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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

Re: New single (60,009) (60,029) by May from Denmark
Mariah has penned some of her most beautiful songs and even hits in under 15 minutes, I trust her genius can still do that. What Mariah needs though is someone interesting to work with, someone who might bring her a fresh sound, or she should refresh herself somehow. I liked what I heard in MIAM but some of the stuff felt old or recycled with a couple of overproduced tunes. The ballads were powerful and the lyrics very meaningful and I truly enjoyed Meteorite and where the whole bang was going. But I agree, wedding is right now in her agenda and can't blame her, she is in a happy spot.
(Friday 26 February 2016; 11:05)
The expected single (60,028) by May from Denmark
Will the expected upcoming single will be just Mariah or maybe is this whole Beyoncé duet single? Wow, that would actually be a shocker. I don't really know how both voices would blend to be honest, I personally don't like Beyoncé singing style but I can't figure in my mind how both together could sound like. What would they be singing? A mash up club song? I don't see something slow happening like with Whitney, then again both voices blended beautifully.
(Friday 26 February 2016; 11:01)
Re: Reality show confirmed (60,020) (60,027) by May from Denmark
Well, Mariah does curse more than enough haha, let's not pretend she is not a human being, she has been caught a fair amount of times but definitely I don't see her throwing drinks around but if anything doing champagne splashes for festive moments. Even if she somehow threw a tantrum ala Kimora Lee, I'm sure it will be edited, lots of those realities are so heavily edited. How many times they show you before a commercial this very dramatic moment where the star says something and when they are back, it turns out to be a completely silly situation and nothing to do with real drama, these shows love to play on people. Real Housewives, after the first successful one, has been heavily scripted as well for example. I wouldn't mind watching a Mariah Carey reality, I think it could be cool. Realities are like a two edge sword, they either do great for your image and business or they destroy you. It did somewhat help Toni Braxton and her horrible washed up image (and helped her financially back up) and it definitely did help Jessica Simpson through a time as well, now she is being looked at as "the sweetheart" rather than the bimbo, image that haunted her for a long time in her youth. If they manage to make it look something like her MTV Cribs, with the fun moments, a homely life, what's Mariah going to cook , does she really cook or was always pretend, is she the woman of the "one recipe, the famous linguini" or it is like with that book where she claimed to cook and yet her personal chef was next to her telling her what to do, that was hilarious. I don't know, if they are innocent things like that I see it happening, seeing part of her work process, her morning humor, playing with the kids, randomly singing around the kitchen, getting ready for an event and dunno, going through the struggle of which show to wear. It could be fun and good if it's done the right way. I would definitely watch it.
(Friday 26 February 2016; 10:57)
Re: New single (59,972) (59,979) by May from Denmark
I love that she takes very seriously making an album and works hard but I hope it won't take 10 years to be ready. The long wait for the last one was enough for me, over all with all the date changes and such. I wonder what kind of single she is putting together. After Infinity I can think of a million things that she can release being much better. If it's for summer do you think it will be an up-tempo jam, something to hit the club?. Ballads seems to be doing a come back, little by little but I would be surprised if she released such a thing. Can't wait to hear new material though, I bet she is really inspired.
(Wednesday 24 February 2016; 1:48)
Re: What's wrong with today's pop stars? (59,758) (59,768) by May from Denmark
She hasn't written anything decent in more than 10 years? I believe that's subjective, because fo me E=MC is filled with great tunes and just because she is not belting like roosters in morning such as Daydream it doesn't mean they aren't good decent songs, some are even more than decent. I love almost every song in that album and Memoirs had some little gems as well. I truly loved Betcha Gona Know, Hate U and The Impossible. I thought Hate U was actually an amazing song with lyrics that a lot of people can relate to, a tormented relationship of love and hate. I felt it was more unique lyrically than other love songs she made before. You say she failed to emulate young artists yet Touch My Body was a huge success and Obsessed did also fairly well among young people. I felt it had this air to blame it on the alcohol and it sounded catchy and fun, the video for fans is hilarious. I loved the stalker with all the room covered in Mariah memorabilia. It almost felt like a creep haha. I wished I had a room like that in my home. The few things I dislike from her more new material compared to her old ones is the sound quality and the over production in some songs where everything going on seems too much. Though I also felt Rainbow has a subpar sound quality compared to earlier materials. Really am I the only one who likes E=MC that much? I don't want to think so. It is such a fun album with great tunes more than [...] written. I love Daydream and Music Box, but Daydream doesn't feel like an album that has an overall uplifting and exciting vibe, it's filled with ballads and I take it as one of those albums in which I have to be in a mood to put it on now at days. E=MC is cheerful, I can play it even if I clean the home around and feel energetic. To each their own I guess.
