in charge of her social media (like always, she hardly ever posted something on her own, if people really believe she has been posting stuff all the time by herself in the past, well, they certainly live under a rug) so at least follow the hashtag but nothing. I believe that right now (and since years for the most part) Mariah is simply suffering from the Prince syndrome as I call it, "Prince living in Prince world", like the story of the camel told by Kevin Smith, Prince's publicist and manager at the time said to Smith "Prince calls us at times, and if Prince calls us and is 3 am in Minnesota and he wants a camel and tell us to go get it, we have to explain to him it's January in Minnesota, a camel, that's not possible and he says but why", I feel very much like Mariah is on the same state of mind, she is oblivious to the outside world, not in a malicious way just like Prince but completely living in the eternally 12, splashes, festive moments added to the Stella's formula, hashtag work hard-play hard-party-hard, hashtag livelife, hashtag empoweringwomen, hashtag everythingshouldhaveahashtag. I don't swallow neither the whole thing of "she has forgotten Jesus" because as an atheist I think it is stupid to think a person lost the plot of life just because Jesus is out. In my opinion she is a woman who has absolutely everything and right now doesn't know what else to do with her life and music or Jesus doesn't seem to fulfill her anymore or she might be going through a mid-life crisis. Sometimes I like to think she is just fine every time I see her with her darling children but then again, a picture of a 2 minutes is just a picture, doesn't show all that is going on in the background. The circus is on with Mariah in the mega-love-boat as well but this time Kristoffer is not there and who really thought Bryan was going to be there, really, come on haha.
(Sunday 10 July 2016; 12:52)
Re: New music soon? (63,973) (63,974) by May from Denmark
There are pics of Mariah singing in the studio, taken from Snapchat. I don't think anyone recorded. Would love to know a bit if she is truly working on some new music.
(Friday 1 July 2016; 11:58)
Re: DJ Mimi (63,863) (63,873) by May from Denmark
Ian, I won't ever doubt again about your expertise and experience haha, let me tell you, you were so freaking right. I guess I need to start expecting less, which is sad.
(Monday 27 June 2016; 23:45)
Re: Um what? (3,839) (63,849) by May from Denmark
And you are right about the Halloween - non shocker. She did this lingerie outfit in white the time she dressed as an angel haha. I'm not surprised by her outfit choice, it is almost like that one with the fish net dress. I wouldn't at all say she looks trashy or prostitute like (not in my eyes), if anything she looks like a daring rocker chick of the 80s but that's the thing, she is not a rocker nor the alternative scene so some people jaws might have dropped. When I thought her outfits couldn't get skimpier.
(Monday 27 June 2016; 9:26)
1OAK Mariah forgot her pants (63,830) by May from Denmark
Wowzers, she looked mega hot but cringe worthy at the same time. I don't know why, though it doesn't surprise me of Mariah, I feel that this is more of a Madonna or Lady Gaga stunt. Was it a stunt? She looked beautiful, I loved her confidence and her hair. I still must ask as I wonder, since she has been hanging more with DJ Sussone she seems tipsy and high. Is it just my idea? Should I shake it off my head?
(Sunday 26 June 2016; 19:36)
Re: Mariah directing for Hallmark (63,783) (63,829) by May from Denmark
The idea of a period movie sounds awesome and me too RJJ, always played in my head a whole movie out of "Betcha gon' know". Mariah would look great in a 1960s comedy set or a 1940s war movie, I totally dig these ideas. Hopefully the writers will come up with something original. Hallmark produces nice weekend home family movies but they have been stuck in the same for a long time. To think they started with independent films is surprising.
(Sunday 26 June 2016; 19:30)
Re: My All (63,788) (63,799) by May from Denmark
I always loved "My all" with so much passion. I can't count the many times I listened to it, the remixes, the live versions, I hunted for every single live version I could find of it, she always sang it with such an emotion. As a Latina I was so happy to know "My All" had a Spanish version but after listening to it a few times I concluded that it wasn't as good as the original in English. Her Spanish has never been strong and the lyrics weren't exactly the same, but I understand the lyrics got arranged to fit the melody. I know Mariah said to be unhappy with the Spanish version because it wasn't true to what she penned. Still is amazing how delicate yet so powerful at the same time is that song. Definitely one of my top favs. The remix "Stay a While" is so sexy, the video was wonderful, I loved that underground vibe with the dark ambience.
