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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

Re: Article: The 9 merriest moments from Mariah's Christmas show (58,307) (58,315) by May from Denmark
Well, I didn't say she didn't use pre-recorded the entire night, I was specifically talking about O Holy Night. The song where is very obvious that she used pre recorded because it's exactly the same one as in 2014 is WBT. That ending has been the same since a couple of years, maybe she could record one with her actual voice.
(Thursday 10 December 2015; 0:56)
Let's focus on the present (58,304) by May from Denmark
It warmed my heart when I listened to Oh Holy Night. There is no lip synch as it has already been claimed by some around in other places. It's purely 100% live and easy to notice if you compare it with her previous show in the 2014. In that year her voice was at a better point, better than it's been in years, yet still she struggled with some raspy notes and the belted "divine" by the end of the song was cut short to add some other notes, still she did great. I thought that couldn't have been beaten this year, but after watching her current performance I am amazed. She still has some little issues with her "baby breath voice" but her high pitches are all coming back, her voice is sounding powerful. Her belts were much better than the 2014 live version. I will post the links to both videos, this is the 2014 version slightly longer because the instrumental part and the 2015. Mariah is full blown back. She is sounding amazing, better every time. I wouldn't be surprise if there's a big second comeback. Let's focus on the present, the present is looking the best it looked in years, Mariah seems to be in a happy state, she is in a relationship that seems fitted right now, her kids are big enough to go to school and her having more time to be dedicated to her music again (all those who have children know what a hard work it is to juggle everything even when you have help), she looks like wanting to be physically fit again which will help a lot with the breathing and on-stage stamina. She is so busy and she does look tired yet she still shines an incredibly light. I think the whole management changes and team have also done great for her psyche. I can only wish for this to be her year, so far it is all going the right direction.
(Wednesday 9 December 2015; 19:30)
Re: Christmastime Is In The Air Again (58,237) (58,254) by May from Denmark
What a beautiful performance. She looked like the epitome of glamour. I've watched a couple of old videos of her and some more recent and now at days Mariah is pure glam, she is looking like those big Hollywood stars from the 1930s in all their light, there's an evident evolution. I know a lot of people dislike her mermaid dresses but I just love them, she wears them with lot of grace. That video shows that Mariah is made of diamonds.
(Monday 7 December 2015; 12:57)
Re: Rockefeller (58,202) (58,207) by May from Denmark
I remember my former boss in my early 20s scolding me one time when I arrived late for work, I told her I lived very far (an hour travelling in bus, I didn't have a car back then), she told me "then, you get up even earlier and take an earlier bus, this way if the bus arrived late you will always be on time", granted it wasn't fun getting up at 5 am and then having to get up even earlier haha but my boss was a self made business woman with a big company, professionalism exhuded from her pores. With celebrities one doesn't like the late justifications neither, one thinks they have private jets, personal bus, chauffeurs, people who can deal with their business issues most times, so what are the excuses, people tend to end up thinking vain things such as "was her make up, was the broken nail" etc. Mariah is very professional when it comes to working on her music and delivering the best she can on stage, but is also known for arriving late even to private interviews. I remember reading somewhere that the reason for her lateness was a meeting she was having with attorneys and dealing with her divorce, trying to set property deals and such, but I'm not sure if that was official. There was an apology and Mariah wanted to perform at least for the fans who waited but she still was rejected by NBC. While I personally think it was an ok justification for arriving late, I think the way it was handled was all wrong. I don't know if NBC was being informed of Mariah being busy and reporting this to those waiting for the show, but clearly everything could have been dealt in privacy, leaking the vocals just like that was a horrible move by whoever did it, and though she wasn't at her best it didn't sound terribly bad with the music. Mariah was going through a horrible time those days, I couldn't blame her for anything, still recall her crying when singing Hero after all the ordeal. Wouldn't blame her if she doesn't want to perform, while I feel it was unprofessional the way her team dealt it (should have appointed the meeting for another day at least) I also think NBC did very poorly.
