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About Todd from Sydney, Australia: My Jack Russell is fond of Infinity

Monykkka, rare music (47,028) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Hi Monykkka. If you know where to look, there are lots of rare MC remixes and unreleased songs available online. I'm by no means advocating illegally downloading things, but it's there.
(Wednesday 1 October 2014; 3:42)
It's all in the songs (46,482) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
From the first listen of MIAMTEC, I knew that there was trouble in paradise. Unfortunately/fortunately (depending how you look at it), Mariah's songwriting gives us a direct insight into her world. I suspect it's incredibly difficult to write songs such as Camouflage if you're not actually going through what the song is about. The first time I heard The Art Of Letting Go, I thought "uh-oh". The feeling was confirmed the first time I listened to Faded, YDKWTD and Camouflage. The first time I heard the song "Thirsty", it was so obvious she was referencing her husband. I really hope that she channels whatever she's going through into her music, from great pain comes great art. Obviously though, I hope she is OK, her well-being is more important than her music.
(Thursday 28 August 2014; 23:46)
Covers and KP video (45,734) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Without a doubt, Help Me Make It Through the Night is my favourite cover of Mariah's. Now, I'll probably be tracked down and killed for what I'm about to say, but I really like Katy Perry's video. Infact, it would be awesome to see Mariah do something as playful in her next video.
(Saturday 2 August 2014; 2:14)
Meteorite (45,612) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So, I was in TGI Friday's yesterday (don't judge me, I was hungry), and Meteorite was playing. Odd. But great.
(Sunday 27 July 2014; 0:49)
Obscure MC greatest hits (45,251) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
For a long drive I had over the weekend, I made a playlist of my own version of Mariah's Greatest Hits. I realised once I listened to it that they were all album cuts. What would yours be? Mine was made up of:
Sent From Up Above
And You Don't Remember
Til The End of Time
The Wind
Never Forget You
Everything Fades Away
Melt Away
Looking In
The Beautiful Ones
Did I Do That
Lead The Way
My Saving Grace
Stay The Night
Side Effects
I Wish You Well
Betcha Gon' Know
When Christmas Comes
One More Try
That to me is a perfect MC compilation album.
(Monday 7 July 2014; 9:15)
Cry lyrics (45,213) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I'm pretty sure those lyrics of Cry are "Imprudently, I left every cell in me so naked, somewhere at the core of you plays our song." Could be wrong. But I doubt it. Haha.
(Friday 4 July 2014; 4:12)
Promotion or lack thereof (44,410) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Just dawned on me that if I didn't follow Mariah on Twitter, or visit MCA, I would have had no idea that Mariah had a new album out. So the opening week figures aren't really suprising, considering that really, only her hardcore fans/lambs know it exists. I have not seen any TV or heard any radio promo for it whatsoever (in Australia, at least). Makes me wonder what her record company and management team are spending their cut of MC's profits on.
(Monday 2 June 2014; 8:14)
The new album (44,138) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I, like everyone else, am loving it. I have to say my favourites are Dedicated, Camouflage and One More Try. I skip Meteorite for some reason. It's a bit too Madonna-esque. And, I don't know about anyone else but I am falling more in love with The Art Of Letting Go everytime I hear it. It's quickly becoming one of my all time favourite MC songs.
(Tuesday 27 May 2014; 8:42)
Letting Go / Trouble with Love (39,747) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Thank you Jamie. I've racking my brains all day. There's a chord shift that's very similar! My two cents - I personally love it, and think it's miles ahead of #Beautiful or anything in fact that she's released since WBT. It's kind of poetry with music behind it, which is great. Hopefully radio picks it up. If Adele had released this, it'd be #1 by now.
(Tuesday 12 November 2013; 13:58)
The Voice (38,735) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I read all these comments, and I agree, somewhat. But then I saw Mariah sing "Fly Like a Bird" in Melbourne 7 months ago. Live. And she f**king nailed it.
(Thursday 18 July 2013; 15:49)
Parenthood (38,465) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Maybe once all the people saying "she needs to pick up her game etc etc" will realise that once you have kids, your priorities shift. If she went crazy with promo a la TEOM, you'd all be calling her a bad mother. And also, I've gotta laugh at the comments about how she's had so long to come up with new music etc. I'd love to see you lot try and put together lyrics and melody and have it resemble anything remotely musical. Music is her job. That's all it is. A job. It's not her life. Which is the healthy approach. It's just unfortunate that that there's a small group of obsessed folks that refuse to acknowledge that she's human, and maybe after doing the same job for 23 years, she's a bit over it. I would be.
(Saturday 29 June 2013; 9:03)
Birthday with MC (37,599) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Today marks my 31st birthday. It's one that I'm living away from my family. So, Champagne and Mariah.
(Tuesday 23 April 2013; 8:44)
Singles (37,568) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I'm reading lots about Mariah's single success/failures. And I can't help but think, so what? Some of the most successful artists in the world never see any of their songs on the Billboard Hot 100. Take Michael Buble for example, the man sells out arenas, sells millions of albums, and yes, he releases singles, but do they top the charts? No. Maybe Mariah knows this and is putting so much work into her album, because she knows that the place she reigns now is the albums charts. Maybe if Mariah's next album doesn't enter the Billboard albumcharts, then there's cause for concern, but we all know that ain't gonna happen. Just a thought.
(Tuesday 16 April 2013; 3:44)
Sydney lambs (36,893) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Hey guys and gals. I booked tickets to the Sydney show, and now that she's announced a Melbourne one, I'm going to go to that one. So, if you missed out on tickets, I have three that you're welcome too. I would love for these to go to a fan, as opposed to some scalper who's going to mark them up and sell them on, so will be asking the original price. They are Gold Reserve seats, for AU$139 per ticket. If the webmaster lets me put my email address in, it's Get in touch if you are interested. LYM.
(Tuesday 4 December 2012; 12:37)
I got me some tickets! (36,809) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I am actually going to see this woman sing live.
(Thursday 22 November 2012; 6:20)
AIWFCIY (36,622) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I love how at this time of year, there's always a few covers of this song ready to be released. Just heard Cee-Lo Green's version on iTunes, last year it was Buble, or Lady Antebellum. Go you good thing.
(Monday 29 October 2012; 6:00)
I wish... (36,368) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
That MC had done a song like "Girl on Fire" by Alicia Keys. It's ridiculous how many times I've listened to that song. Although the original version of Triumphant has now grown on me too. Looking forward to some new music, not to mention seeing the hilarity on AI.
(Thursday 27 September 2012; 10:26)
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