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About Musti from UK:

Re: Mariah Carey's collaborators share untold... (61,317) (61,320) by Musti from UK
It was a very interesting read indeed. I was saddened towards the end when Mariah apparently said she yearns for the type of respect that Mary J gets. Fantasy ODB remix was groundbreaking but, as even Mariah has been saying in interviews lately, she wasn't the first one. Mary's 411 album (especially the remix album) is full of such collabs. What was special about Mariah doing it was her mainstream appeal and her pop singer status. I have no doubt Mary deeply inspired Mariah in the 90s (not so much Whitney). I've been discovering Mary's discography lately. That woman has collaborated with an incredible variety of artists (from Busta to Rod Stewart, Elton John to Andrea Bocelli, Nas to Sinead O'Connor, even Nick Cannon). She's like the go-to female singer for collabs. I don't find her voice particularly appealing but there is no denying she still gets more respect in the industry than Mariah. Be it her vocal style, or the whole "is she black, is she white" issue in the 90s, artists have always found it hard to understand Mariah's music. I'm sure jealousy and intimidation also played a big part. At least none of this stirred up a rivalry between Mariah and Mary. Both women are very gracious and I'm glad they became friends over the years.
(Friday 15 April 2016; 9:31)
Re: Stella is good at her job (61,285) (61,296) by Musti from UK
I agree. I think Stella's contribution at this stage is not more than pushing Mariah out of her comfort zone. Ultimately it all comes down to Mariah but I do think she had a lot of yes-people around her by the end. I didn't like what the choreographer said about protecting her. If that means allowing Mariah to wear the same outfits, record the same type of songs and simply being in the same vicious loop that she's been since TEOM, that is no protection at all. Allowing someone to become too comfortable with themselves and their career choices isn't exactly caring, as we've all seen from the downward spiral of Mariah's career. I'm not too pro-Stella. Like many others have said, whether she is good or bad for Mariah will be seen when we have a new album/single. At the beginning it looked like she was putting Mariah under the management and advice of her entire family for her own gain but it seems that may not be the case (though none of us really know for sure). Stella knows by now that we will all hunt her down if she makes a bad move. Her career will surely be over. She has a lot to prove and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt at this point. All seems to be working in Mariah's favour right now. Let's just see how the rest of it unfolds.
(Thursday 14 April 2016; 12:28)
Re: Meet and greet mess (61,098) (61,105) by Musti from UK
I'm really sorry to hear about your experience. I can see how none of it would matter while having your pic taken with her but now that it's over and done, you're absolutely right to be dissatisfied. This is supposed to be meet and greet, not photo and bye. I agree with Martyn too. Stella and management might be pulling some of the strings but it ultimately comes down to Mariah. I was pretty much out of money when they announced the tour (why would they announce it in the middle of the Christmas season when everyone has already spent crap loads of money?) so I couldn't do the meet and greet. It's sad to think lambs in different countries got differential treatment based on where they're shooting for the docuseries. The whole team including Mariah should've been prepared for giving each lamb enough time with her. People paid a lot of money for these tickets. Mariah should hold up her end of the deal too.
(Thursday 7 April 2016; 17:37)
Re: Emotions (61,088) (61,091) by Musti from UK
I'm happy she's still singing Emotions, even though she's been consistently lowering the key since 91. After the Rainbow tour she practically dropped it from her repertoire before she picked it up again during the Angels Advocate tour. That's nearly 10 years. It's one of her most feel-good songs, especially live. I'd never noticed the similarity between You're So Cold and Rumour Has It. You're absolutely right. If Adele were ever to cover a Mariah song, I think it should be Vision Of Love (minus Mariah's untouchable melisma and whistle, of course). I'm not a big fan of Adele's voice, but I think her raw vocals would go really well with Vision Of Love.
(Wednesday 6 April 2016; 23:17)
Re: Article: Mariah hasn't sung her biggest hit once on current tour (61,072) (61,079) by Musti from UK
Haha thank you. I thought I should take a break from my favourite Mariah pics.