(Sunday 14 February 2016; 18:34)
Re: Maxwell (59,655) (59,686) by May from Denmark
Oh, I have always been wanting for that to happen. Maxwell is such a great singer and so hot, haha. Babyface is alright, but Maxwell has such a spark, a flare that is so unique, lot of soul. I definitely can see him doing something with Mariah that would sound truly great.
(Monday 8 February 2016; 15:54)
Re: Jermaine (59,625) (59,643) by May from Denmark
Haha yes Mimi, I completely forgot the time he was being called a leech. Then again, to me, it didn't feel like he was doing much effort with the promotion of the album and such. In the interviews for MIAM he sounded so lazy and gone, I don't think he has the "manager spark", that thing that makes managers sell their product. He is great doing music but definitely wasn't good in the whole promotion area and getting Mariah good gigs and appearances. Most were radio interviews that are only heard in the US, there wasn't much of an international perspective from him. I guess then all just simply rolled and died with addition of her divorce and moving home with the kids. Guess no one had the energy to even bother to do anything anymore. The end of last year is a great contrast with all that it happened through the 2014.
(Saturday 6 February 2016; 19:35)
Re: MC sings with the interviewer (59,612) (59,642) by May from Denmark
I do agree Andrew that he did somewhat force it, the whole situation seemed contrived, perhaps he thought there was no other way to make Mariah sing, he obviously didn't discuss this previously with her manager/publicist or Mariah herself, and I don't believe she looked horrified, she looked surprised because it was clear she wasn't expecting it. I'm usually very objective, I love unicorns but I know they don't exist. I just simply don't think Mariah is a stuck up b*tch.
(Saturday 6 February 2016; 19:30)
Re: MC sings with the interviewer (59,588) (59,610) by May from Denmark
I do believe it was a gesture Andrew because rather than saying "oh boy..." she could have excuse herself and say "I have to reserve my voice" or "I'm on vocal rest", after all, she is doing Vegas. In a radio interview once she said in a joking way (but perhaps a very true one) after being asked to sing that singing was a different "cache", as in, they had to pay extra if they wanted her to sing something. I wouldn't care if it was like that anyway, her voice is her instrument, her working tool, she has all the right to decline. Let's focus on the positive, she did sing, she sounded like an angel and she was all smiles by the end. I think that's great.
(Friday 5 February 2016; 20:14)
Re: Hey Mara (59,576) (59,609) by May from Denmark
It was really nice to read your story Mara. Really sorry your daughter didn't got the teddy but she still got something, that if I were her, I would never wear those socks, I would put them under glass along with the tickets of the concert. It's a nice piece of memorabilia, overall knowing that she was with mommy, how much more sweet can that be. I agree with the J-Lo stuff, it's tiresome, I've been also seeing her everywhere in columns of random talk. In Latinamerica she is so highly regarded and I never understood why, her singing is so average, her voice is not awful but it is so limited, all people only talk about are her "assets" if you know what I mean. Maybe they like her because her Latina side and that she made that role of that famous singer in the movie. Her music lately is so repetitive yet she is still in all medias. Why. Mariah is doing great and except for the DailyFail I hardly see her many places. And I only visit that newspaper only to write in the search "Mariah Carey" for the pictures. Many times it has been irritating reading the shade thrown at her in what they try to make pass for a positive comment by the article authors.