(Saturday 5 December 2015; 0:56)
Re: Article: How much is Mariah Carey really worth? (57,794) (57,806) by May from Denmark
I fail to see why Latinos should refrain when Brazil has one of Mariah's biggest pools of loyal fans. But here is the reality since you asked and since I'm latina, Latinamerican press and media doesn't care about Mariah Carey in general, and it never did. The only time she appeared in a bunch of magazines and tv was the time she dated Luis Miguel. If she ever appeared in articles they were those in tiny corners, with a small image and maybe one paragraph of text promoting one of her songs or a romance. The only other time she appeared in a spread in a magazine like "Hola" was when she had her nervous breakdown, and even in the tv it wouldn't appear much of it, because while lot of people admired her singing style and loved her ballads, she was not ever dominant in the media compared to other artists, not even in her peak times. It was not rare to say to someone "My favorite artist is Mariah Carey" and them having answering "Who?" MTV Latinamerica only showed her few videos and for a short period of time, like Fantasy, Without You and Heartbreaker. Only with the appearance of VH1 in the cable some time in the 2000s Mariah videos that were not usually known started to appear, I used to be hooked to that channel, it was the only one that showed videos like Boy and Say Something. Do the Latinamerica press get things wrong about Mariah? Yes, because they only pick up few things that comes from other gossip sites from America, which are not very positive to start with. To finish, I must add that the magazine "Latina" where this article comes from, is not even really "Latino" per se, it's an American magazine directed to Latinamericans living in America, hardly any of their articles contain much about Latinos living in Latinamerica, most are about artists living in the US, and many who are not even Latinos. I don't even know who consumes that kind of garbage magazines to start with, I know I don't, I never been fond to those "femina" magazines. Those magazines are cray cray. Overall when they publish Gwyneth Paltrow ridiculous methods of beauty.
(Saturday 14 November 2015; 17:47)
Re: Love story (57,780) (57,784) by May from Denmark
I believe there is passion between MC and Packer, just not as public as it was with Nick. I felt that with Nick she had to act a lot because he was younger, maybe insecurities? I don't want to assume anything regarding that, apart from that it is the past. I have to add that I can't forget that picture where Mariah is shoving her booboos in Packer's face on the yacht while laying down on top of him, and obviously the guy was in heaven hahaha, so really we can't say there's no passion. If anyhing, I think she learnt from the situation and prefers to lay low and keep whatever happens in the relationship between them this time, and not so publicly, Nick loved the camera, Packer doesn't.
(Friday 13 November 2015; 14:38)
Re: Reusing old pictures for new promos (57,771) (57,773) by May from Denmark
But she is doing new photo promos, for example the ones for the upcoming Christmas movie. There are already like 3-4 different available pictures. She actually seems to have lost some weight. For the "Game of War" she also did some promo pictures and even some "behind the set" professional ones where she appears in the armor posing with the staff and other actors, I think only one is available from that set.
(Thursday 12 November 2015; 21:58)
Re: Article: A little girl dreams of getting a puppy (57,763) (57,768) by May from Denmark
It's beautiful the book. I already pre-ordered it from Amazon UK. Hopefully it will arrive in time, last year I ordered stuff that arrived like in late January because of a snow storm.
(Thursday 12 November 2015; 13:08)
Re: Oh the insanity (57,739) (57,767) by May from Denmark
I agree and disagree with you Andrew. You hit the spot when you say people were excited for Adele to come back, apart from that, she went away with a hit that lasted quite a while. But Mariah songwriting skills are still there, MIAM proves it, I just think she should put down the overproduction of some of her songs and go back to more basic backgrounds. I believe the single choices as of late have been the wrong ones, Beautiful did great but after that I question the selection.