(Wednesday 6 April 2016; 12:01)
Re: Article: Mariah hasn't sung her biggest hit once on current tour (61,071) (61,078) by Musti from UK
I agree about Hero too. No disrespect to any lambs and millions of others who have found inspiration in that song but to me Hero is the definition of schmaltz. It never did anything for me. It's time to bring back Can't Let Go, and not in snippet form either. Glitter is an amazing album. I don't even like the 80s sound but her interpretation of it is timeless. Fingers crossed for a Glitter medley.
(Wednesday 6 April 2016; 11:58)
Re: Article: Mariah hasn't sung her biggest hit once on current tour (61,060) (61,068) by Musti from UK
AYNAF would've been vocal suicide. That song is just out-of-this-world difficult. But a snippet would've been nice indeed. I really hoped she'd sing Open Arms, at least in the UK since it did well here. How I wish she would drop I'll Be There for once and sing something else. I'm so over that song. But I guess we'll never hear the end of it since it's an easy duet moment with Trey being around her all the time. I still can't get over Loverboy being on the setlist. She's finally embraced Glitter. I hope one day she gives us a Glitter medley with Lead The Way, Don't Stop, LNADJSML, DMTTYO. Uhh the whole album. I would just die.
(Wednesday 6 April 2016; 1:04)
Re: Weird quotes (60,978) (60,980) by Musti from UK
I found it a little off too. But I doubt such a statement would be released without Mariah's approval. Maybe this was Mariah's way of addressing the lambily's concerns that Stella is a witch. I can't deny the woman's help in Mariah's silent comeback. My only problem is her (and her family's) apparent need to be at the forefront. If Mariah says everything is under control then I'll take her word for it. In a way, people pointing fingers at Stella as the b**ch is diluting Mariah's reputation as a diva. I'm happy about the revamping of her team. We've all been complaining about bad management for a long time now. Let's just hope Stella actually cares about Mariah's career.
(Saturday 2 April 2016; 12:56)
Re: Ariana Grande genuinely loves Mariah (60,792) (60,804) by Musti from UK
I liked Ariana when she first came out and really enjoyed her first album, even though practically every song on her debut can be traced back to some 90s song (mostly Mariah's). Then I heard her singing live. Her high chest belts sound like nasal shouting and I found that very annoying. On top of that there is the copycat singing everytime she covers someone else's song. I'm glad she's finally finding her own style and holding back on the shouting. I have no doubt her similarity to Mariah's style at the beginning was a deliberate marketing move. Clearly it backfired with most lambs. But since then she's really trying to distance her sound from Mariah's. For one thing, whistles are noticeably absent from her second album even though we all know she can go there. I think Mariah wishing her good luck was more an advice to find her own voice rather than shading her. I still like Ariana. The music industry needs more singers who can sing. To get back to your point, I agree with you that she probably fangirls everytime M releases new material. She's obviously a lamb at heart.
(Friday 25 March 2016; 14:03)
Re: O2 (60,793) (60,798) by Musti from UK
Will, Emotions was the best moment of the night for me. She absolutely floored me. She was having so much fun with that one. I recorded it on my phone and have been listening to it all day. My friends came out talking about When You Believe, My All and Against All Odds, but Emotions was my favourite. I wish I could go back, press replay and do the whole thing all over again. Enwar, she did sing a single line from Fourth Of July which almost brought me to tears as it's my favourite from Butterfly and she also said that she will do a concert of obscure songs one day just for the lambily. She has said that before. This time I hope she meant it. Wherever in the world she decides to do that, I'll be in the front row.