(Friday 5 February 2016; 20:11)
Re: New dresses (59,528) (59,536) by May from Denmark
I haven't seen the pics yet, thanks for sharing Mimi. I agree, the dresses were so lovely. My favorite one is the black one, overall when you see it from a bit afar it looks hot. She looked gorgeous and sang amazingly. Mariah's in love.
(Wednesday 3 February 2016; 17:11)
In awe with Mariah's current vocals (59,535) by May from Denmark
Just saw some of the compilations going around right now in Youtube, obviously right now they are more like previews but I'm so amazed I feel like I'm going to explode. Her vocals were amazing, she sounded the best I ever heard her and those clips were just snippets, I truly would love to watch the whole concert. That note at the end of Infinity made me smile so big. I'm truly longing for a new album right now. I can't wait to listen to that tour.
(Wednesday 3 February 2016; 17:09)
Re: Marissa (59,519) Re: Giovanni (59,520) (59,524) by May from Denmark
I think she keeps playing the diva-esque stuff because, at least my impression, can't imagine the many times she gets asked the very same thing. It must be tiresome and the whole diva act just simply come out as habit. I think she is funny when she jokes around the rumors, can understand sometimes it might be hard to just ignore them and move on, overall when they got some radio interviewers who keep pushing for a sentence.
I'm not an expert in directors at all but I have to say that I loved very much the videos "Say something" and "Can I get your number". I love all the styles Mariah has in both videos. I would like to see something like that again. I truly hoped for a Meteorite video and having some night beach clubbing scene.
(Wednesday 3 February 2016; 2:01)
Re: David G from USA (59,518) (59,523) by May from Denmark
I don't believe I was rude Giovanni. I simply also think that his comment was idiotic. Believes don't have to be respected as they are just ideologies, people should be respected as they are sentient beings. I didn't attack him directly but I clearly expressed that I think he needs to be more rational, perhaps I wanted to say it in a funny way and it may have sounded harsh but I stand by what I said. I found his comment silly. If he chooses to feel offended because of that, then so be it. I do also hope he sticks around as well as anyone reading because what we all share in here (regardless of our differences) is a big love for Mariah. But that won't stop me from disagreeing with someone and expressing it.
(Wednesday 3 February 2016; 1:49)
Re: I love Rihanna (59,515) (59,522) by May from Denmark
David G, you are a very contradictive person. First to clear the air, I got to say I rolled my eyes with your comment regarding the "music industry" and you sending them my post, because people in the "music industry" are going to care about my comment, a comment in a sea of billions done in the internet daily. To follow, I'm not hostile, I'm straightforward. You said that none of what you said were your opinions yet in the previous post you claimed that you are entitled to express your opinions. So are they your opinions or not? You claimed to have referenced them, there's zero references attached or named to any of the things you said. I don't need to grow up, I'm an already grown up and who are you to say that I need to learn lessons? Do you know my life history? No. You are a stranger who knows nothing about me and I most definitely don't know anything about you except that when you say things such as (and I quote you) "It is a pity because talented legends like Mariah will have to work extra hard because she is not a member of the Illuminati." I find it really hard to take any of your opinions serious at all. Of course you can say whatever bollocks you want, it is your right, but is my right also to disagree with them and think they are silly. And I expressed that in my comment that yes, I found to be utterly clever.
(Wednesday 3 February 2016; 1:40)
Re: I love Rihanna (59,498) (59,510) by May from Denmark
I personally don't hate Rihanna, but I don't agree that she is a "singer" with every meaning of the word. She only sounds good in her albums, as a studio singer. Live she sounds horrible. Her new song doesn't really sound new to me, it sounds like the music the group Mew has been doing since years, I even thought that it was them who wrote the song for her and had to check out as the style was very alike. I don't think it has potential for a number 1 but I wouldn't be surprise if it reaches number 1. People like to consume Rihanna for some reason, I don't know if it's all the hype around what things she says or does. Some of her songs are decent but not memorable, most of her music can be put away. She has "catchy" tunes, which is a different thing and lots of her videos are over sexualized. She is not my cup of tea but I can understand why people feel attracted to what she sings. I don't mind her at all getting her number 1s but I would find it unfair that she might share the same spot as Mariah nonetheless because Mariah wrote most of her songs and is a true singer. We will see what happens in the future but like it was said, records are meant to be broken. I don't believe the Beatles will be there at top forever, someone one day will beat them. It's all about time.
