
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Re: Celine, Mariah and the Icon Award (62,578) (62,585) by Marissa from USA
Diva antics aside, Mariah has proven 50 times over that she has earned that award. I don't care if the next TMZ video is of Mariah doing cartwheels down the street, she still is long overdue for that award and her artistry has stood the test of time. No one who could surpass The Beatles' record before she was even 40 and has sold hundreds of millions of albums should have to wait for her day to come regardless of what her behavior is. Any icon or legacy award that exists in the music industry needs to be in her hands, period.
(Monday 23 May 2016; 23:04)
Re: TMZ once again (62,543) (62,548) by Marissa from USA
Did you peep Stella's quote in the background: "See what I'm saying, I coached her" after Mariah basically cussed (albeit jokingly but MC typically keeps the fact that she curses on the major DL so I was shocked) out TMZ? She has Mariah enrolled in ratchet 101. Ugh "these people".
(Monday 23 May 2016; 10:36)
Re: TMZ (62,535) (62,547) by Marissa from USA
Maybe MC does see it but simply doesn't care? I've said in a previous post that Mariah is vulnerable and craves companionship especially due to her own family chaos, so the Bulochnikovs ever-presence fills that need and they can also exploit that for their own gain. So maybe she thinks that their Kardashian-like antics are a small price to pay for their pseudo unconditional love and companionship? I certainly don't agree with her mentality if that's what she actually believes, but I really cannot believe or accept that Mariah would be that dumb not to see that they have an agenda. They certainly have her living in a vacuum which is dangerous for any person. She never has the space to be by herself and introspective (which is really making me wonder if her lyrics will be as deep as usual for the next album), but I'm starting to believe that she is trying to actively avoid having that time. If Mariah wanted to be by herself to think straight she would demand that, but she doesn't. I feel like nowadays she's running from something rather than living for something like she used to back in the day, and her new clique is supplying her with the running shoes and steroids. Don't get me wrong, on the surface everything looks like it's going well with her, but there's an emptiness and avoidance of reality that I always see now.
(Monday 23 May 2016; 10:30)
Re: TMZ (62,527) (62,533) by Marissa from USA
Ugh yes it was and I can't stand her. Of course she didn't want that question to be asked because she wants to continue to blind Mariah into thinking that this show would be brilliant for her career when it's clear that she mainly pushed MC to do it for her own agenda.
(Monday 23 May 2016; 0:13)
Re: Feeling vindication / Lee Daniels (62,463) (62,465) by Marissa from USA
There are only about 2 regular posters on this messageboard whose sole purpose is to bitterly drag Mariah and who refuse to ever say anything positive in 99% of their posts. Most of the other people on here are a lot less extreme and crass than people give them credit for. We know that Mariah has been taken advantage of and exploited by her family, controlled, her slip ups are highly publicized while her successes are slept on by the media, "friends" trashing her in the public, etc. We all know that she has been done wrong in a lot of ways and has a good, genuine heart. Just because her backstory isn't being laid out in every critical post doesn't mean that we don't understand where she's coming from. But just because we understand how she came to behave the way she does doesn't mean that everyone should stop asking for a change. I understand why Mariah hides behind the diva persona, but I certainly don't want the constant diva caricature to continue for the rest of her life and rob us (and herself) of the depth and rawness that we got from her for years. I definitely agree with Lee that she uses the diva persona to mask pain. I feel Mariah loves the crew she's with now because they would rather enable her to put bandaids on emotional bullet wounds with shade, splashes, daring outfits and frequent partying than to actually encourage her to heal from the things that have hurt her.
(Saturday 21 May 2016; 1:08)
Re: Lee Daniels (62,446) (62,460) by Marissa from USA
I feel the same way. To me, Lee's quotes just discredited all of the people who were accusing us of being uninformed haters for being alarmed by Mariah's choice to do a reality show and her affinity for constantly hiding behind her diva image. But I guess Lee's just a hater right, although he is one of MC's closest friends and Mariah uses every opportunity to sing his praises despite him always telling her the truth even if it stings? I too feel vindicated. Mariah isn't as turned off by tough love as a lot of people make her out to be.
(Friday 20 May 2016; 22:57)
The most overrated MC song and what's better (62,422) by Marissa from USA
What do you all think is the most overrated MC song and what song do you find way more impressive in the same genre (ballad for ballad, upbeat song for upbeat song, etc.)? Although I always thought it was a nice song, WBT never grabbed me like that. Aside from watching MC perform it, I honestly listen to the whole song once a year max. I always preferred Don't Forget About Us.