(Thursday 12 November 2015; 13:07)
Re: But for what though? (57,753) (57,765) by May from Denmark
Quoting "While she does need younger fans, the likelihood of her getting them is quite slim," it's sort of true. It's like she has to make a decision where she wants to go, the past or the future. Finding a middle ground seems hard for her or she would have achieved that since Memoirs days. Reality is that young people have been very positive to songs like "Touch my body" and "Obsessed". Once I read some teens commenting on Mariah's music admitting that they found her "old stuff" very boring and her new things are awesome and she should make more music like that. It's almost the opposite of what many "since day one" fans think. I personally like Mariah experimenting and I don't mind jumping in her wagon of "let's try this and see how it goes" but I won't deny that songs like "Touch my body" or "Infinity" aren't my favorite, I think is fun to listen to, the lyrics are hilarious, maybe for a party or to joke around but I'm not one to sit and listen all on my own that type of song. I loved "Migrate" and is a shame it didn't go all out, it is one of the song that gets the best comments around YouTube from non fans. It's actually amazing that she has changed a fair amount through the years and had very different styles, is just that all her styles are around the honey colored hair, bronze make up and black clothes. I remember when Mariah came with that whole new look from Glitter, it felt like a breeze of fresh air, all the sexiness, the almost platinum hair, tiny shorts, stilettos constantly and all the splash of color that Rainbow anticipated with videos like "Boy, I need you". The Mariah from 1991 looks nothing like the Mariah today. But her current image has been the same since the Emancipation, at least it seems so to me. I wouldn't mind a change of hairstyle.
(Thursday 12 November 2015; 12:54)
Re: Paradox of the charts (57,643) (57,648) by May from Denmark
I've always felt Mariah's fame about her diva antics were mere constructions by the gossip media and while to some extent it was ok I think it blew up out of proportions. My life partner once commented to me "your idol can't sing anymore", err, he doesn't even listen to her and knows nothing about her music, except the bits he heard sometimes when I put her music on, so how will he even know? And that comment was one of the many headlines he sees on the net randomly when something not so good happens with Mariah, so he has been fed only negative stuff about her and jumps in the wagon. Not in a mean way, he just thinks he is "informing" me haha, he knows I love Mariah. Like my partner in life, there are many who believe the lies published. I also don't understand why she often gets bashed by the sexiness thing, as if other's didn't. Cher with her current age still wears see through stuff, barely covered with sequins on stage, and out of stage she still shows legs, wears mini skirts and frequently flashes her "tatas" with low cuts, don't mind them, they look great haha. The weight bashing hits all artists it seems, still recall how much they bashed Aguilera when she gained some weight but the more they talked the skimpier her outfits got haha, loved how she didn't care. Even Adele got the weight slap and she lost a considerable amount. I personally don't care if Mariah doesn't get another number one, of course I would love it because it would make her untouchable hehe but I much rather like if she had a big success again, a new big second come back. With something that could keep people talking for a long time. Maybe create another classic like "Make it happen". To me "Shake it off" should have been number 1. I see her creating something awesome like that again, not sure if for number 1 but definitely top 10 chart. I honestly would feel just happy with a come back. Right now I'm just enjoying her movie moves.
(Wednesday 4 November 2015; 23:44)
Re: Mariah and the Adele debate (57,634) (57,639) by May from Denmark
It's a good point regarding the late songs having something too over the top. Her music always had lots of layers, that's what makes Mariah, even layering herself as part of the chorus or creating a whole chorus just out of her voice. The difference is that before used to be subtle. The most subtle I can think of is the album Daydream, where most of her songs felt like just her voice flowing and simple music in the background, being dominated by a piano. Now at days her music has too much production, some of her songs feel like they are filled with stuff, bells, rings, electronic sounds, a male voice repeating a word or two in the background, lots of chorus here and there, effects, auto tunes, this, that. I think it would be wise to put some of the stuff out, not everything can fit in a song. I felt this particularly with "Supernatural", which itself is a beautiful songs, but somewhere along it was too much.
