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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Are you freaking kidding me? (63,871) by Marissa from USA
Showing up anywhere in public with nothing but lingerie is classless, tasteless and thirsty. It's funny to me how some people think Mariah is just feeling herself and there's nothing wrong with it, but let your mother walk out of the house with nothing but lingerie on when she goes out and let's see how happy you'll be about it (even if she has a nice body, you'd still be embarrassed). Don't set a standard for Mariah that you know good and well you wouldn't want for your own mom. It's hypocritical. This is so much deeper than "she looks good, why not?" and it's mind boggling to me that people don't see that. This is about how low will you stoop for attention, even when you have so much talent that you don't have to. In case you all forgot, once you become a mother, your actions don't just affect you, but they affect your kids as well. You don't give up on your sexiness completely, but you stop pulling stunts that you know could humiliate your kids down the line. You show some self-respect and set a good example so you don't make your kids think that self-worth is in direct proportion to how overtly sexual you are. Your kids don't listen to the cliche bs that you say, they look at what you do and are heavily influenced by that. If you think that the Kardashian stunts can be compartmentalized from motherhood then you're sadly mistaken. But hey, continue to encourage one of the greatest singers of all time who has nothing left to prove to act on the same level as a Kardashian. Let's stay on the lookout for the nude selfie that is likely to happen in the near future and scream "slay Mimi" once it's released.
(Monday 27 June 2016; 23:25)
Re: MC saving herself for marriage? (63,809) (63,816) by Marissa from USA
Despite this report, I personally don't believe that they are waiting, especially since the wait for their actual wedding has been/is going on indefinitely. Also let's not get it twisted about this "waiting for marriage thing". The average person these days who is "waiting" uses every sexual loophole in the book during the waiting period, so I don't get impressed when I hear people saying that. It's easy to wait when you're still being gratified in some way.
(Sunday 26 June 2016; 10:16)
Re: Repetitive (63,737) (63,743) by Marissa from USA
These are the types of discussions that emerge when there's no new music. There's only so many different ways that you can discuss old music and interviews. It's hard to have fresh dialogue when there is basically nothing fresh or new happening as of now. So no matter how many innovative discussions people try to create eventually the same petty, washed up topics of JLo, Mottola, lipsyncing, etc. will pop up.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 6:03)
Lipsyncing (63,711) by Marissa from USA
I used to be infuriated by MC's lipsyncing back in 2014 when she was using it as a crutch for every single performance. Nowadays I feel that she only uses it as a tool so she doesn't overwork her voice, which I have no problem with. My only issue with Mariah's lipsyncing now is that she has never mastered it after all of these years. It has always been very amateur, which makes it so easy for lambs and the gp to know the exact moment when she's lipsyncing even when people don't want to acknowledge that she is. I know there are vocal coaches, but are there lipsyncing coaches too? It still astounds me that Whitney Houston's legendary 1991 Star Spangles Banner performance was lipsynced because she made it look so convincing that she was actually singing live. I think it's because she used the same level of expression, intensity and emotion that she would use if she was singing live while Mariah tends to look more relaxed, thus making achieving such powerful notes look unrealistic and obvious that she's not actually singing.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 21:29)
Re: Sex with no context (63,631) (63,636) by Marissa from USA
I agree. I can find countless photos of MC during the Mottola marriage showing cleavage and leg despite the fact that she makes it sound like she was forced to dress like a pilgrim for the first 6 years of her career. Sometimes you have a few intensely negative experiences and it clouds your mind to the facts of what actually happened, and I think that's what happened to her in the whole "wardrobe oppression" narrative. Mariah has always been sexy and it always felt natural to me until she got with Nick. Then her sexiness started to feel like it was coming from a place of having something to prove (proving that she was young and hot enough to keep up with Nick despite the age difference). I truly don't believe that Mariah feels like she is enough simply being. The boobs, lighting, angles and overt sexiness is now the source of her self-esteem rather than it being because she's a child of God. That's why the pettiest imperfections are a source of crisis for her. If she truly had healthy self-esteem, the occasional bad picture or not-so-flattering angle would be like water off a duck's back. It's sad (and mildly infuriating) to me that rather than going to war with her insecurities via therapy or whatever method she saw fit, she gave in and let them hijack her life and is dealing with the same level of baggage now that she was in 1990. Other people can't even function normally around her because they need to accomodate her 100 idiosyncrasies to even have a conversation or take a photo. It's painful to watch and I don't believe she'll even correct these things, especially with the shallow traveling circus being her new group of peers.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 1:08)
Why does it matter? (63,549) by Marissa from USA
Sorry, I'll take one for the team and have the unpopular opinion. Demi was definitely speaking out of turn, but what she said is no different from what the general public says about Mariah, so I don't understand the outrage. I think it was certainly a publicity stunt because Demi knows that as a celebrity she can't talk shit about another famous person and not spark an uproar, but to an outsider looking in, it does look like Mariah is petty and is out to get other female artists. You can't get mad that people don't automatically know the backstory behind Mariah's beefs with other singers. Since Mariah almost never takes the high road and at least pretends to forgive other artists to let things blow over, everyone else is able to walk away with a squeaky clean reputation while she ends up looking like a b****. "I don't know her" constantly being referenced is only making Mariah look petty and like a bully. Ignoring Ariana Grande from the very beginning (I'm not saying she had to mentor or become friends with her, but it wouldn't have killed her to give her a shoutout after she spent years kissing Mariah's ass) made her look bitter and insecure. Ultimately, you can't get mad at other people for reacting to what Mariah puts out there.