(Tuesday 2 February 2016; 13:47)
Re: I love Rihanna (59,506) (59,509) by May from Denmark
Well, this is his website, if he wants to call you that way he can. Rude much? Talking about freedom, guess what, here in Europe we have the freedom to call idiot to those who make idiotic comments. "Lack of knowledge", don't get me started in telling what's lacking with you. Please put the tin foil down and take a "common sense" pill to get your rationality back. There's no need to "research" for that, it's all bogus and stuff that dumb people came up with because is too hard for them to think (is there even a PhD in Illuminati history lol or is your main source whatever any dumbdoh uploads on YouTube). Because something is in the internet it doesn't mean is true man. Next thing you will say is how bleach cures cancer, moon landing was fake, chemtrails over your house, Obama is a reptile alien and how we should "research" in Google about all this "facts". Let me guess, you are an avid homeopathy user because of evil BigPharma poisoning you. Oh, I'm so scared for this world.
(Tuesday 2 February 2016; 13:37)
Re: Question time (59,462) (59,478) by May from Denmark
I want anything that it doesn't have rappers this time. Too hard to ask? Haha. An uptempo beat would be nice. If she did a ballad, I would like the lyrics to speak of something else other than love. The only reason why I didn't give "Why you mad" more chances is because French Montana. He's unbearable.
(Monday 1 February 2016; 15:22)
Re: Stella (59,453) (59,458) by May from Denmark
You know, I've been having a blast with the posts. I agree with what you said Mara, regarding Packer having patience but let's recall the man also invited his ex-wife who somehow remained "close friend" to the party and all hugging cheerfully for a picture with Mariah. How much more odd can that be, and then Mariah bringing Cannon too to other events to spend time with the kids and then everybody together. So bizarre in my world haha. At least, it's great to see that on the outside at least, all seem to get along just fine.
(Sunday 31 January 2016; 14:28)
Re: Re: Walter (59,428) (59,438) (59,457) by May from Denmark
I'm not anti Walter just wanted to add. But when I said that he is history it is exactly what I meant. He did great things with Mariah and other artists but since the very end of the 90s he hasn't written or produced anything relevant or worthy, it's like since he went bye with Mariah and Celine nothing else has happened for him. All he keeps doing is talent search and mentoring singing children. Even if he suddenly came back with Mariah, would he be able to spark the firecracker? Mariah needs a new sound and something not so over produced, and Walter wouldn't be able to make Mariah be any fresher. Ian I agree that those songs are awesome, but we also we young in those days, lot of teens who lived through Touch My Body and Obsessed don't like the "old Mariah" but probably because they identify those song with their youth, just like I identify mine with Prisoner, Make It Happen and Fantasy. I wouldn't mind Mariah getting a "push" promotionally but not a cheating kind like Rihanna and her free albums and Lady Gaga almost give away song in iTunes. (Remember that time she was offering the song for like 0.1 cents? Lol don't know if that was the exact price but it was mad low.) Since Adele's "Hello" it seems people are wanting more of the same melodrama type of songs, maybe Mariah would be able to bring one at the table and chart it, her image has been very clean lately with all the damage control. She could have a second big come back, I believe in that.
(Sunday 31 January 2016; 14:25)
Re: The richness and Riri (59,419) (59,425) by May from Denmark
In all fairness David, we don't know what Mariah does most of the time in her private life and what's the situation with her mother and what kind of communication they have. We only get a few pictures weekly and some public events Mariah has to appear as part of her job, then, after all that, we don't know three hoots what Mariah does with her life or with who she has contact or anything. I believe sometimes is better to stop assuming things. Yes, being with mom is the best, but not 24 hours, I know I wouldn't want to be with my mom 24 hours and I like her lol. Good grief she would drive me crazy, we don't know how Mariah's mom is in private life.
