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About Lee TS from USA:

The stuff is starting now (57,876) by Lee TS from USA
AIWFCIY is currently #88 on the iTunes US chart. There's a picture confirming she will appear on Steve Harvey's show. She teased a pic with Katie Couric. There's another shot floating where it looks like she's doing some cooking segment, Frito pie part 2 perhaps? The periscope moment for MAC was cute. Mariah's interview with Access Hollywood was brilliant. She was so girly and innocent, and most importantly, she came off really likeable. I couldn't stop smiling while watching her talk about all the good things happening in her life. I had a feeling that chain-link necklace was from Packer. Good things happening.
(Thursday 19 November 2015; 12:36)
Slowly but surely (57,872) by Lee TS from USA
She is really starting to slim down and it's evident in the newer pictures. Her jawline is getting more defined and whatever was going on with her cheeks, especially during the filming of Melody, has now settled. She looks so pretty and youthful, even the ensembles are getting cuter. Still, a little more pop of color would be nice. I hope she keeps up whatever she is doing and dress up to the nines for Beacon. Maybe a long fancy gown but with a daring high split to show off those legs, a little thigh action never hurted anyone. She's on the promo train and it's exciting. I hope she's rehearsing to be in a good place vocally.
(Thursday 19 November 2015; 5:48)
A little Christmas cheer (57,835) by Lee TS from USA
Here's a short promo trailer for A Christmas Melody, hope it can bring some smiles and spirit.
(Monday 16 November 2015; 4:34)
Paris (57,817) by Lee TS from USA
I will get hate for this but how come M hasn't tweet or gram anything in support of Paris? Instead, she's telling people to get tickets to her show. How odd. Let there be some peace on earth.
Oh my gosh I totally deleted what I was going to write, I thought I was being silly. But my second message continuing on from Paris had me thinking maybe M is in Paris herself. Ok let me gather my thoughts, I was like why would M tweet about a random fire in Harlem when she's out of the country but she's mum on what's going on in the world right now. Doing some instagram stalking, I concluded M was in Chicago not too long ago and up in the air again. But then, get this, Jeff Beacher the silly guy from Infinity video wrote on Stella's instagram a couple days ago that he landed in Paris. It sounded like he got there first and can't wait until she gets there too. And we know Stella is attached to M at all times for the moment. Am I being paranoid? Looks like the clan are in NY. Silly me.
(Sunday 15 November 2015; 6:11)
Really random things (57,799) by Lee TS from USA
I hope Mariah ages like Christie Brinkley. If she ever wants to dabble in country again or just for herself, I hope she collaborates with this man Chris Stapleton. This song is amazing.
(Saturday 14 November 2015; 9:00)
Re: Article: How much is Mariah Carey really worth? (57,794) (57,796) by Lee TS from USA
This is why Latinos should refrain from claiming Mariah? What the heck? I don't know what you're implying even with the JLo reference, but it seems all kind of offensive. like Latinos aren't as talented and their only way to achieve success ala JLo route. Anyways, I do agree the article is wrong on all levels and I doubt she made that much with so little output. But I'm sure she made a pretty penny with the Elusive tour, Beacon shows, Vegas gig, royalties, and GOW. But back to Medina, he did really try to brand M like JLo when he managed her. She was endorsing like crazy capitalizing off of the comeback. Thing with M endorsing things are they're usually one hit wonder, it doesn't stick. 2014 was horrific, 2015 building back momentum, and 2016 is going to be fabulous.
(Saturday 14 November 2015; 7:36)
I eat my words (57,783) by Lee TS from USA
Wow, look how amazing M looks here. She's wearing a beautiful color in a gorgeous dress. She looks so sophisticated. Stunning woman.
(Friday 13 November 2015; 11:26)
Re: Upcoming promos (57,779) (57,781) by Lee TS from USA
Yeah and she's wearing her favorite color, the eternal black. At least the ensembles look appropriate and classy. I'm not feeling the link necklace though, it looks a bit too masculine for me.
(Friday 13 November 2015; 10:07)
Re: "Thirsty" (57,776) (57,777) by Lee TS from USA
Totally agree lamb. And I think he gets a say as to where Dembabies live, do, play, whatever. Like someone asked earlier, we don't know if the divorce is finalized yet or if M was awarded full custody. Look, for the most part it seems they're making it work to the best they can. No one's bashing another and it's not a messy as hell. Look at Ben Affleck, Sophia Vergara, Gwen Stefani etc. Nick has been awfully quiet for the most part, we don't even know who's he is getting under to get over Mariah. If it was Nick parading his new chick on yachts and whatever, the lambs would have had a field day. Or if Dembabies were moving in with their new hot-young-model-play-step-mom-to-be, can you imagine? What Nick needs to do is take his 10 million and call it a day, or M pay him his 30 million for good riddance. M needs to pump the brakes a little bit too with Packer. She's not a single girl anymore, she's a middle-aged lady with two kids. I'm sorry but it's true.
(Friday 13 November 2015; 0:50)
Christmas book (57,774) by Lee TS from USA
So I'm at Barnes and Noble looking at her book. Very cute indeed and it just hit me while reading the fine print. This book is based off of AIWFCIY and I'm gonna get pissed, does this mean Walter gets a cut? That is so unfair if he does. He's still making bank from M after all these years. Walter you lucky SOB, can't get rid of your ass.
(Thursday 12 November 2015; 22:06)
Re: Article: Azealia Banks, Mariah Carey friendship (57,764) (57,772) by Lee TS from USA
Yeah it was like a random tweet and M congratulated her on her album release. Please Lord in heaven never let there be a friendship form, and just let that Azealia girl admire from afar. She's a hot mess with a side of mash potatoes.
