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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

Engagement yey (59,262) by May from Denmark
I'm truly happy for Mariah. She does look so cheerful and confident since a good while. I think Mariah and James complement each other, the woman who came from nothing to have it all and the man who always had it all but wanted to accomplished it on his own and not live under the shadow of his father. Wow it's like a tv soap drama haha. Both are around the same age, he doesn't need her fame and she doesn't need his money. They are in a great position and I can only wish them the very best.
(Saturday 23 January 2016; 0:54)
Re: I can't be the only one (59,256) (59,261) by May from Denmark
Let's be clear on something though, Mariah wasn't the one who went out to tell every one the price of the ring, the magazines and newspapers were, she didn't even announce it on the social media. She was gifted that ring, she accepted it, James prepared a celebration party for her and she showed it after being asked the big question because the paps who were waiting for the couple after they knew the news were there yelling at her to show the rock and all she did was give a fast glimpse of her hand. Let's remember Mariah was the girl with one pair of shoes, whose pantry wasn't full to the roof. With her outrageous amounts of money, I'm amazed she never flashed more stuff on our faces unlike Rihanna and the likes. I think Mariah knows how to keep a certain level of "middle ground", she got it but doesn't let it go her head. I would expect of her showing a bit more now at days though because being with James Packer, is a billionaire after all who has always known nothing but luxury. Maybe that's why they are a good couple, because she was a humble girl who made her way to the top, they might have surely talked about each others lives, including Packer's control freak father. Maybe James found Mariah to be "real", someone who knows more than just diamonds and brand name gowns.
(Saturday 23 January 2016; 0:48)
Re: B for Balmain (59,199) (59,209) by May from Denmark
Mariah always chooses such incredibly short crop leather jackets. Somehow this last time it didn't seem to work too well, I don't know what was off, the jeans or that she has slightly wider hips now. In this picture it looks great but that was from the E=MC2 era, she was slimmer then but I loved all that era fashion wise, she looked so pretty with the black stripped shorts and black stockings as well as all those mini skirts. And I really love how she looked in this one where she has a knee length skirt, her hair looks wild and I love it, she seemed more tanned than usual in those, she had that California sunkiss girl going on. But like mentioned, sometimes Mariah hits right and others are such a miss, like the infamous super short leather skirt gone "what?" haha. I don't know if anyone remembers here is the picture. I applaud her courage though, I don't know if I would dare as an every day outfit unless I had to go clubbing.
(Wednesday 20 January 2016; 19:28)
Re: Empire (59,181) (59,186) by May from Denmark
People do expect Lady Gaga doing a gore scene but not from Mariah, which I think it would be double shocking haha. I don't know how Gaga got that Golden Globe, I swear it had to be paid. Her acting wasn't transcendental or anything memorable, she wasn't terrible, but sometimes those long pauses she did made me think "uhm, she is trying to remember the script" haha, at time she seemed somewhat robotic. I think it was ok but not for an award, her presence wasn't as strong as Jessica Lange, she left a huge void in the show, made me so sad she quit. I do see Mariah in Bates Motel as some shady character, the show is great.
(Tuesday 19 January 2016; 15:12)
Re: "Best-selling female artist of all time" title (59,164) (59,172) by May from Denmark
I don't know about this, I always look at it with suspicion haha. I understand about Soundscan and all but Madonna was huge before Mariah, she was everywhere and everyone wanted to be like her. I don't recall a single girl in my days who didn't have a Madonna album and a poster of her hanging on their walls.
(Monday 18 January 2016; 17:53)
Re: Last Night a DJ Saved My Life (59,161) (59,171) by May from Denmark
I loved Glitter very much. I always thought that her album and lots of other artists were impacted negatively when released around that date because the tragedy of the Twin Towers. People were just not up to celebrations and Glitter was pure celebration. At least that's the way I always felt it, there were really nice catchy tunes and a lot of festivity in it, the few ballads were beautiful. It was a well put album in my opinion and the videos were nice.