(Saturday 18 June 2016; 1:31)
Re: New music (63,432) (63,435) by Marissa from USA
Her voice sounds better to me now live than it did during TEOM era. I have no idea what she did to get her voice back but I am really happy that it has returned. That's been the best thing about this era so far to me. I hope she gives raw vocals on her next album because the one thing I didn't like about MIAMTEC is how heavily edited her voice sounded.
(Thursday 16 June 2016; 0:33)
No excuse (63,382) by Marissa from USA
I know you all love Mariah but do you understand how ridiculous you sound to defend someone who was just given a GLAAD award for being a gay advocate but yet didn't say shit about the biggest massacre to happen to the gays in the US and also the biggest mass shooting in the US as well? The people who created that petition against her for receiving the award are certainly looking right right now. This isn't an event that just slips your mind unless you really do live on your own planet. It's all over the news, social media, and the main topic of everyone's conversations in the USA. The country is in an uproar. I don't care if Mariah is in Vegas crying about the tragedy. Perception is treated as reality, and if she says nothing about this even though she posts on social media several times a week, it will make her look insensitive and self-absorbed. Now speaking out about a tragedy is "too political" for Mariah to want to talk about? Please. That's just reaching. There's nothing political about showing common decency. I also have less respect for the Bulochnikovs because they are the ones who are supposed to cover her ass when it comes to social media and Stella has ignored numerous comments on her Instagram urging her to post something. Not a good look at all from the "tireless gay advocate" that you all allege she is.
(Tuesday 14 June 2016; 19:30)
Article: Mariah Carey Q&A: Visions of (unconditional) love (63,350) by Marissa from USA
This was an exquisite article. I've always said that Mariah's interviews in print are by far the best. No eternally 12 tangents, hair primping or boob adjusting. My favorite question was what would 1990 Mariah think of 2016 Mariah. Her answer was pretty surface but it was still a good question.
(Tuesday 14 June 2016; 0:05)
Re: Mariah on Snapchat (63,250) (63,255) by Marissa from USA
If she was high, it damn sure wasn't weed. Weed typically makes you chill and relaxed. All that jumping and posing she was doing? No, unless it was laced with something. I agree with Mimi L. Why is it that every video that he shares of Mariah is questionable? I'm not here for "friends" who want to exploit you when you aren't in your right mind in videos. It makes you wonder if they're laughing with her or laughing at her.
(Sunday 12 June 2016; 2:06)
Mariah's Snapchat (63,248) by Marissa from USA
I don't have any problem with Mariah being drunk (I don't think she's high) in the comforts of her own home. My issue is why nowadays people can never have fun without pulling a camera out and putting it on the internet. No one needed to see this and if any of her "fam" cared about her image, they wouldn't be so quick to upload videos that make her look ridiculous.
(Saturday 11 June 2016; 20:04)
Vegas outfits (63,160) by Marissa from USA
Am I the only one who's not feeling any of the new Vegas outfits? They look like quite a downgrade from earlier this year to me.
(Wednesday 8 June 2016; 19:46)
Re: Carpool Karaoke (63,119) (63,128) by Marissa from USA
In all fairness, Mariah's voice was in pretty bad shape when that show was recorded compared to now. It may have been less about divaness and more about her not wanting to be embarrassed by sounding worse than the original track. At the time I was even worried when watching the video if she could pull it off.
(Wednesday 8 June 2016; 3:13)
Re: Nick Cannon responds to TMZ (63,049) (63,051) by Marissa from USA
That doesn't mean that they are officially divorced. It could just mean that the reasoning that TMZ gave behind why Nick wasn't signing the papers was false.
(Monday 6 June 2016; 0:42)
Re: Who is Mariah Carey? (63,029) (63,035) by Marissa from USA
She did reference her mother as "the queen of Ireland" in a recent TMZ video, but it is very concerning that they haven't been seen together since 2013. I can't even fathom not speaking to my mother. She wasn't at the engagement, Hollywood Walk of Fame, or Vegas which were all huge enough moments to warrant a mother's visit. Ever since it was revealed that she wasn't in on the secret of her wedding to Nick, I've always questioned the strength of their relationship because it seems like having your mom there would be a non-negotiable. I hope their relationship is or gets healed and restored.
