
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Connecting with the fans (61,110) by Marissa from USA
Tiina, I am sorry that you experience didn't go as planned. I understand why you treated this situation like an investment by getting a new outfit and your makeup done, because by the looks of all of the meet-and-greets we've seen on her TV specials, it does seem like you would have had a much fuller experience than a 7 second encounter. It's misleading. My question is that since she doesn't run her social media anymore, has very rushed meet-and-greets, and does an extremely low amount of interviews compared to other artists, where are these mythical moments where she actually does "connect with the fans?" Connecting with the fans was back when she was actively on Twitter, writing her own captions on Instagram, leaving voicemails on her website, or back in 2011 and 2012 where she would post a lot of candid videos to her YouTube page of her traveling around the world and her creating of Worldwide Lamb Day (or whatever it was called). Her being busy is not an excuse for her pulling back because she has always (caps) been busy. One might argue that Mariah's World is an opportunity to connect with the fans, but it still is a show that needs to pull in ratings, so there will have to be staged stunts and scenarios in order for it to look interesting, so the candor we were getting from those YouTube vids back in '11 and '12 probably won't happen. Now "the special connection I have with my lambs" just sounds like a regurgitated line that doesn't carry that much meaning and it's disappointing.
(Thursday 7 April 2016; 21:06)
Re: Pic (61,035) (61,043) by Marissa from USA
I don't think either one of the men in the picture meant to come across as sleazy or sexual. In fact it didn't even look like they could see her butt from that angle. It was just an inopportune photo, but nonetheless rather than something like this being a random paparazzi photo that would fade into the distance in a matter of days, it's on her own Instagram and is now associated with her brand.
(Tuesday 5 April 2016; 4:04)
Re: Pic (61,022) (61,032) by Marissa from USA
The only reason that there was so much backlash was because the picture seemed out of character and trashy. We've seen Mariah's backside and boobs countless times, but the picture seemed like some unanticipated snapshot that a creep took when she wasn't paying attention, not a deliberate or intentional sexy pic like what she usually releases. The fact that in the pic one guy was hugged up on her when she's engaged and another looked like he was having pornographic thoughts didn't help much either. Yeah, a lot of people have their ass in nearly every photo they take nowadays but a lot of people aren't the legendary Mariah Carey who's brand has been sexy, yet tasteful for the past 25 years. Sexy is one thing, tasteless and unnecessary stunt-pulling (which seems to be the Bulochnikov social media specialty) is another thing. Leave that to the people who actually need (caps) to do those things simply to have a career.
(Monday 4 April 2016; 22:21)
Re: MC new pic (60,988) (60,990) by Marissa from USA
That picture needs to go ASAP. This picture look for her ass to be the focus of the photo and a man (regardless of whether he's a dancer or whatever) hugged up on her when she's engaged. This is some Kardashian trash and I wouldn't be surprised if you-know-who was the one who took the photo. I actually think this is worse than the Valentine's Day Nick photo, even though that should have been kept private as well. Legends don't need to do this. Press delete. I'm ready to meet Stella outside at this point. If you run your client's Instagram, why would you let this happen?
(Saturday 2 April 2016; 22:43)
Re: Insta (60,966) (60,971) by Marissa from USA
Preach. I hope Stella's master plan of making her kid a star off of Mariah's back fails (and I think it will because most people were paying her dust on that sneaky post on Mariah's instagram and just focusing on MC's 2 milliseconds in the video). Let her mature and then decide if she wants life in the public eye permanently. At 12 we all think we want to be famous but once you grow up you are typically grateful that you're not.
(Friday 1 April 2016; 22:19)
Better belts than Hermes (60,925) by Marissa from USA
Listen to this effortless belting. My mouth literally dropped.
(Wednesday 30 March 2016; 1:23)
Re: Stella (60,888) (60,894) by Marissa from USA
I am certainly not denying the fact that Mariah's career has been on an upward trajectory since Stella has stepped in. Anyone can see that. But nonetheless she comes across as thirsty, ever-present and unprofessional. I don't think she's bad for Mariah's career in terms of underperforming on the job, but I think she is smothering Mariah and definitely trying to make her kid a star off of Mariah's back instead of just doing her job. As far as your speculation argument, as fans nearly everything we say is based on speculation. None of us know Stella or even Mariah personally. That doesn't mean that we aren't allowed to have an opinion until we miraculously get their numbers stored in our phones and start having weekly lunches together to catch up. They are both in the public eye, therefore they know that perception will be interpreted as reality. If Stella wasn't constantly inserting herself and her kids into nearly every pic of Mariah, cursing out journalists, insulting fans and having Mariah sign on for a reality show which she swore up and down that she wouldn't do since reality shows became a "thing", no one would be calling her out. As a reality TV producer, she knows that people will respond to the image that you project, therefore I don't feel bad or childish for having an opinion about it.