(Wednesday 4 November 2015; 11:52)
Re: ET Halloween interview (57,611) (57,615) by May from Denmark
It was obvious Mariah didn't want to talk "Nick" haha. I wished the interviewer asked her for Packer instead, I would have loved to see her face and what she had to answer. She seems really happy and carefree lately. Maybe he is her match but too early to tell.
(Tuesday 3 November 2015; 11:56)
Re: Witchy woman (57,605) (57,614) by May from Denmark
Ah, I loved her make up. In the close up pictures it looks amazing, her eyeshadow was like a mix of yellow/orange with purple. I loved that everything was sparkly. I thought she looked so beautiful and it is different, reminds me to the heavy make up she wore for "Shake it off". The strong make up didn't bother me because the whole outfit was black. The hair was to die for though. That was my favorite thing in the whole costume.
(Tuesday 3 November 2015; 11:55)
Re: Ariana Grande is better than Mariah Carey (57,601) (57,603) by May from Denmark
It was very funny, loved the "no no no" part. Just listened yesterday to Ariana's new song, terrible is not enough word to describe it and I won't even get into detail of what I think of her in the video as I want to respect the webmaster rules. Can we say to her "bye bye"? Lol.
(Monday 2 November 2015; 14:21)
Re: Adele's Hello and the 3-minute something songs (57,599) (57,602) by May from Denmark
You know Edward, I completely forgot about IWKWLI. I could never get into that song, I love the way she sang it but I don't know, I never felt the song, it is not her fault, the song itself, I never felt connected to it, I don't feel it had a huge impact (not even half perhaps) that "Without you" had. I heard it a couple of times but still does nothing for me, the videoclip was one of the worst in my list. I did like her rendition of George Michael but also think alike, she played it safe, still sounded beautiful. Most people seem to still prefer the original, some say her version wasn't good at all (I'm no George expert or anything, I love his voice, some of his songs but I'm not one to say his version is untouchable or hers is not good enough, can't really judge), I like both versions. Up to this day I still wonder about that Infinity remix, it felt so out of place haha, all that people mashed up in one remix and it didn't do any good to it, I did love her parts and one part Justin sang. I don't like Justin voice neither the way he sings, I wished it was just Mariah all the way in that remix. She needs to find a really good song to cover and give all of her in it again. The late ones seemed baked half and half.
(Monday 2 November 2015; 14:18)
Re: The Macau misrepresentation (57,584) (57,585) by May from Denmark
Post bits on Instagram, like some kind of "preview", then you can link them all to YouTube (don't know if Instagram is allowing links anymore).
(Saturday 31 October 2015; 14:29)
Checking the goods (57,583) by May from Denmark
Love this video haha. I don't know why it makes me giggle. Mariah making sure everything is in the right place.
(Saturday 31 October 2015; 0:00)
Macau was great (57,582) by May from Denmark
A while ago I managed to watch the videos and I'm very happy with the outcome. I think Mariah did great, it seemed obvious she was in control most of the times. Yes her runs are still not much there yet, but she found a way to make it sound good nonetheless just like in 2012. I really liked how she sounded on "Hero" and the mid to end of WBT. She did back off a couple of times but it all seemed well done. Andrew, I truly believe those whistles were live, don't know which video you watch, some have a terrible sound and more deep. The only hit and miss I notice was TMB, where she ran out of air (or didn't remember all the lyrics) in a part and then her voice breaking (getting incredibly raspy) by the end but still everything else sounded great. Her higher notes seem more light and thin, as if she is having a "girlie girl" sound right now but not in a bad way, her tone is still very pleasant and the negative thing I personally think there was with her performance, was that she didn't seem to use the stage that much, mostly stayed in one place for all the songs and the dresses were all black, the stage pretty much didn't have amazing lighting so she didn't stand out. I'm very glad with the state of her voice at the moment and how well she sounded.
(Friday 30 October 2015; 23:50)
Re: Oz and May (57,527) (57,581) by May from Denmark
I just got internet running again and I'm doing a bit of "back and catch up". Your post cracked me up. I know my post sounded tedious and boring lol I recognize I can be an utter pain sometimes. Love the last lines. Left me laughing quite a while, thanks for your humor.