(Saturday 25 June 2016; 18:43)
Re: MC saving herself for marriage? (63,791) (63,798) by May from Denmark
It is hot in the sense that you both would really want each other very much after such long wait, yes. But here is the thing, I see it as something great if you already know the guy in the intimacy because if you never ever tried anything, how do you know you will like the dude after married? Like, what if you don't like the way he smells, or the way he touches you, or the way he performs lol. There are so many what ifs. Now, if you already tried once and think it was what you really wanted and there's chemistry then it makes it really hot waiting that long and looking forward an amazing time. Otherwise is gambling, if you don't like it how would you react having to do it over and over with the years to come. I couldn't.
(Saturday 25 June 2016; 18:31)
Re: Mariah directing for Hallmark (63,783) (63,797) by May from Denmark
Thanks for that info RJJ12, I missed that moment with Mario Lopez, I will be checking it out. I think comedy seems very suitable for her, at least as first movie goes. I knew she was going to write songs for the movies, which is what makes them even more exciting. I loved Tennessee song "Right to dream", it was beautiful, very inspiring. B you always kill me with your posts, they are so much fun to read. I agree that only her fragile friend should be directing her acting too lol. Mariah is hit and miss when it comes to acting, but if something showed this last Christmas movie is that if she is acting, she needs some director couching. I don't believe she was too bad, but sometimes her acting looked forced and not very natural. The debut as director was very good though. PS: Bill, thanks. I saw this picture and thought she looked posh and radiant. I loved it.
(Saturday 25 June 2016; 18:27)
Re: DJ Mimi (63,732) (63,760) by May from Denmark
Hopefully it won't be that way this time around Ian, Mariah is not just any other celeb, she is someone who is very much into music. If she still has the appreciation for music she has shown, I am truly hoping for some of her original spin and not someone in the background, it would be utterly disappointing to waste an opportunity like this at making music.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 18:30)
Mariah directing for Hallmark (63,759) by May from Denmark
Has actually anyone have any idea if Mariah will be scripting or if she will be directing someone's else scripts? Has she signed yet the contract or was just a project she is looking into after being offered the job? If she is scripting, I wonder what she will come up with. Maybe Lee shared with her some ideas. I would really like to see something penned by her, maybe a drama. Perhaps she could even pour her own experience regarding the psychological abuse and control that she shared a bit in her songs, I believe she would take the job pretty serious, could be nice to see from her perspective how it was dealt with, obviously it doesn't have to be an exact representation of what happened in reality but Mariah has material from her own life to work some interesting scripts. What kind of movie would you be expecting from Mariah? She can't endlessly do Christmas and holiday movies. The next question would be, will she act in any of them?
(Friday 24 June 2016; 18:23)
Re: Repetitive (63,743) (63,758) by May from Denmark
Agree Marissa, spot on, no new music then we fall into whatever topic there is, even gossip. The very idea that there are lambs going around calling Mariah and Bryan "Manaka" and making a whole subject out of them is very telling that new music is missing in the air.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 18:07)
Re: Repetitive (63,749) (63,756) by May from Denmark
All points are so correct this_is_qhm, I had a laughing fit with the second one, it's just so true.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 18:03)
Re: The Demi disturbance (63,533) (63,545) by May from Denmark
I know what you are trying to say Mimi L. Completely agree with it all. The only thing I have to say regarding the "J-Lo diss" is that to me, this whole "I don't know her" has become more of a catch phrase than anything else, same with the whole "fragile" thing. I actually crack laughing every time I hear it "I'm fragile, I'm fragile".
(Friday 17 June 2016; 23:06)
Re: Demi singing Mariah's song (63,537) (63,544) by May from Denmark
You know, I've only heard Demi a couple of times in videos, never saw her singing live, after listening to a couple now, I have to say, truthfully, she sounds amateurish. I can understand now why all she does is sip tea and spew big names to garner some attention, she is mostly where she is because she carries the "Disney" tag. I don't often trash other artists but I see nothing special in this girl.
(Friday 17 June 2016; 23:02)
And after all the Demi diss (63,540) by May from Denmark
The lambs hopped in the lambast-wagons, joined and trained Demi. Some poor souls were tried to defend Demi. But between all the back and forth, everyone seemed to have forgotten about Ariana who got wrecked in that meme lol. Where are the all the arianators? Btw Andrew, "Ariana pouts her lips and her jaw flaps like it's punching holes in paper", that made me die, I almost fell from my chair, so funny. I can't tell I notice before because I haven't seen many of her videos but I take your word for it. Her videos are so boring to watch and her last one was a cry for attention.
(Friday 17 June 2016; 22:45)
Re: Radio silence for days, no excuse (63,420) (63,436) by May from Denmark
Hi Chris. What happened with the Mariah meet and greet? How exactly did she cheat the fans? I haven't read anything about it so I have no clue.