(Tuesday 29 March 2016; 1:38)
Stella takes her antics up a notch (60,885) by Marissa from USA
So step 27 of how Stella is setting her daughter up for fame on MC's coattails: now Stella retweets this video onto Mariah's page featuring her daughter for over 80% of the video. Now usually Stella keeps Mariah's page focused strictly on MC/dem babies with all of the behind the scenes stuff with Mishka and Sasha on her own page. Now all of a sudden it's creeping onto Mariah's page. Stella, [censored] I see you. And no, I'm not going to stop speaking on this issue because I need Stella to know that she isn't slick and we're onto her. Also, if Mariah ever (for once) puts her ear to the streets, she can see what's really going on because the fact that everyone in her life is on the payroll can blind her to doing what's best for herself and not what people are manipulating her into for their own agenda. What is going on with Stella and MC is beyond a client relationship and beyond a friendship. RaeRae and Mariah were best friends forever and never this codependent. Stella came in with her and her kids dominating from the jump and even has her family members work for MC. Mariah is around Stella and her children more than she is around her own children and fiance. (I am not saying this as a dig to Mariah's parenting. I'm saying this to demonstrate how omnipresent Stella is which is not at all normal or healthy.) A key manipulative tool is to smother a person with your presence and influence so they can't think critically or have any outside perspective. They can only see things from your perspective because you never go away so they can think. I think Mariah is vulnerable due to always having dysfunctional family relationships so she leans on her team as this pseudo sense of unconditional love, but the flip side is that her team can easily exploit her need for companionship for their own gain.
(Monday 28 March 2016; 22:45)
Happy anniversary and Easter (60,864) by Marissa from USA
Happy anniversary to MC. Mariah, I hope you have a wonderful day and I'm glad that this marks another year that you have been with us, adding positivity to our lives. Also, Happy Easter to all of the lambs in the land. Let's all get festive while simultaneously remembering the true meaning of today, Jesus the lamb (caps) of God.
(Sunday 27 March 2016; 21:45)
Re: Stella IG (60,837) (60,846) by Marissa from USA
I looked in the Instagram comments and Stella literally responded to someone's question of why MC and Mishka are always photographed together with "Because they are best friends." I am so done. Since this is so normal, I'm on a scavenger hunt looking for where photos of Stella and her 12 year old friends are. This woman is coming across as manipulative of trying to convince us that these traveling circus antics are normal, but lambs are seeing through the muddy waters. The tea is scalding hot.
(Sunday 27 March 2016; 8:57)
Re: Messy Stella (60,836) (60,845) by Marissa from USA
You hit the nail on the head as usual. It does not feel authentic to keep shamelessly promoting a 46 year old and a 12 year old together like they're best friends on a level intellectual playing field. Stella definitely has an agenda. Even on Stella's own Instagram lately there's been a strong bias towards Mishka. She went from being on there a modest amount to almost every picture featuring her. And if she was just a girl who happened to be innocently in Mariah's life why is she in a full face of makeup in nearly every photo now? I hate to keep commenting on this issue but it is so blatantly obvious what Stella is trying to do here that I can't let it go. In Stella's eyes the main objective of this reality show is to make her daughter a star, all off of Mariah's coattails. If there was no agenda, they would essentially be seen and not heard on the show (not getting their own confessionals), especially since they have no formal title or role in Mariah's career. They're just kids so them being pushed to get any major spotlight is suspect.
(Sunday 27 March 2016; 8:43)
Cancellation of Belgium show (60,810) by Marissa from USA
I support the cancellation of this show. I do feel bad for the Belgian fans but we have to weigh the pros and cons here. I don't think a concert is worth putting so many people's lives at risk for. Thousands of people and an American international superstar all tightly packed in one location would be the perfect target for an attack and for extremists to make a statement. I'd rather everyone be alive and safe then people get hurt or killed to prove a point of not being intimidated by the recent tragedies. Sometimes it's better to give in than to be dead right.
