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About Todd from Sydney, Australia: My Jack Russell is fond of Infinity

Election (106,972) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I hope for the USA's case that Kamala wins. The US was the laughing stock of the world during Trumps reign. We all felt a bit embarrassed for you. Similar to how we've felt for the last couple of months. With Kamala's announcement it feels like there's some hope for you again.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 03:02)
this is a reply to message 106,969
If You Should Ever Be Lonely (106,028) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
That's one of my gym standards.
(Monday 25 March 2024; 00:04)
this is a reply to message 106,013
Ethical? Maybe not. Great? Yes (105,394) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
If any of you are on the TikTok, you might have seen the Mariah Carey AI version of JT's "Selfish" doing the rounds. Normally they sound rubbish, but this one is exceptional. It actually feels like a MC song. Anyway - if you want the MP3, here it is.
(Tuesday 13 February 2024; 03:17)
Shared Spotify playlist (105,190) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I had a thought. Add your favourite MC songs to this playlist and save it to your library for an "unique" compilation.
(Wednesday 31 January 2024; 03:39)
Lawsuit (103,948) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
This is a such a stunt. The dude knows that everybody is going to check out his version of AIWFCIY to compare. He probably made a decent Christmas bonus in streams from doing the same thing last year, so sees it as a business model venture.
(Friday 3 November 2023; 02:58)
this is a reply to message 103,940
Gonna break the seal (103,834) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Okay. So we're basically two months out from Christmas. I normally start listening to festive tunes in November but I'm drinking champagne and feeling some kind of festive way. Besides the obvious, which Christmas albums do y'all like? I like Kelly Clarkson's first one, Celine Dion's, Bubles, and a bunch of singles released by Ariana, Chris Brown, Cee-Lo. Am I missing out on any? Not sure imma listen to Cher's.
(Saturday 21 October 2023; 08:34)
It's time... almost (103,822) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
You just lost all your street cred, Andrew.
(Friday 20 October 2023; 03:41)
this is a reply to message 103,819
Get off the cross, we need the wood (103,792) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Y'all need to get yourself a grip up there in the Northern Hemisphere. I would give my left nut to see MC doing a Christmas show. You lot bitching and moaning about aspects of the Christmas concerts - spare a thought for those of us in the ass-end of the world that never get factored into Christmas concerts. And on top of that, we have to wake up to 40C and blazing sun on Christmas Day and listen to songs about how cold and snowy it is while we sweat into our speedos.
(Wednesday 18 October 2023; 05:51)
MC's next era (102,953) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
There's a song that's constantly on the radio (in Australia, at least), called Escapism, by Raye & 070 Shake. I love it, and every time I hear it I wish that it was Mariah singing it. Yes, somebody would have issue with her singing about some of the content, but whatever.
(Monday 3 July 2023; 05:37)
this is a reply to message 102,950
Caution vs. bullshit (102,239) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So I was in the car today, and Caution (the song) was playing. A mate in the car said "is she saying bullshit?" And then I listened and around the 2:15 mark after the bridge when she's singing "Caution, caution caution...", there is one or two of them that sounds like bullshit. Could almost make sense given she then says "don't be dishonest..."
(Sunday 19 February 2023; 02:59)
Super Bowl (102,232) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I am not sure Mariah would be all that interested in doing a Superbowl half time show - the workload required would be massive. I think it would be awesome if they did a "Divas Live" type setup with a bunch of 'divas' sharing the stage - Mariah, Ariana, Madonna, Celine, Beyonce, Gaga, Whitney on the screen - I'd tune in.
(Friday 17 February 2023; 04:07)
this is a reply to message 102,223
White Lotus (101,823) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I just finished season two of White Lotus. I couldn't help but think Mariah could find herself a niche similar to Jennifer Coolidge had done. They have similar vibes, and I reckon Mariah could've given the role of Tania a good go. [censored]
(Tuesday 13 December 2022; 21:17)
Oh Santa with Ari & J Hud (101,735) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Watching the Apple TV show. So much of this show is in front of a green screen and it looks great. But - do we think that MC, AG & JH were ever actually in the same studio at the same time?
(Sunday 4 December 2022; 22:41)
Re: What MC albums have you never bought? (101,438) (101,449) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
The last actual album I bought (either physical copy or via iTunes) was MIAMTEC. Everything since, including Caution and The Rarities, has just been via Spotify. Mainly because I don't think I have a CD player anymore, and purchasing something through iTunes is pointless in the age of streaming.
(Friday 14 October 2022; 00:48)
this is a reply to message 101,438
Re: Missed opportunity (101,318) (101,326) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
No I was serious! "Bringing on the Heartbreak" (or Heartache? I can never remember) is such a good song. I think with her current - lower - voice, "Nothing Else Matters" could have been an awesome viral moment!
(Monday 26 September 2022; 05:00)
Missed opportunity (101,317) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Complete missed opportunity for a Mimi Metallica "Nothing Else Matters" duet.
(Sunday 25 September 2022; 14:24)
Betcha Gon Know feat. Kiddyfiddler (100,625) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Taking bets. How long before the remix with old wet sheets is taken off the streamers?
(Thursday 30 June 2022; 15:09)
Re: Bros and Pride (100,538) (100,545) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Side note. The butt in the jeans on the left in the promo pic for Bros: 10 out of 10.
(Tuesday 21 June 2022; 23:33)
Michael Buble (100,471) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Heard an interview with the Boobs today on the radio here in Australia.