(Monday 18 January 2016; 17:51)
Re: UK fans / money / Mariah (59,140) (59,170) by May from Denmark
Well, I hope my post didn't come off as negative because that wasn't my intention. If anything, I was actually defending her haha. I have zero problems with what Mariah has to share, in fact, I'm really happy that she is sharing bits more of her life with us, including her escapades with funny titles, her "moments" and her kids. No matter anyway what kind of pictures she publishes, they are always with a fun note, like the "shoecide" which I thought was clever and hilarious. I like anything Mariah and I'm truly happy she is more engaged in the social media, she was probably one of the few artists who wouldn't share much just like Celine Dion.
(Monday 18 January 2016; 17:33)
Re: Andrew possessed by the spirit of a positive lamb? (59,113) (59,133) by May from Denmark
I actually believe Mariah has been like that since a very good while Andrew. Her songs mentioning brands and the likes in her lyrics pretty much said so, flashing the outrageously expensive drinks she sips. She just wasn't the typical celeb show off with her clothes, she would just mention the designer of a dress on a carpet because it is part of the endorsement/sponsorship. Beyond the whole "life in the jet" she has never really been one to show more but I recall a Twitter she posted saying something about her living a very luxurious life, it was a very long time ago. I do think that lately there's more of her shopping lifestyle simply because that's what trending and what people are consuming from their idols and other celebrities. If anything, I think she is just jumping in the wagon to see how it goes. I think it's fine, she lived all her fame and luxury under wraps all her youth, with few parties (compared to other singers) and keeping a very low profile for years. All we had from her luxurious life when she was younger was mostly her touring times and the MTV Cribs in which she didn't even show her bedroom, it was showcased years later in a magazine. I guess with the years she learnt to embrace her rich life and accept it as it is, she owes nothing to anyone, for a long time she kept herself private. She is sharing some more of her and I think it's fine, even if it includes her shopping habits, which I believe she has all the right. And at the end, it was us with our money (and the overpaid industry lol) who made her rich.
(Saturday 16 January 2016; 20:03)
Re: Wendy Williams (59,009) (59,019) by May from Denmark
I swear Wendy doesn't have to rehears anymore. She pretty much is so obsessed with Mariah that anything she has to say about her has been already thought in her sleep time lol. That woman creeps me, I don't know who bothers watching her show or any gossip show for that matter. It's for people with peanut brains or nothing better to do. I never watched a show until there was this talk about Mariah going so much around the time when she was at her lowest, I thought in giving it a try and see what the fuzz was about and good grief, I couldn't handle over 5 mins of that woman ranting and mumbling junk. I can't believe there are people doing a living out of it and others feeding her. Her negativity charges with her fandom of negatrons. How unsettling.
(Sunday 10 January 2016; 19:46)
Re: Scores (58,762) (58,770) by May from Denmark
I always felt that Languishing was just some left over from Rainbow. But when I think that it's in the Memoirs album then probably she just made it sound like that on purpose as the album it's supposed to be like a diary. The music is lovely, I also wonder same as you why she doesn't write more big screen scores, she has a great imagination and creativity for music.
(Wednesday 30 December 2015; 15:55)
Re: Mariah reads message board (58,765) (58,769) by May from Denmark
I don't think she is looking more glam now. She always looks super nice for events or going outs. Now that she is slimmer she seems to be showing her legs again, so she has been choosing a really nice range of dresses that are translucent and short, they look very nice. When she is very glam and wearing gala (night gowns) people tend to say she should go back to jeans or mini skirts. Everyone sounds so contradictory haha. She is looking amazing, that's all that can be said currently. She looks so, careless free type of happy. There's another pic where she is kissing Packer in a late date and the kiss looks so sincere. She is giving me E=MC2 vibes right now, the very flat hair, body coming back to ultimate shape, big shades, lots of sparkles and fresh kind of glam (not ala Elizabeth Taylor glam but more youthful). I have this incredible feeling that something big is coming, it's not going to be wind Mariah but hurricane Mariah.
(Wednesday 30 December 2015; 15:53)
Re: 19th #1 (58,632) (58,647) by May from Denmark
I would love this so much to happen but Christmas is in three days, less than that. Don't think it can climb that fast in such amount of time, as after Christmas all the hype will fall and New Year's bombastic songs will start. It is still amazing, setting such a record, and with a song that has had such longevity. Amazing feature.