(Friday 29 January 2016; 23:56)
Re: The richness and Riri (59,421) (59,424) by May from Denmark
I agree Mimi, if she did Emancipation huge and without Walter she most definitely can do it again. Walter is history.
(Friday 29 January 2016; 23:51)
Re: Stella (59,374) (59,414) by May from Denmark
I don't believe is just Stella all the time, her make up artist and close friend has also been on the yatch, on the vacations and even Aspen. It's like been said "a giant circus", and also the Asian nanny as well, sorry don't know her name. I thought alike that they were all living together in Aspen, including Packer. Mariah always had people living with her. At least Stella, beyond being her manager and very likely already a good friend (no one would have a person they don't like for that long around), all her other few friends were emotional support, they played zero part in her life, sometimes I even had the impression that friend Mariah always took in her jet trips was just with MC for her money, but we will never know. I can't judge Stella, she is doing her job and surely is around 24/7 because Mariah asked her, from what I know Stella is married and to someone also in thr entrepreneur/management area, yet we never see pictures of them together, when do they even spend time together, wouldn't she like to be with her husband? If Stella appeared and Mariah's friend dissapeared suddenly, then they were never Mariah's friends. And Rachel is not really someone Mariah sees often since years, I think is that kind of childhood friendship one keeps close to the heart and they see each other when the time for an occasion presents. Last time Mariah vacationed with her was years ago.
(Friday 29 January 2016; 0:42)
Re: Mariah's next album (59,296) (59,299) by May from Denmark
She has been really jazzy lately, and converting some of her songs into really nice pieces of jazzy-ballads. I somehow expect something like this if there's a new upcoming album close by. I don't mind, she is really great at that, she has the voice for such type of music. I just wouldn't want a full jazz album though, I leave that to Diana Krall and her sweet breathy voice.
(Sunday 24 January 2016; 15:42)
Re: In search for the right kind of lover (59,269) (59,276) by May from Denmark
Why would you say James Packer has no emotional stability? Do you know him in person? "All" the wives he has had? He had two wives, just like Mariah had two husbands. He was with his first wife for about 3-4 years. And he dated his second wife for more than 3 years before getting married, and their marriage lasted 6 years. He is not even in the artistic ambient per se, his colleague Brett Ratner is, Packer is a business man, not a showman. Why people are saying that Mariah's engagement is too fast... fast was everything that happened with Nick Cannon, and they lasted together some good years. At the end of the day it doesn't matter if you dated a couple of months or years, because a relationship is built day by day, it's a partnership, and the only thing that will help it last is how much effort each other put to make it work in the bad times, everyone can enjoy easily the good days. There's always ups and downs, and is in the "downs" when you really see if you are compatible. You can always find someone with your same taste in food, like to go to the same places, enjoy the same movies, etc. but if there are no common projects, if there are no agreements in each others conversations, if there's no admiration for one another, no matter how much you and him like pizza and walks in the beach, it won't last. I would like to just be positive about Mariah and Packer, she seems so happy and eager to work again. And if there's something we all love about Mariah, is her music, so if this relationship inspires her to do more then I'm very happy. After all, an European tour is not something you hear from Mariah often, it's a big step and she wouldn't take it if she didn't feel so confident. Was Packer who gave her the confidence? Was her happiness? Her new team? Whatever it is, I like what is going on in Mariah's life right now. Davidf, you say that the man can have any woman he wants, are you meaning that Mariah is less than a model? Because a person has money is supposed to be some nasty womanizer as Dan Bilzerian? Because Packer had of those models and clearly if he went for Mariah, is because she is in another league, much higher and all I can say is that he has really good taste because Mariah is one and only one in the entire planet, models, there are millions cut in the same shape.
(Saturday 23 January 2016; 15:11)


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