(Friday 30 October 2015; 23:23)
Re: Hello (57,515) (57,522) by May from Denmark
I posted so many numbers that I think my message was lost in it haha. To see if I'm clear, box office numbers as a total might be deceiving many times, I've paid tickets for movies that have been all hype and ended up tanking, like really tanking, yet they have grossed a fair amount. You have to first look at the budget of the movie and then take a look at the public's reaction/reviews. "Oz" didn't match the expectations. That's what I meant. It was a box office hit indeed despite mixed reviews. "Flop" is an inaccurate term. I guess what Darren was trying to say is that the movie didn't make the expected impact as did, say, Frozen. Which is a pity since Almost Home is a great song.
(Monday 26 October 2015; 19:22)
Re: China (57,514) (57,521) by May from Denmark
Lee your last phrase me giggle, so true. I think she will have a good time as Packer will be there, or at least it is said so. I am so much hoping for someone to record the event. I'm really longing to listen to her again.
(Monday 26 October 2015; 19:17)
Re: Hello (57,515) (57,520) by May from Denmark
That's because it wasn't successful in regards to Disney expectations, reviews and critics. Disney caters to a wide variety of public, while movies like "The Butler" are on another category. The success also comes in the difference of budget and gain. "Oz" didn't do as expected for the US. It had a budget of about 215 million dollars, and only in the US it grossed by the end of year released about 230 million, the other half comes from the success the movie had in Asia. "Cinderella" which is the current Disney release, had a budget of 90-100 million, and in the US alone it has already made 200 million and worldwide 540 million, it has also been better rated by the public than Oz, which only half the people who went to see it liked it. Remember that because people pay tickets to see a movie doesn't mean they liked it. "The Butler" and "Precious" had a small budget, 30 million and 10 million respectively, the first one gained about 115 million just in the US and "Precious" which is not a movie for everyone taste not only did amazing with the critics and the public it sold really well for only being offered in a very few handful of countries, "Precious" only opened in about 4 countries theatres, a total of 50 million. "Oz" in the US wasn't really a "talked" movie I'm afraid, now "Frozen" was released the same year some months later, and now that was a blast, 150 million budget, 400 million gain in the US, and over a billion worldwide. That's all numbers and all but the thing is, that if it wasn't for the Asian market "Oz" would have probably been a Disney failure. They spent too much on the effects and they weren't even that amazing. I'm truly hoping Star Wars is going to be amazing, after the late disappointing episodes I really want it to be good, it can't get any worst. Haha. Btw, at home we are Disney-fanatics.
(Monday 26 October 2015; 18:55)
Re: Adele (57,497) (57,505) by May from Denmark
I'm with you on that. I do still hold my lit candle that Mariah could be successful again with a hit song but there's no doubt that Adele is still at her peak and that's the plus that helps her out for now, she is still "fresh". Like you said, I also like some of her music but at the end of the day, most sounds repetitive, her voice stays the same throughout, so I feel that apart from emotional lyrics and some sparingly vocal "momentum", I'm not being offered much else.
(Saturday 24 October 2015; 19:10)
Hello (57,504) by May from Denmark
Everyone praises how simple is "Hello" by Adele, the piano and her voice, slowly building. It's almost as if those who do know Mariah's last album forgot "Cry.". Just a piano, just her voice without overproduction and some light chorus. Maybe "Meteorite" and YDKWTD should have waited until "Cry." and "Faded" saw the light first. I believe these are things Mariah will take into consideration for her next album. It's not like she isn't trying new things, "Meteorite" is clearly a sign of that. That's also a reason why I wasn't impressed to the core with "Infinity", after some amazing music she delivered in her last album, listening to that last single felt like it wasn't match to the big things she gave us.
(Saturday 24 October 2015; 19:04)


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