(Friday 25 March 2016; 1:16)
O2 Arena (60,772) by Musti from UK
There really aren't any words that can describe the miracle that Mariah is. With 43 years of singing behind her (26 years of it professionally), how can someone still possess her stamina and her clear youthful tone? The woman is a freak of nature. Obviously some parts of some songs were lipped, as any true lamb would tell the difference. But the lipped parts weren't even necessarily the climaxes. I always knew it but I get it even more now. Her voice is too precious to be wasted on 100% live tours and concerts. So before the haters come on here trying to rip her apart, find yourselves a little rat hole and move into it. Who sings completely live these days anyway, let alone a legend like M? The O2 arena was pretty much full house last night. Considering that she is not even liked in this country, it was all the more exciting to see people on their feet singing along to almost every song. This tour is doing exactly what it was intended to do - to win over people's hearts and to remind everyone how an unmistakable part Mariah's music is to the soundtrack of our lives. Even my friends who make fun of her all the time came out satisfied. My only problem was with the merchandise, all of which was very camp. But that didn't stop me from getting my glittering MC hat. Mariah, you have made your lambie super proud. I love you eternally.
(Thursday 24 March 2016; 3:06)
Not so Stella(r) (60,746) by Musti from UK
I am getting highly irritated by Stella and her family. It's hard to believe that Mariah is not aware of their hunger for fame and for exposure. Stella's make-up moments, her audacity to have her name mentioned at every turn and her entire family constantly getting a share of Mariah's spotlight - blasphemy (exclamation). Someone needs to call up Mariah pronto. Otherwise I'm gonna have to start a petition or something. Get rid of them Mariah please. There are many qualified professionals out there who would kill for an opportunity to manage you and who would actually do what they are supposed to do. I am not against the docu-series. I think it could bring Mariah to a much wider audience and possibly make her a household name like she was in the 90s. But only if done correctly. I am completely sick (in capitals) of seeing the Bulochnikovs in Mariah photos and I swear to God I am so tempted to hunt them down and ship them off to the bottom of the ocean. This whole thing just stinks. If they mess up the docu-series, try to steal Mariah's spotlight or ruin her reputation in any way, they better disappear from the face of the earth, or else.
(Tuesday 22 March 2016; 22:15)
Re: Touring (60,447) (60,452) by Musti from UK
I'm looking forward to hearing the setlist. It would be amazing if she sings Open Arms for instance, which went to #4 in the UK.
(Tuesday 15 March 2016; 22:11)
Re: Alison and Morgan (60,446) (60,448) by Musti from UK
May, I'm really touched by your story. As sad as it is, it is also a prime example of how addicts have a tendency to misuse the money they are provided with. As Jenny has said, none of us know the actions Mariah has or has not taken in relation to Alison. For all we know, she is already the one paying for the hospital fees that Alison is staying at. Last year when Alison resurfaced saying she is being kept at a mental institution against her will, I didn't think there is anything surprising about that. There are hardly any such patients who want to be kept at these institutions, despite blatantly being in need of treatment. I am particularly disappointed with Morgan for selling out her family for cash. I don't understand how it is that everyone was hating Damizza when he did exactly the same last year with the "I slept with Mariah" crap, yet when Morgan does it he is automatically truthful and accurate, and Mariah becomes despicable. He ought to be ashamed of himself for doing this. In any case, it is none of our business and we should all stay out of it. I trust Mariah to have the wisdom to do the right thing when it comes to her family.
(Tuesday 15 March 2016; 17:27)
Re: New and fresh era (60,401) (60,402) by Musti from UK
Absolutely. These steps are necessary if she wants to gain new fans and also put to rest all doubts that she can no longer be relevant. Look I don't mind if she wants to become the modern-day Barbra Streisand and record the same thing with different lyrics over and over again. I'd still buy it in multiple copies and still print L4L on my forehead. No one judges Babra for doing exactly that and, to be frank, Mariah has already reached that legendary status where she can do the same. Perhaps her only disadvantage at this stage is having to fix her tarnished reputation so she can ensure future sales, like Barbra. It's ridiculous how Barbra can still score #1 albums by simply recycling herself. But I'd also love it if Mariah were to top the charts again, multiple times. The public has come to know Mariah for breaking records and anything less than achieving the absolute best result seems to work to her disadvantage. It's unfair. I really hope we have a well-planned comeback in the works. It's time.