(Friday 25 March 2016; 23:30)
Re: Another rant (60,735) (60,744) by Marissa from USA
I really don't want to hate on a child but I think the older one gets on my nerves because by the looks of the pictures I see of her, she acts way too grown. I think I saw a picture Stella posted not too long ago where she called her a tween, so the girl is literally 12 dressed and living the life of an 18 year old. The Drew Barrymore life in the fast lane at a young age vibe that I'm getting from her is not good. I hate when parents don't let a kid be a kid. As much as I instinctively want to judge the girl, she is only 12 and has another 13 years until her brain is fully developed, so any stunts or bullshit I'm going to have to blame on Stella. I actually think the little one is adorable. She seems to look and act like the child that she is. One thing that I like about Mariah's parenting is that she keeps her kids in a child's place. Despite what people might have expected from a diva like Mariah Carey, her kids aren't dressed tuxedos and mini stilettos but they look like how any child would look. Since Mariah felt like she was exposed to too much as a child and clearly wouldn't want the same for her kids, I wonder how she reconciles having Stella cussing around her kids and her daughter acting way too grown.
(Tuesday 22 March 2016; 21:27)
Stuck in the 90s (60,649) by Marissa from USA
What is the point of the call for everyone to get somber and serious all of a sudden? The artist that we like is a fun person. I am convinced that the people who are constantly hung up on the 90s really aren't fans of Mariah's authentic self. She has said countless times that who she presented herself to be from 90-95 was her being fake because she felt she didn't have the freedom to be herself in her career and marriage. So essentially you fell in love with an act. The somber, bleak, demure, constant ballad-singing image that people are stuck on was crafted and is not who she is. So when you want everything to go back to how it was in the 90s, you're asking her to go back to an image that was never real. Buzzwords, R&B, Hip-Hop, fabulosity, evening gowns, etc. is the real Mariah. If you like long black dresses, powerful singing, no other side projects, ballads and no buzzwords then Adele sounds like an artist more suited for you. And I'm being dead serious. Mariah isn't that girl. Of course little things MC does might annoy us (for example, I'm over "dahling"), but if no matter how many improvements she makes and success she gets you still feel like she needs a complete career overhaul then you're not a fan of the real her. I'm not saying this to intimidate anyone or be cliquish, I'm just trying to make people see that sometimes you're beating a dead horse and would be happier finding another artist who isn't constantly going in a direction that you dislike or disagree with.
(Sunday 20 March 2016; 8:25)
A lamb-based set list (60,506) by Marissa from USA
It's important to note that everyone who attends Mariah's concerts are not lambs, so it is important for her to perform her most popular songs that any lay-listener would know. Of course her constant performances of Hero and Vision Of Love bore me when I know that there are so many other great songs in her collection, but everyone in the audience isn't like us where we can name at least 90% of her catalog off of the top of our heads. So her catering strictly to lambs and performing practically an entire set list of obscure songs is not going to work. You're not going to catch her entire audience being able to sing along to Subtle Invitation, I Am Free or Babydoll. Ultimately I think she gave a reasonable amount of gems for the lambs while still being true to the "Mariah Carey" concert experience which inevitably features Emotions, WBT, IBT (I am so damn sick of this song. Actually, I don't know if I'm tired of the song or just tired of her bringing Trey out like he's some surprise celebrity guest when he goes every single place on earth that she does. But I'm being petty. ) and Hero. Maybe she could have added one more song, but whatever. I just hope that the next tour or country (or however that's gonna work) she switches out the obscure songs to let other album cuts shine rather than her becoming a creature of habit and thinking "when I want to surprise my lambs I'll always perform Loverboy from now on".
(Thursday 17 March 2016; 6:02)
Mariah is feeling herself (60,474) by Marissa from USA
Yes (screaming from the top of my lungs). Mariah is looking so hot. From the videos I'm seeing, she is bringing a level of confidence to these performances that I don't think I've ever seen from her. That short glitter era Farrah Fawcett flip wig almost snatched the soul out of my body. I never thought I'd see the day where she'd change up her hair even if it was a wig. I love it. The silver Swarovski crystal leotard is life. Her voice is on fleek. I'm so proud of her and wish I was in Glasgow witnessing this greatness live.
(Wednesday 16 March 2016; 3:13)
Disgusted by Morgan's antics (60,413) by Marissa from USA
I am disgusted by Morgan's smear campaign against his own sister. First the "she's an out of control drunk" accusations during the period when her image and career was rising from the ashes, now she's some horrible person that doesn't give a shit about her family? Mariah's a witch, but Morgan's just gonna leave out the fact that Mariah has ensured that Alison's son has had a normal and prosperous life in comparison to the life he would have had with his mom? That's the ultimate good deed that you can do: taking care of someone's child when the parent is in a bad place. Not to mention that Mariah's helped Alison numerous times and those were usually life or death situations as well. He's using Alison as a pawn in his campaign to ruin Mariah's image. He doesn't care about her. And if he truly wants to help Alison, talking shit in the news about your richest family member is the dumbest move you can make. Any glimmer of hope that he had that Mariah would step in has been sabotaged by his big mouth. Does anyone understand the concept of loyalty? As many opportunities that journalists have provided for Mariah to talk trash about her siblings, she declined every single time. If he really does have beef with Mariah, fight fair. Don't take it to the press when she's never done that to you. (Fun fact: Isn't it strange that Mariah would always say that Morgan hates when she talks about him publicly, but now he can't shut the hell up himself?).
