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About Musti from UK:

Re: Mariah "live" (98,557) (98,558) by Musti from UK
Thank you for sharing this. I'm stunned. This person truly understands not only her musicality but also her voice. The placement of the rasp is incredible. Lowering the key was very smart too, as this is what she probably would've done. Outside is a very special song for me. I remember buying Butterfly and having this song on repeat for months. It helped me a lot with coming to terms with being gay. It's strange but amazing to hear it with "fresh" vocals.
(Saturday 28 August 2021; 18:27)
Re: She who mustn't be named (97,273) (97,278) by Musti from UK
I didn't think anything could make me laugh out loud today. Thanks.
(Wednesday 3 February 2021; 08:57)
Re: OHOMO (95,654) (95,657) by Musti from UK
I understand this. I've been crying for 2 days listening to this song. The lyrics are mind-blowing combined with her vocals. But it's more than that. It feels like not seeing your mother or older sister for 20 years and all of a sudden she reappears sounding exactly like she did 20 years ago. This is partially why I'm brokenhearted. I miss the voice. And I miss how I related her glorious voice to my life story. It won't come back, and neither will those moments where I could've changed things. This song is such an unexpected freak. I'm sure the entire album will be. I'm kinda grateful she kept this from us. What a revival of my love for endless love for her. Thank you for providing me with 30 years of incredible music.
(Saturday 19 September 2020; 21:18)
Best cover? (95,646) by Musti from UK
No one covers an established song like Mariah. She's done some excellent covers throughout her career. Could OHOMO be her best? I'll Be There and Without You are iconic. I also love I Want to Know What Love is and The Beautiful Ones. But there's something different and special about OHOMO. It almost feels like a conversation. This song was truly made for her.
(Saturday 19 September 2020; 12:01)
Re: Mariah's insta story (95,604) (95,607) by Musti from UK
I feel the same. The song is from the 80s, M recorded it in 2000 and it fits perfectly with Billie's storyline.
(Friday 18 September 2020; 11:37)
Re: Out here loving this (95,605) (95,606) by Musti from UK
I'm in love with this song. Every listen leaves me brokenhearted, but I keep going back for more. The magic of that voice.
(Friday 18 September 2020; 11:35)
Define Mariah (95,420) by Musti from UK
With the upcoming book, I started to think about what the meaning of Mariah Carey is for me and the point in time when I understood what she represents. Besides her catalog, it was actually the infamous 2001 TRL appearance that made me realise Mariah is all about perseverance and having a set of values that one adheres to. I find it surprising that she's been shamed for that appearance all these years while its most important moment went unnoticed. At some point after taking off her t-shirt, Mariah said they could start a clothing line with it. When Carson said "That would be the girl's division", Mariah naturally responded "What's wrong with a guy wearing this? We love all types of people." Considering she was going through hell at the time, I was so proud of her for not letting that comment slip. Of course this moment was extra special for a young gay man who didn't see much outspoken support for people like me in those days. But more than that, it also showed me that if you have an understanding of right and wrong and you stick to your values, you will be alright.
(Sunday 6 September 2020; 17:55)
Re: Best written song 90-99 (95,337) (95,341) by Musti from UK
I'd say Butterfly. It's not my favourite Mariah number but that song does not have a single flaw. Everything about it is perfect.
(Wednesday 2 September 2020; 11:50)
Re: Article: Mariah after midnight (95,326) (95,339) by Musti from UK
I wouldn't mind some score settling at all. We love tea spillage and a lot of people will be buying the book solely for that reason. But the fact that she's not including Eminem in the book tells me she's not out for blood. However I could be wrong. I really do hope it won't be some ratchet memoir exposing everyone left right and centre. And I hope she doesn't reveal everything about her family. Just reading that part of the interview about her family made me super uncomfortable.
(Wednesday 2 September 2020; 09:30)
Re: Article: Mariah after midnight (95,324) (95,325) by Musti from UK
I would've liked her to keep the family stuff secret too, but to be fair both Alison and Morgan have come for her and she never really defended herself or Pat publicly. I can see why she would want to set the record straight. Overall I'm glad the book has a premise - things that made Mariah Carey. It wouldn't be on-brand for her to do a tell-all.
(Tuesday 1 September 2020; 11:26)
Re: Article: Mariah after midnight (95,311) (95,317) by Musti from UK
I like this interview, especially because Ms AD painted the backdrop perfectly with the little details. And I agree with you that the rags-to-riches story will always be interesting. The parts about her family were touching to say the least. How sad and complicated things must have become for her to refer to her siblings as exes. And I must say, despite having heard her life story in many different forms over the years, the memoirs just might be the ultimate interview we've all been waiting for.
(Monday 31 August 2020; 23:52)
Re: Save The Day (95,146) (95,151) by Musti from UK
STD. I wish I could unread this. The song itself is alright. The verses are dull but the chorus and bridge are hot. Smart of her to use Killing Me Softly as a sample. That song never gets old and it's the only reason I could get into STD after the beat dropped. I agree that she had plenty of time and inspiration to come up with something better. This song is just another midtempo that could've literally been on any album she's released since TEOM. To be completely honest, I haven't gone back to it since listening to it for the first time on Friday. I love her voice in all its shapes. But her songwriting style has become very repetitive and I find that more concerning than anything else. Caution did have some great numbers but with her abilities and experience she could be putting out much better material.
(Sunday 23 August 2020; 18:45)
Re: New book (94,671) (94,673) by Musti from UK
Well M did say she has his "little secret".
(Thursday 23 July 2020; 08:34)
Re: Mariah's memoir (94,517) (94,522) by Musti from UK
Ready for Memoiriah. From the way she's been wording the promo surrounding this book, it sounds like it's coming with lots revelations. Bring it on girl.
(Thursday 9 July 2020; 17:15)
Re: More Doja - Mariah fan remixes (94,073) (94,081) by Musti from UK
Yeah I'm not so sure about Doja at this point. Ever since I heard about her using the F word, I'm definitely over her. I don't know what kind of heterosexual entertainer in this day and age would be dumb enough to think using the F word makes them cool or is even in their place, but it surely turned me off all the way. Gay people aren't only practically half of of the music consumers today, but they are also the biggest source of inspiration when it comes to forming an entertainer's image. Doja was disrespectful, and her half-ass apology isn't enough to make amends. I'll believe her sincerity when I see more colour in her output. Really a shame, because I enjoyed her for so long. But I can't put money into the hands of someone who is so ignorant of the power that her current position holds.
(Tuesday 12 May 2020; 18:15)
Re: Loverboy Firecracker (94,064) (94,071) by Musti from UK
Thanks Stacey. I actually have that remix and many of Elijah's other remixes. When I first saw the post I assumed it was the Elijah remix and was surprised to see it's something else. Kelly, if you are reading this, please bring back your remixes, if only for the nostalgia.
(Tuesday 12 May 2020; 10:05)
Re: Loverboy Firecracker (94,044) (94,058) by Musti from UK
There was another Firecracker remix done by Elijah in the early 2000s. Sadly I can't seem to find it on YouTube. That was a really great remix. Does anyone remember Elijah's Mariah remixes? I wonder what happened to him. He was really good.
(Saturday 9 May 2020; 22:26)
Re: Ariana Grande butterfly tattoos (94,007) (94,019) by Musti from UK
"Barbra Streisand has an album called Butterfly from many years ago, way before Mariah, although she didn't go with the butterfly symbol after that like Mariah did."