(Sunday 13 March 2016; 14:37)
Stella (60,366) by Musti from UK
Wow I am absolutely shocked. This is absolute trash talk. I am grateful to her for everything she has done so far to rebuild Mariah's image and totally understand her need to constantly pop up in Mariah's pics to make sure everyone knows she is the one reviving Mariah's career. But these comments and the multiple f bombs? So unnecessary. Stella no one will ever want to get into your good graces (who cares about your good or bad graces) if you talk like this, let alone hire you as their manager. Fix this big muck-up right now. You have no right to make this about yourself and ruin Mariah's chance at having a comeback. How embarrassing. Oh and if the reference to "squad" means your moment to get more picture and screen time, no thanks. Stay behind the cameras where you really belong and do your freaking job properly.
(Friday 11 March 2016; 16:58)
Andrew's post (60,303) by Musti from UK
I think Andrew raises some very valid points. The black culture issue might be right to some extent. Sampling and featuring Cam'ron on Boy (I Need You) so soon after the original wasn't the smartest move but it did cement her deeper in the hip hop culture, which is what she wanted. It wasn't original at all but she really wanted that street credibility. That's when the nickname Hoodriah started circulating. Anyone remember the single cover and the Street Remix? I love the Street Remix by the way. I'd say since then she has simply been doing what she likes, no desperation whatsoever. She is far from her Charmbracelet days when she had just done Glitter and she needed shelter from a community that was willing to embrace her, more than the white crowd at the time. She has been doing R&B since day 1, it's nothing new (let's not forget Prisoner please). I think she feels more comfortable with rappers in general as they all worship her. It's not like collaborating with female singers where there will always be that temptation to oversing and outdo her. Which is also why I think a duet with Beyonce would work so well because, like Mariah, she knows how to respect those that have come before her. Heartbreaker Remix is my favourite Mariah uptempo and the song wouldn't be the same without Da Brat and Missy's parts. Rappers do not downgrade her music. It's the quality of the music she's been producing that's the problem. Of course it's beautiful music, but it's also repetitive. She can do so much better. And she must, if she wants to remain relevant. I'd still eat up whatever she does though. And for God's sake Andrew, clearly vocabulary is not your issue so please be more selective with your words. You can sound so annoying sometimes that it's hard to take you seriously even when you have something valid to say.
(Wednesday 9 March 2016; 14:10)
Re: Only one MC song (60,249) (60,275) by Musti from UK
I hope I never (in capitals) have to find myself limited to one Mariah song for the rest of my life. It is very hard because different songs hold different meanings. I will always go back to "Fly Like A Bird". But I also can't deny the power of "I Am Free".
(Tuesday 8 March 2016; 22:23)
Re: Some thoughts (60,235) (60,238) by Musti from UK
I agree Mimi. It could have been a much better song. Something she's best known for, a big ballad or a classic hip hop collab as you stated in your previous post. Infinity does have the Vegas feel but many other types of compositions could have had that grandeur you would expect from a Vegas stage song. I still like the song even though I haven't listened to it since last summer. It's forgettable other than the violin and the ooh aahs. Having said that I don't think any song she would've released at that stage would have been successful. At that point in time people weren't even sure if she could pull off a whole night of singing, following Rockefeller and the less than impressive start of The Elusive Chanteuse Show. With MIAM's low sales and quickly disappearing singles, she was the joke of town once again. All in all, everything done since MIAM seems to have worked in her favour. I have a feeling LA Reid simply wanted to indicate that, if her next album doesn't become a hit, she will be turned into a legacy artist from there onwards. Not that her next album will be a jazz album. Stakes are high for her project. I hope she comes back with a hit. She's still got it in her.