(Thursday 12 November 2015; 19:39)
Promo (57,757) by Lee TS from USA
Yay looks like there are more promotional appearances coming up. Good Morning America, Kelly and Michael, and Extra. More the better.
(Wednesday 11 November 2015; 20:45)
Re: A Christnas Melody (57,745) (57,747) by Lee TS from USA
Wow, this sounds like the ultimate cheese fest in the Christmas kind of the way. Kristen is going to follow her heart and stay in Ohio with the music teacher because she ain't no boss lady. I hope Melissa hooks up with the baby daddy to get back at Kristen, we need some ratchet drama. But hey it's Hallmark, what can you do? Lol I'm excited for Mariah's directorial debut though.
(Wednesday 11 November 2015; 1:40)
Re: Social media (57,734) (57,735) by Lee TS from USA
It probably is Stella, especially with fringe game strong - wasn't she the fringe lady before we knew her role in Mariah's camp?Although I liked the GOW behind the scene moments, I was shocked and I mean shocked when she posted a photo of her left side, willingly.
(Tuesday 10 November 2015; 10:58)
Re: Social media (57,723) (57,727) by Lee TS from USA
I agree and I've been meaning to post about her social media presence, it's kind of non-existent. Her and her team needs to step their game up, look at her numbers, they've been stoic while her understudy flew pass her in flying colors as her stardom grew. Or just look at someone like a JLo who has a respectable number of followers on Twitter/Instagram. Mariah needs to make it more personable and fun. Instagram is all about being pretty that's why the Kardashians are killing it. I don't care but Mariah needs to have good lighting on at all times and take a bunch of selfies and pick the right ones to post. Make little random clips singing acapella of obscure songs and make it a NTT moment, something. Her and her team needs to get on it. Sorry but M you have to stunt a little on the Instagram, flash them diamonds and G5's.
(Tuesday 10 November 2015; 0:46)
Mariah on Clevver (57,726) by Lee TS from USA
Oh gosh she finally made it with her own little segment on Clevver, although not the main channel. I like how the host was precise and gave her a nice recap in Mariah's movie career. Watch the clip, I watch them to help me stay young and hip with the kids haha.
(Tuesday 10 November 2015; 0:00)
Article: Mariah playing Commissioner Gordon in Lego movie (57,719) by Lee TS from USA
Hmmm, so it seems early reports got it wrong. Mariah is now to play the mayor of Gotham city, not Commissioner Gordon. Well it was fun while the hype lasted. Still, excited to see Mariah take part in a fun kid's movie.
(Monday 9 November 2015; 20:12)
Dembabies Halloween costumes (57,718) by Lee TS from USA
No wonder why they were little bat kids. Mariah, you so slick.
(Monday 9 November 2015; 19:14)
Mariah's a dude (57,717) by Lee TS from USA
Lol this is so random yet "awesome" how Mariah is playing a man in the Lego Batman movie. I hope it's true. I haven't watched the original but heard great things and it was such a big deal. This is too cool.
(Monday 9 November 2015; 18:59)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey's greatest hits on loop at Crown Perth (57,688) (57,690) by Lee TS from USA
Lol I know right? The people in the hotel are being given the gift of music 24/7, having their souls cleansed and blessed every minute of the day.
(Saturday 7 November 2015; 22:02)
Article: Mariah Carey and billionaire boyfriend cooling off (57,685) by Lee TS from USA
If it was such a disaster in China he wouldn't feel the need to fly back with her just to make a cameo at the Halloween bash. But I do agree that they should keep business separate unless he can get her a major role in a major film. I like that he's camera shy and comes off as very unassuming, not stunting or flaunting his billionaire lifestyle. I hope they at least make it until Christmas so he can spoil Mariah rotten haha. Forget Aspen, give her the whole North Pole. I wonder if Mariah has met his kids yet, it'll be cute if all the little ones can get together for Thanksgiving.
(Saturday 7 November 2015; 9:48)
Last Mariah song that made me cry was (57,662) by Lee TS from USA
Well not to be too dramatic but had me a bit teary eyed and all up in my Nick Minaj feels was When You Believe. Don't know how, don't know why but yeah, it was touching a chord within me. Yours?
(Friday 6 November 2015; 3:13)
Re: Whenever You Call cover (57,646) (57,647) by Lee TS from USA
Of course nothing compares to the original. I almost forgot how amazing she was on here. I miss this Mariah, the girl who writes these beautiful songs with tender melodies and loving words. I love when she gets all soft and pink on us. I hope Packer is flourishing some beauty within her to write a great love song.
(Wednesday 4 November 2015; 23:07)
Whenever You Call cover (57,646) by Lee TS from USA
Oh wow I haven't seen one of his videos in the longest time. Watch this YouTuber's take on M, a very lovely cover.
(Wednesday 4 November 2015; 21:32)
Article: Underrated '00s pop songs you need to hear asap (57,640) by Lee TS from USA
Can't nobody tell me nothing about this gem. I remember being embarrassed for her when it first came out, I wanted my beautiful innocent Mariah. But I've definitely grown to appreciate this over the years. I totally love it, it's so ridiculously silly and campy. It's her having a good time, along the lines of re-Christmas-ing in February and not give a flying f*ck who has an opinion about it. The song is so fun and bouncy, I love it. I need a new stuff is starting now moment. Hurry babe.
(Wednesday 4 November 2015; 13:35)


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