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About Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada: Proud lamb since "Vision Of Love" 1990

Re: Article: Mariah Carey launches Butterfly MC Records (74,401) (74,412) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Shrug. I say let the material and the music speak for itself. If Mariah focuses on her artistry, lyrics, production quality, and integrity it doesn't matter what the sub label is called.
(Tuesday 11 April 2017; 18:52)
Re: Art of Letting Go (74,331) (74,352) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Lol Mimi, I don't think she meant that she was literally covered from head to toe at all times. She has a big personality we know she can exaggerate. I took it more like her image and what she was wearing was constantly and issue or a topic of much heated conversation/debate/scrutiny. Like knowing a certain type of outfit would be an issue. In order to avoid potential conflict, she wound up choosing to do things she really didn't want to, or wearing stuff that wouldn't have been her choice, to "keep the peace" and not "make waves". Inevitably, though when you stifle yourself in order to please people, there comes a breaking point where you can't do it anymore. Certainly not without building up some unresolved feelings around it. Notice I said choice. I don't think it's as simple as Tommy is a "bad guy" I think it's complicated with a lot of stuff going on. Mariah was very young at the time as well. People evolve.
(Monday 10 April 2017; 22:50)
Re: Art of Letting Go (74,279) (74,324) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
She makes it very clear during the amazing The Art Of Letting Go Jimmy Fallon live performance while adlibing talking about the Tommy period wearing clothes and doing stuff she hated.
(Monday 10 April 2017; 16:00)
Re: Mariah's World on dvd (74,167) (74,211) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I'd so love to have more of Mariah's concerts and performances released on DVD without the scripted drama elements of Mariah's World.
(Thursday 6 April 2017; 18:52)
Re: Last Daydream era performance (74,025) (74,043) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
One of the many reasons I love Mariah. These vocals are gorgeous. Open Arms has always been especially chilling to me, given how she says she felt at the time. Thanks for posting.
(Thursday 30 March 2017; 13:05)
Re: I Don't remix (73,960) (73,964) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Seems more like an alternate rap then a remix. It just doesn't feel inspired. I am looking forward to hearing the Busta song and ready to move on from I Don't.
(Sunday 26 March 2017; 18:57)
Re: Celine, Aretha, and all that stuff... (73,884) (73,907) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I can't even believe the Diva's Live thing gets talked about as much as it still does. Celine is an acting advisor on The Voice right now, whether you like her music or not, if you watch her interactions with people on there, you can see what a lovely, humble and genuine human being she is. That's not something you can fake.
(Friday 24 March 2017; 12:28)
Re: New All I Want For Christmas animated movie (73,832) (73,863) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
It could be really sweet and well done as long as there are measures to ensure strong quality. I can totally see kids loving it. Makes sense along with the children's book.
(Wednesday 22 March 2017; 19:01)
Re: Ed Sheeran Shape of You (73,851) (73,856) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
It's ok May. I personally love Ed and think he's incredibly gifted and talented. I love that he has such a wide range of influences, he writes, sings, produces and performs live. I love his stuff but not every artist is going to resonate with everyone, so I respect how you feel. I also appreciate so much that he has remained authentic, genuine and humble. He doesn't seem to ever be to caught up in what people think in that he says what is true for him in a take me or leave me kind of way. I think I still love the X album more than Divide. However I still love Divide at the same time. I think sometimes too, when an artist becomes really popular they can be everywhere so they can be overplayed too. Especially if you don't feel a pull to their stuff to begin with. Lol.
(Wednesday 22 March 2017; 16:34)
Re: Celine Dion vs Mariah Carey (73,703) (73,759) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
This is my biggest issue with "fandoms". I don't see the point in fighting and trying to prove why (insert artist name) is better than others. My take on it is there is room for everybody to do their thing without feeling threatened. There's no need to diminish Celine or her musical contributions to prove some kind of loyalty to Mariah. I adore Mariah, but don't understand the fan base competition stuff. You should never have to put others down, or diminish their success, to prove you are a fan. It"s ridiculous. If you love many artists at once, it doesn't mean there is less love and appreciation for Mariah. Would you go through life only eating one food? No. Lol. And chocolate ice cream doesn't call out a "bad fan" question your loyalty or try to prove chocolate is the better choice if cookies and cream is also in the bowl. Lol.
(Saturday 18 March 2017; 15:02)
Re: If you could (73,414) (73,423) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
No one should even cover Kiss. Sorry, but that's Prince's jam. Lol.
(Tuesday 7 March 2017; 14:43)
Re: Mariah and Busta (73,337) (73,343) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I am excited about this. Yes sometimes the rap collabs feel stale, but this one seems cool.
(Saturday 4 March 2017; 15:07)
Re: One More Try (73,088) (73,107) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Wow this is so lovely. There are a lot of tributes to George lately, maybe this is Mariah's?
