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About Brad from USA: Tha Source. Biggest, Oldest Dang Lamb out there. Wrote the book on being pip and festive. He's a pro and treats others the same way. Waits for MC to reach her creative zenith and wants her to keep pushing toward that. Writes the words about it that others wish they could even know what to say.

Mariah's dress (37,468) by Brad from USA
I agree, that black and gold dress was flantastic.
(Thursday 21 March 2013; 22:10)
Nattalie (37,440) by Brad from USA
Dearest Nattalie, with all due respect, check yo'self. I have "been up on this board" long before your parents could even know what to say about you, ok? I know of what I speak and it's merely suggestive in nature. Chances are MC will not take any such advice and will have to suffer the career consequences of such. I have been a lamb since 1990, when I was in high school, and always will be. So don't impugn one's loyalty to MC when it's evident that you speak from a cavernous place of ignorance. That's just the very definition of bleakosity.
(Tuesday 19 March 2013; 16:38)
A word to our MC (37,428) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. I hope we are all being well and caring toward others. I think there are a few dynamics at play that MC could take action on that might place her in a better position to gain radio acceptance of her material which, in turn, could affect its commercial success. 1) I think she should drop the mantra of "most successful female recording artist, etc". I think people resent hearing it and don't necessarily want to think of her as being able to eclipse the Beatles with her #1's. If it happens, it happens but let people know you sing for the merit of the material, not just to have another #1 hit. 2) Do a radio campaign, be "hungry" again and connect with radio programmers. If they feel you are listening to them and are appreciative, they are more likely to put your material on air. 3) Use AI to allow audiences to get to know you in a new and real way. One can dress and primp like a diva and have a very real, down-to-earth heart of gold, which Mariah does possess. However, when she gets the chance to speak, I think she should be less careful with her words and speak more directly from the heart, even if it could be interpreted as being critical of the contestants. These are just my opinions on these matters but I think in addressing them MC could enable more people to see all the wonderful qualities in her that we perceive.
(Monday 18 March 2013; 23:18)
Almost Ho oh ome (37,250) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. I hope we are all being the best we can and are treating those around us well. Maybe its just me and that I really needed something from La C to lift me, but I am really feeling Almost Home. My personal hope is that I hear this tune on the radio a lot. What I truly miss is hearing my Mariah on the radio. If this enables her a return of sorts to that forum then, to my mind, the song will have done its job. Be well everyone, after all, we are each almost home.
(Wednesday 20 February 2013; 0:09)
Still discovering (36,979) by Brad from USA
One of my favorite songs to listen to is "Languishing", because there is an entire dialogue that she has which is so super whispery that you have to listen very carefully to detect.
(Monday 17 December 2012; 21:49)
New album (36,644) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs, I hope everyone's doing the best they can. I would just keep it simple for MC before thinking about her next release, including the full album. It comes down to one question, really. What would Luther (Vandross), Patti (Labelle), Diana (Ross), Carole (King), James (Taylor), Carly (Simon), Aretha (Franklin) and Stevie (Wonder) do? Because that's the company we're interested in keeping and the context we want to be thought of in, right?. So if they wouldnt do it, then don't. K? Be well you all.
(Thursday 1 November 2012; 21:16)
New album (36,550) by Brad from USA
Agreed. I wasn't thrilled to see her working with The Dream again (so meh, (lol)) but maybe that's because MOAIA was so underpromoted, whispery and uncommitted. In truth, Obsessed and HATEU aren't bad songs. I personally love HATEU, as it speaks to a more nuanced sentiment (who in life hasn't wanted to break someone down so low, there's nowhere left to go?) and Obsessed should have been a #1 hit but promo on it was so slow and uncoordinated. Mess. Lets just hope it's not an entire album of The Dream, because that wil surely be more of a nightmare. With the platform that AI provides her, I think this go around Mariah needs to be able to include songs that stun the audience in a good way, like when you bought "Mimi" and were delighted to discover tunes like "Mine Again" and "Circles". We are screaming for a revival here, MC. Can you feel us? And the truth is, if the album is really good, it doesn't have to "aim to revive RnB", it will do so all on its own. 'Nuff said. Peace and love. Bye, bye.