(Friday 20 May 2016; 7:43)
Re: Now that Mariah has addressed it (62,356) (62,359) by Marissa from USA
I totally agree. Honestly the interviewers are playing her into the bs as well. 90% of the questions they ask are about shade or her being a diva. Their constant questioning about petty bs belittles what a legend and musical genius she is. If you didn't know anything about Mariah and just listened to most interviewers' question, you wouldn't know that she is one of the best vocalists who has ever lived, but instead you would think she's accomplished little thus bs is all there is to question her about. Who was asking Whitney or Celine the questions that Mariah is asked? How the hell do you have 18 #1 songs, hundreds of millions of albums sold, a 26 year long career and people almost never ask you about your music? It's a "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" scenario. Mariah plays into the diva stereotype and the interviewers eat it up. The interviewers play her like all she has to offer is diva and outlandishness and she takes the bait. I agree, add these dumbass topics to the "do not discuss" list and get the legendary treatment that you deserve.
(Thursday 19 May 2016; 0:13)
Current public opinion of MC (62,317) by Marissa from USA
Take a look at this clip to see a glimpse into the current public opinion of Mariah. The way one of the ladies took Mariah's quote out of context is why I wish she'd keep the diva persona to a minimum (regardless of how many people on this board get enraged whenever you speak out against it). People are using her outlandish quotes as an excuse not to like her (even when MC would defend it as joking) and I'm tired of it.
(Wednesday 18 May 2016; 0:16)
Come through (62,234) by Marissa from USA
This is the best I have seen her look so far this year. This outfit was unique, tasteful-sexy and most importantly, a color other than black. Look at this picture to see the fruits of her labor between 2015 and now. The speech was brilliant and she stayed in her lane by not going on stage and pretending to be a sudden LGBTQI expert. She was hammin' it up and giving me on point, coherent, sassy Mariah a la 1997.
(Monday 16 May 2016; 5:13)
Re: Dislike button/thumbs down (62,162) (62,167) by Marissa from USA
When that feature was on the website I remember someone posted "I love Mariah Carey" or something nice and innocent along those lines and it got a ridiculous amount of thumbs down. I think if someone feels strongly against a post then they need to get the courage to speak up and contribute to the conversation rather than being a troll and thumbing things down from 5 different computers and phones. I feel that it's a lazy way to disagree and glad it's gone.
(Saturday 14 May 2016; 23:10)
Article: Is Nick Cannon purposely holding up his ex's wedding? (62,118) by Marissa from USA
I've asked this question here before that either got no or unclear responses, but is Mariah currently married to Nick or is she divorced? The reports have been so confusing. I thought that she had been divorced since 2014 or 2015. What is the deal?
(Saturday 14 May 2016; 2:38)
Re: I love GIFs more than life itself (62,009) (62,019) by Marissa from USA
Exactly. If someone's against negativity then they should post something positive and let it speak for itself rather than scolding people as if that arouses feel-good emotions.
(Wednesday 11 May 2016; 21:05)
Re: Ty is a? (61,929) (61,935) by Marissa from USA
Considering people wanting you not to describe a grotesque stereotype as us asking you to "fall all over yourself not to offend our sensitivities" is the epitome of a white privileged attitude. If you think that it takes Herculean effort for you not to say something racially offensive then you are a racist. Racism is more than just wanting to see black people lynched for no reason. If you can only view a group of people in a caricatured way, that counts too. If you don't consider yourself a racist, what is your criteria for racism then? How many callous comments can you make about black people and still claim to be innocent and blame us for not "lightening up" as if it's our job to absolve you from the responsibility of having some decorum? Every time you refer to black culture it is in a negative and stereotypical way. I don't need to see a photo of you wearing a KKK outfit to be convinced. I agree with Mirage_Nunez. If using the word b**** is going to get you censored, or being a conspiracy theorist is going to get you blocked, racially offensive statements should get the heave-ho too. If not, what's the point of censorship if it's not going to apply equally to everyone?
(Sunday 8 May 2016; 19:50)
Re: Social media presence (61,845) (61,847) by Marissa from USA
You just preached, especially when you said that Mariah seems like a living caricature of herself. I totally agree. Stop playing into the character that you think the world views you as and just be yourself. Seeing Mariah act the same way everyone speculates about in the National Enquirer is boring and redundant. It's cheapening herself. Who Mariah really is is 10 times more interesting than these little off-Broadway plays she puts on in her interviews. I guess she feels like being deep will make people remember her age because it seems like the older she gets, the more shallow she wants to present herself to the public. Don't get me started on eternally 12. This is the most aggravating part of the shallow rhetoric to me. It's one thing if you view yourself as a kid at heart. We shouldn't lose that playful and carefree part of ourselves. But if you keep shoving it down people's throat that you're 12 because you have some irrational fear of aging, it's ridiculous. It's not even like she says it every now and then as a joke. She shuts down every single conversation where age or years come up with that quote, which is making her look crazy. She looks great for her age. It's better to look too young to be 46, than too old to be 12.