(Tuesday 22 December 2015; 20:20)
Re: Stella (58,643) (58,646) by May from Denmark
Oh, I thought you were referring the other way around haha. I also wondered once when I saw them on a night out and thought "isn't like school time and kinda late to be out", but I only asked myself that because one of her kids is big. I'm guessing they must have tutoring, she doesn't bring her two gals with her only when going out with Mariah, but every time Stella goes anywhere. I'm guessing it was the only way to be with her kids since she travels a lot, overall now more than ever that she has to follow MC's steps. Mariah seems to be getting close with her, because if not I would find it so weird and strange for both sharing such family intimate moments and also going on holidays and vacations together.
(Tuesday 22 December 2015; 20:18)
Re: Stella (58,623) (58,639) by May from Denmark
I don't feel there's anything strange with her. She seems to be an incredibly confident and strong woman, hard working/self made, very independent, and somehow looks like a "momma tiger" always with her kids around. I think some of these aspects are rubbing on Mariah and Mariah as well is rubbing her cheerful self to Stella, and I feel is a positive thing. Since Stella appeared in the scene Mariah's career has been looking nice, granted Mariah is working hard herself and not letting anything from the past year put her down, after seeing her cry like two-three times on stage while singing last year, it's so nice to see her back in all her cheerful bloom. Clearly even if Stella gives you weird vibes, if it was bad it would show, yet Mariah's light seem to shine brighter every time, which makes me think her new working partner and I'm guessing new friend is making her good. Probably they get along also because they are on the same "plane", as in, both are moms so Mariah has someone to talk to about mom things and feel related. Regarding Mariah's kid going to school, didn't they go to a summer school? Pretty sure the kids are on hold until primary school and might just be enjoying being with mom, which should be a priority. I don't know how is in the US, in Scandinavia pre-school and kindergarten are not compulsory, still many parents take their kids to school at that young age because working hours. My daughter stayed with me full time until she was 3 and a half. Now she will be 5 years old tomorrow and already ready for primary school. Also, this is Mariah Carey we are talking about, surely her kids can have private tutoring.
(Tuesday 22 December 2015; 15:55)
Re: Mariah Christmas (58,594) (58,597) by May from Denmark
Well Andrew, it's a Hallmark Christmas movie, it can't be as bad as the one with Tori Spelling and others alike. All those movies fall in the category of over cheesiness dipped in 1930s Vaseline on screen soft glow for face close ups. I haven't watch Mariah's movie but her acting in the trailer didn't convince me, a lot of people have actually said her acting is not very good in the movie but I can't judge because I still don't have time to sit through it. Would love to watch it just because it's her, as Christmas movies are generally utterly boring, filled with the same over the top sensitiveness and messages and terrible jokes. Aside of that, I don't think it's another nail in the coffin as you describe it though, it's a Christmas movie, I think everyone will take for what it is.
(Monday 21 December 2015; 12:42)
Love Merriest Christmas (58,590) by May from Denmark
Finally had time to watch from beginning to end. I loved it so much I thought it was so short. She looked so gorgeous, I love she is back to that honey golden hair that matches her tanned bronze skin, she looked yummy like a gingerbread cookie haha. I liked all the songs choices but I was really wishing she would sing Charlie Brown Christmas, it's such a sweet song. Her pipes sounded amazing, I liked how much in control she seemed. Her dresses her divine, she is looking more toned every week and finally she changed those ginormous white/silvery/diamond earrings. A lovely show with a very pretty stage.
(Monday 21 December 2015; 1:00)
Re: Mariah Carey Merriest Christmas (58,572) (58,587) by May from Denmark
Yes, it's up. I don't think we are allowed to post such links but you can just put in google "Mariah carey merriest Christmas online free", the first link it appears which is "watchseries" has lots of links, some of lesser quality and others higher, you should check them to find which one fits better for you. The version if has the best sound quality and has a nice image full screen.
(Sunday 20 December 2015; 23:05)
Re: Article: After 20 years, Mariah Carey is no longer no. 1 (58,459) (58,474) by May from Denmark
While the article specifically talks about music in the malls (it actually depends which article) the title is very misleading. The "DailyFail" was worst, it posted the infamous Rockefeller video at the end rather than an actual one from her current Beacon performance.
