Wednesday 28 September 2011

Mariah's working out, but is she cheating with cupcakes?

In recent days, Mariah Carey has been photographed working out with her personal trainer, trying to shed the weight she gained from her pregnancy. Admirable, yes, but is it all for show? Is Mariah indulging in the most coveted of fattening foods, the cupcake? Possibly.

According to the New York Post's Page Six, Mariah Carey made a quick trip to New York City's famed Sprinkles Cupcakes late on Tuesday night, hoping to score some sweets before they closed for the evening. Alas, the doors were already locked, but when the staff spotted the songbird mom, they quickly let her in. Mariah left with a dozen red velvet cupcakes (a Sprinkles specialty) and a cup of milk.

So, is Mariah Carey totally cheating on her new fitness regime? Could be. Unless those cupcakes are all for hubby Nick Cannon, or twins Monroe and Moroccan Scott (not likely, hopefully they're still on formula at this point), some of these cupcakes are going into Mariah's belly! Really though, one cupcake won't hurt, will it? She may have some explaining to do to the personal trainer, though.


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