(Thursday 16 June 2016; 1:27)
Re: May / rappers and drugs (63,267) (63,431) by May from Denmark
I do agree with you Licia and never meant to say that "all do" but clearly a fair amount of those known to have hanged with Mariah did (along with some criminal records for a couple of them). But yes, I don't argue with you at all in that not all live that lifestyle. My take is on those who Mariah have been known to be around. So let's carry on then hehe.
(Wednesday 15 June 2016; 23:33)
Re: Mariah on Snapchat (63,262) (63,430) by May from Denmark
Hi Reuben, sorry I get to you this late but pitifully I can't check the forum every day anymore. It's in the song "It's like that". Cheers to you.
(Wednesday 15 June 2016; 23:29)
Re: Orlando (63,380) (63,428) by May from Denmark
What message did Mariah write about her support for Hillary? I couldn't find it anywhere. I do remember when she, Oprah and Beyonce were practically campaigning for Obama. I also thought for a moment that maybe she didn't say anything in her social media about the Orlando shooting because the last time she posted a single image of "Pray for Paris" there was a big havoc in her Instagram with people arguing about religion and terrorism and then it turned into talks about Israel and Palestine and later some people insulting and all this between messages of sorrow. Maybe this time they wanted to just be more cautious? I personally think that since she had the award she could have done a small show as remembrance, sing Bye-bye and One Sweet Day, or do a tv appearance singing these songs. She did appeared on the radio though but seems people take more seriously Twitter than the radio, does it really show more empathy what media she chooses? Yes, Lady Gaga appeared and showered the people with her tears but somehow I always felt that Gaga since her "gay hit" as I call it, she has been just milking it, obviously that's just my opinion. Were people expecting Mariah to do a Gaga? Perhaps she needs to do more public some charity but to be sincere 100%, I never thought of Mariah as being huge on philanthropy and massive charity. I could be wrong.
(Wednesday 15 June 2016; 22:54)
Re: I don't like the new Mariah (63,384) (63,426) by May from Denmark
I think it's all about personal taste. You might not like what she has done after 1999 except for TEOM but I found that Charmbracelet had some gems, I just didn't feel the production, some stuff sounded too forced. I love E=MC2, all the songs are so uplifting an catchy, it's a happy album and it makes me feel happy, her last effort had really nice songs, perhaps some had much more potential but it was a good effort. The only album I really didn't enjoy the fullest was MOAIA, I only liked about 4 songs, it felt overproduced and in an obvious way to try to catch up with what was going mainstream the album got lost in a bunch of fake didgeridoo. I love her old music but mostly because her voice sounded unstoppable. Now at days she is recovering her voice but I'm beyond if she hits certain octave for a whole minute, I'm looking right now for more lyrics that make sense, that tell a story, that could be something relatable. Some of her lyrics since TEOM feel like too much Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo, MOET and every lux brand that could be thrown and is not the every day thing for the average person, it's like she is speaking about an alien world for the majority who are not capable of afford the things she tastes. How can you relate to someone when you don't know what taste they are talking about? It's like not being on the same page. I felt that at least in her last album there were sincere lyrics, that came from within, from a feeling and an experience.
I think it's silly to say that she is the "new Mariah", she very likely has always been this way. Tommy Mottola just made sure he would have an image to sell, a product, she was that, in her very few backstage videos you could see she was a free spirited girl who probably just wanted to have some fun but was overworked. Her music was felt but some of it was very obviously forced, a couple of titles from Music Box comes to mind. I'm actually glad she is being honest with herself and being whoever she always wanted to be as it seems but there's no denial that I will keep expecting quality music, which as of late it has been slightly ping-pong. To be honest, I will judge with a definitive note with an upcoming new album if she truly doesn't feel the music anymore and it is perhaps that the reason she is venturing into acting and directing.
(Wednesday 15 June 2016; 22:37)
Re: Mariah's Snapchat (63,248) (63,259) by May from Denmark
So true Marissa. Everyone has to pull cameras and upload to internet without caring what they are sharing. It feels that there's no such thing as privacy anymore and even when there is trouble in the street rather than call the police they take the phone and start recording. Even if it's a guy with a machete or gun shots. Some people have no priorities.
(Sunday 12 June 2016; 2:54)
Re: Mariah's Snapchat (63,249) (63,258) by May from Denmark
Jealousy is for the insecure and weak, that's what I think. Even if James was jealous, what could he do? Send Mariah to time out and tell her she can't hang with her friends anymore? I think both seem to be past trivial stuff, afterall, she shared a day in the same place with Packer's ex wife and him, remember? How much more bizarre can that be?
(Sunday 12 June 2016; 2:50)


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