I would've been surprised if Barbra got a tattoo of a fly on her body as that album is called ButterFly, literally a fly sitting on butter.
(Thursday 7 May 2020; 09:28)
Re: Ranked album covers/photography (93,991) (93,992) by Musti from UK
Everything Fades Away is one of her best songs from the entire 90s era. And I definitely admit even the schmaltzy MB songs are brilliant. I'll always be bitter about Without You not hitting #1. No torch song has ever been sung better.
(Tuesday 5 May 2020; 17:06)
Re: Ranked album covers/photography (93,981) (93,984) by Musti from UK
She does look pure and beautiful in that cover. But personally I've never been able to look at the Music Box cover as separate from the sound of the album itself. It's no surprise that this is her best-selling album as it's a sound she has perfected, but it's also the pinnacle of her schmaltz days which never really reflected her as an artist. Not only are most songs devoid of the R&B and hip hop sounds she loves, but the cover itself is probably the most whitewashed moment of her career. For this reason I've never been able to connect with the album or its artwork.
(Monday 4 May 2020; 23:11)
Re: Ranked album covers/photography (93,952) (93,971) by Musti from UK
1. #1's
2. Butterfly
3. E=MC2
4. Caution
5. Emotions
(Monday 4 May 2020; 13:54)
Re: Funeral (93,934) (93,946) by Musti from UK
Morbid overdose. But can't lie that I haven't thought about this before. Fly me like a bird please. I want to reach the heavens on a whistle note.
(Sunday 3 May 2020; 01:10)
Re: Scam? (93,802) (93,806) by Musti from UK
Yeah I don't get how this can be a scam. Streaming by fans is last decade's news. And I haven't heard of any collective effort to suddenly bring E=MC2 back to the top. Of course there's also the album's price tag. It would be interesting to know how this happened.
(Tuesday 28 April 2020; 08:34)
Happy anniversary (93,392) by Musti from UK
Wishing M a happy, healthy and successful year. And happy birthday to all other 327 babies. I was supposed to be in Italy this year but now I can't even go to Tesco to get candles. We will all get through this.
(Friday 27 March 2020; 11:46)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey fans aren't impressed with singer's vocals (93,378) (93,380) by Musti from UK
It's not the worst thing she's ever done. She sounds decent, I don't see the big deal. She does tend to get carried away sometimes though, like when she put us all to sleep while singing happy birthday to Sharon Osbourne.
(Thursday 26 March 2020; 13:45)


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