He was asked a question about tours and setlists, to which he responded: "Lets be real, I'm a legacy artist. People want to come and hear songs they know. If I start talking about new songs that I'm writing, nobody is going to give a s**t. All you have to do is look at others in this industry that try that. People stop coming to see you."

Maybe this is why we aren't getting anything new from Mariah - she's come to the same realisation as Michael Buble, and the rest of the world? It ain't a bad thing!
(Friday 17 June 2022; 08:52)
Migrate (100,105) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Guys, I just heard a song called Migrate. Should have been a single.
(Thursday 7 April 2022; 12:07)
Where's Trey? (99,079) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
G'day ladies and gents. Happy almost Christmas! I've noticed the last few things Mariah has done that Trey Lorenz has been MIA. Hopefully he's just been unavailable and it's not a falling out.

On another note, I'm enjoying the Christmas albums - AIWFCIY and Oh Santa (with AG & JH) always seem to find their way on my Spotify. What other Christmas albums are y'all listening to? Gave Kelly Clarkson's new one a spin but it was a bit "meh".
(Thursday 9 December 2021; 00:50)
MC & RR (98,549) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I really like the friendships that Mariah is developing in the "Cool Kids Club". I notice her, Reese Witherspoon, Kerry Washington and Jennifer Aniston have a fair amount of interaction on instagram, and now her and Ryan Reynolds seem to be good mates. Nice to see her having a laugh.
(Thursday 26 August 2021; 02:52)
Re: My ranking of Mariah's albums (97,456) (97,465) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Understood, m'lady. My tumultuous relationship with Music Box goes back to 1993 when my mum played it non stop in the house, car and anywhere else she could find a cassette player. At the time I was all about Green Day and Nirvana, and Music Box represented everything I didn't like. At the time. But as my music tastes grew/evolved, and I discovered Mariah's back catalogue, and love it, Music Box remains one of my least favourite albums. I still like it, just not as much as her others. As for the lambs being coerced into liking/disliking certain material, Mariah's personal taste in music (or anybody else's, for that matter) has no bearing on my own - I couldn't care less, to be honest. I mean, I don't rate Fly Like a Bird, I always skip Underneath the Stars, I can't remember the last time I listened to Make It Happen, and I prefer the original Fantasy over the ODB remix.
(Tuesday 23 February 2021; 22:36)
Re: My ranking of Mariah's albums (97,429) (97,440) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Alright lady, that'll do. Music Box and Daydream have always been a bit "meh" for me. On Music Box I like AYNAF, Dreamlover and Without You, and obviously our favourite Everything Fades Away. But the rest of the album all blends into one for me. Same with Daydream. Fantasy and Looking In are the only songs I'm crazy about. The "Open Arms / When I Saw You / I Am Free / Forever" ballad train all sounds the same. I say this like I dislike them, I don't. Even the MC songs that I don't love, I'm still very fond of. Except "I Don't". James Packer and Almira Gulch can keep that one. Now, are we cool?
(Monday 22 February 2021; 12:31)
Re: My ranking of Mariah's albums (97,421) (97,423) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
1. Butterfly
3. Rainbow
4. E=MC2
5. Charmbracelet
6. The Emancipation of Mimi
7. Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel
8. Mariah Carey
9. Emotions
10. Glitter
11. Daydream
12. Caution
13. Music Box

That was hard because truth be told I love them all. It's more a ranking of tracks that I skip from low-high.
(Sunday 21 February 2021; 08:29)


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