(Friday 19 October 2012; 20:51)
Minaj betta watch herself (36,397) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. This isn't intended to be disrespectful, but self-proclaimed "at times mentally unstable" Nicki Minaj better keep herself in check and not curse out our Mariah or us lambs will take action and bring her clown like antics to a commercial end. Her "career" can be ruined in an instant. It'll take no longer than its already lasted. Grow up and be a professional, Minaj. You wanna sit with the big boys and get paid like one, then know when to keep your mouth in check. "Hey you in the wig out, drop the ego." Don't make MC have to record "Clown, the Redux". Peace.
(Wednesday 3 October 2012; 6:50)
NY Post article on Hartsdale Pet Cemetery (36,386) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. I think we are all very sorry to hear about Zachary's brother. I was wondering if anyone happened to notice the NY Post article on the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery being listed on the National Historic Places Registry? The article indicated Mariah has buried pet(s) there and I was wondering which pet(s). I was thinking it might be Jack, but wasn't sure if anyone knew for certain. Anyhow, be well to each other and those around you. Bye, bye.
See: Top dog in pet cemeteries (webmaster)
(Sunday 30 September 2012; 6:02)
Mariah's taste in music (36,367) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs, I hope that in this crazy world that all are doing well. Anywho, it is a bit odd to try to discern Mariah's taste in music. Clearly, its rather eclectic. And that is fine and how I'd describe my own taste too. It's just odd that with this upcoming album she would be hell bent on reviving the RnB genre (with songs like Triumphant, which btw doesn't sound at all RnB to my old ear) and yet at concerts she will note to audiences that songs such as "Underneath the Stars" and "Subtle Invitation" are among some of her favorite songs from her previous albums. I'm not sure I would consider either of these two songs to be RnB; perhaps they could be considered old school, traditional RnB. If she is referring to the revival of old school, traditional RnB (and not songs like Triumphant) but rather songs like "Underneath the Stars" and "Subtle Invitation", then I am all for it and will love the new album. "Subtle Invitation" is perhaps my favorite MC song of all time. We will see, I suppose. BTW, there are some really good looking lambs on this board, IMO! Love ya, appreaciate ya and enjoy ya. Bye, bye!
(Wednesday 26 September 2012; 23:24)
NFL performance (36,266) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. Hope you all are living well. So the NFL performance. Well the positive part is that no one likely saw it so it can be tossed aside and forgotten. Bad part? The voice just was not there. Her singing was spotty, at best. The video montage aforehand reflected her willingness to turn herself into a caricature. In 1990 I might have fallen in love with an image, but there was a voice front and center. Now we are seemingly left with all the trappings of a star who won't or can't use the device that put her in that position in the first place. I'm the most loyal of lambs but all we really want is to hear her voice. If she can't do that or won't, well then we will have to move forward and just remember fondly. But this sort of performance and song must stop. One way or another. Be well. Love ya, appreciate ya and enjoy ya. BTW, some of y'all are really cute! Nice pics. Hehe.
(Thursday 6 September 2012; 2:16)
Triumphant vid and song (36,079) by Brad from USA
Hi lambs. I hope you all are treating yourselves and others well. I don't wish to beleaguer the issue, but I think the thing about "Triumphant" is that following all she went through with the birth of her twins, the serious health issues with Nick, the ever present drama with her own family and the death of a counterpart like Whitney, that Mariah would be approaching her song writing, singing and artistry from a new plateau. One that is both sage and wonderous of life and all it holds. I think many, like myself, felt that with this album she would reach new levels by presenting herself and her artistry in a way that more honestly represents the woman that she wishes to be for her new family and her fans. Perhaps one that is more raw, vulnerable and reflective of the times in which she lives but also one that continues to be aspirant and faithful. As a lead single, "Triumphant" doesn't meet that expectation because it feels more safe and rooted in parameters the depths of which she has already better explored and conquered. Perhaps we (and she) will find that new vision in future cuts from the forthcoming album. Be well. Love ya, appreciate ya and enjoy ya. Bye, bye.
(Wednesday 22 August 2012; 21:45)
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