(Sunday 5 June 2016; 5:18)
Re: Identity crisis? Who is Mariah Carey? (62,979) (63,006) by Marissa from USA
I'm going to preface this post with the obligatory fact that I don't know for sure what's going on in their relationship, but I can only go with my thoughts on what I see on the surface. I don't understand how Mariah went from being miserable that Nick was always gone to wanting to marry a billionaire who is based in a country on the other side of the world and who is extremely busy. I also don't understand how she's comfortable with him being a smoker. Or why he would propose to her knowing good and well that neither his nor her divorce was finalized. Or even how someone as private and aloof as him can handle Mariah going to the club, having nip slips a couple times a week, being surrounded by hot dancers even when they are off the clock or constantly being surrounded by the traveling circus aka entourage with no alone time. I want Mariah to be happy but nowadays I'm just confused as to how this works/is going to work.
(Saturday 4 June 2016; 3:56)
Hilarious (62,936) by Marissa from USA
Look at this darling photo. Oh and by the way, this is one of the most hilarous Instagram accounts that I've ever discovered.
(Thursday 2 June 2016; 4:51)
Re: Jealous of Stella (62,915) (62,921) by Marissa from USA
I agree. If it was just about jealousy over who gets access to the Mariah Carey high life, Zarina, Lianna, Danielle, Kris and even RaeRae could all be getting dragged on here. There's a reason why it's only Stella, and that's because she's tacky and unprofessional. Period.
(Wednesday 1 June 2016; 21:07)
Re: Don't forget about blush (62,786) (62,788) by Marissa from USA
Vision of Blush. Clown (no title change needed).
(Saturday 28 May 2016; 22:23)
Re: Celine, Patti, Aretha, and all that stuff (62,776) (62,780) by Marissa from USA
I was thinking along those lines too. I was mainly looking at Celine's intention. She does not strike me as an attention w**** who would purposely try to embarrass and upstage anyone. If anything I think maybe she was trying to prove to Aretha that she was worthy of even being on the same stage as her, especially since Celine isn't known as a soulful singer.
(Saturday 28 May 2016; 20:05)
Re: Celine, Patti, Aretha, and all that stuff (62,756) (62,757) by Marissa from USA
I wholeheartedly agree. Since when is dimming your light for others to shine necessary to show respect? I really don't understand why people are so bothered by Celine giving her all at the Divas Live performance. Now if Aretha sounded hoarse or like she was struggling then maybe I would agree that she should have taken it easy on her, but Aretha was holding her own, so I don't find it inappropriate or disrespectful at all. We love Mariah. Wonderful. But I don't see the point in tearing Celine down to prove that or why a performance from 18 years ago is being scrutinized so intensely.
(Saturday 28 May 2016; 1:43)
These people (62,719) by Marissa from USA
Now we all know that Mariah's been paying Wendy dust since she mentioned her in TMB eight years ago. Now her latest Instagram video has Wendy Williams tagged in it. I'm pissed. Wendy is one of those people who will say the most ridiculous things about you because she is hoping and praying that you will pay attention to her. Now the Bulochnikovs have thrown this heifer a bone which is exactly what she wanted instead of giving her the J-Lo treatment. I hope I don't get nauseous when I see Wendy's cheesy ass grin whenever she reports on this. She's gonna think Christmas came early. When will "these people" go away?
(Friday 27 May 2016; 3:15)
Re: The blame game (62,658) (62,673) by Marissa from USA
My issue is that Mariah does not appear to be passionate about any of the business ventures/side projects that she's taken on which makes it look like she keeps selling out for a check. Mariah is not trying to build a business empire like Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson or Kathy Ireland. She just dabbles in things, barely promotes them and never speaks of them again which makes it obvious what her motivation is. The only thing Mariah has been consistently passionate about (although it has waned lately) is music. The only side project that I think she (and the public) loved were the perfumes. Everything else just waters down her focus on what made her a legend to begin with. If she's done with music than she needs to come out and say it, but as long as she keeps saying that music is still inside her then she needs to stop contradicting herself by treating it like an afterthought.
(Wednesday 25 May 2016; 21:42)
Re: Everything but the music (62,645) (62,650) by Marissa from USA
Exactly. Mariah says that she has too much music left in her to retire, but yet making new music has been her lowest priority. To me, Stella is doing nothing more than getting her opportunities that are branding her as a legacy artist that are distracting her from making new music. All of her touring and the residency is riding the coattails of the past. Mariah may be "on fire" financially, but where is her new hot song on the radio though? Where is the album? A chart-topping feature at least? Did we become fans because of MAC deals, reality shows, video game ads, and Hallmark movies, or did we become fans because of the music? I definitely think we need to make this call for Mariah to get back to basics go viral to the point where she's gonna hear about it whether the Bulochnikovs are running her social media or not. Our presence was made known heavily during the JD management saga. Maybe this time the same thing can happen but we can be less venomous.
(Wednesday 25 May 2016; 10:55)
Re: Celine, Mariah and the Icon Award (62,590) (62,592) by Marissa from USA
Thank you.
(Tuesday 24 May 2016; 0:48)


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