(Monday 7 March 2016; 13:26)
Some thoughts (60,228) by Musti from UK
Infinity isn't her best song but I agree that it is catchy and has a positive vibe. It's the kind of message she needed to emote at the time (divorce and all) and, moreover, it was written for Vegas. I know, waste of a single but nevermind. I am confident that all this is simply image repair and a build-up to her next album. There's been a lot of criticism towards Stella on this board. I don't know her level of involvement in Mariah's projects but I think she's done a pretty good job in helping Mariah rebuild her reputation. Certainly better than Cindi and her lousy efforts prior to getting herself fired. As Mimi L has pointed out before Stella does not have much of a musical background, but she might not even be on board by the time Mariah releases her next album. Mariah does need someone with more experience and connections if she is ever to have a hit single/album again. All this talk of LA Reid turning Mariah into a legacy artist is making me very uncomfortable and I truly hope that is not his intention. MIAM was an introspective album (despite having a couple of songs with hit potential) and by no means should be taken as her creativity going dry. Meghan Trainor might be Epic's star (is she really one at all?) but neither her nor any other act on that label has Mariah's element of surprise. She knows the formula better than anyone else. She could easily become Epic's front runner. I think her next album will determine her future status on Epic. Make or break.
(Monday 7 March 2016; 2:23)
Re: I want books by Mariah (60,183) (60,187) by Musti from UK
Why would it be shitty? Mariah has a whole lot more to say about the industry than pretty much anyone who has ever written a tell-all. It would not just be about her feuds or rivalries, nor would it just be about her career. Think outside the box. She said it herself that a lot of things happened to her when she was 12 (which is why she is eternally 12) and that she might write about it one day. Plus everytime she is asked a "sensitive" question in an interview, you can tell she wants to speak her mind but instead holds back (most recently, sexism in the music industry). Her real life (particularly her youth) and what has really been going on behind the scenes all these years is miles from what is written on her Wikipedia page. I want to know more. What we all do most of the time is merely speculate as she is very private and hardly reveals anything. So yes, I would like to have a comprehensive collection of her most important moments, coming from the woman herself.
(Friday 4 March 2016; 22:36)
Re: I want books by Mariah (60,167) (60,175) by Musti from UK
Me too. I really want a tell-all book. But I reckon we won't be getting that until after she retires, so that she doesn't upset anyone in the industry while her career is still ongoing.
(Friday 4 March 2016; 13:47)
Sam Smith / Disclosure (60,150) by Musti from UK
I'm not a fan of Sam Smith. I don't have anything against the man but his tone just doesn't cut it for me, especially his falsetto. But I'd much rather see him succeed than someone who tops the charts but cannot sing to save their lives. I like him on Latched though. I really like Disclosure's first album, period. White Noise, Latch, When A Fire Starts To Burn, January are amazing tracks. Haven't had the chance to check out their new album but I'm sure it's great. I'd love to see Mariah work with them. They could really bring a fresh perspective to her sound.
(Thursday 3 March 2016; 13:55)
Re: Gotta say it (60,129) (60,130) by Musti from UK
I completely agree. I was very put off by the "it was a long performance" comment too. The performance itself had lasted about 4 and a half minutes. That is not long. The fact that she made that comment shows she still has beef with Mariah. For her to have the cheek to talk like that despite everything, unbelievable. Also Nikki, you absolutely nailed it. JLo is an attention seeker and she does bring up Mariah when she is not getting any. I only really watched Idol season 12. I had no idea she acted like Mariah was mean to her. It boils my blood grrr.
(Wednesday 2 March 2016; 12:59)
Re: JLo talks about Mariah (60,118) (60,120) by Musti from UK
Further to my post below, here's an article that says Ja Rule was contacted by Tommy after recording If We, to do something similar with JLo on I'm Real. I know Mariah's motto is "we love everybody", but I don't, and I certainly don't love JLo. Maybe Tommy was the mastermind behind Glitter's destruction but no doubt JLo was only happy to oblige to make way for her own success. As Billy pointed out, Glitter was a very tough era for Mariah and for the lambily. I'm definitely one of those lambs who will never forget the hardship and the undue humiliation we all went through at the time. For that reason I will never forgive JLo. I hope she never goes to see Mariah in Vegas. She would not be welcome. I'm glad Mariah is able to talk about her today in the manner that she does. It only shows how strong a woman she is, considering what they put her through.
(Wednesday 2 March 2016; 2:38)


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