(Wednesday 16 December 2015; 2:48)
Quick thanks (58,423) by May from Denmark
To Edward for your sweet message. I love your posts and I think pretty much everybody else does too, you always write in such coherent and precise way, not like my "rambly" broken English haha, sometimes I sound like Winnie the Pooh. Thank you.
(Monday 14 December 2015; 21:12)
Finally Mariah is coming to Denmark again (58,417) by May from Denmark
No need to mention that I truly hope they do pre-sale tickets so I can get front row. It'll be cool not having to put up with all the phones flashing on your face while you are trying to enjoy the show, and hopefully it will be before my baby comes to the world, don't think I can be giving birth in the seat while listening to Mariah live on stage, one can dream hahaha. Btw, I love that amazing picture of her on the disc, it looks so 80s and so Jem and the Holograms haha. It's my current favorite one. Europe is going to look very festive.
(Monday 14 December 2015; 18:17)
Re: Silly criminal (58,363) (58,375) by May from Denmark
The claim itself is silly, now Mariah happens to be a master hacker, next someone will say she was Anonymous the time IS daesh twitter accounts were put down lol. Mariah Carey doesn't even know how to use a computer and that's worldwide known, even said it herself, if she uses tablets is because even a toddler can do it, it's an intuitive gadget, she has no time for computers, she is busy doing real music the old way, a plain handy recorder, phone recorder and using mixing apps. If someone came to her with a tune and she thought the tune being presented to her was theirs that's not her fault. She has been accused of the same with TGIFY in the past and the claim was dismissed, I won't deny I had my doubts back then because the tunes sounded pretty alike in some parts, but it has happened many times that some tunes happen to sound similar. Madonna has been in the same boat as well as Shakira, and this last artist has ben creating music since she was a child and Madonna gets music handed to her so I would always take those theft accusations with doubts.
(Saturday 12 December 2015; 20:22)
Re: The "Beacon" of light at the end of the "Theater" (58,370) (58,374) by May from Denmark
Great review from your perspective about the show Edward. It's always nice to read first hand experiences, it's true watching clips never come as close as live. But I got to say just watching the clips (I'm grateful for the technology now at days the videos fans record seem to come in better sound quality every time more) and I notice all those things you mentioned right away, overall the part where she doesn't seem out of breath. Her show is having very positive reviews around. If only she could reproduce such success on national television that should clamp some people, but somehow I also think that people just won't accept the fact that Mariah is being really all out real and will just throw arms in the air claiming lip synch. The other day I was actually thinking that she should do a live a capella, completely, not just bits out of cameras for the fans like she does sometimes or tiny easy pieces here and there in interviews, I'm talking a whole song a acapella on tv like the ones she presented in the beginning of her career, now that would silence everyone. I really liked it when she sang AIWFC with Jimmy and the toy instruments. She needs to do something like that again, it was fun and very well done.
(Saturday 12 December 2015; 20:04)
Re: Glittering mic (58,323) (58,350) by May from Denmark
I think I was the only one liking the glove thing lol. I loved the time she had that Butterfly microphone. Pitifully it proved to be an inconvenient when taking the mic out of the stand though.
(Friday 11 December 2015; 17:22)
Re: It's a Mariah Carey show for sure (58,333) (58,349) by May from Denmark
I agree some people seem stuck. I am objective, not deluded, and many times I've kept some opinions to myself because it brings nothing to the table. But nobody can deny that she hasn't improved. She is doing amazing, she seems to be more in control of her voice and is sounding very clear. I don't know what she must be doing to regain the power of her voice back and such cleanliness in her voice, don't think anyone knows, but whatever might be, it's working and I applaud her effort. I will stick to the positive things because she is showing a change, and willing to go for more. I love how she hasn't give up and didn't go into hiding but rather is trying to fix the situation. I really can't wait for new material in her current state, I wouldn't be surprised if she has been already working on something.
(Friday 11 December 2015; 17:19)
Re: Beacon (58,302) (58,317) by May from Denmark
The set list for 2015 I've got is as follows:
1. Charlie Brown Christmas
2. Oh Santa
3. Christmas (baby please come home)
4. Silent night
5. Joy to the world
6. When Christmas comes
7. Christmas time is in the air again
8. Oh holy night
9. Emotions.
10. We belong together
11. Hero
12. All I want for Christmas
(Thursday 10 December 2015; 1:14)


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