(Friday 24 February 2017; 15:44)
Re: On a positive note (72,973) (72,993) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Cute Licia.
(Tuesday 21 February 2017; 14:05)
Re: How is it boring when she's always done this? (72,790) (72,793) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Lucia I wasn't saying you brought up the lipping thing. I was just using an example of what sometimes gets to me. I am sorry if it came off like I was only talking to you. I meant it more as a general comment not specific to you. You have a right to your thoughts as everyone does.
(Friday 17 February 2017; 16:44)
Re: How is it boring when she's always done this? (72,784) (72,787) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I think it's perfectly OK for people to be more engaged with some performances than others. To me it's the same thing as really loving specific songs or albums whereas some don't resonate or grab you as much. I freely admit that the constant debate over backing track and lipping feels grates me sometimes because I just want to enjoy the presentation of the music, not go picking through it with a fine tooth comb. She lips at times lol. There's nothing we can do about it. At least acknowledge live vocals even if there over top of a track, she's still singing.
(Friday 17 February 2017; 15:15)
Re: Vision of love, on JK (72,765) (72,774) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I thought VOL was very good. At least give her credit when it is due. I think sometimes there''s a tendency to have very unrealistic expectations. It's not 1990 anymore, come on. Even on my best day, I can't sing Vision Of Love the way she did on Kimmel. It is a lovely strong performance, she sang with simpler arraignments like many have been asking for.
(Friday 17 February 2017; 2:57)
Re: "Mariah's un-shadiest moment" (72,701) (72,754) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Thanks Billy this was a really nice compilation. I especially liked the back to back footage of Mariah and Aretha singing "Don't Play That Song". It's also way the "reality" aspects of Mariah's World have been such a turn off for me. It's so unnecessary to feed the "mean" reputation. It's not her.
(Thursday 16 February 2017; 20:39)
Re: I Don't (72,733) (72,744) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Yeah. I love the live version more than the record. She had some lovely vocals here.
(Thursday 16 February 2017; 16:35)
Re: Live I Don't (72,729) (72,743) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Solid performance Mariah.
(Thursday 16 February 2017; 16:29)
Re: 26 million viewers Grammy's missed opportunity (72,650) (72,669) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Artists don't always get to choose the shows they appear on. Even Mariah. Her last appearance on Ellen wasn't comfortable, she wouldn't play the game and didn't answer many questions directly. She publically reprimanded Ryan Seacreast for calling Mariah's World a reality show, when he was actually trying to say he was enjoying it. People are familiar with the term reality show, and that's how Mariah's World was packaged. The term docu-drama isn't what people know. I adore Mariah, I do, and I get she doesn't like the words reality show but you can't be defensive and then expect that people want you around. As others have said she likely wasn't asked to perform.
(Tuesday 14 February 2017; 20:50)
Re: Glitter or current era - worst of all time (72,663) (72,667) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I couldn't bring myself to even watch Mariah's World. Not one episode. First time ever in her career. That is not Mariah. I won't ever judge her or drop her, if I thought for one moment things like "Mariah's World" were what she truly wanted deep inside, it would be different. But this stuff isn't the real her. I truly feel underneath it all she's carrying around a lot of pain. and has built up a lot of walls for protection and it's only amplifying what she hasn't dealt with. Sorry, if I sound like a therapist, not my intention, just my honest feelings. Lol.
(Tuesday 14 February 2017; 19:57)
Re: Adele, just wow (72,607) (72,614) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I know, right? Imagine if we all embraced each other with that much grace and authenticity. There's enough to go around. I like a few of Bey's songs though I haven't been riding the wave that pop culture has with her music. I'm one of the few who hasn't bought one of her albums since Destiny's Child, but I really would like to take a look at Lemonade.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 20:05)
Re: Adele (72,571) (72,601) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I love Mariah but as someone who loves George I loved Adele's tribute so much. Yes, she started over, but I just found her performance so moving it brought tears to my eyes. She owed what happened and moved on. She was humble and vulnerable and that inspires and teaches to be accepting rather than condemminhg so much of the time. If they realeased the tribute on iTunes I would buy it. Not saying I wouldn't have loved Mariah too. Just saying Adele really touched me with that performance.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 17:35)
Re: Relevance (72,504) (72,513) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I echo your sentiments May. I find MIAM to be a very strong album. It may not have done well in the US, but it is still a beautiful effort on all counts. I don't see Mariah changing her image anytime soon, but that isn't up to anyone but her. Just because people are frustrated with her choices doesn't mean she deserves such blanket generalizations made constantly like "her songwriting is crap" lol. She has some decisions to make and nobody can make them but her. Doesn't mean I'm willing to write her off or treat her as if she's a bad human though.
(Saturday 11 February 2017; 18:43)


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