(Thursday 5 May 2016; 22:13)
Re: New music (61,806) (61,807) by Marissa from USA
The music business is no longer a meritocracy. It's a popularity contest, and right now Rihanna is more popular than Mariah, which is why a song like Work hit #1. It's not about quality melodies or lyrical content anymore, so Mariah's musical excellence doesn't guarantee that she will snag a #1 in today's musical climate. It's all about promotion which MC has been getting a C for effort in that category for years now. If she wanted to drop the ball with promotion during the invincible years (the 90s), then she could have gotten away with it, but she can't afford to be lazy and think that her music will skyrocket to the top of the charts. YDKWTD could have been a #1 if it was promoted more heavily. That song and Meteorite are smash hit wonders, but no one cares besides us.
(Wednesday 4 May 2016; 1:44)
DFAU performance (61,769) by Marissa from USA
I love way she changed up this note while performing DFAU. Better than the original.
(Monday 2 May 2016; 0:37)
The wedding (61,760) by Marissa from USA
I'm really curious as to when and where the wedding is going to be. She has a very tight schedule and has to be back in Vegas by July, so who knows? Also, I don't want to see the wedding in the docu-series. I'd be satisfied with seeing some nice photos, but I feel like someone of her stature showing her whole wedding on TV is so tacky and I would feel like I was intruding too much into her personal life.
(Sunday 1 May 2016; 4:04)
Re: GLAAD award (61,633) (61,644) by Marissa from USA
"Who are we to question her merits?" Rational human beings perhaps? You are advocating for blind allegiance, because you shouldn't have to suspend your ability to think critically to be a good fan. This is the part that people are missing. Is Mariah a gay icon? Absolutely. I wouldn't be surprised if gay men outnumbered women in her fanbase. Is she a tireless gay advocate who is devoting her life to the cause? Absolutely not. Everyone's saying essentially "just because she's not very vocal about it doesn't mean she's not a gay advocate". That misses the entire point of advocacy. Supporting gay rights privately does nothing to advance the cause when you have millions of followers who you could be getting the message out to on a regular basis. The point is to use one's celebrity platform to advance the cause of gay rights which she has done very infrequently and coyly. I don't think someone who puts their desire to be seen as politically neutral over boldly advocating for gay rights should be nominated for this award. Now if Mariah (finally) got a Grammy or a Lifetime Achievement Award you wouldn't hear me saying anything because at least it would make sense.
(Tuesday 26 April 2016; 18:08)
Re: GLAAD award (61,622) (61,629) by Marissa from USA
I agree. She may have acknowledged them here or there and she obviously has gay people in her camp but she has not championed gay rights publicly to the point where a GLAAD award is deserved. She hates being seen as political so she avoids championing most social issues like the plague.
(Monday 25 April 2016; 22:27)
Re: R-E-S-P-E-C-T (61,539) (61,541) by Marissa from USA
I totally agree. I'm against the oversexed antics because it decreases the respect she's given as an artist. Seeing her latest outfit at the club or wherever she was wasn't even a surprise for me, but my issue was the cringeworthy video of her telling her dancer to "get her body" on camera only for us to see everything short of her nipples. It looked like a bad intro to a porn flick. Mariah, we have seen your boobs millions of times but a close-up of them on someone's phone is not needed whatsoever. There's nothing wrong with feeling yourself, but stuff like this comes across as thirsty. And for me it's not just because she's a woman because if it would have been a 46 year old guy constantly showing off his chest I would think he was thirsty as well. Sexiness is fine, tastelessness is not regardless of gender. Also, miss me with the "every other celebrity does it" stuff because those other celebrities need stunts to stay relevant. She doesn't. You can't have it both ways no matter what an idealistic society tells you. You can't only play up the eternally 12 antics and want people to see you as deep and introspective and you can't have your nipples spilling out and expect people to believe that you're a prudish Mary Poppins. The lambs are the only ones who care about the truth of who Mariah is. For the general public, perception is everything regardless of facts and they will go with what she projects and do no further research.
(Saturday 23 April 2016; 20:45)
Re: Make-up not so "pow" (61,380) (61,381) by Marissa from USA
Ugh I don't want to believe it but she does look different. I hope it's just the makeup but something isn't right. She doesn't even need plastic surgery.
(Monday 18 April 2016; 0:37)
She's back (61,335) by Marissa from USA
Bianca is back everyone and prepared to take your man. It's about damn time. Also, I need MC to fire her makeup artist. The blush and contouring has been way too severe lately to the point where there has been heavy speculation that she's recently had work done. "Say it ain't so."
(Saturday 16 April 2016; 1:42)
Article: Meeting Mariah (61,167) by Marissa from USA
Isn't it interesting that this article comes out after we've been piping up about how misleading the meet-and-greets are? Hmmm. It's anecdotes like this that trick lambs into spending a fortune when they're only going to get 1/20th of the publicized experiences.
(Saturday 9 April 2016; 1:54)
Re: Connecting with the fans (61,114) (61,119) by Marissa from USA
You clearly have an inflated sense of self-importance if you think no one else can comment on an issue you've already spoken on it. You're not the god of this messageboard. Humble yourself.
(Friday 8 April 2016; 0:10)


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