(Monday 14 March 2016; 2:56)
A classless response (60,369) by Marissa from USA
The way Stella handled this, you would think she just got in this industry a couple of weeks ago. But then again with a background in reality TV she has probably rarely been in situations that require as much class as being Mariah Carey's manager. But nonetheless she better learn how to be more tactful. Mariah's brand is not choosing to curse people out as a clapback. It's ignoring. Period. I don't want Mariah to lose out on good career opportunities due to her manager having a reputation for being a hard-ass. If she reacts like this to some petty magazine article then how would she respond if Mariah had to give her constructive criticism or fire her? Mariah, "you in danger, girl".
(Friday 11 March 2016; 17:51)
Re: Sexist (60,349) (60,351) by Marissa from USA
I'm definitely not team Stella, but it is sexist to basically say that since Stella (one female) loves attention that MC should just give up on the entire gender when considering a manager and hire a man as if every guy is hardwired to hate attention and the limelight. Stella's stunts have to do with her personality, not her having 2 X chromosomes.
(Friday 11 March 2016; 0:47)
Re: Mariah's Squad (60,337) (60,342) by Marissa from USA
Child we might as well face it. Those weren't pretend confessionals. Get mentally prepared for the traveling circus to be on your TV screen. I'm traumatized enough by that Instagram video when the oldest girl was screaming like a wild banshee is the background while Mariah was trying to talk. I am not here for this.
(Thursday 10 March 2016; 22:23)
Re: Stella (60,338) (60,341) by Marissa from USA
Stella being a female manager is not the issue at all. Being obsessed with the limelight is an issue that a male manager could have just as bad. The problem is that Stella loves the spotlight and is constantly showing off Mariah's lifestyle like it's her own.
(Thursday 10 March 2016; 22:17)
Mariah's Squad (60,335) by Marissa from USA
The name is corny af. We don't give a damn about "Mariah's Squad". We just want Mariah. The title alone screams that this is gonna be the Stella and her kids' show, featuring Mariah. Hopefully for MC this show doesn't end up being what "Being Bobby Brown" was for Whitney.
(Thursday 10 March 2016; 18:05)
Re: The future (60,278) (60,283) by Marissa from USA
I was agreeing with you up until the "she has a desperate need for recognition within black culture". I don't think Mariah collaborating with rappers or doing mainly R&B has anything to do with a desperate need for recognition from black people. It has to do with the fact that those are the genres that she prefers. Also is doing pop and ballads (which she has made very obvious that she prefers not to do that much) out of a desperate need for recognition by white people any better? One thing that I have noticed about you is that every time Mariah and rap are brought up your criticism of it seem to be racially charged. You're quick to paint rap or hip-hop as some depraved art form that Mariah is too pure and white to affiliate herself with. You seem to be forgetting that Mariah is part black. I don't know what it's like over in the UK but here in America if you are mixed it is usually at least somewhat easier to be accepted by black people than it is by white people (the one drop rule), so maybe she feels more welcomed by that part of her heritage and thus goes with it.
(Wednesday 9 March 2016; 1:51)
What is the logic behind it? (60,244) by Marissa from USA
I really don't believe that Mariah goes into the studio trying to make a hit anymore. It almost seems like she makes trash singles just because she knows she can get away with it and still be considered a legend. Triumphant, Infinity, You're Mine, Why You Mad? Come on now. How can you listen to your own work like One Sweet Day or Emotions and turn on Infinity right after and believe that it is worthy of being in your catalog? I'm gonna need her to stop treating her new music like a practical joke because she wouldn't be laughing if someone passed her up and stole that 18 #1's talking point from her. Let's get serious.
(Monday 7 March 2016; 20:55)
Article: Mariah Carey flaunts 45 pound weight loss (60,138) by Marissa from USA
45 pounds? I never realized there was that much weight to lose to begin with. She looks wonderful now. I know she wants to have a private wedding but I hope she shares some wedding pics with us whether via Instagram or a magazine. I need to see how snatched she will look in her dress.
(Thursday 3 March 2016; 0:04)


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